
Stripper AMA (ask me anything)

I've been dancing for just over 3 years now and I recently started a blog site. I want to feature articles with questions that I get asked by random people, customers, dancers or those who want to start dancing.

Please message me with any question(s) you have. You will remain completely anonymous, all I would post on my site would be your questions.

Thanks, everyone!


  • TheeOSU
    9 years ago
    Anything? I asked you a question July 7th in your article, still waiting for an answer.
  • TheeOSU
    9 years ago
    Sorry, I just now saw that you answered me in a PM, thanks!
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    i'm really glad you're doing this. i've always been very curious about how strippers feel about certain things.

    i'll shoot you a question or two via PM in a day or two
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Questions should be posted on this thread rather than by PM that way we can all see what is being discussed.
  • MrBater2010
    9 years ago
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Q1) How old are you and what do you look like - e.g. height; boobs (size; natural/enhanced); weight; waist/hips size

    Q2) Is your club a contact and/or extras club? If yes; what do you allow from custies when giving dances – do you do extras?

    We are all adults here and strip club vets/enthusiasts; plus we are anonymous; so no biggie on telling it like it is – but if you are uncomfortable w/ certain details then def ignore the question or part of the question.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Is Juice really LDK?
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Is Elvis still alive and if so how is he doing?
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    What film won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 1955?
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    What are the winning lottery numbers for next week?
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Do you like Huey Lewis and the News?
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Why are fashion critics typically gay men?

    Wouldn't it make more sense to have a hetero horndog from TUSCL analyze whether J-Lo's side boobage on the Red Carpet is sexy or not?
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    What inspired your handle?

    Rimjobs -- brilliant or not brilliant?
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Is Greece really doomed? Can we live on Pluto? Will I bang a 10 before I die?
  • EarlTee
    9 years ago
    Um... where is the blog that you recently started?
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    "Elvis is not dead, he just went home" - MIB ;)
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    What's your favorite color?

  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Post a link to your blog so we can read it.
  • Wicked_Gypsy
    9 years ago
    First order of business, here's my link.

    Some of you guys are worse than the trolls on 4chan! All questions will be answered, even though I'm kicking myself in the ass for not being specific that I wanted questions regarding the job itself lol

    I just got home from work and I'm looking at pulling well over 30 hours of work between just tomorrow and Saturday, so I will get to the questions when I have time. Sorry for the wait!
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Don't take our posts too literally – just us guys being guys.

    BTW – it is TUSCL etiquette for dancers to post pics of themselves – please kindly submit some pics, nude strongly preferred, although you are welcome to blur-out/omit the face if you want to remain anonymous – and of course a piece of paper w/ your TUSCL name on it so we know it's you.

    You can upload your pics to photobucket.com and then post the link – we appreciate your TUSCL patronage.
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    [email protected]'m just a guy who's a guy being a guy

    random movie quotes for $600 alex
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    @Wicked_Gypsy “Some of you guys are worse than the trolls on 4chan!”

    hey now, you’re talking the big leagues there. a nice compliment but you needn’t exaggerate for the sake of becoming popular on this board. seriously, just say that you’re a female (true or not) and you won’t be able to beat most of these guys away with a stick
  • Wicked_Gypsy
    9 years ago
    Ah, my apologies! I originally created this account with my only intention of creating a page for my club, as it was sold to a new owner a renamed. I started snooping around and really liked it here. I have a photoshoot coming up in a couple weeks, and I will gladly post a few of those pics when I get them :)

    And as far as taking things too seriously, I rarely ever do. Between the comments here, on my article and the private messages, I've yet to come across anything that bothers me. I get the blatant questions (about my boob size, if I do extras, etc) and those are fine. So far, everyone here seems fun and polite.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Why is Diva1975 going to jail?
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    glad to hear you like it here.

    a word of warning though, never, never, never get into a motor home with a big fat idiot drinking a bowl of gravy.

    trust me on this one
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Thanks for sharing...
    And another word. You might want to use Blogger. Just visited your site, not very mobile friendly.

  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Some points of warning w.r.t TUSCL:

    + whatever you do; don't ever disagree w/ Dougster – just trust us

    + whatever you do don't try to engage San_Jose_Guy in a discussion – seriously – the bandwidth demands that would ensue can bring down TUSCL if not the whole web
  • Wicked_Gypsy
    9 years ago
    DoctorPhil... not trying to step on anyone's toes here, but it is rare for me to do something just for the purpose of popularity. If I do or say something, it is purely for my own enjoyment. If others like what I post, then that's awesome. If not, then they can deal it in their own way. I just happened to notice how quickly I started getting totally random, off-the-wall questions and thought it was actually pretty funny. It's all in good fun.
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    while we are talking warnings you should know that @zipman68 (aka @4got2wipe, aka @slauxpas, aka @theprophetjuice) are all screen names for this guy:


    you can draw your own conclusions about the moron
  • Wicked_Gypsy
    9 years ago
    Papi, thanks for the heads up!

    GACAclub, I have the option to make my site mobile-optimized. As I mentioned on the opening page, I threw everything together very quickly. It's rare that I have a solid block of time to focus on one task. I'm the marketing and media manager for 2 separate companies, I work two jobs, and take care of my Great Grandfather. If I'm not busy, I'm sleeping, hah. I promise I will make a mobile version as soon as I'm able :)
  • Wicked_Gypsy
    9 years ago
    Papi, thanks for the heads up!

    GACAclub, I have the option to make my site mobile-optimized. As I mentioned on the opening page, I threw everything together very quickly. It's rare that I have a solid block of time to focus on one task. I'm the marketing and media manager for 2 separate companies, I work two jobs, and take care of my Great Grandfather. If I'm not busy, I'm sleeping, hah. I promise I will make a mobile version as soon as I'm able :)
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    "If I'm not busy, I'm sleeping, hah"

    Which brings me to the question I'd like to ask?

    Why are dancers always busy or sleeping :)


    If I smoked a $10 joint ITC with a stripper and then she ask me if I was married or had any kids (No), and then she asked me fir my cell number, and then we start getting suoer high and kissing....was I supposed to go get extras with her VIP?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Just read the start of your blog. I think it's a great project, and it was smart of you to hang out with us. Most dancers don't have such wisdom. Most importantly, I saw that you started dancing at 19, which as everybody here knows is my very favorite dancer age. You're not my DS are you?
  • GACA
    9 years ago
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    If you don't know what a DS is, it's in the glossary!!!!
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    ^^^Umm...she might be your future DS :)
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    "If you don't know what a DS is, it's:"

    dip shit
  • Wicked_Gypsy
    9 years ago

    DoctorPhil - Thanks for your warning, too! I'm cool with pretty much anyone until they give me a problem. In which case, I deal with it accordingly. As I mentioned earlier, everyone I've interacted with here so far seems awesome. No one has been belligerent or offensive, which is great. Either you're all polite, or have really good moderators.

    GACAclub - I'm not sure why that is, I think it's just part of the stripper lifestyle lol I only dance on Fridays and Saturdays, while I work my other job Monday-Thursday evenings, and Saturday mornings, all on top of taking care of my Great Grandpa. Which means I'm no stranger to sleep deprivation and getting accused of being drugged up, strung out, drunk or hung over.

    As far as your question, I don't really know what to tell you. If she seemed into you, and both of you are okay with the extra stuff, then go for it if you know you won't get in trouble. (hey, I like to get laid too) Maybe you could (carefully) ask her should this situation arise again?

    JohnSmith69 - Well, I just may be your DS if you've ever been to the little podunk township of Rootstown Ohio :) I guess that much would also depend on what you like when it comes to dancers. I've been called the ATF and the ideal potential girlfriend (well that doesn't sound arrogant or anything) and I still try to remain as humble. Plus, the massive lack of confidence helps with my modesty.

    I think the glossary is an excellent feature. Kudos who whoever's idea and effort it is. It's great for those of us who aren't quite "hip to the hop", as one might say. I came across it one day after I reading several articles and discussions, most of which included every letter of the English alphabet in possibly every 2 or 3 letter combination.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Rootstown Ohio? I thought Wicked was kidding, but it turns out there is such a place as Rootstown, Ohio. Akron is the closest city I've heard of. Rootstown has three strip clubs. Three!

  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    "Either you're all polite, or have really good moderators."


