
Taking Stock of the Hobby....Would you do it all again?

Think back over where you've gone, what you've done, and where you're at. With what you know now, would you have started your stroll through the hobby if you'd seen this destination upfront?


  • bang69
    a year ago
    Hell yes
  • Dan3635
    a year ago
    Raising the bar on the quality of women who gave me intimate lap dances let’s me be less creepy in my day to day interactions with women. Less creepy. Not zero. Less. Still a little creepy.

    I’m not compelled to stare at the office girls anymore. I’ve seen hotter at the club.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    a year ago
    Yes, but I would have been smarter about where I spent my money.
  • funonthaside
    a year ago
    Money would have been better-spent/invested elsewhere, but it has provided an outlet to escape the stressors of normal life...so yes.
  • ATACdawg
    a year ago
    Unequivocal yes!
  • misterorange
    a year ago
    I'd have spent less time and money pursuing civi relationships and more time on P4P activities.
  • Muddy
    a year ago
    Oh totally. It's been a ton of fun no bullshit. There's was some wasted money in there but ultimately it's all been one big adventure. Worth 110% would do again.
  • skibum609
    a year ago
    I would do it again, but less often.
  • CJKent_band
    a year ago
    Who wouldn’t?

    Hobby: A hobby is usually defined as any enjoyable leisure activity that we engage in voluntarily and consistently when we are free from the demands of work or other responsibilities.
  • Mate27
    a year ago
    Don’t know. At times I wonder what else could I do more efficient with my time on Mathew’s of rationalizing the hobby. All I know is I have a ton of memories, mostly good, and everyone knows all you have when time ticks by are the memories. Stuff, material things, just get in the way of regaling those memories.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    a year ago
    At the same time, I've wondered what I would do if all the money I ever spent on dancers, etc., were to magically appear in a pile in front of me. Would I load that pile into storage container I suspect that it would require and spend it all on dancers, etc., all over again.

    Framed that way, I'm not sure I would. With a big enough pile of cash, there's other things I'd like to use that money for.
  • drewcareypnw
    a year ago
    I would have moved more quickly and more often on some of the gems.
  • shadowcat
    a year ago
    The only thing I would change if I could redo my life is marry the same woman.
  • Tetradon
    a year ago
    I'd rather not have the insatiable desire for variety that drives hobbying. Like my friends who married the only woman they ever dated, some of which admit they haven't received a blowjob in 20+ years and don't miss it, live in a state of blissful ignorance. That genie is way out of the bottle.

    I'd rather not have had the strict Catholic upbringing that made sex forbidden fruit and contributed to that desire to transgress. People who actually dated in high school, or weren't constantly taught that sexual sin was the worst kind, don't get as obsessive over it.

    I'd _definitely_ rather not have the bipolar disorder that sometimes drives me to excesses of it. I'd compare it to feeling on a nightmare ride, a roller coaster without the thrill. At one point in 2019, I bought extras for 10 days in a row. It felt more compulsive than pleasurable.

    But I'm not one to ruminate and regret what-ifs. Despite my mistakes, life is pretty damn good right now, financially and otherwise. My life being what it was, it was natural to be driven to hobbying, and it's given me some great memories. Unless I've exclusively committed to a woman, or I'm drowning in civvie puss (not the case recently), or it's ruining my life in some other way, I don't plan to stop.

    I might have spent my money differently. Given into fewer pressure pitches. Taken an "L" and gone home to internet porn and hand lotion rather than dropped a few hundred to get off with a woman I wasn't enthusiastic about. Gone fewer times but had more fun at a visit--like I said on my marquee article, one memorable day of clubbing beats 10 mundane ones.

    But my circumstances being what they are, mistakes being inevitable, I don't regret it.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    I don’t regret anything that I’ve done and actually have some rather fond memories of girls that made me happy over the years.
  • Hank Moody
    a year ago
    The fact that I continue to engage full speed tells me I wouldn’t change much. If I knew then what I know now, I would’ve been more efficient and more successful, but that might not have been a good thing. I’d like to think I have the discipline not to overindulge but my younger self was a lot more reckless, and that’s saying something.
  • datinman
    a year ago
    My second marriage taught me: When it comes to pussy, it is cheaper to rent, than lease.
    No regrets with the hobby.
  • wallanon
    a year ago
    I'm more in the "not sure" camp. It's been a great run, but also kinda like a road to nowhere.
  • rickdugan
    a year ago
    I think that, for guys like many of us, if it were not strip clubs, it would have been something else. So yes, I would do it all over again. The other alternatives for indulging my impulses would have been much more likely to come home to roost in my real life.

