
avatar for gawker
Over the past 5 or 6 years I’ve written articles, many discussions, and innumerable comments regarding my all time favorite dancer. It should be noted that each PL may only have one ATF. Your ATF may change when you find one better than the last, but that never happened with me. I’ve been with quite a few dancers and some very attractive, lots of fun strippers, but none could dislodge my ATF from the pedestal upon which I placed her ( and that was the start of the problem).
After I’d been seeing her ITC and OTC for a couple of years, I was sitting at the stage and she was dancing, naked as a jay-bird. The fellow beside me was tipping her heavily and she was giving him lots of attention - spread leg beaver shots, tits in his face, even her “signature move” where she lay on the tip rail, lifted her leg closest to the PL, hooked her knee behind his head and pulled him in so his nose was about 6 inches from the pink. Anyway, they were talking about his boat, his cars, and clearly were continuing a conversation begun earlier. Her 3 song set ended, she gathered her money and her clothes and left the stage. As the next dancer began her dance, this gent turned to me and with mild braggadocio, leaned toward me and said that he’d been here the week before and the gal who left the stage and he did an hour Champagne Room and she gave him the best blowjob he’d ever had. I said, gee, I didn’t know they did that here.
She came out of the dressing room, approached us, leaned in and kissed me, saying c’mon, let’s go upstairs. Then she turned to him and said, I hope you can stick around. I hope to see you in an hour.
When we got upstairs, I laughingly told her what he had said. Her response? Yeh, a lot of guys have told me that. She went on to say the guy was a lawyer who lived in a pricey community near Boston and she was trying to line him up as a regular customer.
I never expected fidelity or exclusivity from a dancer who was selling me the goods. How do others feel about this? Are you gullible enough to think “I don’t do this with anyone else”? Are you convinced that you are among a select few who have the key to her chastity belt? Or is this one possible reason why you don’t go to the clubs for extras?


last comment
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
My personal opinion is that once you've been seeing the girl outside, you can't really go back to seeing her in the clubs. And in fact there should be no reason to. You can set up what you want with her outside.

The clubs are for new girls.

( Now with the organization I am building lots of things will be different. )


Read the history of strip club legal issues:

Beth Hart

hot looking girl
avatar for rockie
5 years ago
I have never believed that I am the only one getting the "goods" from any entertainer in a strip club!
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
I’m confident not that I’m necessarily the only one but that I’m atleast in the inner circle if they are not biting big time money at least initially for a good minute. That is not a lot of humans in my lifetime that would generate that type of interest from me to begin with.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 years ago
I go to strip clubs specifically to *not* have a girlfriend.

With that expectation on my part, I lose the right to expect any sort of exclusivity from her. And I'm too smart to think she'd grant me such a thing anyway. Maybe not too smart by much, but smart enough to not make an asshole of myself.
avatar for DenimChicken
5 years ago
> I go to strip clubs specifically to *not* have a girlfriend.

This resonates.

I'm aware of the other guys my CF messes around with/has messed around with. I've shared some info from my side as well. It works out - I don't expect it to last forever - we have lots of fun when I see her.

Work is my priority and focus, so going to the club is a nice time to relax and have fun.

Similar situation when I travel routinely and see other girls in another state.
avatar for georgmicrodong
5 years ago
I didn't believe it, until a pivotal event happened. Made me wonder. But she's literally the only one I've fo whom I've even entertained the notion that she *might* be nearly exclusive.

But I've never even bothered to think any of the others I've been with were exclusive.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
I assume that every dancer I have ever been with in any way does the same thing with other(s). This is a business relationship. I've seen my wife with others so who cares. When I come home from the club I open the sunroof, smoke some weed, listen to tunes and head back to real life. When Wife and I swing;l afterwards we head home, open the sunroof, smoke some weed, listen to tunes and go back to real life. You're buying a fantasy.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
"I go to strip clubs specifically to *not* have a girlfriend."

PL's and Womanizers will both often be giving money to women. But they do this for opposite reasons.

avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
^^Why do weirdos go?
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 years ago
It's cute that you think SJG goes to strip clubs.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^ Why do geriatric senile suicidals post on the Internet?

avatar for Musterd21
5 years ago
I don’t go to the rooms in clubs. Maybe a corner but that is about it!
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^^ There's plenty of accounts of dive clubs where girls jump onto your lap and start nibbling at your ear lobe and then licking your neck, defying you to start a makeout session.

