Is a an 8 considered very attractive? I've been told I'm a 8 or a 9(depends on who it is, everyone has their type) I know every girl wants to be a 10, but I don't believe they truly exist. As 10 implies perfection.
Wow, DG, you really go for the throat! This should be an interesting topic, with all of us pathetic losers rating ourselves!
So, from my lofty 12 perch .....
Just kidding. Right now, I would say about a 5. With about 50 more pounds off (working on it!) I'll make it to 7.5. If we're allowing an age scale, an 8.
My ATF. A solid 8.5 in the appearance department but I give her a 0.7 bonus for a smashing personality for a total of 9.2.
I collect (uncirculated) Morgan silver dollars and they are graded on the MS scale of 60-70. I tend to grade women on the same scale.
To get a sense of the scale in my system, A 60 you'd fuck; she's not ugly but doesn't have any special thing about her. A 61 is the same but maybe her eyes are okay. A 62 is better than that, but still no beauty. A 63 is a plain but fuckable woman; someone you'd marry even though she's just pleasant looking.
Higher than a 63 gets in to truly pretty women. A 64 has something better than average and will turn heads. A 65 is a truly pretty girl; she's average for a higher end club. 66 starts into professional/model material; 1 in 100 women of appropriate age might get a 66. 67 is like a 10 in a club, and 68+ is for those once a year beauties you won't always see even in a high end club. There's no such thing as an MS-70 and I've never graded a woman as a 70. I've awarded a couple 69's. My ATF is a 66, my #2 is a 64 and my #3 a 63 so I don't always go after the most beautiful.
My CF is a 9. I will, however, get dances from 7's and 8's. Attractiveness is very important to me, and I don't go to strip clubs to look at ugly girls.
The 1 to 10 scale is easy to understand, but it has some problems. Different guys have different conceptions of beauty and will rate girls differently. There is no way to reconcile these differences, since the assessments are subjective. I may rate a girl an 8, but others might say she's a 6 or 7 or 9.
A 10 to me is an almost unattainable ideal. I think I've seen 2 strippers in my life that I would rate as a 10. But guys I know will call a girl a 10 that I would say was 8 or 9.
Where am I on the scale? I'm a dude! Nobody cares what I look like.
Gal, based upon your posting of this link I suspect that you are:
1. A very cool dancer who is comfortable being treated like a commodity by men.
2. A dancer who considers herself at least a 9 since you are comfortable with the rating system.
3. A guy posing as a very cool dancer.
I lean towards #3, since I think only a guy would surf the net for articles about rating women and post it here.
Regardless, I think a 10 absolutely exists. Of course, what is a 10 will vary from one man to another but there is a 10 out there for every guy. Life is a search for her. I've seen this mythical creature a very few times, but citings are rare and she is very expensive and almost always low mileage when you find her. One time I found a 10 at Bare Elegance, the club you just posted a review of. Another time I found a 10 at 4 Play, the place I suggested that you dance (assuming of course that #1 or #2 are true).
If you have any doubt of my actual status , I had someone from TUSCL recently visit me at my club, and if you are really curious I can PM you the name of that person and you can ask them yourself. Also, you're welcome to come visit me yourself.
Why I peruse the internet for scales to rate women? I'm genuinely a bisexual female. I know, I know. All strippers are "bisexual". But seriously. I'm a bit of a tomboy, so maybe I come across as "one of the dudes". But I'm definitely female.
Referring to the article, I think the picture chart of girls in all the point values squares with the writer's own ranking system. Honing in on the 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s where I think most dancers fall:
6 - her gender/looks has no value to you. You don't feel pride or embarrassment being seen with her. You don't experience pleasure or pain from looking at her.
7 - you like looking at her, you'd kinda like being seen with her
8 - you really like looking at her, being seen with her
9 - see above, only stronger. Can't go higher because 10s (perfect) don't exist.
If 10 is perfect and can't exist, I think people give out too many 9s, implying close to perfection. I would think 11 would be perfect, because it's impossible to get 11 on a scale of 1-10.
Johnsmith, everyone at my club says I look like the lesbian love child of Selena Gomez and Katy perry. I'm not sure how accurate this is. I'll look for a girl that looks remotely like me
Where am I on the 1 - 10 scale? Well, I'm as good as I'm ever going to be, so I guess a 10. But it really isn't important for men now is it.
As for where my favorite dancers rate: they are all 7.5 - 10s without exception. Some are better looking, younger, or have special attributes which make them stand out to me. Others may or may not be the best looking girls in their club, but have personalities that push them higher on the scale.
It is all about personal preference. I met a dancer last week who would rate a 7. When she peeled off her outfit in VIP and I saw her pussy, she automatically moved to an 8.5. Others get bonus points for nipples I find very attractive, or no tats, how tall they are barefooted, or a world class shapely ass. Lots of reasons.
I have a favorite dancer in Phoenix who is as beautiful as any woman I have ever seen. Period. Just fucking gorgeous. With a body and an ass to die for. Nothing wrong with her at all relative to her body and personality. However, she has a hideous large tattoo on her stomach which is likely the worst decision she has made in her short life. So instead of a 10 for me she is an 8.5.