    Wicked if you keep being this cool I may stop by your little town the next time I drive through ohio. Unless you a guy pretending to be a dancer. If so we will find out. We are nothing if not intuitive.
  • Wicked_Gypsy
    9 years ago
    jackslash - just to clear things up a bit, there's actually only 2, Roxy's is my club, but has since changed owners (or something? I'm still confused on that whole bit) and it's now called Thee Omega Men's Club. The other club is the Diamond Lodge, and I've yet to hear anything positive from anyone that's been there. I guess there's little to no contact, and the girls are all stuck up and antisocial. Rootstown is a teeny-tiny little township right on the outskirts of Ravenna, and most people don't even know where that is, hah. We're literally 1 mile off I-76. Get off at exit 38 - if Speedway is to your right, turn left. If Circle K is on your right, turn right. Go past the hospital, turn right at the little pizza shop and we're right there on your left. Super simple.

    JohnSmith69 - Thank you! I really enjoy talking to everyone here. And no, I'm not a dude lol even though some people refer to me as their "bro".
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    wicked gypsy....i just read everything on your blog. great stuff! but i especially enjoyed "how it all started"

    about to shoot you a PM!
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    I, too, just read your blog and find it to be well done. While I'm no Dr. Phil, the motivations, goals, and achievements of various dancers fascinates me. I've known some who've flamed out and gone down burning and I've known others who have used their earnings to start a career, get an education, or marry an old rich guy. I'm looking forward to reading more.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I don't have a question right now. Just bumping the thread up so it doesn't dissapear yet.
  • tobala
    9 years ago
    2 questions. 1) Why do strippers REFUSE to date a guy with a steady job ? 2) Why do the strippers that you want to forget you remember you and the strippers you want to remember you forget you ? BTW the last girl that done this bailed on the thread after only a half hour. Thanks for hanging in there a little longer.
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    Do you know what you'll do when you stop dancing? Do you hate school? If you do, would you still be a stripper if you didn't hate school? Why aren't you Wicked_Roma to be politically correct, are you a Republican stripper? How often do you have to put up with customers who really annoy you because you are bad short on money? What can customers do to support dancers in having an acceptable working environment? Would you ever date someone you met as a customer? If you would, are custies possible LTR material or just FWB? What do you find attractive in a man (if you are straight/bi)? What were your past SOs like?
  • zipman68
    9 years ago
    @Wicked_Gypsy -- I'm going to assume this is not an elaborate trolling attempt by Dougster (aka DoctorPhil).

    Dougster (=DoctorPhil) is so irritating that he largely drove me off! He arbitrarily targets certain posters (as Dougster he targeted rickdugan, steve229, txtittyfan, and Alucard, as DoctorPhil he targeted me, san_jose_guy, and, apparently, the new set of victims his lists as my "aliases").

    I could warn you to stay away from certain kinds of cars ("if you see a guy cruising the streets in a Gremlin with the windows blacked out...") but that would be a joke. Dougster (=DoctorPhil) is harmless. He is on TUSCL 24/7/365 based on posts by his Dougster handle alone and is clearly obsessed with the site. The only possible explanation for his behavior is that he is living on disability, likely still in his parents' basement, and his only contact with the outside world is via TUSCL.

    However, having only one source of contact with the outside world cannot be good for the guy. He is showing the strain by posting as Dougster and DoctorPhil and I have my suspicions about other handles.

    So, despite having left due to diminishing interest and boredom brought on by his incessant trolling, I check back periodically to see if he has given up. He really needs something to jolt him out of his obsessions. Maybe he'll have a break and his parents will be forced to enroll him in some sort of program. I hate to think about what will happen to the guy if his parents pass away. He's so obsessed with TUSCL that he'll probably starve to death, bumping threads by adding "lol" right until the end.

    I've already seen some breakdown in the boundaries between the Dougster character and the DoctorPhil character. It is my sincere hope that those boundaries fully collapse, since I believe that will be the key.

    Regardless, I wouldn't take much that he says seriously. I don't think that he intends to be cruel to anybody. He just can't help himself!
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Dougster's alright. I hadn't noticed Dougster and zip man didn't get along.

    Maybe there was an economic debate I missed where zip man suggested Dougster invest in treasuries. I don't know.

    I have a question for the op. What would you think of a customer you recognize from the club u work at who popped up on Facebook on your suggested friends list? stalker or worse? maybe a friend of another dancer?
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    Besides the money, what's the most enjoyable part of giving hj's to middle aged fugly dudes?
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "Besides the money, what's the most enjoyable part of giving hj's to middle aged fugly dudes?"

    Brilliant question!

    I was serious about the rimjob question! I like getting them and I do remember2wipe when a rimjob is on the table! How do you feel about giving?
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    "Besides the money, what's the most enjoyable part of giving hj's to middle aged fugly dudes?"

    Lol - I'll bet her answer is "when its over".
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    Your "blog" needs work. Words bleeding out of boxes, a link to another link, huge characters that dont synch well with the content. From a design perspective its choppy. Did you create the coding yourself or did wix help you out. If the latter then blogger would have been a betterchoice. But you made your choice and sstuck with it. The content and idea itself is awesome and will make some time to read it (though the interface is annoying to look at). As an artist seeing not so steller work bugs me.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    Im viewing this on the mobile by the way
  • Wicked_Gypsy
    9 years ago
    Gawker – Thank you for checking out the site and the compliment! I love writing and I'm an extremely outspoken, loquacious person. I love teaching in any way that I can, whether it be showing someone how to do something, or informing them about my personal experiences and such. As of right now, I use my earnings for the necessities – food, clothes, gas, cigarettes, bills, etc. I don't have any kids and I don't do drugs, 100% of the money I make goes to my needs first, and wants second. Once I get more financially stable, I plan on starting up a savings account and put money away for a small house somewhere in the area I'm in now.

    Sharkhunter – Thanks for the bump! Any little bit helps, and I feel amazed to have gotten over 30 some comments within just the first few hours. I intend on keeping this thread going as long as I can, until it becomes totally unwieldy.

    Tobala – Why strippers refuse to date someone with a steady job would be entirely up to them as an individual. Maybe they already have an SO, or perhaps they don't feel as though dating a customer (with or without the intent of a LTR) would be the right thing. This is my personal perspective, think of having a best friend, opposite your gender; you two are best friends. You both share mutual feelings and decide to give the relationship and/or FWB thing a shot. This would normally go one of two ways:
    1. It goes great, maybe you end up getting married.
    2. Things don't work out, it gets awkward between the two of you, and you're no longer friends.
    More often than not, it's the latter, for one reason or another. If you're talking about one dancer in particular, it could be that she's afraid of ruining your relationship as it is right now. And then there's the possibility of she doesn't like you that way, or she doesn't know you well enough. I personally can't stand the idea of normalcy, so that may be a possible explanation, as well.

    When it comes to forgetting when you should remember and vice versa, it's all about the impression you've given the dancer of yourself. If you wish for them to forget about you and they keep coming back like herpes, it's probably because you've led them on without realizing it. If they've forgotten about you, maybe your first conversation or two weren't exactly memorable. Another thing some customers fail to realize is, dancers can meet anywhere from zero to hundred (possibly more) new people every single night they work. Sometimes it takes something totally unforgettable in order for her to remember you. A crazy story, a really weird tattoo, anything like that. That's usually how I help remember some of my not-so-regular regulars.

    In regards to the other girl who started a similar thread and ditched, I wonder why that could be. Maybe she couldn't handle the different senses of humor between all of you. Maybe she didn't get quite the engagement she was looking for. Who knows?

