
Strip club costs

layin low but staying high
In a recent post, several people said or suggested that they spend $100-200 per strip club visit. And one person, the king, said that he spends under $100. I remember these kinda numbers from previous posts as well.

I don't understand how you guys have much fun for that amount of money. Even at Follies, which is the cheapest good club that I know, I often spend $300-400 per visit. That's maybe 15-20 lap dances, a VIP, and misc expenses. At a club where dances are $20-30 each, I will pretty easily spend $400-600 when the talent is good. And it could go over $600 for a night where VIP extras are involved. I don't feel like I'm going crazy spending this kinda cash, just some lap dances, a few reasonable stage tips, and a single VIP if good service is offered. I don't usually drink much alcohol so I'm not spending much on drinks. And I'm not LMN, so it's not like money is no object for me. I just spend what it takes to have a good time and leave without blue balls.

Am I missing something? Does the $100-200 crowd just settle for a handful of lap dances and call it a night? Are there coupons that I'm missing out on? Are there a bunch of good clubs with Follies-like prices that I don't know about? Are the dancers charging me more than others? And how does the king LDK on under $100?


  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    I agreed JS

    If I go to a somewhat upscale club like the Flight Club near the Detroit airport, by the time i pay valet parking, pay the cover, get a booth, tip the bathroom troll, get a drink, tip the waitress, I'm out nearly $75 before I even say "what's on the menu" to a dancer.
  • bubba267
    9 years ago
    My average spend is closer in line w/ what you are saying.
    Variables for what might explain $ difference-
    Buying drinks for others $4-5 coke vs $8-10 shots or specialty drinks
    Number of "warmup" lappers
    Amount of tip for excellent service in VIP
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    I usually spend $500 to $600 for parking, tips, drinks, and "dances."
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    I might spend a $150-$200 but go maybe twice a week. Like you said that's usually just some stage tips, a few laps and a few drinks. I rarely do VIP as its usually hit or miss unless I've been there before. I spend less but tip bigger and spend less time there.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    I spend < $10 on drinks, almost always water, maybe (not always) one or two dances, then on to the main event. My total cost, even when getting blown, is usually less than $200 in a club.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    C'mon JS69 you know not every one can afford to party the way you do. You pay $500 for a session with your DS. Do you think everyone can afford to do that?

    Looking at the TUSCL Top 10 clubs for value. Atlanta has 3 clubs on that short list and Follies is not one of them. Why? Because the 3 clubs on the list have lap dances for $5/ea. I have been to all 3 of those clubs and you "get what you pay for". Cheap does not equal the best value but tell it to the guy making $10/hr.

    I'm on a fixed retirement income that is higher than a lot of guys posting on here make working but it doesn't mean that price isn't important to me. I refuse to pay more than $20 for a lap dance anywhere. If that means I go without, so be it.

    Having said that a visit to Follies can run me anywhere from $50 to $400 depending on the talent available and whether I do a VIP or not. 2/3rds of the time I do, do a VIP.

    I'm going today. there won't be any entrance fee and if my favorite bar tender is working my cokes will be free. If my newest favorite shows up like she promised, I'll be in and out for under $200.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    I agree with the original post.

    At least in the clubs around me, if I want to have a (really) good time, I have to take $400 to $500. That's if I want to get dances with "extras" from a couple girls. (I don't do this much anymore.)

    I can get in and out of a club for under $100 if all I'm doing is valet, food, drinks, tips, maybe play some Keno, etc. but then I'm not getting any dances from any girls, I'm just there to relax and have a good time and enjoy the sights and sounds of the club experience.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    scat, $50-400 sounds like a reasonable range for Follies. But Follies afternoon shift is one of the best values anywhere for a place with good looking white dancers and high mileage. Sure there are cheaper clubs than Follies, but they are dives that I dont feel safe in even if they had decent looking dancers.

    Yes I pay the DS more than most pay for OTC cause she's special (not sure where you got 500 though). But ITC I didn't think my spending was abnormally high. Just trying to figure out if I'm missing something.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Depending on what you're looking for, it'd be hard to have a lot of fun for that here, too. At least for a multi-hour visit. My usual 4-hour trips include two VIPs ($100 each), plus close to $100 in booze and food to keep us drunk and full for the entire 4 hours. I don't often do the extras clubs, but total cost there ends up being about the same, $275-$300-ish, or more if the girls invite me out drinking on their breaks
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    "Are there coupons that I'm missing out on?"


    I'm in the $100-200 per visit camp as well. I usually don't stay at a club any longer than 2 hours and some change, so I can make do with a couple hundred bucks. Sure, it would be nice to have more to spend, but it is what it is.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    JS69 - Where did I get $500?

    October 29, 2014 • Gawker, yes I am quickly being ruined. I already clearly see how my DS is raising the bar.

