Are Gorgeous Women Better in Bed?

Most of us spend a lot of time, energy and money trying to get sticky with the most beautiful women we can find. But are extraordinarily beautiful women actually better, more satisfying sex partners than only moderately attractive or than unattractive women?
I don’t think so.
But I admit that I will spend a lot more time and effort trying to fuck a woman who scores 950 millihelens or better on the Helen of Troy beauty scale than a fugly skank who clocks in at a measly 125 millihelens. I also admit that my own enthusiasm in mounting a beauty in the high 900 millihelens range will far surpass my level of ardor when I crawl into bed with a woman who I know will never crack the 500 millihelens threshold.
That said, once my motor is running and I get busy gluing my woman (or whoever’s woman she might be) to the bedsheets or the coffee table, how hot she looked before I commenced my assault becomes secondary to her own sexual technique and the level of enthusiasm she shows as she reciprocates my attention.
I have been fortunate that the majority of the women I have been privileged to desecrate rated 750 millihelens and above. But, under the influence of a few too many cocktails, I have also invited a few women who scored under 500 millihelens to my home, apartment or hotel room. Upon realizing my mistake, I always did the chivalrous thing. I just gritted my teeth and did my duty as a gentleman.
A true gentleman will occasionally canoodle moderately unattractive women just to be polite.
When canoodling moderately unattractive women I found that they can sometimes be exceptionally enthusiastic in the sack. They are always clearly grateful to be getttinf any attention. Less attractive women NEVER behave as if you should consider yourself lucky to be in bed with them. The less attractive woman will sometimes show her gratitude by cleaning up your home or doing the dishes before she walks home.
Despite the many advantages offered by the less beautiful women, I admit that I am still willing to put up with a lot shit for the privilege of nailing a goddess.
last commentI assume the Helen of Troy scale to be ranking them 1 to 1000 as opposed to 1 to 10 ? Usable to differentiate between girls. I tend to give a lot of 7 rankings out when some a clearly better than others. Let's see if this catches on.
But to your point, are better looking women better at sex ? No, they are not. But I sure enjoy it better. When I am laying the wood to a 900, even if she is just laying there, I get hot by seeing those wonderful breasts sway back and forth while I thrust away. And if the girl is less than a 600, then I'm not sure I care how amorous and talented she is. I don't want her to touch me.
But would I rather have a 700 that is really into it than have a 900 dead fish. Yes, I would.
love the millihelen scale of hotness!
As has been pointed out on this site the difference in our taste in women varies greatly and is a function of time as well. I had a phone call yesterday from a former dancer who 10 years ago was at least a 900 in my book. Yesterday she was enumerating the many reasons why she feels as if she’s experiencing demonic possession and I realized that she’s now dropped under 500 millihelens. I referred her to the good Rev for an exorcism. If that doesn’t do it I suggested a competent psychiatrist to help her fill in the memory lapses (days not hours), evict the other identity living within her body, and her homicidal rages. No wonder she’s less attractive.
The better she looks the greater the effort
The greater the effort the better the reward
When I was 18 my dick got hard if the wind blew. Now that I am in the Autumn of my years, if she is not at least a 7, my dick won't get hard.
I can find something attractive about all women. Most importantly is that inward beauty. I am not saying that outward beauty is not important! But most women have something going for them and there are no 1000s or at least few, but I might tell a woman that she was if I got something out of it.
Would you rather a face that launched a thousand ships or a face that couldn't interest your dingy?
Sexual pleasure occurs in the brain... yours, not hers. If your brain is wired to squirt some dopamine when you mount and have your way with a 9/10 (900 milliHelens) smoking hot babe (which is subjectively determined by your brain) then that's just the way it is, that's how you get your dopamine kick. On the other hand, if your brain is wired to squirt some dopamine when someone sucks your dick in just the right way, and innervates all those penis nerves in such a way that you've never experienced... well then I guess she could be as ugly as an old fat bald man with bitch tits when you finally take the bag off her head.
