
Comments by trojangreg (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    golfers and strip clubs.
    That reminds me of many golf tournaments sponsored by strip clubs. Maybe the best being Treasures in Las Vegas. Always a great time with the dancers washing your balls. Cleaning your club etc etc. There is nothing like a round of golf in Vegas with naked women taking care of you the whole day.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    golfers and strip clubs.
    Golf is an excuse to get away from the family. Golf outings are an excuse to get away to a golf/resort destination such as Myrtle Beach with a bunch of buddies and go to strip clubs, have hookers come to your hotel room, gamble and do all the things you can't while at home. Going to the Masters is a golfers trip to Mecca. Shadow you live in a community with 3 golf courses within 10 miles and you don't even play golf. Thank goodness you at least take part in golfers second favorite past time strip clubs.
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    17 years ago
    Hot stock tip, buy stocks, they should go up for 2 or 3 days at least.
    Remember the people saying buy, sell, buy, sell could care less if the stock goes up or down. Commission, commission, comi$$ion every time you make a trade. They are always soliciting new clients as the old ones sooner or later dry up or figure out the game on their own. Do your own research buy what you are comfortable with and remember in the long run (so far in my lifetime)the solid companies weather the storms and their values rise.
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    17 years ago
    Poor Governor Spitzer
    Another politician telling us how to live our lives. Then he does just the opposite of what he preaches. Wonder who he can blame this mess on. They never accept responsibility.
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    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New ratings by club type
    harrydave: A classic I still have not stopped laughing. BRAVO
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New ratings by club type
    wondergrl:Come visit PP Columbia during the TUSCL spring convention (date as yet to be determined). I am sure we could give you a few "pointers" on how to "raise" the rating.
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    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New ratings by club type
    wondergrl: You are special. Watch out everyone Shadowcat's favorite club is #1 in its category. Now which of his heads is more swollen. Just kidding brother.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Escorts in Vegas. Let me see hang around the hotel bar (the one with video poker machines in the bartop) between 2am - 6am. You will get approached by at least one big boobed escort every ten minutes. Actually if you use TER and the escort has a lot of positive reviews that is the safe and sane way.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Georgia is horrible when it comes to Strip Clubs
    I second Timbo. Especially Oasis and Goldrush are a lot of fun. Of course if you want above and beyond service you have to go VIP but we all do what we have to do.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Longest Time You Have Done in the Champagne Room?
    Two hours with 3 Brazilians. Don't ask. Oh what a night.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I piss off another dancer
    Whenever I have been at PP Columbia with the Cat he is nice to all the dancers. Not just his favorites but everyone. He does not make anyone do what they don't want to do. If a dancer doesn't want to play with the Cat she doesn't have to. Even the dancers he doesn't get dances from are glad to see him. He brings candy and cd's and hands them out to everyone. I know I have started going to PP Columbia because of him. When I go I spend lots of money on all the dancers not just his favorites. That probably goes for a whole lot of TUSCL members who wouldn't be spending their cash at this club. Lighten up Francis we just want to have fun with beautiful naked ladies.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Dancer's a Lesbian--Does it Matter
    It really doesn't matter to me if they are a lesbian or not. Whenever someone tells me that whomever is a lesbian I always reply "me too, I love pussy". I really do prefer bi over lesbian because at least I have a chance.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Pink Pony South - Atlanta
    Got back on Sunday night. Just spent an hour at PPS. See review which will be posted shortly. It looks like it has potential.
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    17 years ago
    Liquor, Girls and OTC
    Shots of chilled Grey Goose. Put in freezer (won't freeze because of the alcohol content) goes down smooth as silk with little or no after taste. Can use lemon or lime twists if she likes.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Is the party over for strippers?