    Ilbbaicnl – I don't know what I'll do when I stop dancing. I do work another job (more or less career) that I'll probably stick with for the rest of my days; so there's always that to fall back on.
    I don't hate school. I wanted to go to college badly for my first few years out of high school, but given that I started my career the day I graduated, I just wouldn't have time to work and go to school, especially now that I have 2 jobs, and do so much more than what's just required when I'm there (website, marketing/media management, etc.).
    My family several generations back were part of the Irish travelers. Being that we're not Romanichal, we wouldn't be part of the Roma Gypsies. I also like the term Gypsy. It's one of those words that kind of means something different to everyone.
    I have no political influence whatsoever. I stand for my own beliefs, some of which are conflicting, however they are not associated with any political party in any way.
    Usually about once every other weekend or so, I'll have to put up with someone I'd much prefer not to, but for no reason other than they're spending money on me. I'm usually pretty good at dealing with different situations and just tolerating someone long enough for them to give me whatever money they decide to give me. We have a lot of regulars who come in, mostly every night we're open, so we almost always have someone we enjoy talking with and dancing for.
    Customers can help support dancers (and their clubs) by simply just being cool and following the heavily implied, but still somehow unwritten rules. Tip if you're at the stage, be honest when giving a girl an answer when she asks about dances, don't scream, “HEY, SHOW ME YOUR PUSSY” from clear across the other side of the club. Super simple stuff. A lot of customers feel the need to lie to a girl when she asks about dances or rooms. Often times they'll say, “Yeah I'll definitely dance with you later,” and never do, then hand us some reason as to why they won't; or even go as far as to say they'll go to the ATM right now, yet instead make a bee-line for the door. Just be honest, at least at my club. If you don't have enough money, if you're not into me specifically, whatever the reason; you should always tell a girl outright why you can't or won't buy anything from her. I work with an absolutely amazing group of girls. They can tell if someone they're sitting with isn't into them. Most times, they'll offer to go get another dancer so the customer doesn't have to, just because they want that customer to be happy. If you're tapped for cash and can't/won't use our ATM, tell us. We'll still sit and talk with you for a while, especially if we're not busy. We like company just the same as anyone else.
    I will never discount a customer from a relationship just because they're a customer. However, I'm currently in a relationship that I don't see ending any time soon. Should I be single, yes there are definitely a few guys I would give the chance. There is one guy that I could see myself marrying if we had met before I started dating my current SO/LTR. Others just seem as they're better suited for FWB, or dating for just a short while.
    I'm bisexual, but I tend to lean more towards hetero, just because any woman I've dated turned out to be a drug addict, liar, or fake. Women have cause a lot of problems for me, so I stray from them. However, this does have its advantages when we do girl-on-girl shows. I seem to get more tips than those who are straight, and make it obvious that they're not enjoying it. In a guy, I love confidence. I love a good sense of humor, and more than anything, someone who treats me like a human rather than a piece of property. Aesthetically, I love facial hair and tattoos, and someone who isn't built like a weight lifter. I like my guys a little bit on the chubby side.
    I have no past SO's, really. I've been with my current for just over 9 years. Chubby, beard, tattoos and gauges. He's my ideal guy. He's also incredibly supportive with what I do, and he's always there to console me when I have a bad night.

    Zipman68 – I take just about everything I hear/read with a grain of salt. I rarely take someone too seriously, unless I have good reason. I also don't judge. If Dougster is what you think he is, that's his life and I have no say-so in how he lives it. All I want is respect to be returned to me just the same as I give it to someone. As I've mentioned before, there has yet to be someone who's given me a problem here on TUSCL.

    Sharkhunter – Usually if someone pops up on my facebook, it's because I'm friends with a lot of the other dancers and they are, too. I actually have 2 separate facebook, instagram and twitter accounts; one is my personal stuff and the other is for my dancer persona. This way, I can add my customers to better keep in contact (I'm weird about giving out my number, and I don't want to go the route of getting a second phone), and they don't have access to my personal information. I've yet to deal with a stalker on SM, they usually just come into the club. The staff is excellent about making sure the girls get to their cars safely and aren't being followed.

    Lone_Wolf – The most enjoyable part about giving a handies to middle aged fugly dudes... hmm... I'd have to say the fact that I don't fucking do it?

    4got2wipe – Rimjobs are great as far as both parties are on board. However, anything sexual is explicitly reserved to the LTR I have waiting for me when I get home every night.

    Sclvr5005 – You'd be right, if I were doing that stuff, lol

    Estafador – The site is not yet mobile-optimized. I've just been way too busy to get to it, but I eventually will. When I do, I'll be sure to PM you the mobile link.


    Sorry for the delay, everyone. As of right now, it's almost 9am for me. I woke up at 3pm on Friday and have been going nonstop ever since. That's 42 hours of no sleep – 5 or 6 hours worth of traveling, the rest belong to work. I've had barely enough downtime to get myself a cup of coffee and grab a bite to eat. It's finally time for me to crash, I look forward to more messages and comments whenever I manage regain consciousness! Thank you all and good night/morning!
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    OK here's a serious question. Why do some strippers ignore certain customers( speaking for myself, young and black) but always find a way to get around to the white customers(old and young)? Even when they can see I have dollar bills to tip(usually as much or more than everyone else at the stage). Seriously I have laid out $10-$15 in singles before at the stage, because I'm used to conviently not being noticed by the hottest white dancers on stage, only to still have some of them ignore me or worse, come over to me at the very end and take the singles on stage even though they didn't bother to come over to me.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    Brilliant answer to Gawker's question!

    Unfortunately, you disappointed a lot of middle-aged fugly guys with your answer to sclvr5005's comment! Unless you meant to say that you don't give hand jobs to middle-aged fugly guys because you prefer giving blow jobs! ;)

    But I suspect that isn't the case given your answer to my rimjob question! :(
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Wicked, how does the boyfriend deal with you stripping? I know he is jealous at times whether he admits it or not.

    Also, I know you said you don't do drugs, but would you please smoke weed with me when I come to your club? As everyone here knows, marijuana is not a drug. It's just a plant that has certain side effects when you burn it.

    Seriously I smoke a vape in clubs. Tiny, discreet, no smell, just a little vapor. And they're loaded with high quality concentrated wax that I buy in legal states, not some homemade crap. Best of all for you, I spend a lot more money on strippers when they get high with me.

    Lastly a suggestion. You really need to give out your number to build regulars. Try using a texting ap on a smartphone. It's like a phone on your phone. That way you don't need a separate burn phone, and it's easy to keep your two lives separate. I've suggested this to several dancers who now use an ap and it works well for them and me.

  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    Seriously though, I enjoyed reading your answers! You seem like a really interesting, articulate, and sweet dancer!

    Please don't take the crude humor we bandy about here at all seriously! ;)
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    So, at this point, if I was talking to the OP in a SC, my eyes would glaze over I would immediately start looking for funner company. Interesting for awhile, but this topic and the OP would probably do better on SW.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    thanks for the answers wicked gypsy
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    lone wolf, if you want this thread to dissapear, click the ignore icon under wicked gypsy. You won't be bothered any more by this thread. I'd like to continue threads by dancers rather than keep referring them to another web site after they first appear.

    One reason dancers don't post here much. Someone or multiple guys keep suggesting another web site. Not everyone has the same opinion here that's for sure.

    Note to turn the ignore feature back off, you need to go to your profile page and select whomever.
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    @sharkhunter: I get your point but...the OP does not appear to do ITC extras and does not partake in OTC. Given this, I think a Q&A on TUSCL from the OP has very limited value. But, that is just my opinion and others may find her input intriguing.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Why were my questions left unanswered?

    I'm not a troll. I didn't expect a young dancer to know the significance of the 1955 Academy Award Question without looking it up - but I'm disappointed none of older guys got the reference -- hint, hint Herb Stempel.

    But seriously, when the E! network does a red carpet event, why do they always have gay men evaluating women's fashion? They don't have a clue what's sexy on a woman.

  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    ^always wondered that myself.
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    moto, don't feel bad. no one guessed my movie quote either.

    My eyes have already started glazing over reading this thread but I'll take a stab at it and participate.

    gypsy, what is your take on couples? do you know how to deal with a couple or even approach them? if so, do you usually give higher mileage during LD's because one of them is a woman?
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    Gypsy- thanks for the well thought-out response.

    chess master- I'm a young black guy, too. But I don't feel like I've been avoided/discriminated against/ treated unequally in the strip clubs. Perhaps I'm naive and it has happened, but if has, it was in very subtle ways, which makes it hard to recognize. I guess what I'm trying to say is...it's all blur to me. If it has happened to me, I certainly didn't know it. And I don't like to accuse someone of something like that unless I know FOR SURE!
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    I'm actually curious about chessmaster's question! I'm a young white guy (30's is young, right) and I feel I can go to the club "dressed down" and still be viewed as some od with money!

    GoVikings, I don't think chessmaster was saying anything specific and I'm sure individual girls differ! But the trend probably exists, at least in some parts of the country!

