
My night as a PL / creep

avatar for FTS

A week ago I spent the night out at one of my favorite strip clubs. I hadn't been to any clubs in a while, and I was feeling particularly horny, having spent the last couple of weeks distracted and abstinent. I arrived at the club and scoped out the place; I see a couple of hotties whose company I think I would enjoy. The minutes go by, and I politely turn down offers from dancers to whom I am not attracted (or by whom I am repulsed), and no good opportunities seem to be presenting themselves. Finally, a tall, young, skinny girl with a cute face walks by and I say "hello." After talking only briefly, I walk with her to the backroom for some lap dances.

I am immediately turned on and rock hard by the touch of her perfectly smooth, soft, flawless Asian skin. Suffice to say, my time with her was so pleasurable, it was close to what I would consider the best lap dance experience one could have without including extras. She showed off her incredibly long tongue, and playfully licked at my pants-covered manhood. She asked me what she could do for a big tip, and I suggested "anything that you do with that gorgeous tongue of yours would be appreciated." After indicating that a BJ was not on the menu, I asked, "How about a kiss?" and she proceeded to stick her tongue in my mouth for a nice, brief kiss. At the end she offered to exchange numbers, or instagrams, and... for some reason I just gave her my phone number, but didn't get her number in return.

I was horny, she was young and gorgeous, and I was hooked... again.

Maybe what I really need is to quit the porn, hookers, and strippers, go to church on Sundays, get right with God, and find a girl with whom we can say to the pastor "I do." Despite the fact that my fundamentalist non-denominational parents aren't together (and never seemed to have a good relationship) and my father has been living in an RV while my mom stays in the big house, my uncle (a church pastor) married and was very soon after divorced (likely due to his own porn addiction), my other uncle also divorced, a third uncle was so messed up from alcohol and drugs I don't even know if he ever married, my brother married and had 2 kids and divorced after about 5 years, and my other brother is basically a monk who lives at home with Mom and, like me, hasn't really had a long-time girlfriend... despite all those signs, perhaps I should take a shot at this whole "marriage" thing. Or, if not marriage, maybe a magical unicorn girlfriend who is as hot as the girl in the strip club and only wants to pleasure me with endless blowjobs.

A week goes by during which I am far too preoccupied with thoughts of the dancer from last week. Finally, Saturday night comes and I decide to go out again despite the fact that I'm not nearly as horny as I was a week ago... in fact, not really horny at all, just much too attached to a particular outcome. I take a Yohimbe pill even though it makes me anxious. To make matters worse, the club is more packed than its ever been; the usual lot was completely full, and I had to park far down the street. To my surprise, I was able to find an open seat, and so begins a long nothing-burger of a night. I sit, and I sit, and I sit, and I look for the girl. Sure, there are a few other girls that are cute, but I'm too attached to re-living the experience from a week ago.

There she is, finally, the girl from last week, dancing on the pole right in front of my table. I slip a tip into her G-string and ask if I can get a dance with her... and she asks for more money. I slip a few more bills in her G-string and sit back at my table. She proceeds to move on to the next stage as the dancers rotate their positions. Again, I sit, and I sit, and I sit, and I check my phone, and I lose track of her. I walk around the club and take a seat at the other side of the club. After having spent an hour and half in the club already, I start to think it's just not my night and begin to consider leaving.

I stand up and suddenly, from around the corner, there she is. "Hey." "I have to find my phone." She's lost her phone and seems to be searching for it, looking behind tables and chairs. Still, she finds time to get some customers to go to the backroom with her. I continue to sit, and sit, and sit. I get up to walk around the club some more and again I find her standing right in front of me, this time in the company of a much older gentleman who seems to be taking a video of the club with his phone. I ask her if she's available for a dance and she merely shakes her head, no.

Perhaps she sensed my mental state and was turned off by it, or perhaps my hands roamed her body a little too liberally during our dances and my fingers brushed against a place where they shouldn't have one too many times, or perhaps...

I've had some fun times in the strip clubs, many of which I'm sure were mutually fun for the dancers. But, when the strip club is no longer a fun place of few expectations, and turns into a tool that's being used to fill a void in one's life, perhaps it's time for another long break... or a permanent divorce.


last comment
avatar for gSteph
3 yrs ago

Well . . .

My troubles suddenly seem less.

Good luck.

Unless that was all 'tongue in cheek'.

avatar for Cashman1234
3 yrs ago

Interesting read.

Maybe it is time to reconsider the hobby? It can be an expensive hobby. If it no longer provides enjoyment to offset the financial expenditure, then it could be time to move on.

avatar for docsavage
3 yrs ago

She might have been unhappy with the level of contact during her previous experience with you, the older man she was with might have been a high spending regular she didn't want to leave, or something else. There can be a lot of reasons why a girl might not want to do a lap dance with a customer. If dancers consistently don't want to do lap dances with you on a second visit, then the problem is probably you. Otherwise, I wouldn't take it personally if one girl turns you down for lap dances in a strip club. There's plenty of fish in the sea.

avatar for twentyfive
3 yrs ago

Some times it just isn’t your turn, best you can do is catch another one.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 yrs ago

If you like to go to strip clubs, that's great.

If you need to go to strip clubs, that's not great.

So, take a break and explore some other things that interest you. If it turns out to be a permanent break, then that's exactly what you needed.

avatar for shailynn
3 yrs ago

I think this describes at least 80% of the PLs on here, except for the pastor part. When it comes to pastors most of the members here just give them BJs but don’t have them as family members.

avatar for rickdugan
3 yrs ago

===> "Perhaps she sensed my mental state and was turned off by it..."

IMHO this is as much a possibility as anything. You obsessed over her all week and then stalked her for hours in the club, with the pièce de résistance coming when your desperation finally pushed you to interrupt her when she was clearly already occupied.

