Do you prefer Newbie or Experienced Dancers

avatar for FishHawk
Say you walk into a club that you have not been in before and you know none of the dancers. Would you rather spend time with a brand new dancer that is just learning the ropes or with one with several years of experience that can quickly figure out how to push your buttons so that you happily empty your wallet? Maybe somewhere in between? What are your thoughts guys?


last comment
avatar for gobstopper007
5 years ago
I like variety. Obviously the experienced girl will have better game but there is also something about that extra effort a newbie will put into it.

This is America damnit. I want both
avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago
"This is America damnit. I want it ALL"

avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
Just depends. I've had some really great times with newbie dancers. If I'm getting a good vibe, I just let it play out, whether she's a newbie or a vet.
avatar for Longball300
5 years ago
I agree that it's all about chemistry; One of my best experiences was with a youngin at the Flight Club where it was literally her first day dancing anywhere. Overall tho I would say the more experienced dancer will be better on average such that she can make up for lack of chemistry or even looks with technique.
avatar for Dolfan
5 years ago
It's not a criteria that matters to me. I prefer hot dancers first and foremost. Then personality comes in, I suppose chemistry could fall in there, but that too.

Experience is way down on my list, I've found almost zero correlation between experience as a stripper and ability to entertain me.
avatar for TFP
5 years ago
I prefer the experienced girls. Now to be fair I've had a good time with some self proclaimed newbies and also had some terrible times with clearly experienced dancers (sharks). But I've had a greater number of satisfying dances with the experienced girls versus the newbies. The veterans know not to bounce up and down on your dick like a lot of newbies painfully do. They seem to know without you telling them what feels good and what doesn't.
avatar for etsutwigg222
5 years ago
It all depends on my mood. When I have plenty of time, I like to test the newbies. Mostly though I want that known experienced dancer that doesn't waste my time.
I will play with the newbie after the experienced one has taken care of business in VIP.
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
If I think the dancer is pleasing to the eyes, I'll want to see how skilled she is with private dances regardless of how long she's been dancing.
I have yet to have a poor experience with a newbie, but I usually only get 1 or 2 dances at the most with them.
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
I like something in between. The newbies can be really fun, and I've had a lot of fun with newbies. But newbies can be so inexperienced that they have no idea what they're doing. The vets, however, can be sharks, and they know a lot of tricks to rip you off. I've run into vets that were so focused on making money that the customer service experience was terrible, and I felt I had to be extra guarded. The good vets I've experienced though put an emphasis on giving a good customer experience. I've generally had very good experiences with the in-between girls - not so new as to be a newbie, but not in the business for so long as to become jaded and ROBs. But as with all things, you don't necessarily know what you're going to get until you actually get it.
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
"Life is like a box of chocolates."
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
Prefer experience. True newbies tend to have the yips and stuff is awkward. If it's a club I've never walked into before, odds are I'm just there for a visit maybe two. I'm looking to get a read on the club, and the best way to do that is by talking with the dancers who know what's what. The return on my time for trying to get a new girl settled in usually isn't worth it unless it's a club I'm going back to.
avatar for Bavarian
5 years ago
Newbies can be terrible.
I got dances from a bartender turned dancer I had the hots for.

