
Do you talk much during lap dances?

Blue Ridge Foothills
Sometimes I can't help overhearing conversations other guys carry on with their stripper during a dance. Common, everyday stuff, like sports, business. It's like they're getting acquainted while the meter's running. Personally, I would feel shortchanged, because I can't talk like that and enjoy the dance at the same time. Other than a few choice turn-on comments, I'm as mute as mackeral. How about you?


    18 years ago
    Depends on the girl and how well I know her. If I know her really well we'll probably talk some, but generally I prefer not to talk a lot, I usually do that first before getting dances.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    "Yeah baby, thats it, ooohhhh, right there"

    Thats about it for me....
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    I can't imagine anything more disruptive. My talking is about at the level of Yoda's. I hate it when dancers talk during a dance, and I do not hesitate to terminate all dances at that point.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    If I'm enjoying the dance in a sexual manner, I prefer things to be quiet. There have been a couple of occasions where I wasn't really into it and I was rambling on and laughing about something. That is the exception for me. I usually like the dancers to be quiet as well but a few occasional, "oh you feel so good" comments haven't hurt my mood so far. One dancer kept saying this last time though and I thought, she didn't have to keep talking so much.

    Now a dancer rambling on is a complete turn off during a lap dance. If she wants to talk, I prefer she talks when I'm not paying her to dance.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Everybody should know it's bad manners to talk with your mouth full.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Chitown: You've heard the kind of thing I'm describing in Brad's VIP, haven't you? Everytime I'm in there it seems there's some guy droning on about nothing in particular.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    With a couple favorites, I do, because that's just the way it is with us, but most of the time, there isn't anything worth talking about.
  • evilcyn
    18 years ago
    As a dancer, I like it better with not a whole lot of talking..
    If a guy shows he wants to talk, then yes, I will.
    Over all, I would rather concentrate on giving you a good dance, then conversation, that can be done while we have a beer...LOL
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    Chandler, yes I have. But the worst thing is when there is a DANCER rambling on and on about nothing (even if she is twenty years old, blonde, and with arguably the most perfect female body known to man. Not to name names....)

    One time I was in there and the guy nearest me was telling the dancer how he had known the owner for 20 years (a curious situation, as the club has changed ownership at least once during that period),and has too much respect for him to try for extras. (not that big a deal. I don't think there are a lot of extras in that club. I once got a real hand job in VIP, and that was far and away the most liberal treatment I have ever received.)
  • trojangreg
    18 years ago
    evilcyn: You are my dream dancer even though I haven't met you. You are absolutely correct in that we can cool off and discuss things with a beer after you have given a smoking hot dance. Please keep giving your thoughts and opinions as they are very much needed. There are other dancers who get it like you do and they are all a joy to be with.
  • DougS
    18 years ago
    Yeah, I typically talk with dancers during the dance sessions, but as I've mentioned, the sessions are usually "marathon" length, and not just a handful of dances at a time. There is a definite ebb and tide of sexual tensions during our dance sessions. As the situation gets more intense, we get down to business and things get quiet except for the "mmmm"s and sighs. During the ebb the conversation returns. It's a delicate line that my ATF and I cross back and forth, almost seeming to read the others mind when it's time to heat things back up or to back off and recover a little. The process makes for a long and enojoyable session.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    I guess I expect dances to be all "tide", and for the "ebb" to come before or after.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    18 years ago
    Evilcyn is true to her nature, as she never initiated conversations with me during our 45 minute champaigne room escapade. I didn't initate conversations myself, other than the "oh fuck yeah!" occassionally. Being a small build guy, she thought she was hurting me. I had to explain to her that what I said was just an "explicative" remark has to my pleasure. I don't recall how many times I said "oh fuck yeah!", probably too many.
  • evilcyn
    18 years ago
    DougS, I agree whole that when things click, you can get a nice build up and rise, and slow down, and then it time for beer..LOL
    The more you have danced for someone you can feel the best way to dance for them, I like when someone has time for multi dances in a row, as you can go into your own little world for a while..I have caught myself when I have been with an (ATF)
    (yes as a dancer we have some that we just love to dance for and are so comfortable with I guess the term ATF would fit..
    Anyway, I have caught myself not even knowing any of the last songs played, or who and where stage rotation is from being so wrapped up in that little corner of another world...
  • DougS
    18 years ago
    EvilCyn: I like the term ATF for us guys, rather than being referred to as a "regular". Somehow it feels better... it implies a little less emphasis on money and little more on emotions.

    Again, you said something that triggered another question. When you said that sometimes when you are with your ATF, you get lost in another corner of your world... Are you saying that you are enjoying yourself and what you are physically feeling so much that you lose track of things, or are you saying that you purposely are blocking out what is going on, and escaping into your own little world?
  • evilcyn
    18 years ago
    When dancing for an ATF, its an enjoyment of the chemisrty, and feeling very comfortable with some one... There have been ones that it has turned me on incredibly to dance for..
    Its knowing partly, how much I am the one he wants most, how much he enjoys my dances, it is a very stimulating to me when I get to dance for an ATF...
  • DougS
    18 years ago
    EvilCyn: I like your answers. I think I'm a little jealous of your ATF. Have you, in the heat of the moment, ever let yourself go and have an orgasm when giving a dance? (sorry, I know that is very personal... you can ginore that if you'd like)
  • If I'm gettin' one from an ATF at a no-contact club, I prefer conversation because that's what I've learned to go in for -- how are the kids, shit like that. If I'm gettin' one from an ATF at a two-way club, don't open your mouth, you've got some shakin' to do!
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