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joined Jun 2015last seen May 2019
My name is Riley, I'm 23 and have been dancing on and off since I was 19. I love the industry, Dancing is not only a passion of mine, but I also see it as an art form. I love meeting new people so PM's are always welcome :)

I recently started a blog site so I would be able to publicize my experiences and stories. It's a little bare right now due to my current time constraints (a.k.a. my other "not-strip-club" boss is a total dick and leaves me in charge of everything in and outside of work) Here's the link if you want to check it out: http://killer-kiti.wix.com/stripblog

Feel free to shoot me a message either here or through my website if you have any questions, comments, or critiques! Feedback is always appreciated.

Comments made by Wicked_Gypsy

discussion comment
9 years ago
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I need some advice... I wanna be a camgirl!
It's alright, I figure I don't have too much to hide, and I know there's no 100% perfect way to actually go about it. I used to teach martial arts and my boss was very uptight about me keeping dancing a secret, but since I've lost my job with him, I've developed a very "fuck it" attitude. I can't control who comes to see me in the club, I already have photos and videos of myself online (somewhere), and I have control over what I do on camera. I guess I could always dip if I start to have problems. I'm also not too worried about stalkers, seeing as I have a VPN and don't live anywhere near where my IP address says I do. *shrug* I guess we'll just have to see how this whole thing plays out.
discussion comment
9 years ago
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Gypsy is Back!
Thank you all! I'm glad to be back, even though it is under some of the worse circumstances. I'm going to be posting a few things in the next few days (hopefully) to give anyone who cares some insight to where I'm at with life right now. I missed my friends here, and I'm happy to have the chance to be able to talk to you all again and make some new friends, too. I'm also going to be doing some work on my blog site so I'll provide the link when I get a substantial amount of new content.
discussion comment
10 years ago
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Stripper AMA (ask me anything)
FullPress – Well of course! As ladies, we like to be noticed, and know that we've been noticed! Personally, I'm bisexual and have the hardest time approaching another female in a “romantic” (I guess that's the word?) sense. I have no qualms with grabbing on the ladies I work with, but I can't just walk up to someone I saw at the mall and start talking to her. My boyfriend always encourages me to approach someone and ask if they're into chicks, but that's just awkward! What if they're not? What if they are, but don't find me attractive? I've just put her and myself in an uncomfortable and possibly creepy or offensive situation. I've never been a customer at a strip club, so I don't know how I would handle talking to a dancer, especially one that I don't know. Again, it's difficult for most dancers to approach a female customer, unless you're like a couple of the veterans that I work with, who know that the female custies are the best! Good luck with that, I hope that you and your hubby figure something out that works for you both :) _____ jestrite50 – Never would I have thought I would get this many comments! I've been getting posts and PM's pretty regularly since I started this thread and my mind is reeling. I was a little overwhelmed at first, but I'm making it work. I didn't see much response over the past few days, so I'd contemplated starting something new but lo and behold! I wake up to emails this morning alerting me of new comments! I'll keep this one going as long as you guys do, and then start another one – the only problem is deciding what I should post. _____ GoVikings – I've got tons of crazy stories (good and bad) that I tend to forget about until someone says or does something that prompts me to remember. Sometimes it's completely out of context so it confuses them sometimes, but I guess that's just the way my brain works, lol. Yes, I was about 5 or 6 when I took an interest to stripping. This was ages before “pole fitness” was a thing, so I didn't see it as a sport. One thing I tell a lot of girls who are considering dancing is, it's nothing like what you think it is. Quick, easy money, feeling glamorous, being treated like a queen – nope. These things do happen, but that's not what someone should base their decision to dance on. Those are some of the reasons that I started, but I was far from desperate for the money or looking for a scapegoat. “Normal” jobs just aren't my thing, for numerous reasons – the primary being that I work a very specific, permanent schedule at my other job, and the hours other employers want me to work would interfere with that. I started dancing because it seemed to work best with my schedule (and the place I started