    What is your take Wicked_Gypsy? Does the dance race matter (in your experience)? For white dancers does it matter if they have a black boyfriend or husband?

  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "I'd like to continue threads by dancers rather than keep referring them to another web site..."

    Brilliant point sharkhunter! Agreed! I respect a girl that chooses to do extras if she's comfortable with it and one that isn't comfortable shouldn't do them! :)
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    And I respect the latter choice too! People should just be themselves and only do that which they find comfortable! ;)
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    So are we supposed to send her a PM or ask the ???? here?
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    @goViking might be because you're a handsome goatee-having-ass nigga too :)

    I will say if you are Black, do not go into a strip club looking ragity. Dress like you actually have a 9-5 or else bring the best weed in town with you.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Kudos to Gypsy for answering questions. The last dancer that started a similar thread like this tapped out pretty quickly.

    GACA is right about the weed. Strippers will love you eternally for that haha.
  • Wicked_Gypsy
    9 years ago
    Chessmaster – (I'm not racist, so I'll try to avoid sounding that way, but I'll give you my honest opinion. I apologize if I come off as sounding offensive.) Speaking from personal experience, I have noticed that I, myself, and many of other dancers have had more problems on average with non-white customers. Black, Middle Eastern, Hispanic, and Greek guys seem to have the worst self control and have a much harder time following the rules and taking no for an answer. I will still give anyone a chance to talk to me and get dances. Some dancers are too jaded (even dancers from those ethnic backgrounds) to talk to anyone who is of a particular race. It sounds really shitty, but that's how they protect themselves from having problems. I'm not saying all non-white customers are problematic, or that none of the white customers are; the problem is that if a handful of different customers from one race give us problems, many girls assume they all will. Maybe this is the case with the club(s) you've been to? Your best bet would be to try to approach a dancer that you really like and ask her to sit with you. Show her that you are polite and respectful. Don't wait for her to ask you to buy a dance, ask her first. If you dance with her and don't give her any problems, then you may break some of the racial stereotypes they have and reset their way of thinking. I'm sorry to hear about your experience. More dancers should be equal opportunity.


    4got2wipe – You are correct in assuming! Handies, blowies and all the other fun stuff is reserved for the hubby. I'm glad you enjoyed reading! I try to carry myself to a high standard out of fear of others thinking I'm some dumbshit who takes her clothes off for money. I never take anyone too seriously, so you're all good. You seem to be a very... “interesting” character. Not sure if that's the right word? Haha. I'm a very blunt person. If you ask me a question, I will answer as straightforwardly as possible, regardless of the subject matter.


    JohnSmith69 – He deals with it very well. Long story made short, I've wanted to be a stripper since I was a wee-one. He and I met when I was 14, and he encouraged me to go for it when I was legal. Low and behold, here I am! He's supportive and likes to hear all of my weird/crazy/silly stories. He's been to my club once and was totally cool about me talking and dancing with other guys. He even noticed a guy that hadn't been greeted by anyone else yet and sent me his way. He doesn't exactly “get” the stripper life, but his standpoint is; if I'm happy, comfortable, safe, and making enough money to be fairly compensated for my time and effort, then more power to me.

    As far as smoking, I can't have anything with THC. Smoking and ingesting makes me trip really badly, believe it or not. I have nothing against smokers, in face I hope it gets legalized. I just cannot handle being high. I'm not entirely sure why that is, but I know most often it ends up with multiple people sitting on top of me, to prevent me from ripping my own skin off. This has happened numerous times, with different strains from different people. I've bought it third-party, and I've picked my buds straight off the plant myself. It just has a terrible effect on me. However, I may be able to find someone there you can smoke with. I won't mention names, but I know a few of the girls do. Not sure how they'd feel about wax, though. I'll ask around for ya :)


    Lone_Wolf – (If you're still here) That's totally your choice and I won't hold it against you. You know the saying: You can please some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. Given that your first interaction with me was about handies, I assumed I wouldn't be your cup of tea, anyways. Thank you for at least hanging around as long as you have.


    sharkhunter – You're welcome! I'm trying to get through all of them the best I can given my time constraints.


    motorhead & seaboardrr – I'm so sorry for not getting to you guys! Initially, I had intended on copying everyone's questions down, setting them up and answering them in a Q&A or FAQ format, posting them on my site, and sending you all the link. However, massive amounts of caffeine and a solid block of spare time somehow got me to start answering on this thread outta nowhere. So to give you guys the same treatment as everyone else, here ya go:

    motorhead – In 1955, I would have to guess something along the lines of Abbott and Costello. After googling, it turns out that it was “On the Waterfront”. Having read the synapse and seeing that Marlon Brando plays the lead role, I will definitely have to check it out. I don't know much about the classics, but I do enjoy them. Thanks for sparking an idea for something to watch :)

    seaboardrr – Random Movie Quotes for $600: It's what I ate with some fava beans and a nice chianti.

    I like couples. I treat ladies almost the same as guys, with the exception that I ask what kind of dance they want – guys have different hardware than ladies, you almost can't go wrong with grinding on a guy but the stimulation is totally different. If she is there with her boyfriend, I may tend to give a little extra so that he gets a good show and she enjoys herself as much as, or more than, he does. When approaching a couple, I will often engage with the lady first. I'll ask questions geared towards both of them first, then ask more individual questions as more time passes. I try not to be overly flirty with the guys, as I don't want to put off his lady or make her feel like a third-wheel.

    I always like to find out why a lady is there with her man. Most often it's because they're swingers and like me to dance for them while they get frisky with one another. If that's not the case, the lady usually wants to know what's so appealing about strip clubs, or doesn't trust her man to go by himself or with his buddies. I have seen the latter end relationships. In fact, just a few weeks ago, something like this happened. One of our regular customers (the guy who talks to and dances with most anyone, he's everyone's friend) had just started seeing a new girl. He comes to our club and several others regularly and just likes the environment. His new girlfriend knew about his lifestyle long before they started dating, and he made it abundantly clear that we were his friends and that he wasn't going to shove us off just because of her. She understood that and came in with him one night. He was being sweet with her, you know, the normal hand-holding and kisses once in a while so that everyone knew she was his. Well, another dancer and myself came over to him to say hi, and we introduced ourselves to his new lady. She seemed really cool at first, we held a nice little conversation for a while. Then he happened to comment that one of the dancers seemed to have lost a little bit of weight, right in front of his girlfriend. Now, his girlfriend was gorgeous; great face, great body and awesome personality. After hearing him compliment the dancer, she immediately flew mad and went to go sit in his car for the rest of the night. I guess they wound up splitting just a few days after that, when she realized she couldn't handle the way he was. Totally respectful guy, never did or said anything inappropriate with any of the dancers. It is what it is, but she knew what she was getting into before she got into it. Normally we don't have these kinds of issues, but hey.


    lopaw – You're really supposed to ask them here, but I gave the option for people to PM me just in case they would like to remain anonymous to everyone else for whatever their reason. Their questions will still be posted here (when I get the chance) and on my site, I will just omit their names.


    GACA – I agree with going into a club looking presentable. Often times, we get guys that just came straight from work and haven't changed yet. We get a lot of construction and landscape workers, and even a few farm boys. Sometimes they come in a little muddy or dirty from work. I'll give these guys as much of a chance as anyone else. Worst case scenario, I get a little dirty from dancing for them. That's one of the many reasons I carry a stockpile of baby wipes.


    ranukam – Thank you! I heard about this other girl dipping out shortly after starting her thread. Does anybody know why that is? If I start something, I intend on finishing it. I'm not the type of person to offer something and not deliver. Whether that's answering questions, responding to comments/messages, or what have you. I may not get to it right away, but I almost always will eventually, unless something happens to where I can't. I'm not a dick like that, lol
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    @W_G- Lol well I PM'd you because I thought that was what you wanted. Feel free to answer my question(s) here if you'd like, using my name. It would be no mystery to anyone that it came from me. I'm far from shy and everybody here knows what a lesbian monger I am ;)
    I can repost the questions here if you'd prefer.
  • Wicked_Gypsy
    9 years ago
    lowpaw - Sure thing, it'll make for better public discussion. And thank you for asking!
    " ... I have to ask if you've ever (knowingly) danced for a lesbian? And if so - how was it?"