    I agree with FONDL. All the gloom and doomers are usually wrong. Historically businesses that do not suffer in hard economic times are related to vices. Why has Las Vegas grown so huge despite the economic downturns that have plagued other industries? How have the automakers and steel companies done over the last 20 years? The two publicly traded strip club companies that I own stock in (RICK & VCGH) are very optimistic and continue to buy more properties despite the poor economy. Why because people need to get away from the ordinary and mundane. They need to do something that is maybe a little fantasy. For some it is the crap table for others it is going to a strip club and hanging out with naked women for a few hours. In fact this afternoon RICK is announcing their first quarter results and then having a huge party at their Manhattan club. I wouldn't worry about the party being over for strippers. As long as "sex" is promoted in everything we do in life the strip clubs will be just fine. The only clubs in recent memory that have closed are not due to "no business" they were closed by law enforcement due to drugs and peripheral activities.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Mileage in the ATL?
    Again gentlemen if you want real two way mileage including FS in Atlanta you have to go VIP. If you want medium mileage lap dances then Goldrush, Oasis, Flashers & Follies. As in most clubs it is hit or miss. Consistently I have had the best luck at Goldrush. When I have gone to Oasis and am patient I can also have a good time. Remember to watch the dancers on the floor before buying any dances. And it looks like there is going to be another reason to be going to Oasis as an airline mechanic in training is going to need help with her tuition.
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    17 years ago
    Mileage in the ATL?
    If you are staying near the airport check out Goldrush Showbar. You can get pretty good dances at times just sit and watch for a while and you can find the dancers that are customer friendly. Of course in the ATL you really have to do the VIP thing to get any shot at full two way contact. Clubs that I would recommend for VIP are Oasis Goodtime Emporium and Goldrush. Probably easier at Goldrush as sometimes at the Oasis they pretend your not there. Do not even think about spending any time or money at Cheetah.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    shadowcats birthday.
    The definite high lite was Shadowcat coming out of the couch room and heading straight to the bathroom to clean up. JGB133 and myself had just got done discussing how we hoped the dancer wouldn't come over to us and shake our hands or kiss us. She comes out heads straight to some poor unsuspecting customer and plants a kiss right on his mouth maybe even some tongue. Evidently he was getting where some man had gone(cum) before. We almost died laughing it was priceless. Glad you had a great birthday and that we could contribute.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Fore play, the whole enchilada or none of the above?
    Spent Sunday with the cat on his birthday at PP. Let's just say it had a happy ending and he was truly touched. Like FONDL I go with the flow. Sometimes just hanging out and bsing withe dancers is great. Other times the whole enchilada just depends on the circumstances.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Publically Traded Strip Clubs
    PTT has changed to VCGH which better characterizes the name of the company VCG Holdings. Both stocks have dipped a bit as have most stocks have during this latest round of bad financial news job losses, oil prices etc.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Why to go
    Bones: Your TUSCL family would be proud of you. Probably have evilcyn preside over your wake.
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    17 years ago
    Dancer's approach
    Tessie - One of the main reasons I started to go to the Goldrush in Atlanta was the approach by a dancer when I first went there. She asked if she could sit with me. She was very cheerful not pushy and we sat for at least a half hour and bs'd before I asked her for a dance. She never asked for anything a drink a dance etc. She accepted when I offered and it was one of the most pleasant experiences I have had at a SC. She even brought over other dancers to dance for me. I appreciate the way you wait for someone to get acclimated (especially when they are making their first visit to a club) and check things out. As to being rude and waving people away those persons are probably rude in most things they do and a dancer would be better off not hanging with them anyway. A simple no thanks (even though it is sometimes hard to do) should suffice and I know some dancers like most salespersons do not know the meaning of no and sometimes the customer has to be firm in his no.
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    17 years ago
    Just a Question...
    Well my idea of OTC would be to make sure sex was definitely involved so I would not pay anything for just "more intimate".
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Magic City in Atlanta. Some of the best looking women anywhere. No touch but a crazy wild atmosphere with everyone trying to out "rain" the other guy. Sometimes long lines at night to get in. This club is featured in videos and songs. I am white and have never had a problem when I have gone.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Any update on pink pony south atlanta......
    I stopped by The Gold Rush on Friday (same ownership as Pink Pony)the managers say it is a liquor license issue. Hopefully will be resolved soon and they are looking for a January opening. Everything is ready to go but when you make 200% - 300% on every drink you pour the liquor license is essential. By the way very good visit on Friday and it does put other Atlanta clubs to shame but doesn't come close to the cat's favorite hangout.