You framed this as some existential issue regarding your relationship status, but IME and IMO this has little to do with whether you have an SO. Some guys are just more prone to reacting this way to girls who gives them serious hard-ons. Over the years I've seen plenty of guys with SOs who develop similar fixation issues with certain strippers.

You might want to take a break from clubs. More than that though you may want to explore what might be causing these obsessive issues as I'm guessing that a strip club experience is not the only context in which this has come up - some time with a mental health professional may also help you in future regular relationships too.

You did something she was uncomfortable with. Dancers don't reject money at work without reason

avatar for Studme53
3 yrs ago

Interesting post. May be easier said than done, but don’t get too attached to any one of these half-ho’s. There’s plenty more out there. Part of the fun is the search and discovery. You’ll find another that will make your heart race.

You can suspend reality a bit during the sexual fantasy part, but in the end it’s strictly business for the dancer. It’s work for them.

To address your broader point - there’s nothing like an actual romantic relationship- but that requires a lot of effort and sacrifice- like giving up or at least greatly curtailing our “hobby”

avatar for grand1511
3 yrs ago

based on your family history....I think you just experienced strip club divorce.

If you want better reactions from dancers don't fondle them and don't creep them out. It had to be bad for her to reject your money

avatar for Tetradon
3 yrs ago

"But, when the strip club is no longer a fun place of few expectations, and turns into a tool that's being used to fill a void in one's life, perhaps it's time for another long break... or a permanent divorce."

I hear you. I've been there. When it feels compulsive, or it's taking a toll on the rest of your life, cut it off.

Read Rules 101-111 here.


avatar for Tetradon
3 yrs ago

^ I say this as I'm headed for a 3 day SC bender with my poon-hound friend, but not feeling a huge itch to club.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 yrs ago

If you show me a room full of healthy, pre-menopausal women, I would enjoy a lap dance with good two way contact with at least half of them. I think I would also find the clubs very frustrating if I instead obsessed on one or two of them. You don't mention if other dancers approached you. If they didn't, you may be giving off a "problem customer" vibe (although this can also happen in a very busy club).

Have you ever been in a serious relationship? If not, your emotions may be influenced by fantasies of what one could be like ideally. IRL, serious relationships involve lots of sacrifices/compromises. Most of us old hands here have been to that well and back. It makes us glad that strip clubs are about finding many somewhat special someones, rather than one very special someone.

I had a fav who's kisses where among the best I've ever enjoyed. But I eventually was made to realize she actually had a lot of very hateful feelings for me. That sobered me up a lot about how I feel about level of contact. I now am more careful to try to stick to the level of contact a dancer is actally comfortable with. I end up with better memories of being her regular.

avatar for Warrior15
3 yrs ago

I would consider it her loss, then move onto the next girl. If a dancer blows me off inside a club, I"m not happy about it. But I'm not gonna let it ruin my day. There is always another dancer.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 yrs ago

“… when the strip club is no longer a fun place of few expectations …”

The way you seem semi-obsessed w/ this particular dancer, it sounds like you broke the rule-of-thumb above.

Strip clubs are entertainment – not meant to solve any pre-existing issues – they are a mere-remedy at best – i.e. it may be better to be having fun at a SC vs sitting at home staring-at-the-walls and hard-up – but it’s just paid entertainment – once one starts having more bad-visits than good/fun-ones or one feels like they're wasting their time and $$$, then it may be time for a break if not moving on to something else.

w.r.t. an S.O. – there are pros and cons – one should be w/ someone b/c they want to be w/ that person in particular, not b/c they just want to be w/ someone.

Perhaps finding something else of interest to-do may help if SCs are not doing it for you – start working-out consistently, find a hobby of interest, find a way to socialize to fill the down-time; etc.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 yrs ago

w.r.t. why this particular dancer gave you the cold-shoulder; who knows – could be nothing to do w/ you such as having a regular she needed to tend to; etc – or perhaps she felt you were more trouble than it was worth in terms of what you were asking (BJ, kissing; etc) – it is what it is – sometimes one has to be careful not to spook these girls off especially if it’s not a UHM club and also if they haven’t gotten a chance to know-you/feel-you-out over a couple of visits.

avatar for drewcareypnw
3 yrs ago

Friend. You sound sad, and you’ve clearly got a lot of family baggage to unpack. You managed to creep out a stripper, and they are tough as nails. I would say that now is a good time to stop going to strip clubs for a while and find a solid counselor. There is no shame in getting help. Good luck!

avatar for BitCoinHodler
3 yrs ago

Sounds like she was with a regular. Every dancer is used to getting asked for a BJ. She asked for your number when the dance was done so she couldn't have been too offended because she did imply she'd like to see you again.

Even at my home club I sometimes get zoned out of a dancer I've spent hundreds of dollars on because she's with someone who pays 5000 for a weekend trip to Florida with her.

I'd still work on your mental state before hitting up strip clubs again.

avatar for Dan3635
3 yrs ago

Thanks for sharing your story amigo. These are serious and real issues that won’t just go away. I gently suggest you read “feeling good” by Davis Burns. Or talk to a professional.

avatar for EndlessSummer
3 yrs ago

I really love the outpouring of support here! These guys that are suggesting pro help are absolutely right and there's no shame in doing so.

Also, just to chime in on the inattentive dancer... chances are that she just felt that the juice wasn't worth the squeeze. Sounds like you were quite handsy and she asked what she could do to earn a tip. You don't say how much she got, but she probably didn't think it was enough for the level of service she provided. At least, not on a busy night with the potential for more...🤷🏼‍♀️

Not worth giving space in your head though,I can

avatar for EndlessSummer
3 yrs ago

promise you that! 🤗🔆😘

avatar for Leonard313
3 yrs ago

Dude...you think you're the first guy that went to the SC and left disappointed? That line stretches from Colorado to Florida.