    I have both knowingly and unknowingly danced for lesbians. I have danced for both feminine and masculine (sorry if that's not PC) ladies. I love dancing for them because straight, bi, or gay, they seem to see it as more of something that's just flat out fun rather it being overly sexual as most guys make it seem. The only issue I have dancing for ladies is that I don't really know how to make it as physically pleasing as it is for guys. If a guy has a boner, I can feel it which is good, because 1. I know what I'm doing is working, and 2. I can feel where I'm supposed to be moving. Yes, there's the aesthetics - watching me grind and gyrate - but I worry that I'm not doing as good of a job because the vajayjay is a lot more difficult to grind on than a peepee. One plus is that I can usually touch their boobs which is great for both them and myself. However, despite my apprehension, I haven't had a complaint from a female customer. I'll often ask how and where they'd like me to dance and they'll let me know what they want me to do. I'm always open for tips from customers regardless of gender because what works for one, may not work for another.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    @WildG "GACA – I agree with going into a club looking presentable. Often times, we get guys that just came straight from work and haven't changed yet"

    I can't take credit for this, leisure-suit-Larry aka RBD aka RickyBoyDugan invented "The System", I've adopted it's 33% success rate (earlier than the his projected 18 months mind you) since Dougster re-introduced it.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    ^yes we should all thank rickyboy for "the system".
  • tobala
    9 years ago
    I think you missed the humor but thanks for the answer anyway. FWIW I have no desire to be in a relationship with a stripper. I just hear a lot of girls complain about deadbeat boyfriends. I feel like their SO should be their complaint department, not me. The second question was meant in humor too but that was a great answer. You seem to be a good sport so I really hope you stick around. :)
  • TheeOSU
    9 years ago
    Gypsy, how tall are you and how much do you weigh?
    Do you get nude on stage and during lap dances?
    I gravitate towards petite slender dancers, are there any in your club and what days and times am I most apt to find them working there?
    Are any of my type dancing early like 5-6pm?
    Are TUSCL's posted hours for your club accurate?
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    Hmmm, Silence of the Lambs I wouldn't classify as obscure. That'd be like saying "Go ahead, make my day" and thinking someone wouldn't know it. Besides, not trying to be a dick but it's actually, "I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti." Now if you had come back with “Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!” I would've been somewhat impressed.

    Anyway, I wasn't ASKING for a movie quote and it was directed to anyone. What I posted WAS the random movie quote.

    Call me a huge cynic but I'm just not buying this anymore.
  • Wicked_Gypsy
    9 years ago
    tobala - Now that you've said that your questions were in humor, I see where you're coming from. It's one of those things that you can only reply with, "That's just how it goes", I guess. I agree about the SO being the psychologist, so to speak. Customers don't come in to hear girls' problems unless they're more of a personal friend. I look forward to hanging around this place as long as I'm able. I'm really starting to like it here.

    TheeOSU - I wouldn't be classified as petite, but that also doesn't mean I'm obese, either. I hope you can understand that, hah.
    I'm about 5'5" - 5'6" (closer to 6' with heels, I can't dance in anything shorter than 6")
    I'm usually right around the 150 mark, but my weight tends to fluctuate because of the birth control I'm on. I also have a nice bit of muscle.
    Yes I get nude on stage and for lap dances. Typically I will only get nude if a customer buys 2+ dances, and only if I feel comfortable getting nude with them, and I almost always get topless within the first minute or so of the first song.
    As far as petite girls I work with, there's one black girl that I've heard tons of complaints about since she started just a few weeks ago. She's immature and obnoxious and talks about her kids way too much, and in a way that's very unflattering. I've yet to meet a single customer that can tolerate her. We open our doors at 6, and she gets there around 9, I believe.
    Then there's Danny... She's very thin, tall and big boobs. I absolutely adore her as do many of the customers. She gives incredible dances. She usually gets there shortly after open.
    The information about Thee Omega Men's Club here on TUSCL should be accurate, as it was just recently updated. The only thing that I wish we could've added is that we can and will stay open later than 4am. If there are a decent bit of customers spending enough money to make it worthwhile, we will stay open pretty late. As a matter of fact, last weekend we wound up closing down after 7:30am Sunday morning because we were moderately busy all night, then got slammed around 3:30am.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    Thanks for your reply to my questions, WG.
    I am not a typical female customer, in that I am there strictly for sexual satisfaction, and I make sure that the dancer is dancing for me in a way that leaves little doubt that she is doing a good job. I particularly love dancers that know what they're doing and take an aggressive initiative with me. A grind for a woman is nice - but if a woman is in it for more than just fun it has to be kicked up a notch or two (or twelve!). Nice to hear that so far you have had generally good experiences with lady custies.

    And no worries about the femme/masc assessment. We come in all shapes and sizes :)
  • Wicked_Gypsy
    9 years ago
    seaboardrr - That was the first quote that popped into my head and it seems as though not a lot of people that I know have seen it, believe it or not. I obviously misconstrued what you were getting at, I thought you were throwing out an open-ended request for movie quotes. And if you're "just not buying this anymore", you're free to go. There's nothing to "buy" here. Just a bunch of people having a discussion.

    motorhead - You know, I never once gave it a thought as to why many fashion critics and designers are gay men. It's absolutely baffling for them to have a job that requires them to look mostly at females, which you would think some of them see as being revolting in a sexual sense. Unless, however, they look at it as if it were more of a kind or art. Then again, straight men would probably grope and drool, while straight women would just make snarky, passive-aggressive comments about the woman in the spotlight. Maybe there should be more lesbian fashion critics. I vote we throw Ellen DeGeneres up for ballot.
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    I'm free to go? Seriously?? Wow, I'm so glad the owner of this site told me I'm free to go. (insert eye roll smiley here)

    Let's see, the cynic in me sees a whole lot of brand new obvious trolls registering on this site in the last few weeks. Just way too much way too fast and way too generic.
  • Wicked_Gypsy
    9 years ago
    lopaw - You're welcome! I'm glad to hear things from your perspective. It's very rare that we get female customers, and rarer yet that the buy dances. They're always great tippers, though!

    seaboardrr - You're obviously going to think whatever you want to think. Yes, I'm new here; I just made my account about a month ago. In regards to not having a profile picture, I have't been able to upload one because I have no pics of myself at the moment, and I have a feeling it wouldn't go too swimmingly if I just uploaded something generic.

    However, I have nothing to prove to you. Maybe I'm a troll, maybe not. I don't feel as though it's any of your concern if I'm not causing problems for you directly, or some sort of mass hysteria site-wide. In fact, you're the one who's causing any sort of stir, here. You made the snide comment about "not buying it anymore", to which I responded by telling you that you can go, meaning to see your way off of my post if you don't want to be involved any longer. I've been nothing but polite and engaging in my time here so far.

    And FTR, I know how the Hannibal Lecter quote goes. You started with the Jeopardy styling, and I followed. I was hoping you'd reply with, "What is his liver", or something to that effect; but I guess that much had gone over your head.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "Let's see, the cynic in me sees a whole lot of brand new obvious trolls registering on this site in the last few weeks. Just way too much way too fast and way too generic."

    I can't believe this is trolling because of the wix website! Way to elaborate! Plus Wicked_Gypsy seems nice! But if she were a troll I'd say she was an absolutely brilliant troll!

    Wicked_Gypsy, the use of exclamation points and use of brilliant is just a joke that started accidentally! I was feeling down due to a breakup when I started posting here so I used exclamation points because they are the happiest form of punctuation! And I happened to use "brilliant!" a few times and decided it would be fun to use it more! I don't say "brilliant!" that often IRL! Though it is such a happy word that maybe I should!

    There is a lot of suspicion of trolling on here! Don't take it seriously!
  • Wicked_Gypsy
    9 years ago
    4got2wipe - I don't know what seaboardrr's deal is. I understand being skeptical because I've dealt with trolls before, myself. That still doesn't give him the right to start giving me 'tude. I would like to think that I don't appear to be a troll, considering my regular posts and such. I know I can't be online too much too often, but FFS I'm running 2 businesses on my own right now, in addition to being the marketing/media manager for both, AND other companies! I have a feeling like he just wants to kick up some dust!

    As for your exclamation points and use of the word "brilliant", you have your own thing, just as everybody else does. I see nothing wrong with it, even though it's not something I could see myself doing regularly. I take no offense by it, it harms no one, so keep at it!