wasn't looking to hire bartenders or severs), and I ran with it. I could make my own schedule with my only obligations thereof being I had to work at least 3 nights a week (at least one of them a weekend night), and I had to be there a minimum of 5 hours each night. At the first club, none of us were there for the right reasons. We saw an easy opportunity for lots of money for little effort and jumped for it. Some were far more desperate than others – drugs, kids, etc. – and did it because we felt that was the only option. I just so happened to enjoy the job more than others, and it became something I was doing for myself, rather than the money. Where I am now, we are all there for the right reason. All of us love our job and it's evident by the way we carry ourselves. Do we need the money? You bet your ass we do. Most of us do work other jobs during the week – one girl works at Starbucks, one at RUE21, another at an insurance company – so this isn't our only source of income. That makes it a lot easier when you check your purse towards the end of the night and see a less-than-massive amount of money. Other girls, this is their only job, and they run their hustle very well. They know they need the money, but don't let on in such a manner. You could probably come into my club and talk with just about any girl (some are still working on their dancer etiquette on how to talk to customers) and you'd never be able to tell which ones are hurting for money any more that the others. I haven't lost any friends since I've started dancing because of my dancing. It's been 3 years, friends are bound to come and go over time, but never one had a problem with my job. Most of my guy friends are more than interested to hang out with me (surprise) once they find out. I've had to get nasty with a small handful because their brains see stripper and automatically think they're entitled to just have sex with me, with no regard to what I have to say in the matter. Even friends that I have lost don't seem to badmouth me about my work. They talk shit because I'm an asshole, not because I'm a stripper. I think that's pretty cool, actually. _____ Mr_O – Unfortunately, I was dancing at Tiffany's Dolls Cabaret when I started. I was there from May of 2012, on and off until that December. I say unfortunately, because that place is just... I don't even know, honestly. I don't think there is a sufficient combination of words in the English language (or probably any other) that can describe how much I hate that place. I'm still dancing in Ohio, not too far outside of Akron and Canton, which is one of the biggest areas as far as business and travel are concerned. If you're ever through Northeast Ohio, you're welcome to look me up!
discussion comment
10 years ago
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Stripper AMA (ask me anything)
sharkhunter - You're welcome! I never could have imagined the kind of engagements and support I'm getting from (almost) everyone so far. I used to be the kind of person that would go out of their way to give someone 10x the amount of shit they would give me, just because I could. I liked to argue, and still do, but I don't go around starting arguments just for the hell of it. I don't know what that whole situation with seaboardrr was about. I have a feeling like he just wanted to kick up some dust when I called him out about staying on my thread after he started getting snarky. I still have no issue with him - as I mentioned to a comment directed at him, he voiced his opinion and there was nothing wrong with that. Just because I'm not his ideal person to talk to doesn't mean I can't still respect him and his views. I wish he would've gone about it a different way, though. As for my grammar, I use Google Chrome, which has the red squiggles under misspelled words (which helps when I type frantically), but I've always been an excellent English/Language Arts student. I've had a handful of my works published, and I've always loved writing. I figure if I enjoy something, why not be the best I can? 1 thing i cnt stand is wen ppl typ leik dis!!!!! It makes me facepalm every time. Like, c'mon, how do you ever expect anyone to take you seriously? This seems to be a very real and mature place, I think I'd be unwelcome if I didn't follow proper typing etiquette :) _____ tobala - Thank you! I try to keep up with everyone on the thread and in PMs. Sometimes I get way too swamped at work and I just simply don't have the time to reply if I can hold any hopes of eating or sleeping anytime soon. I never thought I would get this kind of response, but I started this thing, so I'm going to see it through until the end. _____ Diva1975 - I know the lack of drama sounds otherworldly, especially if you've ever had anything to do with a strip club at any point in your life. It's one of those things that you'd have to see to believe. I really shouldn't say there's no drama whatsoever, it's just on such a low scale that it's not even noticeable by those who aren't involved. It's rare to see a dancer give a dirty look