Dances were BAD.
Awkward and no contact
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
Usually newbies there’s just gonna be so much time to enjoy the jaded stripper you might aswell get the newbies while they’re hot
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
In the newbies' defense, I've worked with plenty of 'veterans' where they knew very well how to talk up the customers, but seeing them dance for them was nothing to brag about (ie: They're extremely finicky about being touched or their looks are so high in demand at the club that they'll get multiple dances anywhere despite that they just do a very simple bump-and-grind lap dance.).
avatar for FishHawk
5 years ago
I find that brand new dancers have just had all the rules read to them. They know all the things they aren’t supposed to do and have yet to learn about what they can get away with. I had an experience last year with a brand new dancer. Despite the fact that I felt she would like to be a little naughty, she told me I wasn’t allowed to fondle her boobs in our private dance. I saw her again about a month later and she encouraged a lot of fondling. So some experience is useful. Experienced girls can be a mixed bag some are a lot of fun others talk far more then they deliver.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
5 years ago
I’m on a streak of three bad experiences with newbie dancers. I clicked with all of them in the front room and then ... meh. Some girls take to it quicker than others. It can be a crapshoot but having a reliable vet ready, willing and able is just fine by me. I’ll take reliability over looks if that is the choice I have to make.
avatar for rockie
5 years ago
I’ll lean towards experienced. I’ve not had the first customer I’ve danced for be a formula for worthwhile experiences short or long term.
avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
I usually indulge in more than 1 dancer when clubbing, and my area often offers $1 dances. So, assuming the newbie meets 'hotness' and other criteria, sure, to the dollar dance. And a PD if the $1 dance isn't lame. I've had great fun with some newbies, some one and dones.

But I prefer to finish a visit with multiple dances with someone already known to offer prolific- mutual - fondling.
avatar for FishHawk
5 years ago
Good approach, gSteph. Unfortunately, in my area the entry level dance is $45. You can invest a lot of money searching for the one.
avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
Generally I find at my main club 6-12 months is the sweetest spot. The veterans give very good dances, but it can be very robotic. She knows exactly where the mileage lines are and how much they cost.

The brand new girls often follow the letter of the law too closely when it comes to the rules. They also are still getting that New Girl money where all the regular customers want to try her out for a spin.

That's why I like the girls who know what's up. They know what some girls are doing in VIP but there may still be wiggle room
avatar for Player11
5 years ago
Have enjoyed both. A good 5 star (attractiveness and quality of experience) is what I am seeking wether freshman or senior (highly experienced).
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
I tend to avoid new inexperienced dancers, IME they've often been busts, some are ok, and once in a while there'll be one that will leave me impressed with her skills, but for the most part they have often disappointed or have been just ok at most - seems many new dancers are almost as clueless about SCs as new PLs are.

For the most part, civvy girls are not used to nor comfortable being groped by strangers nor are they comfortable dry-humping strangers - some think they can just take their clothes off and guys will give them a lot of $$$ just for looking at them nude.

I'm a variety PL - I just wanna show up, pay my money, get the service I seek, and move on - for the most part the vet dancers know the deal and accept stripping for what it is and are usually willing to provide the level-of-service I seek - w/ newbies it can be like pulling teeth so not worth it to me per my clubbing style.
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
I find the biggest risks are with girls who have been there the longest (risk of very refined hustle, jaded deep down) and the shortest (all the new girl foibles). I still go for both types, but they're the biggest risk. I think there's a sweet spot with girls who have been there just a couple of months -- still new enough that their attitude is completely fresh and may even seem downright excited, but not so new that they're horrible in the VIP
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
some of my best experiences have been with brand spanking new strippers.
Like when a NEW Asian dancer in the LA area gave me a fantastic VIP experience...🤪
It’s all about the chemistry. (and a little bit of money!)
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
I like brand newbies because they have no idea what they can or should do. I get to help them learn. The success can vary widely. Some newbies are just not cut out for it. In a club like Follies where everyone is naked and grinding I have had more than one newbie air dance without even taking her top off. I will tell them to look at what the other girls are doing. One of two thins will happen. their mileage will ramp up very quickly or they will get nervous and say they couldn't do that. The latter are the girls you never see again.

Other newbies want to give mileage but are not quite sure how. I help them work on technique :-)

On the other end of the spectrum I remember one first day girl at a club that does not have high mileage table dancing. Right out of high school, I was the very first customer of her very first day. I had her dance and she was not sure how to do it. I told her it was OK to grind on me a little so she started a solid grind. I told her the club frowned on me touching her in the naughty places but she could get away with touching me if she was not obvious. She unzipped me and started jacking Mr Happy while she rubbed his head on her naughty place. "Like this?"