    Now do I wish that I didn't have the impulses that drive me to seek out variety and adventure? Sometimes sure. From time to time I may feel a moment of envy for the guy who can be happy working for the same company for 30 years and sharing a bed with the same woman for 50 years. But I long ago came to accept and even embrace that I'm just not wired like that.
  • georgmicrodong
    a year ago
    Would I do it it again?

    I might try to avoid certain situations, but in general, yes.
  • Jascoi
    a year ago
    I would not have done Vegas as a much as i did. just a little bit would have done well. COI and tj are better choices.
  • gSteph
    a year ago
    Would I do it it again?

    Yeah, I'd say so. I'm glad I found this later in life, when I had the ability / maturity to keep it on an even level, not binge out on it, or go too far, and risk my marriage.
  • docsavage
    a year ago
    I would do it again. I don't know what else I would have done with the money that I would have enjoyed more. One of my friends said I should travel but I did a lot of that already when I was younger. The only traveling I feel like doing is traveling to different strip clubs and seeing the girls.
  • chiefwiggum
    a year ago
    People think I'm joking when I say I make more money gambling than I do working, but I include trying to start 2 failed business as working, and, stock trades as gambling. It's the stock and gambling that's almost all paid for strip clubs. I've learned after my first failed business how to be efficient with my money, and that includes strip clubs. If I did it all over again, I would still do my first failed business for the learning experience and probably spend a little less on strip clubs (I'm still bad at cutting my losses with regards to time spent). But, yeah, 100% no regrets.
  • shailynn
    a year ago
    Yes but differently - gave this question some real thought.

    What I would NOT do again:

    1. Not gone out of my way to visit many “popular” yet “tourist trap” clubs I discovered here on TUSCL. Some were great, but the majority of them didn’t live up to the hype. Some I really went out of my way to visit which equals a big waste of time.

    2. I wouldn’t have gotten into all the personal relationships I did with strippers. 25% of them were great, the other 75% of them were headaches which quickly makes you forget about the good ones.

    Other observations:

    In some clubs ITC is almost just as good as OTC and I wish I would have realized that sooner.

    Like it was said above - I would have blown my money somewhere else so it’s all the same when it comes to $$$.

    Over my strip clubbing life there around about 5 nights that were unbeatable. If I could relive any of those 5 nights I would be in heaven. To this day I hope to stumble upon a repeat of thise 5 nights but it hasn’t happened. It’s been 5 years since one of those excellent nights happened.
  • CJKent_band
    a year ago

    Pics and Vids of the 5 nights or they didn’t happen.


    Good Times, Good Times.
  • rattdog
    a year ago
    why would we have any regrets about this thing of ours that we do? the anticipation, the interaction, and the outcums!!! the memories. the tales that each of us have shared on this site could be potential best seller material via barnes and noble or kindle.

    expressing regrets over the several thousands spent over the years? in order to play in any fun hobby/activity you gotta pay. that's just the reality. there are many unfortunate boys n men out there who couldn't afford this hobby that do wonder what a taste of what we had is like.
  • Rob1115
    a year ago
    Regrets. Don't know about that but I thoroughly interacting with beautiful women. When I was younger and traveling on business I was nearly always able to pick up a girl at a regular bar and end up at her place or my hotel. I also hit many strip clubs but not as frequently as the last few years. I'm now no longer traveling so I don't get away and in any event, at my age women aren't throwing themselves at me. I guess my regret is that I sometimes feel compelled to hit the clubs and I'm spending a shitload of money. But all told I enjoy the hobby and as long as I can afford it I will continue.
  • captainfun
    a year ago
    No regrets at all after all these years. Still thoroughly enjoy the adventure. Spending more these days than in years past however that has no effect on my quality of life or financial stability.