Then rather than going into back rooms, they just finish what they've started on couches in darkened corners.

Probably more plausible deniability for the house that way.

avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
I don’t expect any sort of loyalty from a dancer.

During the time we are together - I expect she will feign interest in me - and I expect her to deliver sexually.

Once my paid time is over - she’s back in circulation - as she’s working. I expect her to hustle to sell dances.

I have no misperception of the nature of our interaction - as it’s business.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
Last SB was 20-yrs-old when we met. She's a slender blonde with long silky hair and she models swimwear part time. None of my business and I would be flabbergasted if she didn't have other partners. If I wanted a GF, it would be age-appropriate and there would be no exchange of money.

avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
Just started with a new girl and turns out she's a chem engineering major. Cracks me up...
avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 years ago
Goddam I'm a chem e and I would love to meet an aspiring chem e stripper. That would be entertaining as fuck.

LOL fluid dynamics = well played, @FLF

What's the Reynolds number of ejaculating sperm? LMFAO 😂😂😂
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
I usually find it interesting when another customer wants to tell me about a dancer I know. To me Loyalty is a dancer being where she said she'd be and when if we agreed to meet. Whatever happens with someone else is none of my business unless it's contagious.
avatar for jestrite50
5 years ago
Well I don't know about degree programs and what their majors are but I know that a lot of college girls do turn to stripping to make quick money. I have taken some back to my hotel had some fun and then dropped them off at class later. If I buy a girl a drink I expect her to sit with me while she drinks her drink. If I am handing her front room money to sit and talk with me I expect just that for her to sit and talk with me. If I am driving her back-and-forth to work then I expect a little attention while I'm there and not to be ignored. I've talked to quite a few dancers and most think that this is reasonable. However I understand that they need to make money And more money than I am paying them that night So I allow them to make their rounds if they can't find anybody else to get dances from they come back to me for some more front room money.
avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
Hey, if after a few visits, a dancer remembers my name, and how I like to play the game, that's enough loyalty for me.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 years ago
^^^ Yep. Loyalty in the moment is reasonable. Beyond that? ... no.
avatar for ATACdawg
5 years ago
"What's the Reynolds number of ejaculating sperm? LMFAO"

That depends on the body temperature, the external temperature, and the time the ejaculate spends outside, of course!

avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
The concept of loyalty in a strip club setting full of young girls who are being paid by old men is kinda' silly. Of course the girls follow the money.

But there are also common sense ways to find lower volume girls. The most obvious is to avoid girls who fuck and suck ITC. I only take girls out of clubs that don't allow ITC fucking and sucking and it reasonably ensures that my cock is the only one that has been inside her for the last several hours. Nothing is foolproof obviously, but I have no interest in being x of yy served in a given night.
avatar for Huntsman
5 years ago
I’ve never wanted an exclusive girlfriend in a strip club. Also, it’s a business and I don’t want to fund her life but I understand she’s working to pay her bills. So I don’t expect nor want anything beyond enjoyable service for the time and money spent together.
avatar for Clubber
5 years ago

I've had a total of 1 ATF. She still is as no one ever replaced her.
One evening she was sitting with me in the club and said she needed to go see the customer that just walked in. She left for about 10 minutes, talking to him, then returned to me. Told me the story. He was sort of her BF, but not quite. Turned out later she moved in with him, but never failed to keep spending our time together. They spilt sometime later and she moved away as not to be close to him. That's another story. It was also not long after that I stopped seeing her. Travel was the reason.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
that’s my basic thing too.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
(directed to huntsman...)
avatar for chessmaster
5 years ago
You'd have be a fool to believe you are exclusive with a whore. But on that note professional whores are probably more honest(on average) than regular thots that cheat on you, divorce rape you, etc.
avatar for chessmaster
5 years ago
Dont expect loyalty from any woman nowadays. They are all thots.
avatar for Phandy
5 years ago
I had one ATF like Clubber. She completely lost it one night and broke down treating me like a full boyfriend and dumping all sorts of crap on me. That ended right then and there and I refuse to get attached to a stripper anymore. I may have a CF but that changes on a club by club basis and there's no real attachment other than a mild bummer if she bails on a meet up but that just means it's time to find someone else and the chase to me is more fun anyhow.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 years ago
"That depends on the body temperature, the external temperature, and the time the ejaculate spends outside, of course!"