I once spent an ENTIRE EVENING...and hundreds of dollars...having the best conversation of my strip club career...with a gorgeous stripper in Denver. I was convinced that she was going to go back with me to my hotel room when the club closed. She had me mesmerized. She was like a siren of Greek mythology.

I waited in my car for like an hour and a half before finally realizing she is...a stripper. That means, she is...by nature...a liar. She got what she wanted and the bouncer drove her home. She never had any intention of spending the night with me. I was a transaction. Nothing more, nothing less. Well, I guess I was also a fool. So...a little more than a transaction.

Does it hurt? Sure. We aren't immune from rejection when it comes from strippers any more than strippers are immune from rejection when it comes from patrons at a club. All those dancers that wanted your attention, that you passed on because they "repulsed you"...they have feelings too. Stipper feelings; but still. Would your Asian goddess with her silky tongue have turned you down had you had a 10-inch pecker, abs of steel, an exotic sports car, and a wad of cash the size of a softball? Probably not. But, if you had those things....you wouldn't need to rent strippers; you could own one.

They're not liars they're selling a fantasy. If you can't tell the difference that's your problem not hers.

And op had to do something major for her to not want his money

avatar for Cashman1234
3 yrs ago

There is very useful advice here - and hopefully you can decide how to move forward.

I think there is something to having a positive attitude when you head to a club. If you begin your night feeling depressed, and you go to a strip club with a negative attitude towards life, women, the club, and many other things - it’s not going to help.

If your head is down, your posture is slumped over, it’s unlikely dancers will gravitate towards you. You might get some freak show type of goth girl - with a split tongue, and who can lift cinder blocks with her pierced pussy lips while telling you about John Wayne Gacey and her attraction to clowns.

avatar for Mate27
3 yrs ago

Go in with no expectations and if you have a good time then it will keep you coming back many times over. They say that one good shot in golf keeps people retiring to the game, even if you’re a shitty golfer. The same is true for the pl. he can keep retiring even after several shitty visits.

No one cares how you feel in the club or any other business. It's about money.

avatar for Leonard313
3 yrs ago


If every time you ask me if you're pretty...I tell you that you're beautiful....then...yes...I guess you could "spin" it that I'm just "selling you a fantasy". Or, you could spin it that you're butt ugly and I'm a liar. It's saying the same thing two different ways.

I once got a lap dance at a Deja Vu and instead of giving the stripper the $60 and a tip from my wallet, I gave her my wallet. She took the remaining $140 from wallet. Does that make her a "thief"? Does that make me a "dumbass"? Maybe a little of both? Is it a grey area? Should she have asked me how much of a tip to take instead of assuming it was the entire contents of the wallet and probably more than anyone has ever tipper her EVER?

Did I report her as a "thief"? Hell no. That was my bad. Live and learn. All she did was rip off her fellow dancers because I was out of funds and me and my boys left earlier than planned. And, we never went back to that establishment...although, we probably wouldn't have anyway...Vus are low mileage clubs for baby boys. But, does she deserve a medal for honesty? Hell no. She knew what she was doing and she knew it was wrong and she did it anyway.

I had a stripper in Anaheim try to charge me $400 for a BJ when I specifically said I wasn't paying that for a BJ. And in THAT case...I had to stand my ground and it was a big hassle. Fortunately, most dancers don't pull stuff like that. It's one thing when I make a bonehead mistake and hand my wallet to a girl. It's another thing when a dancer essentially tries to rob you.

avatar for gammanu95
3 yrs ago

A regular poster once described strippers as being like cats. She comes over and acts all sweet and cute. Some will roll over and show you her belly, but if you try to scratch or pet the upside-down kitty, she will bite and claw your hand before running back ten feet and looking at you like you're the biggest asshole in the world.

Some strippers are like that, they don't make any sense and you will go insane trying to figure her out.

avatar for gammanu95
3 yrs ago

Leonard, I want to read more about your last paragraph. How did that play out? Did she threaten to go to the manager and say you weren't paying $400 for the oral? LOL

avatar for rickmacrodong
3 yrs ago

What does that mean earlier about pastors and Bjs

avatar for Cashman1234
3 yrs ago

Leonard313 - I’ve never heard of a customer handing his wallet to a stripper. That seems incredibly stupid! Then complaining that she took all your money seems even more stupid.

You are complaining that a stripper took all the money from your wallet - after you gave it to her to pay for a dance. Then you say that she hurt the other dancers because she didn’t leave money (in your wallet) - for the other dancers in the club?

If you don’t discuss prices before getting dances, then you can easily get into a bad situation when it is time to pay.

avatar for Cashman1234
3 yrs ago

Tell me where you expect to find these altruistic strippers? These strippers who dance for the greater good of society and the world?

avatar for wallanon
3 yrs ago

I'm thinking Leonard was just trying to cheer up FTS with stories of it could always be worse. If taken at face value, just realizing that FTS hasn't really shared much about himself in the years he's been hanging around TUSCL. Having realistic expectations is important, too. Half of what you read on TUSCL about high mileage in clubs is posturing and bullshit, and the other half is idealized and cherry picked. Except for what shadowcat says about Gwen because that shit was 1000% true and you younguns missed out. But like any infomercial, the results described here are not typical.

avatar for Leonard313
3 yrs ago


I think you missed my point. I wasn't complaining. Of matter of fact, I pointed out that I didn't complain. It was "my bad". I was an idiot. I made a bonehead move. I deserved what I got. I don't know how many more ways I can say the same thing. Does that mean that the stripper is a saint? No. She "knew" I wasn't giving her an $80 tip on a $60 dance. She "knew" that...and she took advantage of the situation. The point of the story was:

  1. If you hand your wallet to a stripper, you're an idiot and you deserve to go home with not enough money for a happy meal.

  2. Strippers are inherently dishonest (or whatever term Icee wants to use...like "selling fantasies"). If you leave $200 on your kitchen table and a stripper comes over for an OTC visit....you might not have $200 on your kitchen table after she leaves. She may decide that is "her's".


She wanted $400 for a BJ...I said I wouldn't pay that much. I tried to negotiate $250 for FS. She tried to sell me that her BJs were worth $400. We went back and forth and finally she just started going down on me. Afterwards she wanted $400. I told her (for about the 20th time), that I didn't agree to that...and she claimed I did and that she was already finished so I had to pay it regardless. I told her that was complete horse poo and I was a regular at that club and we could take it up with management.

Her and I went to the bar where the manager was, she told the manager her version, I old the manager my version. The manager apologized for the confusion and we worked out a price that was reasonable and I paid it. I think it was $200...which is still far more than I would usually pay for a BJ...and definitely more than I wanted to pay given the attempt to rip me off. But, on the other hand...it was probably the best BJ I ever had...so, the girl was correct in that she definitely had skills. I had a feeling from the discussion with the manager that this dancer had been pulling this crap with other customers and they weren't particularly happy with her...so maybe thats why the negotionations were so relaxed...I dunno.

The club doesn't have a lot of options. They are soliciting illegal services...so, they can't call the cops. They have no leverage. The best they can do is try to come to reasonable terms and keep everyone as happy as possible. It was a learning experience for me in that, after that experience, I NEVER move forward without knowing EXACTLY what I'm getting for exactly what price. Even though it kinda ruins the "mood" sometimes...I'm not going thorough that again. Between that experience and the song hustles...I'm tired of being ripped off and having to argue about stuff. The club is supposed to be enjoyable...not some drama-fest where you gotta spend 10 minutes arguing with somebody named 'Bambi" over whether she said it was $20/song or $20 for 3 songs and whether that counted the song that was ending when you sat down. I mean, nothing makes your dick softer than a stripper that can't wait to take your money, get away from you, and give you reasons why your time is up.

avatar for wallanon
3 yrs ago

"I don't know how many more ways I can say the same thing."

When you're up to six paragraphs per post you're probably good.

avatar for EndlessSummer
3 yrs ago

^I'm sorry, but WHY should she know you weren't tipping her $80?

Does anyone think that's an inconceivable amount for a tip??

I'm not saying I agree with her decision to take all of your money without asking because it wouldn't occur to me to do that. But also, it wouldn't occur to me that anyone would find that to be an insane amount to tip...$800? Sure. $8,000? Certainly. But $80? 🤷🏼‍♀️ I wouldn't "know" that's not what you meant to give.

As you say, you've learned from that experience, IMO that girl deserves a little more credit. There actually are inexplicably generous guys out there, and she could've easily thought she'd just met one.

avatar for dogchain
3 yrs ago

You shouldn't feel too bad about what happened. She either had a bunch of regulars in that she had to tend to or other guys she thought would lay out more cash. Strippers don't give two shits if you are creepy. They just want money. You know how many creeps prolly go up to them when they are not working and they are not even going to make money off them? If you are really into her coming back when it is not busy might be the best option.

avatar for rickdugan
3 yrs ago

===> "But, if you had those things....you wouldn't need to rent strippers; you could own one."

LMAO. Goofy idealizing like this is exactly how unhealthy fixations begin. You think most of these girls dance despite the fact that they can readily hook up with age appropriate guys who are both attractive AND independently wealthy? LOL dude. The reality of what most of these girls are going home to is quite different than that.

I'm not saying this to denigrate dancers, merely to highlight that you obviously have issues which lead you to romanticizing your interactions with them while putting them on pedestals. I'm guessing that some combination of loneliness and difficulty with women has led to this, where you become so grateful for any type of female attention - even paid - that it triggers a reaction that is not healthy given the circumstances.

I will say to both you and the OP what I always say to guys in the this situation: Maybe go to clubs less and spend more time working on those things that make you feel so inadequate.

I can only speak for myself, but I club because I'm a dog. Strippers are a very convenient source of fun precisely because I can rent the funnest things about them without having to take ownership of that whole hot mess. I've been in a near constant series of relationships for most of the last 30 years and being able to deal with these hotties on the side, minus any expectations besides money, has been a breath of fresh air.

avatar for drewcareypnw
3 yrs ago

@leonard: you went to the manager and explicitly negotiated the price of a bj? Not “a dance” or some other thinly veiled metaphor? That’s amazing. Here in seattle, all the managers know that girls are giving extras, but I’ve never heard of a manager actually acknowledging them. And I though WE were cynical and sleazy!

avatar for Leonard313
3 yrs ago


When the stripper has to give the manager $45 to "rent" the VIP booth or a stripper has to give the bouncer/attendant $50 for a condom...I mean, do you honestly think the establishment has "no clue"?

The clubs know EXACTLY what goes on in their establishment. There are no extras in Deja Vu. There's no guys banging strippers onstage at pretty much any club. BUT...there are many clubs where there are certain, specific areas...where services are rendered for an agreed upon price, with certain dancers, if certain rules are followed. It's that simple. The club allows it, under specific guidlelines and so long as they get their cut. Their cut covers their liability because should something go wrong...they are the ones that face the heat.

Thats why it's so absurd when some of these dancers put down escorts or massage parlors but claim "dancing" is different. A SC is a brothel just like a MP. The only difference is who is doing the pimping. Now...to be FAIR...there is a difference (in many cases) regarding "willingness" of the worker in MPs. MPs tend to employ trafficked asians and latinos...versus strip clubs that tend to employ women working of their own free will. Thus, the price goes up. But, at the end of the day, you still have someone behind a desk making money off someone performing a sex act that isn't them. The house gets their cut.

And, thats where OTC negotiations become so popular (you hear about them being discussed on these boards all the time). Once you can convince a dancer to meet you outside the club...suddenly things get a lot more affordable because you don't have to pay the house anymore.

avatar for Leonard313
3 yrs ago


I don't really get what you're vomiting up.