    Had a great time at two clubs last night that I hadn’t been to in quite some time. Ended up getting dances twice from the same awesome girl about 2-3 hours apart, with a few other dances sprinkled in
  • Papi_Chulo
    a year ago
    I’m a $aver by nature – even as a kid I would usually save any money I got via gifts – I would usually save my money b/c I wanted to save to get something in the future – I grew-up working-class-immigrant where money was an issue (a “financially insecure” situation I guess); and I knew/felt that my parents were unable to give me stuff/wants other than pro¬viding safe-shelter and for us to not go hungry - growing-up, as a family we usually spent almost exclusively on needs, and very-little on wants (we hardly ate-out; didn’t take vacations; etc) - as a ¬side-note; for w/e reason; my older brother; who grew-up w/ the same circumstance$ since we grew-up-together; he would spend w/e money he got as soon as it hit his hands (behavioral-economists say we are born w/ a particular “financial personality”; I don’t recall the correct term).

    The above preamble is to give context w.r.t. my SCing-career – i.e. given my upbringing + “financial personality”; for a good-part of my SCing career I’d beat myself up a bit w.r.t. the amount of money I was spending SCing – although I was never in debt (given my “financial personality”); and usually had savings; I still worried about the amount of money I was spending SCing.

    Now that I’m “over the hump” age-wise (past-50; early-50s); I don’t stress as much w.r.t. spending – by “spending” I don’t mean spending just for the sake of getting stuff just b/c I can; but more-so not worrying about spending if it brings me happiness (e.g. SCing; etc) – now that I’m past 50; my concern is missing out on things that bring me joy vs forgoing certain things “b/c I should save the money just in case” – i.e. now that I’m past 50; time & health seem more important of a “commodity” to me, vs money

    With the benefit of hindsight; I don’t regret all the SCing I’ve done and related-spending – i.e. the good times/experiences I had were def worth the investment.
  • Papi_Chulo
    a year ago
    In addition to my prior-post – I think SCing “chose me” more than I chose SCing.

    In the past I’ve posted how I became an SCer somewhat ”by accident” vs a “conscious choice” per se. Prior to becoming an SCer I didn’t see the appeal and def was not keen on what I perceived as poor ROI – this was mainly due to not having visited good clubs in my 20s (could count in one-hand the times I SCed in my 20s and I was not really “that impressed”).

    At age 30 I moved to Dallas and was making good money especially in contrast to my living-expenses given I was single – so I had a little-money to play with; and purely by chance I happened to one night drive by “Baby Dolls Dallas” (the old location) – I noticed how packed the parking-lot was and I was intrigued so made a mental-note of the place and came back a week later out of boredom to check it out – given my previous “meh” SCing experiences in my 20s, I wasn’t expecting much nor was I looking for clubs to hit nor was I looking to become an SCer; I mainly checked out Baby Dolls out of curiosity and not having anything to do that particular night (this was shortly after I had moved to Big-D) – needless to say, I was blown-away by BDs (vibe; huge number of attractive women; good-value; etc) – thus I got the proverbial “SC bug”.

    By age 30; around the time I moved to Big-D and “found SCing”; I had started leaning towards not wanting to get married – as I’ve posted in the past; not b/c I have anything against marriage; for various-reasons it was just something that felt more like something “I was supposed to do” vs something “I really wanted to do”. I still dated and was in relationships in my 30s; but w/ time I started to question myself w.r.t. why I was getting into relationships if I didn’t have the goal/desire of marring – the reality was that I wanted access to women; but didn’t want the constraints/demands of a relationship.

    And this is where SCing seemed to be a good-fit w.r.t. my conundrum of wanting to be with/enjoy women w/o the commitment/demands – and once I got introduced “to proper Sing”/good-clubs: SCing seemed/felt to best fit my needs/wants (especially after I was “TUSCLarly educated”).
  • Mate27
    a year ago
    After thinking this over, the answer is definitely yes for one reason, I have no other hobbies. I used to play golf, go gambling, buy classic cars to fix up, and no longer do I have those time and money sucking pits! To keep one sane he needs to have an outlet, and of course this hobby provides it!
  • azdd
    a year ago
    I don’t have any regrets, except that I would have found a way to pursue more OTC opportunities when I was younger. The common tale that I’m living through is that when I was younger I had an almost unlimited sex drive but limited money, and now that I’m older I have plenty of hobby funds, but more limitations, both lifestyle and physiological realities. However, overall I have a lot of great memories, just hope I’ll still be able add more going forward!
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