That’s a very logical and brilliant analysis!
If I can get my brain re-wired so that the dopamine gets squirted out more easily and more often, I can stop wasting time in the strip clubs, save a lot of money and be a much happier man!
I wonder if I can have my brain rewired so that I can get my dopamine kick every time I see a Taco Bell commercial on TV.
I always thought the Taco Bell chihuahua was kind of hot anyway.
While recalling my last personal experience with a lady of very plain appearance, she broke away from what was starting to be some nice making out to pull all her clothing off, hop on the bed and lay there with her legs spread. Not really a smooth transition. And just kinda laid there as I got in and started... After a while, was able to get her more animated, a good (but not great blow job). But also a statement from her "I never cum the first time", timed as if she was reluctant to try...
Point is, not all the plain ones get all aggressive and needy.
Honestly, I think not hot women have that much less experience being fucked by guys lusting after them, and so many more experiences with getting half heatedly fucked by drunks with whiskey dicks they just aren't as excited about getting fucked and more tuned into getting it over with....
All other things equal, yes.
“We have many ways of creating our realities based on the the different ways we perceive.”
~ Zamm Zamudio
I will play along
To answer your question: Not necessarily.
in general terms in our American culture/society, women perceived as beautiful, can get away with things ordinary people can't.
Remember the Seinfeld episode where Jerry takes advantage of his beautiful girlfriend Nicki's ability to get anything she wants?
This in general discourages “beautiful” women from “making the effort”, practice more, study more etc. then the stereotype of the beautiful Dum Blonde appears.
Since perceived beauty is enough for getting men and American women live in this conflicted sexualized but repressed society many “beautiful women” don’t develop sexual abilities and don’t enjoy the “chores” of sex.
I have been with one of the most beautiful girls I have seen in my life, a real 10 from Russia, and it was the best sexual experience in my entire existence to this day, that is why she is my ATF woman.
But there is hope, thanks to advances in communication and plenty of information some American woman are starting to free themselves from the sexual repression and seem to enjoy sex.
Many women including the “beautiful women” start to feel freer to examine and express their sexuality, so hopefully they will be perceived as better in bed in the not distant future...
Better in bed:
They May not be better at fucking but hot bitches are better fucks
Oh Shadow. I so fell in love with Pheobe Cates during that movie.
To state the obvious, no group can be painted w/ the same broadbrush (w.r.t. attractive vs non/less-attractive women) - also, it's not necessarily black or white (hot vs ugly), def a sliding scale.
For me personally, I do think avg looking women often aim more to please - hot chicks IMO are more prone to be pretentiousness and used to things being handed to them w/ much less effort (probably applies to good looking guys to, just ask Juice - there are a lot of good-looking guys that think they are the shit and in part it's b/c women have often kissed their ass).
For me - even as a kid - the girl in the class w/ the best/most-developed bod, is the one I wanted the most, vs perhaps the prettiest-girl in the class which most of the other boys seemed to prefer/like-best - so for me good-looks and sexual-attraction are not necessarily a one-to-one correlation - e.g. yeah, I find models "attractive" - but actually even Victory Secret models are not at the top of the type of women I most want to fuck - they may be considered among "the most beautiful women in the world", but when I wanna toss-one-off a Victoria Secret Model is not what I look at or think about, even though I do think they are attractive.
Of course I realize I'm a bit different than most guys in terms of what type-of-woman turns me on the most sexually - I've always been more about the bod and have lusted more w.r.t. the bod, than the face - for me a pretty-face is a nice plus but not a must-have, I've never gotten a hard-on from a pretty-face - 9 times out of 10 I'll take an avg face and my type of bod, vs a pretty-face and avg-bod that is not my type even if it's still a nice bod to most other guys.