@ATACdawg well played, but don't forget the diameter of the pee-hole!
avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 years ago
I'm as loyal as my dick continues to stay hard whilst seeing my fave and the cost is still affordable and she's available when I can club. My ATF DS met this requirement for 3 years. She wasn't perfect and we even had a 6 month falling out in the middle, but because she met the requirements I kept going back to her and passed on many other strippers but not exclusively. I had a backup CF that also met the criteria who I would see when ATF DS was unavailable. And I never stop searching for the next fave.
avatar for Clubber
5 years ago

Sounds to me we had to completely different experiences. We didn't become friends in one night and she unloaded on me. Never treated me as her BF, especially since I knew she had one. Never tried to lay her issues on me.

The evening we met and talked, turned out she knew my son. There was about a 30 year difference in our ages. Anyway, we progressed from there. She even became a friend with my family and attended family events. Our secret was just that, OURS. I was the one that ended the club relationship.
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
There is almost no loyalty in this lifestyle, from either the dancer or PL.

While there might be some perceived exceptions to the rule, it has more to do with what one considers loyalty than actually praticing or experiencing loyalty.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
I can't see how I could expect "loyalty" from a woman I'm paying to be with me - the fact that it's a paid-transaction removes any expectations of it being anything more than busine$$ - I guess there can be "exceptions" but I'd assume 9-out-of-10 guys that think they are the exception, are not.
avatar for loper
5 years ago
I don't want to be in any way responsible for financially supporting a stripper -- When I've spent my limit I'll often shoo them away admonishing them to go make some money.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^^^ A PL would look at it that way, paying women for sex, and trying to contain the costs. But a Womanizer would find a way to give some women Mistress Maintenance, while at the same time having a mind blowing and open ended sexual relationship with them.


Ricks act and then think later. So yes, they are influenced by Rick Dugan. They believe that they are Dugan.

And due to psychological and medical torture, Dugan believes that he is a Rick. He is not, he is a hairless ape. He is the Last Man.

This is the best information to date as to who and what the Ricks are:


The Rolling Stones Live In Paris Full Concert 2018

Sexiest Ladies of Jazz
avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 years ago
^ LOL Your definition of a Womanizer is just a PL in denial and drunk on SS.
avatar for Nidan111
5 years ago
I place no dancer on a pedestal. They are business women. They sell me a fantasy. That is how I see strippers. They are my fantasy for a night. I claim no loyalty to them and I expect no loyalty from them. I recently visited my favorite club. I saw a hot dancer on the pole and I made a b-line for her at the stage. Before I got within 30 feet of the stage, she looked at me and yelled out a big hello to me, calling me by my correct professional name. It was then that I realized she was the hot 8 dancer who let me DATY 4 months prior. She asked if I was ready for another VIP. I said yes. She then said, she would be available after her first VIP session this night. When she came out and stated she was ready, I had to inform her that I had already done my VIP with a different dancer. She then asked me why I said I was ready for another VIP if I didn’t mean it. I informed her that I did meant it, but since she was busy and I was ready, I got my vip dance for one of her colleagues.

She asked me if I was ready for vip. I said yes. I did not say that it had to be from her. She needs to be more specific when asking me a question because I truly have no loyalty to any particular dancer.
avatar for loper
5 years ago
Punch that like button.^^^^^^
avatar for Piggie
5 years ago
I'd do a mass transfer with the chem E.
avatar for Michigan
5 years ago
Chemical engineering majors are.just glorified plumbers. I'd ask her if she wanted to lay some pipe.
avatar for samiel
5 years ago
I never assume exclusivity. That said, I gravitate towards those that don't do anything ITC. My current OTC dancer is high volume and I'm going to start looking for someone who isn't as easy.

My last OTC dancer never did anything ITC, but would maybe see guys OTC 2-3 month.

My ATF claimed I was the only person she'd done anything sexual with OTC and I believed her because she felt guilty since she had a BF and pretty much stopped dancing.

In general, I'm under no illusion that I'm anything special to any dancer.
avatar for DeclineToState
5 years ago
-->@samiel: "In general, I'm under no illusion that I'm anything special to any dancer."

Prudent mental and RIL avoidance strategy.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
it's fun to fuck a pretty dancer and then see her outside the club leaving in her street clothes with her novio.
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