The scale doesn't go high enough. I myself am a 12. At least. OTOH, I feel intimidated by 9s and 10s. In fact, I've written that The System takes extra time with them. Like months on end. So I usual target the 7s and 8s. With drug addictions.
Where do *I* fall on the scale? Probably about 5.5, since I'm about as average as anything I've seen.
My ATF qualifies as an easy 8 on my personal scale. Hard to say for sure, because at that 8 mark, my brain stops caring over much. "Hot enough" characterizes anything over about 7 or 8.
JohnSmiith69 "3. A guy posing as a very cool dancer.
I lean towards #3, since I think only a guy would surf the net for articles about rating women and post it here."
LOL, you really think she's a guy posing as a dancer? Would someone please explain to me why so many of you are suspicious of whether dancers who post on this forum are real or not?
Let's be real here. How many adults do you think are going to spend their time spare time posing as someone they're not on damn internet? What kind of life does one have if they can't find anything better to do with their time than pose as someone they're not? Don't get me wrong, I'm not naive, I realize some people actually do that (as sad as that is) but most don't.
10 = model / playboy centerfold ... material. Top .5% or so of women. 9 = typical gorgeous next 2.5% 8 = great looking. No major flaws. Not blown away but unquestionably hot. next 8% 7 = hot but some serious problems Next 14% 6 = cute, next 25% 5 = cute minus. Like cut but serious problems. next 25% 4 = a few good features next 14% 3 = not appealing at all next 8% 2 = wow is she ugly Next 2.5% 1 = Horror movie. Repulsive, generally seriously deformed. next .5%
I've rated dancers a 10 before. They don't have to be perfect. Just striking. They have to go beyond gorgeous and in some way be overwhelmingly beautiful.
@farmerart: I don't rate men at all because I'm not qualified. Some men my girlfriends find attractive I just don't see it, and others they don't like I would think attractive. I'd be a failure as a gay man.
A ten has to have some imperfections. Anyone who is "perfect" looking also looks very fake. Google search the hottest women right now. If you look on that list all the women on that list are striking, but not perfect. Some you may not even be attracted to.
Think of Heidi Montag, she started out as probably a ten in looks got plastic surgery to make herself perfect and actually got much worse. And it's hard to pick something wrong with her but something is wrong overall.
I think having a healthy body, smooth even skin, symmetrical features, and good teeth makes a women visually attractive everything else makes for flavor and depending on your tastes can change how attractive you perceive her.
That being said I'll take a great personality and sexy demeanor over being perfect any day. I was saying I'm probably like 8-8.5 range. My ATF is a 9 on that scale. I have ranked maybe 6 or 7 dancers 10's in my 5 year strip clubbing career, so yeah 10's are very rare.
@dolomite: An MS-70 on my scale wouldn't be "perfection" in an objective sense, it would be 'perfection of hotness' which is almost impossible. But I hold out hope I'll see one one day, if not get to know her.
Attraction is a funny thing...I grade girls from an objective standpoint only. My ATF I graded "only" a 66, which is a very high grade indeed, but there's a few 67's in the club. However based on looks alone I still prefer my ATF's looks to them because of personal taste.
It would be fun to have a thread where people rate various women (NOT famous) and see how much consensus there is on hotness.
w.r.t. dancers – I don’t have a fave dancer – I’m big-time into variety and circulate among many different clubs and dancers
I also visit mostly dives – so I would say most of the dancers I get dances from most folks would rate about a 6 on avg.
But my personal tastes are a bit different – I’m pretty much all about the body; and more specifically; body parts. I like big natural tits and a big ass – anything else is just gravy – so someone may rate a dancer as a 6 based on her facial looks and b/c she may have a few extra pounds – but if she has big boobs and a big butt (and is curvy) – then that is the dancer for me.
A dancer may be an 8 or a 9 face-wise and according to most – but if she does not have the curves I like; I’m not interested.
Oddly enough – I more often than not enjoy my dances from 6s than from 8 or 9s – IDK if it’s b/c the 6s try harder?
Old Check bald Nope (lots of hair on the noggin') fat Not at present glasses Check twisted leg Check smashed foot Check walks with limp Check gnarled fingers A little assorted scars Check impaired hearing Not so much
So 9 items / 10 points = .9 per item.
Altogether with his 4 and my pluses, I end up near a 5.5. Now if I throw in the badboy biker image, that can climb significantly. Why, you might ask? Well, the twisted leg, smashed foot, limp, gnarled fingers, and assorted scars are all positives. :)
To me, a 5 on this kind of scale is average. I'm definitely better than average looking, so I'd say I'm a 7
I don't really have a favorite dancer, but 10's definitely exist. I remember I met this one dancer a couple years back, who I lost contact with, that was a 10. Half fillipino, half black girl who was GORGEOUS.
And if you go to a club like the Rhino in Las Vegas, you will definitely see a couple 10's.