to another dancer, or to hear them talking badly about them. If two girls have a problem, they smash it. We're all adults and we know that. Sometimes, one of us will get on a catty streak and just bitch pettily about little things that someone did. For example, there's a relatively new girl that started working with us about a month ago. She dances specifically to the rock/metal genre, and never anything else. I recently started dancing to the song "The Fear", by Lily Allen. It's considered the electropop genre, so totally not rock/metal. Well this girl thought it would be okay to look at my set list and have the DJ play it for her, before I got the chance to pick my music. It wouldn't be such a bad thing if it were more her style, and she didn't make it seem like she did it to spite me. It's one of those songs that are usually specific to one dancer, and we all have a few of them (if you get what I mean). It just wasn't cool. I bitched about it, but not wholeheartedly; it was more of a minor annoyance that I felt like blabbing to someone about. As far as any other instances of drama, they're few and far between. Most often it comes from new girls who've worked other clubs that have a totally different style than we do, and they just simply don't know how to "be" in our club; or the more brazen ones who think it's okay to play by their own rules and no one else's. Either of those types usually don't last long. As far as "the life", I think I'm gonna live it up while I can. I've wanted to strip since I was very young, and I'm finally living my dream. I love this job - the entertaining, the people, everything. I don't do drugs, I don't drink, I don't prostitute myself - I do everything as "by the book" as possible. I'll retire one of these days, whether it's due to personal reasons, or something better has come my way. The times I've spent at my current club will always hold a special place in my heart, and the stories of its legacy will get passed down to my children (if I ever have any). If nothing else, my nephews like to hear about the crazy people I get to deal with every weekend. Thank you for the compliment. I try to hold myself to a high standard regardless of what I'm doing. Never will I ever think I'm better than anyone for any reason, I just choose to carry myself with poise and benevolence.
discussion comment
10 years ago
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Stripper AMA (ask me anything)
VeryBigDawg and TheeOSU - Scarlet and Grey All the Way! FullPress - Hey, there! Thanks for the question! Unfortunately in your situation, it seems like you doing the approaching is going to be your best bet. You and your hubby could decide which girl you would like to talk to, and approach her on stage. One of the easiest ways to do this is to have a few dollar bills in hand (maybe $3 - $4, or more), walk up to her stage set (usually closer to the end, so she doesn't forget), keep your money in sight and give the dancer the "come hither" finger, or another gesture that would prompt her to come over to you. Give a nice smile and tuck the money in her garter, panties (whatever she's wearing), and say, "Hey beautiful, if you're not too busy, would you mind coming over to sit with me and my husband when you're finished on stage?" (or something to that effect). Make it known that you WANT her to sit with you. Many girls don't know how to approach a M/F couple, out of fear of causing a parking-lot argument between them later in the night. If approaching a dancer is absolutely out of the question for you, you could always try gesturing for her to come over to you, or pat the chair next to you as though you're inviting her to come take a seat. Another route you could take would be to talk to the DJ or someone working the bar. When they see the her, they will tell her that she was requested by someone to go talk to them. If the dancer doesn't have obligations immediately after her stage set (such as another customer waiting on her for whatever reason), she will probably come and sit with you. I personally love when customers approach me first, because that usually takes a lot of the guesswork out of trying to figure out who's interested in me. You could even go the extra mile and ready a chair for her as she walks over. Being that you're the wife, you should introduce yourself first. This will help put a lot of girls at ease who are normally apprehensive about approaching couples. Say something like, "Hi, I'm so-and-so, and this is my husband, so-and-so. What's your name (or, your name is so-and-so, right)?" It's best that both you and the hubby are engaging with the dancer - just the usual small-talk stuff. From there, just talk about what you're looking for. Tell her (or have hubby tell her) if you'd like her to dance for him, both of you, or whatever you're into. This is your chance to tell the girl that you're totally comfortable with whatever the hubby wants. I really hope this helps! Good luck in your future endeavors, and if you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask!