What are your expectations when you go strip clubbing? Are they different when going to a club you haven't visited before?
I generally have low expectations when I go clubbing. I treat it as an adventure. I only expect cold beer,fair prices, good service and pretty women naked. Most clubs that I attend on a regular basis fill the bill. Sometimes these things don't happen lousy service by a waitress not such a hot night for dancers etc. However on other nights magic happens the club is full of people having a great time the dancers are spending time with everyone and making money which makes them happy.The lap dances are above and beyond what is normal (not your usual Atlanta air dance) and extras are available. This is what makes the adventure.
When I am out of town and haven't been to a club in the city I am visiting I use TUSCL to point me in the right direction. My expectations are the same but having TUSCL helps get you to the out of town clubs where magic can happen.
I generally have low expectations when I go clubbing. I treat it as an adventure. I only expect cold beer,fair prices, good service and pretty women naked. Most clubs that I attend on a regular basis fill the bill. Sometimes these things don't happen lousy service by a waitress not such a hot night for dancers etc. However on other nights magic happens the club is full of people having a great time the dancers are spending time with everyone and making money which makes them happy.The lap dances are above and beyond what is normal (not your usual Atlanta air dance) and extras are available. This is what makes the adventure.
When I am out of town and haven't been to a club in the city I am visiting I use TUSCL to point me in the right direction. My expectations are the same but having TUSCL helps get you to the out of town clubs where magic can happen.
Even when I go to longtime favorite clubs, I've learned to keep my preconceptions in check. There have been so many nights when the faves I was hoping to see were busy or gone, yet I wound up having more fun than I could have anticipated with a girl I'd never seen before.
I wouldn't really say I have low expectations, unless that means taking what I read with a grain of salt, and not expecting the same good times to be repeated every time I return. I admit to that, but I consider my attitude basically optimistic. Unless the club simply has nothing to offer, I believe I'm likely to find something to enjoy if I remain open to it. To me, low expectations suggest a passive attitude which is self-fulfilling.
Greg, your expectations sound pretty high to me - cold beer, fair prices, good service, pretty women. I'd say most clubs have at most 2 of those. But the one that puzzles me is good service, which I've seen mentioned before as being important to people. To me that's probably the least important thing I can think of at a strip club. In fact I prefer bad service, it saves me money.
All depends on what I'm after for that particular night, what my "intentions" will be. From there, I have "hopes" that I might fulfill those intentions; but I don't think "expectations" follow at all. It's always a crap-shoot, no matter how "sure" any given hunt might seem before I get in the car.
Well, enough with quibbling over semantics. Now to answer the gist of the question:
My biggest "expectation" is that the girls be attractive to me or I'll be free to depart having spent little to no money. I find high cover-charges for clubs I haven't visited, or for clubs that are consistently negatively reviewed here at TUSCL (in terms of dancer quality), to be the biggest preventative to more clubbing. I want to see attractive women. Period end of story. That counts as an "expectation." I know that some men find girls attractive who are more zaftig than I prefer, but even then, I "expect" that the harem will include women whom SOME rather significant portion of the typical North American male populace might find attractive.
Also, I "expect" clean drinks glasses, a staff that is at least decently attentive, accurate change for my money whenever I buy anything, and music that isn't so loud that I have to leave, and nobody vomiting on me, and a lot of other things that I would also "expect" at a regular dance club or a local tavern type bar in any American city. And I "expect" not to get beaten up, pick-pocketed, extorted by means of threat of physical violence, etc. These "expectations" are the same as for any business establishment north of the Rio Grande, basically.
Were I to visit Pat Pong or Manila or Angeles City, I suspect my "expectations" might change. I'd probably be more on guard for certain scams and hustles, and less annoyed if some one of the above expectations went wrong.
But it still amazes me, that so many unattractive women are stripping at places that charge me money to look at them. That single "expectation" is perhaps the biggest issue confronting strip clubs where I have been for quite a while now.
FONDL - If we are going to spend our money anywhere we should expect good service. If the waitress doesn't clean the table before I sit down or spends her time hanging out with the dancers and not servicing the customer I leave her station or the club altogether. It is because people have allowed them to do so in the past that they get away with it. If she is swamped and is doing the best she can no problem. There is a club in Atlanta where you can't get service from the dancers or the waitresses. Tiffanys it is like pulling teeth to get a lap dance or a drink. They sometimes do have beautiful women but all your going to see of them is their stage dance. A good place to just sit at the bar if your thirsty and watch. A very inexpensive place. You couldn't spend $100 there if you gave it away.
I suddenly had a flash of my night at shadowcat's favorite club. I'm wondering if he's seen a dancer there who when stage tipping, could grab your belt in her teeth and take it off. I should have rated the club 1 point higher just for her since I was impressed by that. I give a plus or minus for each positive or negative I see or experience in a club when rating a club. I give a big negative if I leave a club upset or angry. I don't go visiting strip clubs expecting to get upset or angry so I feel obligated to rate a club poorly if I leave upset or angry.
At other clubs I do not have expectations. I have hope and that is all.
I'm like Yoda, I always hope to find a girl whose company I enjoy for whatever reason - looks, friendly manner, sense of humor etc. But do I go with an expectation of that? Never.