    Jabberwock - Nope, I never avoid dancing for the bigger guys. If they're big, they know they are. If they've gotten dances in the past - most of which have - they know the belly gets in the way. They know how and where to position themselves on the couches so that I can get to the areas that are most important. Plus I'm a master in moving my body in awkward ways, so I can always just manipulate myself in such a way that works for them.
  • knightwish
    9 years ago
    @Wicked --

    Here is my question.

    Strippers vary wildly on kink in clubs and rules. Some like to show off hitting customers (who want hat) some say it is absolutely against the rules. Some will do humiliation others say the manager won't let them... Mostly I suspect they have no idea. So... what are dancers actually told by management when it comes to kink and how much are they just making up fake rules?
  • Wicked_Gypsy
    9 years ago
    Jabberwock - I don't do extras - wasn't sure if you'd read that in one of my many previous comments. I make full contact, most often in the "One Way" classification. I do get fully nude if I'm dancing for someone for 2 or more songs (can't give it all up on the first song, right?). As far as the "Two Way" dances, those are reserved for specific customers that I know well, and trust not to take it any further than I'm comfortable.

    knightwish - Our managers' stances on the whole kink, sub/dom and BDSM thing is; all parties involved must be willing to participate, and we still have to maintain some level of class. Choking, hair pulling, biting, scratching, etc. are okay, so long as no one gets injured (or at least hurt beyond a point they're okay with). They prefer we not draw blood, but that in the event that we do, we're careful (to avoid any sort of contamination, excessive blood loss, making a mess, etc.). Everyone is pretty easygoing, but it's very rare that we get any requests for any of the really heavy stuff.

    As for actual rules, they're going to vary club-to-club, and then dancer-to-dancer. For some clubs, it's a matter of legality; for others, it's the matter of scaring other customers and dancers, and maybe sending the wrong message about the establishment as a whole.
  • Wicked_Gypsy
    9 years ago
    Jabberwock - Yes, one way implies that the dancer is touching the customer (nibbling, kissing, putting her boobs in his face, and so on) while the customer maintains little to no contact in return.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Is that you in your avatar? Just wondering.
    Your avatar looks good. Looks possibly like a lot of makeup.

    oh another question, what is your opinion on wearing glitter and or body tan spray stuff?
    I get more annoyed with seeing a bunch of brown smears on my shorts. the body spray tan I imagine. Is there a way to tell if a dancer is wearing it by looking at her?
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Luv the avatar. ..
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    Do you have friends / relatives who still follow the Irish Traveler way of life? What do they think of stripping as an occupation?
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Irish Travelers? Don't you mean Pikeys
  • Wicked_Gypsy
    9 years ago
    sharkhunter - Yes, that's me in the avatar. I did some digging and came across it in an older folder. And thank you, it's one of my favorite pics of myself :) Actually, aside from my eyes and some occasional lip gloss, I wear no makeup whatsoever. No foundation, no concealer, no finishing powder. I wear eyeliner, eyeshadow (usually), brow color to fill in my eyebrows, and mascara.

    As for glitter, I tend to stay away from it. I have a couple different shimmer lotions that I use that give me just a little bit of a glisten, but I rarely even use those. I don't like the way a lot of glitters look on me (especially those that are a larger metal-flake), and I wouldn't want any to get on anyone else, in case it irritates their skin, or they have a wife at home who thinks he's just pulling extra hours at the office :)

    Any sort of spray-on tan will leave streaks on your clothes, even those done professionally. If you feel the need to tan, I suggest investing in a self-tanner lotion that's going to really sink into the skin. Back when I was suffering peer pressure and actually giving a damn about what other people think, I used Sublime Bronze by L'Oreal. It seemed to bronze pretty well, even with as pale as I am. It also lasted quite a while and didn't seem to leave any evidence behind. However, this was some 10+ years ago so they may've changed their formula.

    The only way to tell if a dancer has a spray tan is to have a close look as her skin. Everyone has imperfections on any given part of their body. A natural tan will show those imperfections, even though they may not be as noticeable; spray tans will tend to cover these up, almost like a concealer.

    GACA - Thank you! I'm glad I managed to find this one :) Also, Pikey is typically seen as offensive. It's kinda racist/classist. Whether you mean it offensive or not, Gypsies think it's "our word", kinda like some black people call each other... *ahem* certain words, while white people can't call them the same because they're "their words".

    ilbbaicnl - Unfortunately, no. A lot of our traditions have gone by the wayside because when my ancestors came through Ellis Island, the conformed to more anglicized standards. They passed down their stories and beliefs, however very few continued the lifestyle. They got homes and (probably) industrial jobs. Per my knowledge, I have Black Dutch ancestors from Germany, and Irish Traveller ancestors; from Ireland, of course.

    I couldn't imagine anyone in my family (who still follows their traditions) would be too keen on what I'm doing. There's none of this, "My Big Fat Gypsy Whatever" like you see on TV. From my understanding, my ancestors were more modest people. There was jewelry and different little trinkets they would adorn their homes or waggons with. They also had the flowing dresses decorated with coins and jewels, or whatever happened to catch their eye. They just happened to be covered; they didn't believe in showing any part of their bodies they didn't see necessary.
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    Do you have any sexual fantasies you think might surprise us?
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Thanks for the answers. I guess I won't be able to identify dancers wearing the cheap body sprays unless I only got dances from them and got the crap on my clothes. I'm too busy looking at dancers to notice little imperfections.
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    seaboardrr- you aren't a good troll detector. 9 times out of 10, a troll is very easy to identify/recognize. wicked gypsy is writing MULTIPLE paragraphs and given well-thought responses to the questions that she's being asked and you think she's a troll? possible? yes. likely? HELL no. you'd have to be one dedicated troll (or dougster) to commit that kinda time to wanting to trick/fool/agitate someone on the fucking INTERNET. we've got a good thing going here and some of you want to ruin it, SMH. wicked gypsy don't let seaboard run you off here.

    wicked gypsy-- from your experience, do a lot of dancers complain in the dressing room? i know that some of them vent in the dressing room....but i'm curious as to whether it's just a small handful or is it most of them? also, what's one of the more memorable things that you've seen happen in the dressing room? how well do you and your co-workers ( i mean solely the strippers, not the other strip club employees) get along? on one hand, i would think that you gals look out for (and console) each other......but on the other hand you're pretty much competing with each other for who can pull in the most $$$...because that's obviously your primary reason for being there.
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    Yes, my initial reaction was just another troll. That pretty quickly changed to someone simply trolling. Whether this is a stripper or not is of no concern to me anymore. Same BF/hubby since the age of 14. Professed 100% no extras. Started a bad looking free blog with scarcely any material about a business she doesn't own and says has since changed it's name. Yet, all you guys are tripping over your dicks to talk to a woman you would walk away from after 1 dance ITC. I see someone trolling for attention for who knows what. Maybe to simply get material for a site to attract advertisers and make money. I don't know but I'll leave it be and let the rest of y'all have at it. Maybe I'm having a bad week. I don't know but this whole thing just struck me wrong. I haven't attacked anyone here. I just have a different opinion on the matter.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    ^^^if that's Mrs.Seas rack in your avatar, the big time congrats :)
  • Wicked_Gypsy
    9 years ago
    (I'm away on work so I have to post from my phone. Sorry if I make any typos or if something seems janky)

    ilbbaicnl - Honestly, no. I don't have very many fantasies, I guess. I like sex - just plain, normal (usually very rough) sex. I like a little bit of kink, but nothing too extravagant or over-the-top. So long as my partner knows what he's doing, I have no complaints :)


    sharkhunter - I would say your best bet is to stick with girls that are a little bit more pale, or just ask them outright. However, that may seem a little offensive. Some girls will wear a heavy concealer to hide scars, bruises, track marks, anything like that that would turn off a customer.


    GoVikings - Yes, mostly every girl will vent in the dressing room, which is probably the most appropriate of places to do such a thing. We complain about bad customers, other dancers, if something is just generally screwed up, petty stuff. If we have a legitimate concern, however, we will take it to management and address it to somebody who will actually do something about it.

    Some of the most memorable things that I can remember experiencing the dressing room include crazy stories about customers, awesome experiences other dancers have had (such as going to other countries on an entertainer's contract), and just the over all silly, goofy shit we all get into when we converge. There was once a fight in my old club where one dancer beat another with her shoes. They were separated to gather their stuff, and the first assailant snuck back in, grabbed a clothes iron and beat the other girl again. Blood and dollar bills everywhere.

    Where I'm at now, everyone is either very close, or we don't interact. We have very few problems with one another; if we do, we deal with it maturely and away from customers. Everyone pretty much avoids starting drama because they know management won't deal with it and they'll be thrown out immediately. When it comes to having to interact with somebody that we don't like (double couch dance, bachelor/birthday dance), we have the mutual understanding that the customers don't want to see 2 girls being catty with one another. Oftentimes we will result to faking to like one another, which tends to work very well. We both know that we're there to make money so we try not to off as overly competitive with another dancer. We get treated fairly, and often times the customer has no idea that we don't get along. Even if there's somebody we don't like, we always have each others' backs. If the customer is giving a girl a really bad problem or trying to leave without paying for dances, we will help her take care of the situation the best we can, unless that girl really, really fucked up in the past.


    seaboardrr - You know something, I don't really believe that you're an asshole. I honestly don't WANT to believe that you're an asshole. Just because everybody on here has so far given me a positive reaction, that doesn't mean I can expect everybody else to. Yes I understand that my blog site is barren; however, as I've mentioned not only do I dance but I'm also running two other businesses during the week (I avoided mentioning that in lieu of sounding as though I'm seeking attention), and of course I know you're not going to believe that, either. I barely get enough time to take care of myself, so why would I take any more time than absolutely necessary to manage my blog, rather than the important stuff that's making me money?

    I don't exactly know what it is you're trying to accomplish here, but if you're trying to hurt or offend me in any way, shape or form, I do wish you the absolute best of luck. You are literally the only individual on this entire site or any others that has given me any sort of shit about what I'm doing. Again, I don't know why that is. As you said, maybe you're just having a bad week. If that's the case, I hope things turn around for you. Whatever your problems are, they're none of my business so I'll just take it as the fact that you and I don't get along. Let it be known that I have no qualms with you whatsoever. You had an opinion, you publicly expressed it, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. I do the exact same thing, myself. If you don't like my blog site, don't go there. If you don't enjoy talking to, or engaging with me at all, don't message me. You also don't know who I am as a person or a dancer, so don't think that you can just assume that anybody would buy only one dance from me and start looking for someone else to entertain them. You really have no idea.
  • VeryBigDawg
    9 years ago
    When you moving to Atlanta?
  • Wicked_Gypsy
    9 years ago
    VeryBigDawg - Haha, fat chance. I have way too much invested in Ohio (and too many people relying on me) to just pick up and move. Plus, Georgia isn't on my list of places I'd like to live :) I may visit one day, though!
  • VeryBigDawg
    9 years ago
    Go Buckeyes!
  • TheeOSU
    9 years ago
    Now we're talking! ;)
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    GACA, yes those are the titties I get to play with daily. That was one of the tamest pics I could find for my av
  • FullPress
    9 years ago
    Hey thanks wg! Ok me and hubby I swear are good looking. I'm stacked and pretty he's full bore handsome. Alone? He is totally fawned over. But together? Not so much. How can I make it 100 percent clear that I am WAY fine with him getting action? my biggest problem is as a woman I don't want to offend another woman and at the same time don't want to say yes to everyone. I feel like if we pass on one word gets around that I'm not into ANYTHING. Really I'm just not into THAT one. Also I like bring approached more than I like approaching. So I'm in a bit of a bind. Help?
  • Wicked_Gypsy
    9 years ago
    VeryBigDawg and TheeOSU - Scarlet and Grey All the Way!

    FullPress - Hey, there! Thanks for the question! Unfortunately in your situation, it seems like you doing the approaching is going to be your best bet. You and your hubby could decide which girl you would like to talk to, and approach her on stage. One of the easiest ways to do this is to have a few dollar bills in hand (maybe $3 - $4, or more), walk up to her stage set (usually closer to the end, so she doesn't forget), keep your money in sight and give the dancer the "come hither" finger, or another gesture that would prompt her to come over to you. Give a nice smile and tuck the money in her garter, panties (whatever she's wearing), and say, "Hey beautiful, if you're not too busy, would you mind coming over to sit with me and my husband when you're finished on stage?" (or something to that effect). Make it known that you WANT her to sit with you. Many girls don't know how to approach a M/F couple, out of fear of causing a parking-lot argument between them later in the night.

    If approaching a dancer is absolutely out of the question for you, you could always try gesturing for her to come over to you, or pat the chair next to you as though you're inviting her to come take a seat. Another route you could take would be to talk to the DJ or someone working the bar. When they see the her, they will tell her that she was requested by someone to go talk to them.

    If the dancer doesn't have obligations immediately after her stage set (such as another customer waiting on her for whatever reason), she will probably come and sit with you. I personally love when customers approach me first, because that usually takes a lot of the guesswork out of trying to figure out who's interested in me. You could even go the extra mile and ready a chair for her as she walks over.

    Being that you're the wife, you should introduce yourself first. This will help put a lot of girls at ease who are normally apprehensive about approaching couples. Say something like, "Hi, I'm so-and-so, and this is my husband, so-and-so. What's your name (or, your name is so-and-so, right)?" It's best that both you and the hubby are engaging with the dancer - just the usual small-talk stuff. From there, just talk about what you're looking for. Tell her (or have hubby tell her) if you'd like her to dance for him, both of you, or whatever you're into. This is your chance to tell the girl that you're totally comfortable with whatever the hubby wants.

    I really hope this helps! Good luck in your future endeavors, and if you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask!
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Thanks for all the answers wicked gypsy. I'm not on this site everyday. I believe you are an intelligent dancer.
    There have been posters on here that were really bad trolls. You're not anything like them. I think some on here still are on the lookout.
    I think some of the worst just didn't understand that they repelled everyone.

    You're posting intelligent answers and apparently even proof reading or spell checking which is a lot more than some people do. If anyone doesn't want to read your posts, there is an ignore feature anyone can use so that they never see someone again and all of the ignored person's posts and threads. I see no point in arguing Unless they just want to argue. Some people do like to argue though. I would actually like it if Tumbling put me on ignore. I'd never have to read another comment from him telling me what to do. apparently I must get on his nerves at times unless he's like that to everyone. a possibility.

    There is no moderator on this site so many people occassionally tick off others from time to time rather than ignore them. ok enough of my rambling.

  • tobala
    9 years ago
    Wow ! This thread is still alive after a week and she still answers the questions. Impressive.
  • Diva1975
    9 years ago
    This is impressive. Gypsy, I think you are very eloquent and intelligent. The only thing that sounded suspicious was the absence of drama at your club. I've never experienced that lol but I definitely don't think you're a troll. I think you have a great mixture of confidence and humility which is rare. Don't get caught up in the life, trust me. Get what you need and then move onto bigger and better things. Ok, I gotta get the fuck to bed goodnight:)))
  • Wicked_Gypsy
    9 years ago
    sharkhunter - You're welcome! I never could have imagined the kind of engagements and support I'm getting from (almost) everyone so far. I used to be the kind of person that would go out of their way to give someone 10x the amount of shit they would give me, just because I could. I liked to argue, and still do, but I don't go around starting arguments just for the hell of it. I don't know what that whole situation with seaboardrr was about. I have a feeling like he just wanted to kick up some dust when I called him out about staying on my thread after he started getting snarky. I still have no issue with him - as I mentioned to a comment directed at him, he voiced his opinion and there was nothing wrong with that. Just because I'm not his ideal person to talk to doesn't mean I can't still respect him and his views. I wish he would've gone about it a different way, though.

    As for my grammar, I use Google Chrome, which has the red squiggles under misspelled words (which helps when I type frantically), but I've always been an excellent English/Language Arts student. I've had a handful of my works published, and I've always loved writing. I figure if I enjoy something, why not be the best I can? 1 thing i cnt stand is wen ppl typ leik dis!!!!! It makes me facepalm every time. Like, c'mon, how do you ever expect anyone to take you seriously? This seems to be a very real and mature place, I think I'd be unwelcome if I didn't follow proper typing etiquette :)


    tobala - Thank you! I try to keep up with everyone on the thread and in PMs. Sometimes I get way too swamped at work and I just simply don't have the time to reply if I can hold any hopes of eating or sleeping anytime soon. I never thought I would get this kind of response, but I started this thing, so I'm going to see it through until the end.


