Are you always full of shit? Nothing to hide? We talk about stripper honesty a lot but what about us?
I really don't that much. Unless it's comes to insulting the dancer, that's a place where I leave out the brutal honesty. When it comes to covering my tracks I'm just too lazy to do all that shit, I don't give a fuck enough. Fine, out me as a strip club customer, I'll be ok.
I could probably lie more when it comes to being from out of town vs. not. I know most places well enough to fake that so you don't get the out of town prices, but I don't really sound like somebody not from out of town. So maybe they'll be open some exotic dick, if not well I'm on to the next club. I'm not changing the fucking accent, it's too much. As I write this now actually one thing comes to mind, I under estimate how much of man whore I am when asked. That number is bullshit, yes. For the record I'm a once in blue moon guy that does OTC, that's it. Nothing more. I do not yet have the balls to tell a girl she's #478.…
last commentIn the club ... If I'm asked about my work, I'll describe the kind of work I do but not where I do it. In terms of where I live, I'll say that I'm from Rhode Island; there's really no need to narrow it down from there. I really don't have to lie about anything else because I keep the conversation light and pleasant, and most dancers are on board with that. It's not like they're looking to disclose their life story,either. Dancers will sometimes ask what other dancers I've taken to VIP, what we've done, and/or what I paid. I tell them that I won't talk about that, and that I also won't talk about what we'll do when another dancer asks the same questions.
Outside the club ... There's one buddy who knows everything. There's another buddy who knows a lot. Outside of that, I keep my strip club activities cordoned off from the rest of my life. The bulk of society takes a dim view on both dancers and customers, and keeping my clubbing life separate from my personal life is (in my view) easier than not doing so.
For anything personal, I’m evasive. When asked where I work or what I do, I never name my employer or specific discipline, I just say “IT stuff, it’s boring”.
I don’t want a rogue stripper figuring out who I am or where I live in whatever unlikely event where she’s got an axe to grind with me.
If I tell a dancer she’s hot, it is always because she is.
There's a 95% chance that within 5 minutes of saying either of those things I'm headed to VIP with some blonde. I feel like those are well know gentle let downs, however. They know it's BS, you know it's BS, but it's better than saying "No, you smell of rotten cottage cheese and look like David Hasslehoff, I'd rather get a dance from a Llama that just ate chili, please go away".
There's plenty from my personal life I omit unless I know her well.
When it comes to someone pestering me, I might tell a white lie.
I do tell dancers I have a busy life and why. That’s no lie.
Not sharing your employer extends to much beyond the strip club.
When I'm asked a question I don't want to answer, I simply tell her that I don't talk about that stuff. Most of the time questions like that involve what I do/did with other girls, which is a no fly zone for me.
The next most common type of bad question usually involves some baby stripper trying to dig out marital details, no doubt looking for me to whine about my marriage to justify why I'm fucking around with strippers. I often respond with something like "Look honey, I have no excuses for what I do, I do it because I want to and I can" right before I send the silly child away. She'll learn soon enough, but not on my dime or time.
In road clubs it's mostly the same, though I'm prone to exaggerating how often I'll be back in the area. Two decades of road clubbing has taught me that his has two potential benefits: (1) making them believe that I won't be a one and done if they join me OTC; and (2) limiting certain bad behaviors that sometimes occur with tourists who the girls never expect to see again.
Although, I avoid blunt honesty. If I’m not attracted to a dancer, and she asks me if I want to buy dances, I will just say that I’m still settling in, and I’m not ready to get dances yet.
On rare occasions, I'll have a hard sell dancer who tries to sit with me until I'm "In the mood". If that happens, I'll say something like "I'm sorry, but you're not for me. Good luck with the rest of your shift." I'm firm but polite about it. And I never let them sit with me long enough to where I'm wasting their time (or feel entitled to a tip). While they may not love hearing that, it's never resulted in ugliness.
I would never comment very specifically about why I'm turning down a dancer. It's just mean spirited, not honest.
