Would you rather ...
Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
Get a zero-contact air dance from the most attractive girl in the strip club (by your standards, of course),
Or get an outer-space high mileage dance from the least attractive girl (also by your standards)?
No third option, no grey area, or middle ground. One or the other!
I'd go for the mileage dance because long story short, I'm kind of a ho.
Or get an outer-space high mileage dance from the least attractive girl (also by your standards)?
No third option, no grey area, or middle ground. One or the other!
I'd go for the mileage dance because long story short, I'm kind of a ho.
I'd probably go w/ the high-mileage dance from the fugly - an air-dance is about the ultimately insult to my PL-game
Now if I was walking across the street and BOOM flattened by a semi, that would be better.
I had this very issue at a club in Santa Barbara recently that I reviewed. I got a higher mileage dance from an average dancer in the VIP, and wished I'd selected the club stunner for what I knew would be less mileage, but breath-taking beauty.
In a high end club, the least attractive is still pretty nice (7?) usually. In this case give me the lap dance.
In a dive the hottest may still only be a 6. No thank you.
I wouldn't get an air dance in any case.
Jk. :) in all seriousness I'll take the air dance.
But air dances.... no way.
reason being is that in some clubs even the dancers who i find the least attractive are still not that bad
in other words, ugly chick in a strip club ain't like ugly chick in the real world haha
That being said, I could handle getting dances from the least attractive dancer as long as she had and decent body but if she had small tits or was too skinny than forget it, I'll go with the air dance.
I’ll take the air dance
If she's at least passable, I'll take the mileage all the way.
If she's funky looking, I'll close my eyes and take the mileage.
If she smells like my shorts on squats day, I'll take the air dance.
Also, air dance.
If it's free, air dance
If I'm paying, fugly
I’ll consider the least attractive, high mileage dancer in the club on her own merits; so maybe, maybe not.
In a typical club, the least attractive girl to me is REALLY unattractive, often grossly so. No interest in anything from her.
Air dance with the hottie, it's just $20, and use the post-dance socializing to hit her up for OTC. If I'm stuck having to do one, I'll take the useless airdance, and hope to turn the $20 into a recurring win
Yeah, I'll take the air dance from a 8 or better before getting pawed by a fugly.
This is strip club, not a game of chess. There is no zugswang in a club. In a club as in most things, when there is no good move to be made, the best play is to do nothing.
But I suppose if I had a gun to my head, I would choose the air dance. I would rather throw away a few tens on some eye candy than a nickel to have some disgusting slob on my schlong.