It "seems" like your whole response was essentially a Rick Duggan is a God advertisement. You don't need to pay for sex with beautiful women...all you have to do is sit back with your fly down and they just fall all over themselves trying to get to you...but you don't like the hassle...so you throw the dancers a bone (literally and figuratively). Is that about right?

Wow. I'm sold. If you got any t-shirts...I'll buy one. I'm surprised the dancers even make you pay. If you're truly all that.

As for your armchair psychology and broad generalizations about dancers...the problem with your analysis is..."many" dancers do have a shit ton of "issues". And, you're right...some of them...even the hot ones...are a hot mess. They have daddy issues, psychological issues, can't hold a real job, can't seem to pay their bills, fail out school every time they enroll, have a couple kids from different fathers, and there's rampant drug abuse...no doubt. But, lets break this down in "real" terms that most of us can visualize. Bree Olson and Sasha Grey. Two fairly well know porn stars.

You may come across two dancers with bodies like that...maybe not quite that nice...but let's say 80% as good. And, I'm sure they have their "issues". Bree Olson and Sasha Grey...despite their issues and being porn stars...dated millionaires and movie stars. Their 80% dancer equivalents...would probably not want to date some guy that delivered pizzas or was the assistant manager at Best Buy. They probably wouldn't be all that impressed with Rick Duggan.

Now...you're right...these girls have "issues". They spend their rent money on stripper shoes and new iPhones. They get high. They are usually as dumb as a bologna sandwich. They have panic attacks in the middle of a Denny's because the waitress gave them hot tea instead of iced tea. They have issues. No doubt. And they might not be "pedestal worthy".

The fact that they have bodies that are better than 98.6% of women in the World....or that your heart literally skips a beat when they undress in front of you...or that you feel like a celebrity when entire rooms of people stare at you as you walk in the room with them on your arm...or that extreme feeling of happiness that comes over you as you watch them sleep next to you. Maybe these things aren't worth the annoyance of having to put up with their "issues". To each their own.

I don't have to worry about it and neither does the OP. We're not in that "league" of the Rick Duggan where we have the game necessary to score such broads. We NEED that exotic sports car, washboard abs, wad of cash, etc... to coax them in our direction. We don't have that natural charisma and charm where we can just walk up to a perfect 10, grab her gently by the hand, and softly say to her, "Hi, I'm Rick Duggan. You're beautiful...but I also know you're fucked in the head. I got a pick-up truck parked in a handicap spot out back and I know a motel that rents rooms by the minute. How bout we blow this popcorn stand and I show you the best 12.5 minutes of your fucked up life before you have to go home to your depressed existence and have to go home to my wife and kids?"

avatar for gSteph
3 yrs ago


Aren't internet keyboards fun?

avatar for wallanon
3 yrs ago

Internet keyboards are fun except for when they keep autocorrecting my words into typos. A couple of guys are on a roll today though.

"There are no extras in Deja Vu."

Of course there are. It depends on the Vu and the manager.

avatar for rickdugan
3 yrs ago

@Leonard: That was one of the most ridiculous and pathetic posts I've seen on here in a long time and that's saying something. Not least of which was the absurdly romanticized view of what you think it must feel like to be with them.

First off there are plenty of beautiful women in the world who don't strip. I think you may need to get out more...a lot more and for your own sake someplace other than strip clubs.

Second any attractive woman, stripper or otherwise, has plenty of unattractive moments. You posted that second to last paragraph like it was a bad Harlequin romance novel. They bleed 5 days a month, make a bathroom smell, pass gas in the middle of the night and do all the things that any other normal human being does. Sure it's fun to play with her in bed and bring her out on dates, but it comes with all the normal drawbacks than any girl comes with.

Finally, as far as me, I'm now past the point in my life where I'm easily picking up young attractive girls, but that's an age thing and I'm quite fine with that. I've had more than my fair share of spring time romances in this life, including two wives, two other long-term live-in GFs and countless other flings. My focus only turned to clubbing when I started having kids and needed to settle down, but desired a way to continue to enjoy variety without the complications.

Like I said before, you really need to find something else to focus on. You sound weird and creepy with all of this romanticized nonsense, like you don't get any female contact at all except from strippers. IMHO you should be looking for a way to live a normal life before you get wrapped up in strippers.

avatar for nicespice
3 yrs ago

I’ve danced at one Vu owned club where a manager toured me around the facility, pointed out one of the VIP time block areas in a specific section of the club, and dropped a heavy hint letting me know “there are no cameras back there”…before finishing out the tour walkthrough of the club.

Vu clubs can indeed have extras…

avatar for shailynn
3 yrs ago

^^ you mean like extra pickles if I order a burger from the kitchen there?

avatar for shailynn
3 yrs ago

BTW let me know where I can get a Rick Dugan t-shirt too, do they have them in XXXXXXXL because that’s what size nicespice wears.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 yrs ago

Sounds fun.


avatar for shailynn
3 yrs ago

^^^ shit like this happens in a strip club all the time. Maybe one day when you collect enough aluminum cans you’ll have enough money to experience it too.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 yrs ago

^^^ And maybe someday your mom will let you take of that Kevlaar and Vulcanized Rubber Jock strap which has kept your voice from changing so that you could have a longer career singing for the West Texas Christian Glee Club.


avatar for shailynn
3 yrs ago

^^^ no matter what I’ll always have internet access. There’s one person on this thread that can’t say that? Wonder who?

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 yrs ago

^^^ Unreliable access to the Internet is possibly the only overlapping area on the Venn diagram for SJG and the Russian people.

avatar for Leonard313
3 yrs ago

Okay Ricky...settle down. If you live in a glass house, don't throw rocks.