I told her she was going the get in trouble doing that, but if we went to VIP we could actually "do it". She got excited and asked how that worked. With a straight face I told her she could bend over and I would stick it in. She clarified she knew how to "do it" but did not know how VIP worked. I explained and suggested a price $50 less that the average rate there. She was surprised she was going to get that much (HELLO CLUB - did you not explain or was she just ditzy?).

A good time was had by all.

I sometimes have bad luck with experienced dancers. Many have learned how to do just the minimum or are ROB's. Often they are playing you. It feels more like a negotiation and as soon as they go back on anything they promised it is a total buzz kill. The newbies are not that hard yet. I mean newbies new to dancing, not just new to the club.
avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
Good story, goldmonger
avatar for rl27
5 years ago
Most of the time I go for the experienced dancer. I have rarely had a good dance from a newbie dancer. Once she makes it through three or four months, I may consider trying her Most of the time I found they don't get good until about 6 months. I remember this one dancer who while pretty, didn't know how to enhance her looks, and was far too nervous on stage to even consider getting a lap dance when she started. About two months later she was fairly comfortable on stag,e and I decided to try her. Lap dance was mediocre. Two months late, after she started getting quite a bit more dances, Itried her again, and this time her dances were right up there with the typical dancer at the club. About 8 months after she started she was in the top tier of the club.

Now some just know what they are doing. One of my favorites was that way. Based on how she carried herself and how she acted on stage I thought she had danced for years. Found out she had just started two weeks earlier. She had already figured out how to smoothly glide along my lap, while keeping contact. Many never figure this out.
avatar for loper
5 years ago
Generally my preference is for the experienced dancer, but only after I've had some light conversation where I can judge if she's a shark or not. It is rare that a girl with less than 6 months experience knows what to do and how much. I'd rather she learned on someone else's dime. Some girls are fast learners and might be great after a month, but no-one is good on her first day.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
I prefer experienced but before desires closed I did a few rooms with a 21 year old newbie transfer from a low contact club. The pretty face, Great body and braces hooked me. Compared to a fabulous experience with a classy long timer, it was so fucking awesome I'm still amazed. She had a special little thing she did that was different and when i asked all she said was: my guy likes it too lol.
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
Relating what they do in the club to what the boyfriend likes can get weird. I had one that kept telling me she was trying to work up to anal with her boyfriend. She asked that I put a couple of fingers in her ass instead of her pussy. I politely declined.
avatar for bang69
5 years ago
It Doesn't matter
avatar for Liwet
5 years ago
New club, experienced girl. Familiar club, new girl.

Generally I like new girls though. They are easy to send away if they aren't fun and if they are fun, they don't know the rules well enough to stop you from breaking them.
avatar for Huntsman
5 years ago
Experienced Is my preference. Actually, regardless of experience, the convo needs to be no drama and she needs to be consistent and reliable. I try to be straightforward and easy to deal with. I expect the same from the dancer and find that to be the case some of the time with experienced girls. Too often newbies are still trying to figure out how to navigate.
avatar for mjx01
5 years ago
I like a CF, who has an established rack record of performance.
avatar for loper
5 years ago
A rack record: is that like a EEE?
avatar for MackTruck
5 years ago
I prefer da lot lizzards
avatar for MackTruck
5 years ago
Wit der teeth
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Something in between. Newbies are often painful to deal with, but so too are the girls that look at you with that 1,000 hairy cock stare. I like them to have enough seasoning to know the score, but not so much that it feels like another day at the office. Now sometimes the seasoned vets can be great too, but it is more of a mixed bag with them.
avatar for carlo6
5 years ago
“New club, experienced girl. Familiar club, new girl.”

Completely agree
avatar for aleccorbett
5 years ago
I like a bit more experienced dancers when the club is full contact and they aren't shy but if I get a lapdance with a girl an dI know she will grind me than I prefer less experienced dancers.
avatar for rogertex
5 years ago
Newbies put extra effort to please.
Experienced put extra smarts to please.
While highway may be obvious choice to destination, sometimes scenic route is refreshing as well.
avatar for mjx01
5 years ago
no, sorry. track record.
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