
Comments by minnow (page 12)

  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Hank Moody
    I'm fine. I'm disgusted with my life and myself, but I'm not unhappy about that.
    Anyone else notice a lot more super short reviews?
    Besides short review and article submissions, I've noticed an uptick in lengthy reviews that seem to check the boxes regarding length, club layout, etc. They seem to be AI generated with a communication style akin to university student writing a Shakespeare AI generated essay vs 2 horndogs talking about their latest club visit.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    A Sunday afternoon in Savannah
    l-dog: "distracted by a petite spinner who said her name was Lexi".... How about just saying "distracted by a cute blonde spinner named Lexi". You just seem to carry wordiness suggestion a bit far. It's not the wordiness, per se, that I objected to. It's that your review seems to have some earmarks of AI generated review. Lately I've seen an uptick of wordier reviews that seem like a mish mash collection of random facts. That come across more like a college term paper on Shakespeare rather than one club monger talking to another. "Arithmetically"- who the hell uses that term in regular conversation. So instead of seeing some lazy fucks submitting a 8 line tweet, I'm seeing some lazy fucks submit reviews that check the guideline boxes, but seem like AI generated rather than unique personal perspective. IMO, that's plagiarism. On second glance, your review seems genuine, just the wordiness and use of some big words raised my eyebrows. Thank me for my downvote, it got review published ~ 30 minutes sooner vs if I'd just deferred making a decision.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    The Boston Celtics / Can they do it ?
    The new topic question should be-Can Miami do it ?
  • review comment
    a year ago
    The bar keeps getting set lower and lower. This is a weak "drive by" review deficient in length, and paragraph guidelines (Pls. learn to space like your last review ~ 3 yrs ago). Manages to convey **some** information, but leaves many unanswered questions, and some info is suspect. So you paid $25 cover ?? This day and night cover a new development, cover was always (post covid) $22 all times. What time does night cover take effect ? The $40 1st dance booth fee is a radical change from earlier $25 initial dance rental fee (are you sure you didn't confuse dancer fee from room fee and text this while inebriated ?) Wtf is a "hood type"dancer ? Metrics used to define ? (Ethnicity, age, fashion choices, tats, piercings, hairstyle, music choices, conversation tone, etc) Did you not find a non hood type to satisfy lap dance yen, and provide some mileage info? IMO, failure to provide such info is like a car magazine writer not bothering to drive subject car for his article submission because he didn't feel like driving that day. Anyway, enjoy your 4 wks. free VIP, hope you use that time to model your future submissions after those reviews that provide far more info, and insights than this tweet passing as a review just did.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    If only we can all extinguish the little embers of racism left in our hearts…
    @ T-don: What, Muddy has 549 reviews ? Shit, he needs additional VIP credit like a fish needs a drink of water>
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Not bad for a Monday evening
    Does/did club scan your driver license ? Or just on peak nights?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Whatever happened to Shelly?
    She's under the table giving me a blowjob, Mister zero review.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    South Florida
    Is Minnow taking over where DesertScrub left off?
    @nicespice- You're welcome. You should thank me for the downvote because I enabled your review to be published 15 - 30 minutes sooner than it otherwise would have been had I deferred a decision on review to other VIP members. "Minnow downvoted and Bitched...." Who's doing the bitching here, ns ? Are you so thin skinned that you're bitching about not getting a 7 - 0 upvote slate on something that happened 3 years ago ? "Minnow .. accused somebody of using AI....." If you'll read more closely, you should notice that I had a ? mark at the end. I was questioning if the review was AI generated, not making a positive statement that "this review is AI generated." The later, ns, is making an accusation. You need to brush up on English comprehension if you're thinking of going pre - law. If anything, you're the one taking an accusatory tone by suspecting that I downvote some reviews without reading them. You have no idea how much time I spent reading your review. So, I'll clue you in: My thoughts after reading your submission was "can I have 3 - 5 minutes of my life back." It struck me as more like a dancer gripe session and guide for dancers seeking employment at club than a useful review for customer POV. Hence my suggestion to submit to stripperweb rather than here. Does merely submitting a suggestion equate to bitching ? So you got a 5 - 2 vote instead of a 7 - 0 vote- get over it after 3 years already, quit bitching and stirring the pot. You should thank me for spending 3 - 5 minutes of my time to wade through your submission. Wrt your last paragraph personal opinion : "Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they both stink." I'm not interested in your asshole, or your opinion. I've spent enough time on this diversion already, the pool beckons for a late night swim (just opened)- Bye.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    How often?
    Outside the Covid era, mostly averaged 1 - 2 visits per week. On the extremes, I've gone 3 months without visiting any clubs, and I've also visited clubs for 7 straight days while on vacation. Wrt $$, mostly in the $200 - $300 range. I try not to bust the daily single ATM withdrawal limit which for the most part is $500.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Extras ?
    Proposed tuscl headliner: Tuscl, a place where zero review asswipes can troll for information about availability of extras in certain clubs.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    South Florida
    Is Minnow taking over where DesertScrub left off?
