Bimbo dancers

This is yet ANOTHER topic inspired by Reddit
Normally I wouldn't care about this topic. I don't encounter the bimbo type too much but just this past weekend at Spearmint Rhino in Vegas I met one. Maybe it was because I was faded off drinks, maybe it was because she was funny....I don't know. But it was probably the most entertaining conversation I had in the club that night. She just acted like she had no care in the world. Talked kinda slow, acted ditzy and hyper sexual, and was witty enough to pull it off. I mean I knew it was all an act but I still wanted to hear how she'd respond to serious questions. And every answer was some hyper sexual shit that would have me laughing.
Anyhow, I got dances with her just to see how they would be. I mean if you're gonna talk like that your dances better be good, right? Well they were cool, but still not enough to convince me to take her to a VIP session. If she was some chick with big boobs and a big ass I would have been sold. But her body was quite regular and although she was entertaining to my brain, my dick was still saying pass. And we know the little brain rules in the club.
I'd love to be a fly on the wall when she goes in the locker room and drops the act so I could hear what she really sounds like. Maybe next time I'll try to make her break character somehow.
How do the rest of you customers feel about the bimbo act?
last commentlove em. if they ain't, i pay for them to fake it. train your strippers to beg correctly.
cool. she was canadian too.
Are you guys having strippers cum in dances without sex involved? Some dancers actually have a boundary of not cumming and go out of their way to not let you play with the nipples too much, not grind themselves on you too much. Also would someone be able to ask rickdugan to remove me from ignore? Im sorry i annoyed you Rick, and i wanted your advice on some recent threads
I don't like the bimbos. For some reason it's the smart ones that like me. I guess because I look like a nuclear scientist sometimes. I dunno. Jimmy Carter was a nuclear scientist so maybe he and I would share the same strippers
It's always fun to me to try to figure out if a bimbo is really a bimbo. My base supposition is that any stripper who acts like a bimbo is really an intelligent one using it as an act. I'd say I've been right about 75% of the time. Most of the real bimbos seem to want to come off as more intelligent than they really are, and it doesn't take long for their real nature to surface.
Met a girl a long time ago who turned out to be a physics major at U of L. She played the bimbo really well, until we started talking about Star Trek and the subject got onto warp drive engines. Yes, really. It was funny because after that conversation, she'd drop the bimbo act for me, but as soon as someone else got her attention, it was back in full force.
George that's true the more I think about it. Dancers tell me often they have to dumb it down for us lol. Smart ones may try that strategy. Good point
Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.
Good Times, Good Times.
Depending on my mood, I might be amused by the act for a short time. But generally, it would annoy me more than interest me.
In a strip club I think Bimbo Dancers would be a real trip.
But they aren't really bimbos, they are just acting.
What is more disconcerting are the number of girls whose lives run around chemical addictions and who have all kinds of crazy stuff going on. They aren't acting.
I think bimbo was originally something that women called other women. Back in the day when the most available way for a woman to be financial comfortable when she was older was to leverage her youthful good looks to marry well. Bimbos were women who were short-sighted, had flings with men as long as they were dashing and/or supported them living well in the moment.
To me, the happiest people seem to be those who embrace beliefs that aren't based on evidence, typically religious or policatal beliefs. Women who get called bimbos often just have more unique, offbeat beliefs that aren't based on evidence.
Truly dumb people are too dumb to understand how to carry out a mutually beneficial interaction with others. They do little or nothing for you, then don't understand when you don't feel motivated to do anything for them. Fools predictably have foolish vanity, so they believe themselves smart. With dumb strippers, they think it clever to overcount dances or short time, and that you won't notice.
If you put Tucker Carlson's "mind" in a hot female form and subtracted the grumpiness, the result could perhaps be considered a bimbo.
Pan Bimbo is OK if there's nothing fresher or whole-grain.
I saw this recently it comes off as phony as hell IMO. Just talk normal. The down to earth girl, now that girl is dangerous.
Reddit is for losers dat put Mackie on ignored
Muddy about the down to earth girl. Dangerous because that type is your kryptonite? Or dangerous because her game in the club is unique and tougher to parry?
If its done well and in a convincing way, it might be effective. But if its done poorly for me its a scammer flag and I'll cut bait. And I'm not particularly attracted to that type to begin with, so the reward isn't very high.
I have no idea in general though, my tastes in strippers often doesn't align with the majority so catering to my preferences probably isn't the best financial advice for strippers.
I know a bimbo that used to work at Follies. She is married with 2 kids. While at Follies she tried to get me and Bubba267 to do a 3 some with her in VIP. We were not interested. She got fired from Follies for damn near biting a customer's finger off. She went to work at Tattletales but got fired from there for being too fat. The she went to Vivide but I understand she quit and is back at Tattletales. There are thumbnails of her on USAsexguide for doing gang bangs. She bragged about it to her co workers at Vivide. Claims she did 5 guys. She talks "bimbo". I do see anything good happening to her down the road.
Shadowcat that's the one you marry right there lol
My experience is similar to GMD's - more times than not a girl who is doing an over-the-top bimbo act really is one. Though IME it's also not too hard to figure out which is which after a short while.
Unfortunately I've historically found that girls who are putting that much effort into faking it are doing so for reasons beyond just wishing to look/sound sexy. All too often it's a defense mechanism designed to separate their "stripper personas" from their real life personalities. After meeting too many of these girls to count over the years, I've learned to send them away quickly. IME they never end up being much fun as they're inevitably wound up way too tight.
That should have been "more times than not a girl who is doing an over-the-top bimbo act really is NOT one" lol.
I ask them to drop the act. I hate women playing dumb. And if she really js dumb then I OK as long as she's teachable.
I prefer stripper hoes who are works of art not empty canvases
@shadowcat - At Tattletales she told me next time I should bring a friend or invite some guy from the bar so we could split the room fee. Later I saw her go to a VIP room with two guys.
I guess that's the way (Uh Huh Uh Huh) she likes it. (Apologies to KC and the Sunshine Band)
The ones that are really dumb are the ones with the substance addictions that are talking about all the squabbles they are having with people. These you are best to avoid.
In My Dreams - School of Rock