The OP came in here with a legitimate issue that most everyone that has ever been to a strip club has had. Many people have been supportive and offered him advice. Then you rolled up like some over-aged gigalow in a thick gold chain and pooped on him and everyone that tried to be supportive with a premise that is completely absurd.

So, let me try to spin this back to an actual discussion. And, I'll try to do this without hurting the feelings of the few strippers that are floating around here and the even fewer strippers that have feelings...(they really don't give 2 shtts what we say as long as we pay em and keep our creepy stalking to a minimum)

Women are like cars. Strippers are women. At least the ones I'm interested in. There are exotic sports cars, classic muscle cars, RVs, motorcycles, conversions vans, cargo vans, etc... Now...you can rent one of these when you need one or you can buy one.

Ownership has it's privileges. You can drive it more often...you can fawn over it and show it off to friends. You can customize it and put it on social media. It's your's! But, it also comes with negatives of ownership. Maintenance, insurance, it breaks down from time to time and at inopportune times. It can be downright annoying at times. And it always is demanding some of your time. Not to mention, the money you have tied up in it means you can't go out and buy a different kind of vehicle that you'd like to try...like a motorcycle or RV or different kind of car.

But, back to the OP and my comment...the more money you have...and the better looking you are...and more power you have...the more able you are to buy the car you want. If the OP wants a sexy asian goddess..whether as a weekend rental to accompany him on vacations or for weekly OTC action, or to take to Paris or maybe to get engaged and live happily ever after...it doesn't really matter whether he is in the market to buy or rent...that's up to him. But either way, it's like the wise poet "Young MC" once said...."You got no money, and ya got no car...then ya got no woman...and there ya are."

YOUR assumption...flies in the face of every known social norm in Western civilization. This concept that a dancer/stripper...an 8-10 (out of 10)...who has men throwing themselves at her from 6PM till 2AM nightly...is then going home to some guy that is unemployed, slightly overweight, balding, smells like cheese, personality minus, and collects Legos. And she's doing this...because, despite the constant positive comments she is showered with for 8 hours a night...she is just so screwed up...and her self esteem so destroyed...that when she looks in the mirror she sees some type of weird reverse image staring back at her.

I am going to call "BS" on your imaginary situation...because in all my years of going to strip clubs...I have NEVER seen that...not once. I've seen strippers that were screwed up. I mean, thats like high 90s percent wise. I think thats almost a given. And yes, some are living out of their cars. I've had some that, after OTC activities, have asked to spend the night because I'm fairly certain they didn't have anywhere else to go.

BUT...I've NEVER met one 8-10 that didn't KNOW she was an 8-10. Of matter of fact, more often than not...it's the opposite situation. Usually you meet a 4-6 and she thinks she's a low "9" or you meet 7-9s that all think they are 10-12s. The strip club is the ULTIMATE ego inflator. It's 8 constant hours of men creaming in their pants when you touch them...men throwing money at you just for winking at them...men telling you they love you and want to take you home and marry you. I mean, just think of how many stories you've read on here about how many dudes have overpaid...out of stupidity or drunkenness or just getting carried away!

So, I respectfully disagree with your assessment that the OPs woman would have acted the same way had he valet parked a Bugatti, had rock hard abs, and pulled out $8,000 rolled up in a rubber band. He could have bought her...he could have done whatever he wanted with her. The question is...as I stated in my response...why would you want to? With that kind of bank and physical condition...you can buy the car...you don't need to rent one. But, as you pointed out...maybe he doesn't want the maintenance and just wants to rent that one and then rent another one. It's all good.

Me, "personally". Yeah...I'd prefer ownership over rental. I think most men would. I'm not judging those that don't. I respect those that are in your situation and already "been there, done that". If I won the Powerball tomorrow and had the choice to "rent" a different stripper every weekend or settle down with a 9-10 and start family #2...I'd probably pick the second option. Mostly because you'd probably get a lot VD and end up with a LOT of missing household items with option #1....but there's other reasons. The problem is...it LITERALLY...would take a Powerball win to get a 9-10 at my age. So, occasional rental is more in my market...and I'm okay with that if they are.

But we don't "Dr. Duggan" popping in deciding who needs psychological help every time he reads a post just because the "The Dugg" is such a player. I mean, I still want the t-shirt...just not the therapy. I mean, unless you're legitimately liscenced...then we might as well set up another forum and you can offer a free service. Lord knows most of the people on this site could benefit.

avatar for rickthelion
3 yrs ago

Watch it Leonard ape. The dugan is the smartest hairless ape on the planet and my best bud.

Your mind is too small and limited to wrap itself around how awesome we ricks are. I mean really, the dugan got tiger blood in his veins and I’ve got frickin’ lion blood in my veins. Well, the latter is because I am a frickin’ lion but it is also because there ain’t nothin’ more awesome than lion blood.

Anyhoo…you don’t deserve the t-shirt unless you take the dugan’s therapy and learn from it. I heard that Jeff Bezos got some rick therapy just before he divorced and now he’s blasting himself into space on a giant space dick. That could be you! ROAR!!!

avatar for Leonard313
3 yrs ago

Well...speaking of needing therapy...

avatar for rickdugan
3 yrs ago


First, how many stupid things can you fit in a single post? I hope you didn't stay up all night working on that. 😉

Second, he posted a obsessive stalker story. No, most of us do NOT have that particular problem.

Third, what you've seen in strip clubs clearly doesn't amount for much since you obviously have a warped view of, well, everything. Dancers experience a high degree of difficulty with relationships precisely because of what they do for work, so they often have to settle for scumbags who don't care if other guys paw at them. Sure plenty of guys want to fuck them, but far less want to take them home to Momma. You think a girl who's SO is a multi-millionaire is letting guys suck her tits for $20-30 per song?

Fourth, you don't "own" people. You played that analogy out way too far.