    Sheesh, I joined tuscl because I like T & A, and good looking high mileage strippers. Here I am the subject of a thread. Rockie, thanks for the remarks. "Quest for grammatical perfection". My BS Degree isn't in English Composition, nor was it my strongest suit on SAT's. I did, however, take the time to read founders guidelines, and suggest that people offended by not getting a 7 - 0 vote, or having review rejected do the same, particularly wrt length, composition, and some general suggestions. Before I retired, I traveled a lot, and really appreciated detailed reviews that gave me a good idea of what the club was really like. Which clubs would be worthwhile to go out of my way to visit, and which clubs should I avoid, even if it is right by my hotel. I try to write my reviews to cater to traveling businessman on his 1st visit to club. Meaning Tuscl review is a Fucking REVIEW , not a buddy or hometown circle jerk tweet. Assume potential reader doesn't know, what the "usual mileage or price is", or what Diamond, Lexi, Michelle, Sophie, or Tabitha looks like. Review isn't about you. Submitting "I walked in, paid $5 cover charge, $3 beer, saw ATF, left happy" doesn't constitute review. A few other pointers: 1) "Not enough details"- I often check that for a review that may contain **some** information, but just falls short of tuscl 4 paragraph, 4 sentences each guidelines. 8 - 9 lines of text does not constitute a review. Many members (including me) have put some effort into review, I expect the same from new submissions. The more closely review meets Tuscl guidelines, the more likely an upvote from me. 2) "Incoherent"- I see so many submissions that looks like a wall of text. Please make it easy for someone to read. Adapt to your audience, don't make them adapt to you. Hint- learn to hit the "Enter key" to paragraph space. That really makes review easier to read. I understand that some may be new to the game. I would suggest when you read reviews, pick out the top 2 -3 reviews that you felt were most useful ( I mean like more expressive and detailed than this place sucks, or I left happy) and try to model your future submissions after them. To reader who is offended by what I wrote, or just wants to flip me the bird: Tough shit, I'll treat others like a mature adult until they give me reason to think otherwise. I've met/corresponded with many other Tuscl members who are super people. I'm not going to waste my time feeding trolls, or dealing with immature, self centered asshats. You are now free to surf the site...
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Is onlyfans better than club experience?
    I'm in complete agreement with many posters. To make a non sex industry analogy: Patronizing only fans is like buying an automotive mag to read sports car review, Going to clubs is like driving a real sports car. Any questions ?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Mike Rotch
    When in doubt, take dick out
    Most you've ever spent
    MR- Thanks for reply, it looks like you and I have a different idea of what "fuck you money" is. IMO, $30K ain't it, that's just extra play money. For that (FYM) reference datum, I refer to a 1994 Playboy interview with David Geffen, a billionaire. In it, he recounts how he got $10M in late 1972 at the age of 30 which he called "fuck you money." It was then that he felt having achieved that that he'd never have to worry about not being rich. That would be roughly equal to ~$60M in todays dollars. $30K extra cash lying around for mongering activities is cool, but life's "oh shit" expenses cropping up can suck that dry. Mr. Geffen's metrics gives me warmer fuzzies.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Tina Turner.............
    RIP to a true legend both solo and with Ike Turner.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    South Florida
    Thank You NAACP. Sincerely, Florida.
    Please don't feed the troll.....
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    South Florida
    Is Minnow taking over where DesertScrub left off?
    With yet another post, dha keeps making the case for him being dubbed "Tuscl's Crybaby". Besides this thread, you started another one whining about too many members rejecting reviews for lack of details. You also failed to answer my question in that thread. Namely, has any of your reviews been rejected by me and at least 3 other members ? If you can't back up your whines with actual evidence, your board cred becomes very suspect. Think before you post, otherwise you come across as an impulsive head case.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Mike Rotch
    When in doubt, take dick out
    Most you've ever spent
    Curious what OP (Mr. Rotch) considers to be fuck you money. Metrics for income/liquid assets ?
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Two Early Spring Nights
    g95: SRO= Standing Room Only
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    South Florida
    Club Details Do Not Need Repeating
    What exactly is OP bitching about ? Were some of your submissions actually rejected, or are you butt hurt that you didn't get a 7 - 0 vote ? Myself, I don't expect every nitnoid detail be regurgitated, just enough to convince me that author actually went to club.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    If you love Latinas, this is the place for you
    Somehow, this review, and other submitted by m-d strikes me as AI generated. Makes reference to white dancer and black dancer. Well, what about their age, height, build, tats (or lack thereof), piercings, hair color, anything uniquely personal which both reviews are sorely lacking in.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    NFL Legend Jim Brown Passes Away
    Say what you will about his pros and cons, how he'd do in modern NFL, etc. I'm in the GOAT camp here. One thing I'll say is that he was smart enough to retire at the age of 29 after the 1965 season while he was still on top. Had his 2nd highest career rushing season (1544 yds), and tied for most rushing TD's (17). What a way to end a stellar football career.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Evil Lair
    Another Fake AI Review
    What really makes this fishy is that monger 05 joined in 2014, last seen in 2021, yet generated "his" 1 and only review in May 2023.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Evil Lair
    Another Fake AI Review
    Just rejected it too- there seems to be several UR's that I've seen before somewhere. If any have been approved, love to find out the screen name. But multip;e sn's are probably generated. Length is often OK, but vague on specifics seems to be a lot of generic hot Hispanics lately
  • article comment
    a year ago
    Ten Songs to Play on the Way to the Club
    Corr.- In later years, Ms. True was substance abuse counselor. More was a big hit, but think it was actually played as a promo rather than a title song.
  • article comment
    a year ago
    Ten Songs to Play on the Way to the Club
    One song (and video) that I never get tired of is "More, More, More" by Andrea True (sp ?) That was a theme song for X rated flick in the mid 70's. Besides singing the title song, she played in the movie, and in later life became a sex therapist! Go figure.