    Shadow, I think the cost of every man's dream is different, just like the details of every man's DS is different. However, I will tell you in my case that my dream does exceed your usual $500 budget. Some things in life are worth paying top dollar for.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    ^yeah you go through $100 or even $200 kinda fast especially depending whether its a cheap dive or upscale. How long do you guys usually stay for $400-$500?
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    @Shadow- he said he's paying more than $500 :)

    Nowadays a normal visit for me is doing a 3 songs for $100 VIP with my CF, spending like 30 bucks on tipping on stage, 15 bucks on drinks. That's like $150.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    I learned a long time ago that how much fun I have isn't determined by how much I spend. As a newbie, I used to think it had to be that way. But when I think back on the times when I burned through massive amounts of cash, what I got for it just felt hollow.

    I'm not quite in the $100-200 group. I probably average a little over $200 per visit, but that's for about five hours in the club.

    As much as I love the mileage I can get for $10 at Follies, what I like best is that they are table dances, not off in a dedicated lap dance room. Dancers can hang out for hours just doing a few dances here and there. And sometimes the most fun comes before, between and after the dances. Just getting up to head to the restroom can be an erotic adventure when dancers intercept me and practically rape me right in the aisle.

    If you're into that sort of thing, it can be pretty fun. Sorry, I don't think there's a coupon for it.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    @JS69: I get by on $200 or less because my club is cheap. I can get 5 dances for $50 in VIP or 5 for $60 in the CR, so 10 dances is at most $120 (my ATF doesn't take tipe from me). Drinks are $1.50 each so I give them $3. Food is free. When I'm not getting dances my regulars will hang with me at my table for a while. If none of my ATF's geriactic whales are around, she'll stay with me the whole time as she rarely if ever hustles for dances. So I have free company! My #2 is even friendlier as she'll 'entertain' me at my table; she's looking to supplant my ATF for sure!

    Obviously at a different club my $200 wouldn't go that far, but I like my local club so that's where I go 99% of the time.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    To clarify my post, I'll often be in a club for less than 15 minutes or so just to see who's there. My bottled water costs between $2 and $4. When I "settle down" because I've found someone I know and will do me like I want, I'll be there for another half hour or so.

    If I find someone I want to chat up to see if she's interested, add another $25 and 10 or 15 minutes for a drink, or dance, with tip.
  • minnow
    9 years ago
    "All it takes is one good stripper". That oft repeated quote may well be applicable to the $100-$200 crowd. Not everyone goes for a 2-4 hr. or so visit. Some folks may have a limited lunch hour, have a flight to catch, or otherwise have time constrictions. So, 5-6 lapdances (for $20 per song or less) with the right dancer may be a satisfactory attitude adjustment for some.

    That said, there are some clubs that I cannot envision visiting for 2 hours and NOT spend at least $200.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    It all depends on what I am doing.

    In Detroit after tips and fees Ive spent $160 jist on fees and 1 drink each club hitting 4 clubs.

    If Im not drinking I may only spend $10 in drinks and if I am drinking I may spend $200 on bar tab alone.

    Lappers, VIP, usually try to stay under $300 for the night but Ive gone over many times if i find a dancer of great interest.
  • IHearVoices
    9 years ago
    I don't do VIP, I don't drink, and I don't make it rain. Given those three things, it's really easy for me to stay within that amount...although I often don't. If I'm at a $10 place, I'm good to go with $200. If I'm at a $25 spot, then I'm pretty much resigned to 1-2 girls...but even then, if I space out the dances correctly and the music isn't terrible I'll be fine.
  • MrBater2010
    9 years ago
    Oasis does a coupon on their website. It is for the cover charge. Mind you if you pull that out and don't tip the door girl. She will call you out on it. :)

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Excellent straight up thread JS69. The numbers people were citing did seem too low. Thanks for exploring it.

    This stuff is expensive and tough on most people.

    But also, this is why when San Francisco started going to FS-ITC, back when Willey Brown and Terrance Hallinan were running it, it did not look right to me. Not enough time, not relaxed enough, and not GFE enough. What I was comparing it to was of course AMPs, and San Francisco's are awesome, and I'd learn how to make it go the way I like.


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  • gawker
    9 years ago
    I have budgeted $500 per visit for years and recently tried a visit on the cheap, only bringing $300 with me. Well, before getting a BBBJCIM for the road, I needed to pay the $4.00 ATM fee to get another $100. I had 2 drinks ($20.), 5 lap dances ($100), 1/2 hr CR ($190) and the rest for tips. I left with a $20.00
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Also dependent on how much I spend, at least for me, is how many dancers I'm interested in are on any particular shift. If theres only one or 2 dancers there that peak my interest(or penis) I get a couple dances and then I'm out. If theres any more than 2 or 3 dancers I find hot, I try as many as I can get, however long that is and however much it cost. Within reason. I'm much less likely to blow $300 on 1 or 2 strippers than spend that same amount on 4 or 5 different strippers.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I appreciate all the further info and explanations. Obviously there's a lot of variety in the clubs we visit, the costs, what we're looking for, etc which along with individual budgets explains what we spend. I do hope however that LDK will explain how he has his fun for what seems like less money than everyone else.
  • ArtCollege
    9 years ago
    For $200, an escort will provide a private, relaxed setting with fear of interruption. At strip clubs, I rarely stay more than an hour or 90 minutes. At most places I go I'm happy getting a few dances, at 20 to 30 each. There are a couple of clubs I've been to where for $100 to the dancer I can get happy. Add in cover and a drink and it's still pretty affordable.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    ^^^ that's simple. He goes and sits in a club, and hopes to ldk within 2 songs. So say a cover is $10, and lap dances are $25 - he just spent $60 in the club and busted a nut.