Lastly, yes, anyone who becomes so fixated with a dancer that he stalks her or overly romanticizes her needs help and should stay out of strip club for a while.

avatar for Cashman1234
3 yrs ago

I think that lengthy post from Leonard is largely reliant on linear logic. That may work for some, but I doubt that it is fully used by strippers.

There are several dancers here, who know they are hot, and who have a relatively positive view of themselves (both in and out of a strip club). However, there are likely many other dancers with issues, and those issues may be prevalent outside of the club.

It’s not easy to be a stripper’s boyfriend. In most cases the girl has a great body, but she’s likely not stripping because she loves being groped by old guys for money. She’s most likely stripping because she needs the money - and if her boyfriend made enough money she wouldn’t need to strip.

There can be other issues brought on by societal perceptions of strippers too. Those views can be unpleasant and difficult on self esteem too.

So, there’s a bit more to the psychology of dancers and their self esteem.

avatar for Leonard313
3 yrs ago

You can tell when a person can't defend their BS...when they repeatedly make every attempt NOT to defend their BS and simply attack every other thing that was said.

So once again...you claim that strippers who are insanely hot will go out with average guys...because they are damaged goods...by the fact that they are strippers. That is your dingbat, idiotic preposition. It is absurd and indefensible and there is no known record of it existing anywhere in known history.

Your attempts to defend this idiotic notion are to:

1: Call the OP psycho and in need of help.

  1. Call me psycho and in need of help.

  2. Call the OP a stalker.

  3. Call my posts stupid.

  4. Call my analogies stupid.

  5. Repeat 1 through 5.

So, let me try to spell it out for you..as plain as I can...no analogies to confuse you or shiny objects to distract you...

A beautiful, hot, 20-year old...with a body that you could bounce a dime off...isn't going to give you, me, or the OP the time of day...unless we pay her. It doesn't matter if she was molested as a child...if she is so stupid that she's borderline retarded, or if she has a meth addiction. It doesn't matter if her stepmother is emotionally abusive or she lives in her car. She isn't going to give us the time of day...unless we pay her.

Thats the game.

For the OP to think that it's not, is delusional. For you to think that her life is so miserable that I'm "romanticizing" her or "putting her on a pedestal"...is delusional. This is, and always will be TRANSACTIONAL. When you run out of money, she will move back into her car. When you stop paying her, she will move back in with the ex boyfriend that beats her and pimps her and keeps her supplied with meth.

The real "joke" is that you think I live in a fantasy world. I've experienced women that would gladly trade places with strippers. Are you kidding me? Strippers have a real job...a paycheck...a bouncer at the door...a place to change...a locker. They actually get to keep most of the money they make. You don't think there are escorts and masseuses that would kill for a job like that?

And the real sickening thing is...at the "heart" of your criticism...isn't an attack on the OP or me...you're attacking strippers. You have this "inner hatred" for them. You hide it well with your little comments...but at the heart of your criticism is you think strippers are ugly. You don't like them. Maybe they've done you wrong or mistreated you...maybe you don't like having to pay for it...whatever the reason. You have this "anger" inside towards them. So, if the OP or I "put them on a pedestal", you need to pop in and quickly tear them down. You need to remind everyone how worthless they are, how imperfect, how damaged. You need everyone to know that they aren't as beautiful as they look....that it's all an illusion. Why?

Why is it so important for you to tear them down? Why do you need us to be reminded that they are damaged and not as attractive as we want to believe they are?

avatar for EndlessSummer
3 yrs ago

^Well said, Sir!

I was just thinking, "gee, I wonder why more dancers don't post here... by most of the logic on this site, I guess it's because they're too busy being possessions on a shelf (or in a garage, as the case may be) or being total basket cases/prisoners of their own miserable lives..." 🤷🏼‍♀️🤪😁

avatar for EndlessSummer
3 yrs ago

Oops, meant my comment for @Cashman1234!!!

avatar for rickthelion
3 yrs ago

rick my friend, you didn’t explain the most important reason Leonard ape should shut his trap and listen to us: we’re frickin’ ricks. We see the basis of all frickin’ reality and relay our insights to normies our of the goodness of our tiger/lion blood pumpin’ hearts.

So Leonard ape, do you want to know what it is to be a rick? Do you, punk?

Well, imagine this:

You’re driving your car mainlining some Jack. But the single barrel stuff because you’re a rick and so you’re all classy and shit. You’re buttfucking a whore while a second whore sucks on your balls. Maybe there is a third doing something unspeakable like eatin’ your ass or some shit. Who the fuck knows?

Then your car transforms into a dick-shaped rocket ship and blasts you off to frickin’ Jupiter. Then when you hit the radiation belts your bodies get ripped apart at the subatomic level. But you are so frickin’ awesome you will yourself back into being and return to Earth for more hairless ape whores because the ones you started out with were destroyed by Jupiter’s radiation and shit.

That. Is. What. Being. A. Rick. Is. Like. Hell, that is what it is like to go to the frickin’ 7-11 for a shitty hot dog when you’re a rick. You’ve probably never done shit like that because you ain’t a frickin’ rick.

So no T-shirt for you buddy. Not ‘til you show us some rick respect - rickspect if you will. Now thank us for our insights into the universe. ROAR!!!

avatar for Leonard313
3 yrs ago


I think hearing from dancers would be really cool. Despite many years of experiences in the club, I think much of what goes on with the majority of dancers is still very much a mystery. And, I think thats based on a few different reasons:

  1. The nature of the interaction(s).

2.The transactional nature of the business.

  1. The blatant dishonesty, mostly by dancers...but also by clients.

First, the nature of the business if brief encounters. Clients don't usually build relationships with one dancer over a long period of time. Dancers move from club to club and ultimately leave the business in a short time period.

Second, it's a transactional business. Time is money. Dancers don't get paid to come into chat rooms and talk about their feelings with a bunch of dudes. Every second they are in here is a second they could be arranging OTC with a client or buying new stripper outfits or resting from a night from hell they just had the night before.