So for me - when I've been w/ a woman that would be considered above-avg attractiveness which I assume often means the face, the encounter has been meh to ok and many have been a dead-fish not used to giving but just being given - not saying there aren't good-looking women that are sexual-dynamos, and not saying most avg women are, just that IME I've found avg looking women more into it and more into giving satisfaction than good-looking women that may take it for granted b/c things have often just been given/handed to them.
But - when we are giving our opinions, could often be the case we may be biased based on one reason or another whether consciously or subconsciously.
IMO, there is no correlation. However, I also would tend to think that the more attractive she is the higher the risk of finding a dead starfish. The more attractive she is the less need there is for her to have any other life skill, even outside the bedroom.
^^ but true in a lot of circumstances
From my experience, I would answer it differently for P4P and Civvies.
My PFP experiences are usually the most attractive (A team) women provided average to good experiences, whereas the not as attractive (B team) usually provided good to great experiences.
That being said, attractiveness is not the only reason for a good experience, her mood, the chemistry, the timing, the negotiation, her experience, all contribute to a worthwhile romp.
In the Civvie world, the experience was more dependent on the type of relationship than her attractiveness.
Holy fuck, Rev, that first link you provided should have had a disclaimer or parental advisory. That bitch's face scared the shit out of me, like something out of the Exorcist.
But I must admit, as I scrolled down, I liked the look of her body, and that pussy looked mighty inviting.
So if she came to my house wearing a bag over her head, I'd hit it.
Not reading this try hard nonsense..milihelens..pfft and obviously no
Not necessarily. Gorgeous women are fun to beat off to, but some not so gorgeous can make you nut in seconds with their skills! Just saying.,..
The better looking a woman is, the worse she is in bed.
I also shoot for women who are at the higher end of the scale looks-wise. It's how I'm wired.
That said, there have been nights in the club where I "settled" for less, but wound up getting more.
But I still shoot for women who are at the higher end of the scale looks-wise. Because I want it all.
In my experience, the psychos are usually best, regardless of their millihelens. If she has that crazy or slutty look in her eye shell prob blow your mind and your load. Fantastic ratings scale!
Americans yes, but ive found the hottest brazilians to perform the best. Usually they are in shape and have a lot more stamina.
i usually look for ‘dream girl’. sometimes i get really lucky.
Its the ones that have the "Come Fuck Me Look" and who dress and paint up slutty, that are better in bed.
As if Stupid Jerkoff Guy would know how ANY woman was in bed.
^^^^ as if pervert would even know what a "bed" is, or even just how to tie his own shoes.
Women are always better in bed when they eat beans first. Then they sound like a whoopie cussion
They are way better in bed the gorgeous women are because they have game with the more physical better looking guys they’ve been with. If they weren’t then those guys would find other gorgeous women that will step up their game. Finding a competent sexual partner is a competitive game. By the way, show me a hot woman and I will show you somebody who is tired of fucking her!
When I get to know a woman romantically over a long period of time her characteristics trigger my horniness when I am with her and when I am without her I am attracted to her characteristics in other women. When I was younger, I was more interested in experimenting with different types (races, faces, sense of style, body type, voice, accent, slow to heat up, fast to heat up, how they move, etc. ). As I got older, I increasingly knew what I liked, and I have only a few regulars who don't fit that type. Although I am personally not very attractive compared to the women I am with, I find that my attraction to them (which I share openly) improves their performance. Women from 500 to 950 want me to desire them, specifically, not just be some horny dude up for anyone. Unless they are super smart and successful, women under 500 are needy, which I do not like, and women over 975 tend to be the center of their own universe, and I find that entirely uninteresting. Sometimes this disinterest is an intriguing surprise for them, but that doesn't change my feelings.
Yeah buddy!
If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife, but for my particular point of view, get an ugly girl to marry you. Never was anything said that was truer.
my ex started out as a very cute adorable woman.
Over thirty years she morphed into ‘the woman that I don’t want to be with’.
For me ... the best sex of all time was with the hottest woman I’ve ever slept with
+1 to the hotties
Hot bitches are better fucks but not necessarily better at fucking