    I am guessing he doesn't drink in the club unless he has to buy a drink, doesn't valet, doesn't tip the dancers too much. In most clubs, it's amazing how little you can spend if you want to. Most places after you pay the cover, you can sit at a table for 3 hours and not spend a dime, and nobody (waitresses, staff, etc) will leave you alone.

    Personally that's not my style but I have been known to sit for over an hour waiting to interact with a dancer and not spend too much. I still buy non alcohol drinks from my waitress and tip her well while I wait.
  • silkypants
    9 years ago
    I am far from the rich guy on this board and I club infrequently so I pack all of my fun into a longs weekend so I usually go big. In Detroit every dance is like going to the VIP without the big room charge. At $25 a song with usually a four dance minimum if the girl is any good and the need to see at least what six girls a night can offer I try to have at least a grand on me per night if I am going to strip club vacation at all.

    Now if I am going to Tampa it is about the same with out extras except maybe takeout and I don't think it is possible to spend a grand on $10 lap dances but I have tried at Follies and The Inner Room.

    Miami is about the same price as Detroit but with a $120 room fee and TJ is half the price of Detroit with more fun/more danger.

    In Minnesota I could easily go to a club and spend less than $200. After all the great places I can go, why would I want to waste my money in Minnesota?
  • newreqs
    9 years ago
    Dude....It's a middle-class world. People spend what they think they can afford....and often way more when they're wasted and some hottie is making their life actually seem interesting for an hour. It's all just pretty, hot-smelling cocaine. There are no coupons. Only ATM receipts.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    The club I go to is no alcohol. Cover is $20 your first visit, $10 each time after if you keep your "membership" card. That includes 2 non alcoholic drinks. I have occasionally snuck in a flask, but I normally club at lunch or happy hour. I'll tip $2 to the waitresses for those 2 drinks... the waitresses are usually hot.

    LDs are $10 for 2.5 minute songs. VIP is $100 for 5 songs. Most dancers will add a 6th free, some will bargain that down to $80 or $70. In the VIP I've always gotten good 2 way contact, stick shifting and LDK for nothing extra. I sometimes get DFK, tit sucking, and hands down my pants for nothing extra in VIP.

    With the right girl LDs are fun. Night shift not so much. A bouncer watches the LD area (but not VIP) so you can't get anything better than 1 way contact from LDs at night. But during the day I've done way more than that during $10 lappers.

    So for $60 I can get in the door, stage tip a few hot naked ladies, go back with one dancer for a couple good $10 bikini dances, get 2 more dances from a different girl and LDK if I want to. I've also just paid cover, gotten 2 dances from my CF who let me suck her tits and touch her all over and left spending $40.

    It partially depends on how many dances you need and how much attention you demand.
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    I average two strip club visits a week and am not rich, so I budget pretty carefully. I have spent as little as $10 (a few times!) for a visit ending with a one-dance lapgasm before the waitress ever got to me. (I'm not particularly proud of that, just honest.) At the other extreme, I've spent as much as $250-300 a few times for a multi-hour visit ending with a BBBJCIM in the champagne room. Typically in a non-extras club I spend $60-120 total for cover, a couple of beers, stage tips, and several $20 dances. For example, at Club O in Harvey and Club 390 in Chicago Heights I often go in the afternoon (no cover) and am happily on my way in an hour or two after spending about $60-70 on two beers and two or three lap dances. I actually can't imagine regularly spending $300+ per visit, but I don't care what other people do -- I'm satisfied with my SC "style", such as it is.
  • jayhawk123
    9 years ago
    The clubs I go to are $10 per song and I am usually only going to get dances from my CF so I usually spend about $150-200.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    I remember spending about $120 or so for a SC visit and getting plenty of bang for my buck.....back in 2003.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Since Mr. LDK hasn't responded yet, I'll just reiterate what he has posted on numerous threads. He does have his own sort of a System. "Do you do extras? Do you grind during the entire duration of the song?" And then he explains that he had to learn how to LDK within a short time span. Also if a dancer asks him to buy her a drink, "I'm not here to buy drinks."

    In my view he is paying money to exacerbate his own sexual frustrations. And also, except for a few quite eccentric and very well off people, you can't try to use strip clubs as your primary source of sexual gratification.


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