Third, I've found strippers to be almost unnecessarily dishonest. Part of that is self-protection. It's a job that requires a level of protection by keeping one's private life separate from one's personal life. Clients also sometimes have to keep their private affairs separate from the clubbing. However, I've found that strippers...especially those that are involved in OTC sometimes take that dishonesty to incredible lengths....to the point that they can't keep their stories straight and will end up telling you multiple, contradicting stories if you interact with them long enough. And when people get into that level of dishonesty...they tend to lie about everything...not just the big things. That creates problems on forums when people interacting with you can't even trust that anything you say is even remotely true.

But it would be really cool to hear from dancers. There are a LOT of questions that I know I have and friends of mine have had over the years...and we know better than to ask. Not only do we know we aren't likely to get a straight answer...but dancers usually hate it when guys ask questions about dancing...kind've a "rookie move". They're there to make money, not participate in a documentary.

avatar for rickdugan
3 yrs ago

Leonard, you keep running with this straw man argument about regular Joes when I never opined on exactly WHO they go out in the first place. I'm sure that many of them can find attractive partners. What I DID say is that your characterization of their SOs as having "[a] 10-inch pecker, abs of steel, an exotic sports car, and a wad of cash the size of a softball" is goofy romanticized nonsense.

But as far as 1-6 above, 100% spot on. You two are weird and creepy and frankly the way view these girls could actually make you dangerous.

avatar for Leonard313
3 yrs ago

Ya know what RickyD....

I'll agree to disagree. You have anger issues toward dancers...and I'm dangerous. Doesn't mean we can't be friends.

Keep on keeping on my man. If you're ever in the 313 or 734, I'll buy ya drink and we can review a club together and see how our reviews compare.

We just can't hang out if the RickLion weirdo is with you....because that dude is creepy as fuk and he'll scare away the bitches.

avatar for rickdugan
3 yrs ago

===> "You have anger issues toward dancers..."

Yet another example of your reading comprehension challenges. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I very much enjoy the strippers I deal with and in many cases admire what they do to provide for their loved ones. I wouldn't be able to spend as much time as I do with them (ITC and OTC) otherwise.

But that doesn't mean that I can't be clear-eyed about the realities involved. The nature of how I club and tip lends itself to a lot of barside conversations and it often isn't too long before a % of these girls get comfortable (and maybe buzzed) enough and chat about their lives - and sometimes even about the other girls too, lol.

The way you are thinking and the OP was behaving is creepy at the very least and likely to set off warning bells for these girls. Next time you are in the club and your romantic fantasies are running away with you, maybe try envision the target of your idolization sitting on a toilet with her face scrunched up squeezing out a stinky log. Or do something else that snaps you out of it. Serious advice dude.

Oh, and you might wish to reconsider telling EndlessSummer how this business works. She's been at it for a long time. just sayin. 😉

avatar for Leonard313
3 yrs ago

I'm done with the argument man.

You keep posting the same post with different words. You degrade strippers as being screwed up and worthless and then say thats not really what you mean...and then say, "but really, they are when you get to know them and picturing them taking a shit."

Then you finish off the post calling me and the OP a psycho for appreciating them.

Whatever. I'm a dangerous psycho lunatic who needs to start imaging EndlessSummer having a bad bout of diaharea. Noted. Thanks for the advice Ricky.

Endless...please let me know how your bowel movements are going so I can take you down off that pedestal and stop appreciating dancers. It's making me downright dangerous!!

avatar for rickdugan
3 yrs ago

If you're done with the argument then go away already. 😉

You're also obviously unable to process nuance. You keep careening from one extreme to the other.

  • When it's suggested that you do something to help limit your over-romanticizing, you come up with a joke about raging diarrhea.

  • When someone says ""[a] 10-inch pecker, abs of steel, an exotic sports car, and a wad of cash the size of a softball" is a kinda silly characterization, you immediately assume that the dissenter is implying a balding broke slob.

  • When someone says that over-idolizing a stripper can lead to bad behavior and maybe even be dangerous, you immediately jump all the way to psycho lunatic.

  • When I say that strippers have relationship challenges relating to job acceptance (which they do), you immediately take a hard right into me calling them "screwed up and worthless."

Are you a little retarded by chance? Not a dig - it's a serious question. If so then you may REALLY need to consider avoiding clubs as they are not very good for guys with severe emotional challenges.

avatar for BitCoinHodler
3 yrs ago

Yes I'm very retarded thanks for noticing.

avatar for FTS
3 yrs ago

Thanks, everybody, for the feedback... and the entertaining comments and debates, haha. At the end of the day I'm going to be staying away from the strip clubs, at least while I'm as young as I am; as somebody already wrote, this hobby is expensive, and I'm too smart and lazy to give up all my hard-earned money on strippers. Maybe every once in a blue moon, like I've been doing.

That doesn't mean I'm gonna take a break from TUSCL, though... I don't know of any online forum that is quite like this one!

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 yrs ago

@FTS there's no one answer for everyone. But when I look back on my younger days, I wish I'd started seeing sex workers younger. But I think, if you want extras from strippers, it make sense to also give it a try with your local escorts. Yes, it's not cheap. But you'll find that lots of "respectable" woman want to take pieces of your soul rather than negotiated monetary payments. Chicks can spend your money, but they can't spend your soul, so the ones who just want your money are actually the less mentally fucked up ones.

Truth is, there's many things that are the same about sex partners, paid or not:

  1. With most, you won't want to repeat.

  2. Being fickle makes satisfaction very difficult. If you get bored fast even with the ones you click with, you'll have to go through a few disappointments before you find the next one you click with.

  3. Even if you're not fickle, they often will be. And there's generally no understanding or fixing it, you just have to move on.

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