I totally get the dugan’s point about not kissing and telling. But I’ve also found that the truth can entice the sexy female hairless apes. Check out this scenario:
Sexy female hairless ape named Lexus: “So, have you done anything with Jade”
This rick: “Of course…last night I took her to a classy hotel room and rickbanged her with two of my buds, a vulture and a shark”
Lexus: “Ooo…that sounds sexy. Can we do that?”
This rick: “Alas, my buds have left town. The vulture is migrating and the shark swam off to Miami. Plus I’m kind of busy rickin’ around so I have limited time before I go do some important drunk drivin’”
Lexus: “That’s okay…you’re the sexiest rick of all so let’s go fuck in the bathroom stall”
This rick: “Enticing…but I have a counter-offer. You join me in my Tesla. I’ll engage the autopilot and we get drunk and fuck while random hairless apes bounce off the hood.”
Lexus: “I’m in!!!”
This rick: “ROAR!!!”
Now you we why this rick always tells the truth. ROAR!!!
I kind of see it the other way. What's the point in telling the truth to someone who doesn't care unless they think it'll get them more money? Strippers aren't asking these questions because they're being friendly and making conversation. They're trying to get a quick and dirty take on how much money you're worth to them.
This has unexpectedly turned into a really interesting thread. I wrote more thoughts on this with a couple of examples from the past couple of months, but I'll get to that later. A lot of the links I found on this topic were from self-improvement sites or recovery/abuse sites. Some of you dudes are sensitive lol, so these are more generic sites.
10 Types of Lies:…
8 Types of Liars:…
I'm pretty open with strippers I see regularly.
God Bless Juice
When traveling, I've considered claiming that I just moved there, the idea being I'll get the make me their regular dance. But, feels greasy to give them false hopes they might be getting a new regular.
I am fairly affectionate and considerate with my favs. Sometimes that causes them to have feelings of dissatisfaction with their SOs. So I'm honest with them about all the reasons I'm single (with I won't be on TUSCL). Helps them to make a fairer comparison.
I don't talk about my job other than general stuff. But I'm not in the club to talk about my job but even they found out what are they going to do? I'm an adult and a responsible one. It's not like I'm driving drunk or being irresponsible. I don't hand out my business card at clubs or telling everyone at work how much I partied during the weekend. I'm not using my corporate credit card. If my job did fire me for hitting up clubs - that is their loss. Believe it or not I run into quite a few co-workers from time to time. Even customers too.
At some of these clubs the bouncers will even lie (or they dont know) and claim the ID machine is just verifying if the ID is real.
I will play along and comment on your discussion.
Q: How often do you lie in a strip club setting? Are you always full of shit? Nothing to hide? We talk about stripper honesty a lot but what about us?
A: I just use a Burner Phone and a Burner Identity when participating in Adult Industry activities/hobby.
Everything that happens related to the Strip Club activities should be considered a work of fiction/fantasy…
I never discuss specific acts by text, but as far as the rest, no. The girls I see don't advertise on escort sites. So the odds that cops are going to ever bust me or her for prostitution are almost nonexistent to begin with. But even if they did, let's say, bust a girl and find my texts on her phone, the notion that they are going to subpoena the cell company over a misdemeanor solicitation charge is ridiculous, especially one that would be tough to prove anyway when they don't have any evidence of specific sex acts.
And to the rest, no, there is no great online source for cell data. Cell companies don't publish their subscriber lists, so the only way to link a number to a person is if that person has used it on something that made it online. Unfortunately a lot of people have done that at some point in their travels, whether they realized it or not.
Yep. Just google your cell number.
I wish I had said this. Exactly.
I have no problem giving a dancer my first name along with other basic info such as what kind of work I do. Usually within five minutes of meeting a dancer they are asking me or I’m asking them if they are interested in dances.
Ugh, the one and only question to which I will outright lie is some form of "what did you do with X" or "did you and X do Y" from a dancer who is not X.
Unless I know them more than through the slippery friction of membranes, the answer to that sort of question will be "she danced for me" or "nothing exciting".
If I get asked personal questions beyond generic stuff I will counter with I don't see why that should concern them.
Now if I become friends with a certain dancer I am willing to share more of my life away from the club.