
layin low but staying high
So I'm leaving tuscl, or at least taking a break for a while. Like several others who have left, I'm just tired of all of the childish bickering and the argumentative, destructive attitude of so many. Plus I can't remember the last time I read something in the discussions that was of any actual help in any meaningful way. Many days it feels like it would be more productive to spend my time on tuscl banging my head against a wall instead. I don't think it used to be this way, or at least not this bad, but perhaps I've just forgotten.
The start of a new year seems like the right time to make this change. There are many people here who I like, and I have enjoyed meeting and getting to know some of those individuals. I will miss them. But of course there are many others who I'll be glad to be finished with. Hopefully for good.
I'm not asking for a going away party or anything. It just seemed right to say something rather than to just disappear.
The start of a new year seems like the right time to make this change. There are many people here who I like, and I have enjoyed meeting and getting to know some of those individuals. I will miss them. But of course there are many others who I'll be glad to be finished with. Hopefully for good.
I'm not asking for a going away party or anything. It just seemed right to say something rather than to just disappear.
I think you'll be back sooner than later since there is no other substitute for TUSCL for those that really like SCing; there will always be crappy threads/comments but also some good-ones one can-enjoy.
If you can fill your time with something more productive and enjoyable then more power to you; but TUSCL is still good for what it is as long as one takes the good with the bad.
All the best and hope you come back.
I think some people have chilled out. On the whole I like TUSCL, only place a PL and Pervert like myself has been welcome.
Take it easy, John. Be well. If your travels ever bring you to Louisville, look me up.
I enjoy reading about people's experiences and adventures with their strippers. It takes time to write good posts like yours. Sadly, good contributors are driven away and we are left with a forum littered with crap posts from trolls.
Every single one of us on this board is pathetic. This is the last place I expect people passing judgment on others.
Oh, and GeogeNanoDong: Go fuck yourself.
See John, *that's* how you do it.
During my atf's travels to Mexico (for rehab) and to Hawaii ( for shits and giggles) I've been cultivating a new friend who holds great potential. I so looked forward to sharing my exploits with you and in some fucked up way seeking your approval or accolades. It is a game of sorts, is it not?
I tire of the trolls and make judicious use of the ignore feature, but frankly that frequently interferes with stream of (non)thought in other discussions. There are several contributors who through the years have really added fun and constructive stories and advice - SlickSpic, FarmerArt, JS69, well they come and they go. Rethink your position, please. Think about the next great conquest in your life. What'll you do, call your ex-wife and tell her about it?
@RichardF “John is at that delicate age between manhood and dotage, which makes him an endless source of amusement.”
@JohnSmith69 “He's just fucking with all of us. Disappearing is his new strategy to get attention, which is what trolls do.”
“I hate those disappearing attention whoring trolls the most.”
Gawker, I have always felt that you are the only one who truly understands my stories, probably because you are the one of the few that has had funds similar to what I have to buy strippers (or rent them if you prefer). I do have many stories to tell, and you're right I can't exactly tell my wife. I haven't even mentioned sex on the beach from my carribean trip a couple of months ago. But I do really need a break for some period of time.
you’re quite welcome
Why are you such an asshat? Afraid to post your mean comments under your main user id, so you use aliases. You come off as jealous, bitter, and pathetic. Fix your own life and quit bashing others.
As one that has taken a hiatus a couple of times, I did miss it to some degree. Perhaps because in my day to day activities (a creature of habit) I had a "hole" in my routine. Not a big one, but a hole, none the less.
I don't doubt I'll do it again, in time. The ignore helps, but it wasn't needed many years ago. As an old timer, I can attest to that, right sc?
Can I use your magnificently cool avatar when you're gone? The one that appears to be designed by an autistic 14-yr-old boy? Thnx, that would be so cool.
Don't let the door...
Take it easy, man. May the strip club gods continue to favor you.
Any way John good luck to you whatever you do.
Joking aside, people need to not let trolling get to them! JohnSmith69, if you're relaying your crazy stories truthfully you're winning my friend! Embrace that fact! Winning = brilliant! ;)
And if you're exaggerating but still having fun, you're still winning! Having fun = winning! And we already know that winning = brilliant! So one can use basic math to conclude that having fun = brilliant!
Stay brilliant JohnSmith69!
Regardless, enjoy the sabbatical and come back energized to share crazy stories!
oh yes you are
when you’ve been sussed, you’ve been sussed. deal with it
^^^ As one that has just done that, it can cause consternation with TUSCL friends. JS69 is trying to avoid that. That is thoughtful on his part.
John some of us will miss your stories, but I understand your feelings. I imagine you will be back soon enough though. Just embrace the ignore option.
And send pictures.
Let's back up a second here.
He claims to be a lawyer.
He claims to be going through a divorce.
He claims to entertain several strippers at the same time.
He claims to be clubbing in a new state once a month.
He's posting 24/7.
When does he have time to practice law?
Hey Johnyboy,don't let the door hit ya in the ass on the way out.
My cousin is a dentist and only works 2.5 to 3 days a week max - he actually leases out his dental practice to another dentist the rest of the time and he makes very good $$$ and does not work too much at all.
I've met JS69 and partied with him at a couple Detroit strip clubs. I think he is what he says he is. I believe he's a corporate lawyer who travels on behalf of his employer, not a trial lawyer. He most likely goes to various cities, negotiating contracts and reading all the fine print in legal documents.
I don't look at this stuff the way you do, and so I don't really go along with the way you present things in your stories. But this is no reason people should be giving you a hard time.
That some give you a hard time is for one simple reason, they are jealous of your exploits. So some of our more negative people need to chill out!
Happy New Year!