    Diva1975 - I know the lack of drama sounds otherworldly, especially if you've ever had anything to do with a strip club at any point in your life. It's one of those things that you'd have to see to believe. I really shouldn't say there's no drama whatsoever, it's just on such a low scale that it's not even noticeable by those who aren't involved. It's rare to see a dancer give a dirty look to another dancer, or to hear them talking badly about them. If two girls have a problem, they smash it. We're all adults and we know that. Sometimes, one of us will get on a catty streak and just bitch pettily about little things that someone did. For example, there's a relatively new girl that started working with us about a month ago. She dances specifically to the rock/metal genre, and never anything else. I recently started dancing to the song "The Fear", by Lily Allen. It's considered the electropop genre, so totally not rock/metal. Well this girl thought it would be okay to look at my set list and have the DJ play it for her, before I got the chance to pick my music. It wouldn't be such a bad thing if it were more her style, and she didn't make it seem like she did it to spite me. It's one of those songs that are usually specific to one dancer, and we all have a few of them (if you get what I mean). It just wasn't cool. I bitched about it, but not wholeheartedly; it was more of a minor annoyance that I felt like blabbing to someone about. As far as any other instances of drama, they're few and far between. Most often it comes from new girls who've worked other clubs that have a totally different style than we do, and they just simply don't know how to "be" in our club; or the more brazen ones who think it's okay to play by their own rules and no one else's. Either of those types usually don't last long.

    As far as "the life", I think I'm gonna live it up while I can. I've wanted to strip since I was very young, and I'm finally living my dream. I love this job - the entertaining, the people, everything. I don't do drugs, I don't drink, I don't prostitute myself - I do everything as "by the book" as possible. I'll retire one of these days, whether it's due to personal reasons, or something better has come my way. The times I've spent at my current club will always hold a special place in my heart, and the stories of its legacy will get passed down to my children (if I ever have any). If nothing else, my nephews like to hear about the crazy people I get to deal with every weekend.

    Thank you for the compliment. I try to hold myself to a high standard regardless of what I'm doing. Never will I ever think I'm better than anyone for any reason, I just choose to carry myself with poise and benevolence.
  • FullPress
    9 years ago
    Thanks wicked one. I always like being approached. Why? Because I'm A girl! But you're probably right. I'm going to need to work like everyone else. Dang it. :)
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    Wow WG I bet you didn't think you would keep this going so long. If it "Peters out" just start a new thread !
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    wicked gypsy--thanks for your replies. That's a pretty wild story about the girl attacking the other with a clothes iron!

    Another question for ya. You mentioned you've always wanted to be a dancer since you were very small. So basically....you didn't start dancing because you were desperate/in a bad situation/strapped financially. I think that's one of the common misconceptions about ppl who work in the sex industry. A lot of ppl assume that those in the sex industry are only doing it because it's the "easy way out" or because they fell on hard times. Sure, that is the case for SOME of them, but not ALL of them. Some girls just started dancing because it's something they genuinely wanted to do.

    So I guess my question is...just estimating....around how many other girls have you met who started dancing just because they wanted to and not because they were desperate?

    Also, one more thing....have you lost a lot of friends because of the stigma that goes along with dancing?

  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    Quick question...

    Last time I was in Ohio was a little less than 3 years ago, so right after you started dancing. Curious where you were dancing at that time? I might have seen you and didn't know I might see you on here these years later.
  • Wicked_Gypsy
    9 years ago
    FullPress – Well of course! As ladies, we like to be noticed, and know that we've been noticed! Personally, I'm bisexual and have the hardest time approaching another female in a “romantic” (I guess that's the word?) sense. I have no qualms with grabbing on the ladies I work with, but I can't just walk up to someone I saw at the mall and start talking to her. My boyfriend always encourages me to approach someone and ask if they're into chicks, but that's just awkward! What if they're not? What if they are, but don't find me attractive? I've just put her and myself in an uncomfortable and possibly creepy or offensive situation. I've never been a customer at a strip club, so I don't know how I would handle talking to a dancer, especially one that I don't know. Again, it's difficult for most dancers to approach a female customer, unless you're like a couple of the veterans that I work with, who know that the female custies are the best! Good luck with that, I hope that you and your hubby figure something out that works for you both :)


    jestrite50 – Never would I have thought I would get this many comments! I've been getting posts and PM's pretty regularly since I started this thread and my mind is reeling. I was a little overwhelmed at first, but I'm making it work. I didn't see much response over the past few days, so I'd contemplated starting something new but lo and behold! I wake up to emails this morning alerting me of new comments! I'll keep this one going as long as you guys do, and then start another one – the only problem is deciding what I should post.


    GoVikings – I've got tons of crazy stories (good and bad) that I tend to forget about until someone says or does something that prompts me to remember. Sometimes it's completely out of context so it confuses them sometimes, but I guess that's just the way my brain works, lol.

    Yes, I was about 5 or 6 when I took an interest to stripping. This was ages before “pole fitness” was a thing, so I didn't see it as a sport. One thing I tell a lot of girls who are considering dancing is, it's nothing like what you think it is. Quick, easy money, feeling glamorous, being treated like a queen – nope. These things do happen, but that's not what someone should base their decision to dance on. Those are some of the reasons that I started, but I was far from desperate for the money or looking for a scapegoat. “Normal” jobs just aren't my thing, for numerous reasons – the primary being that I work a very specific, permanent schedule at my other job, and the hours other employers want me to work would interfere with that. I started dancing because it seemed to work best with my schedule (and the place I started wasn't looking to hire bartenders or severs), and I ran with it. I could make my own schedule with my only obligations thereof being I had to work at least 3 nights a week (at least one of them a weekend night), and I had to be there a minimum of 5 hours each night.

    At the first club, none of us were there for the right reasons. We saw an easy opportunity for lots of money for little effort and jumped for it. Some were far more desperate than others – drugs, kids, etc. – and did it because we felt that was the only option. I just so happened to enjoy the job more than others, and it became something I was doing for myself, rather than the money.

    Where I am now, we are all there for the right reason. All of us love our job and it's evident by the way we carry ourselves. Do we need the money? You bet your ass we do. Most of us do work other jobs during the week – one girl works at Starbucks, one at RUE21, another at an insurance company – so this isn't our only source of income. That makes it a lot easier when you check your purse towards the end of the night and see a less-than-massive amount of money. Other girls, this is their only job, and they run their hustle very well. They know they need the money, but don't let on in such a manner. You could probably come into my club and talk with just about any girl (some are still working on their dancer etiquette on how to talk to customers) and you'd never be able to tell which ones are hurting for money any more that the others.

    I haven't lost any friends since I've started dancing because of my dancing. It's been 3 years, friends are bound to come and go over time, but never one had a problem with my job. Most of my guy friends are more than interested to hang out with me (surprise) once they find out. I've had to get nasty with a small handful because their brains see stripper and automatically think they're entitled to just have sex with me, with no regard to what I have to say in the matter. Even friends that I have lost don't seem to badmouth me about my work. They talk shit because I'm an asshole, not because I'm a stripper. I think that's pretty cool, actually.


    Mr_O – Unfortunately, I was dancing at Tiffany's Dolls Cabaret when I started. I was there from May of 2012, on and off until that December. I say unfortunately, because that place is just... I don't even know, honestly. I don't think there is a sufficient combination of words in the English language (or probably any other) that can describe how much I hate that place. I'm still dancing in Ohio, not too far outside of Akron and Canton, which is one of the biggest areas as far as business and travel are concerned. If you're ever through Northeast Ohio, you're welcome to look me up!
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    Thanks for the reply, but I was down in the SW, so never would have seen you.
  • 3LeggedMan
    8 years ago
    What's your stripper-persona Facebook name? I searched Wicked Gypsy and all I found is a rock band. I'm friends with other dancers and chatting with you there makes more sense than posting in a TUSCL discussion.
  • Pizza (hiatus)
    6 years ago
    @ Wicked_Gypsy - I checked out your blog. Interesting stuff, but it hasn’t been updated recently... or maybe I missed it. Do you have any plans for your site or any more interesting stories to share?
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