Im the ugliest son of a bitch you ever saw...m the ugliest son of a bitch you ever saw...m the ugliest son of a bitch you ever saw...m the ugliest son of a bitch you ever saw...m the ugliest son of a bitch you ever saw...m the ugliest son of a bitch you ever saw...m the ugliest son of a bitch you ever saw...m the ugliest son of a bitch you ever saw...m the ugliest son of a bitch you ever saw...m the ugliest son of a bitch you ever saw...m the ugliest son of a bitch you ever saw...m the ugliest son of a bitch you ever saw...m the ugliest son of a bitch you ever saw...m the ugliest son of a bitch you ever saw...m the ugliest son of a bitch you ever saw...m the ugliest son of a bitch you ever saw...m the ugliest son of a bitch you ever saw...Im the ugliest son of a bitch you ever the ugliest son of a bitch you ever saw...
If I was 36 I'd be a 5, but because I am a wrinkle free 56 I'm a ....well 5. My current fav has imo the prettiest face I have ever seen on a woman and a petite, muscular spinner bod so in my book she is 9 but my buds claim 7 or 8. At the end of the day looks don't matter to me if I get a sensuality "vibe" from the dancer.
Are we talking about where you would rank on a "civilian" woman's scale or, more to the point, where you would rank on a stripper's 1-10 scale of custies, e.g.,
I guess since I'm fat, with no other positive features, I must be a 3.
I think my ATF is a 9+. But since she is retired and approaching 30, I'm sure those not smitten with her would find a few flaws. To appease those folks, let say 8.2
I'd have to put myself around a 7 +/- 1. I'd put my current fave at around an 8. She was a solid 9, but success turned her lazy and lazy resulted in weight gain. I'm using the authors embarrassment scale as my basis.
Really though, the argument is moot. Its all about taste. Some dudes like ugly chicks, and some chicks like ugly dudes. Some dudes may say I like ugly chicks. The trick is finding someone you find attractive that also feels the same way about you.
In college we used the 30 scale system. Face, body, personality. 10+10+10. As long as it added up to 18 or higher it was solid. Much easier then the 10 pt scale.
Very good, chattguy! I personally use the bell-curve (the Gaussian curve), as we do for IQ. My Attractiveness Quotient is something that I can judge only indirectly, by observing ladies' reactions to me. I'd say that I'm about a 120, which is considerably less than my IQ.
rockstar666's numismatic grading scale runs numerically from 1 to 70 with various grades being called Good, Very Good, Fine, Very Fine, Extremely Fine, and then on into the choice grades called Mint State and Specimen.
It is on that scale that I rank myself a G4, only barely collectible by the most undiscerning collectors.
Throughout my life women have generally agreed with this G4 grade.
I only use the MS part of the scale (MS=mint state meaning uncirculated) because any girl that isn't at least an MS-60 isn't worth rating. Maybe a good looking 60 year old might get an AU-58 though.
It's not an even scale either like a 1-10; it's more logarithmic. A girl who is a 4 isn't very attractive but an MS 64 would be a very attractive girl.
Since my expertise is only from Morgan silver dollars, I've adapted the grading system on how dollars grade out. It's probably pretty useless for anyone who doesn't collect uncirculated coins in general, but I've been grading Morgans for over 20 years so it's something I can identify with.
At one time I was considered attractive by some women and had no trouble dating when I had the time. Now I'm like Farmerart my wallet is most attractive thing about me.
Anytime someone has rated me to my face I'm a 9. I think I'm probably a 9. My boyfriend tells me I'm a 10, but I think that's like parents telling their children that they're special and can be anything they want to be.
Not to be a dick but my rating system is the best. If she really is that hot and you really do wanna fuck some broad six ways to Sunday, you'd use the finger system.
last commentMy fave dancer is a very high 8.
So, from my lofty 12 perch .....
Just kidding. Right now, I would say about a 5. With about 50 more pounds off (working on it!) I'll make it to 7.5. If we're allowing an age scale, an 8.
My ATF. A solid 8.5 in the appearance department but I give her a 0.7 bonus for a smashing personality for a total of 9.2.
To get a sense of the scale in my system, A 60 you'd fuck; she's not ugly but doesn't have any special thing about her. A 61 is the same but maybe her eyes are okay. A 62 is better than that, but still no beauty. A 63 is a plain but fuckable woman; someone you'd marry even though she's just pleasant looking.
Higher than a 63 gets in to truly pretty women. A 64 has something better than average and will turn heads. A 65 is a truly pretty girl; she's average for a higher end club. 66 starts into professional/model material; 1 in 100 women of appropriate age might get a 66. 67 is like a 10 in a club, and 68+ is for those once a year beauties you won't always see even in a high end club. There's no such thing as an MS-70 and I've never graded a woman as a 70. I've awarded a couple 69's. My ATF is a 66, my #2 is a 64 and my #3 a 63 so I don't always go after the most beautiful.
The 1 to 10 scale is easy to understand, but it has some problems. Different guys have different conceptions of beauty and will rate girls differently. There is no way to reconcile these differences, since the assessments are subjective. I may rate a girl an 8, but others might say she's a 6 or 7 or 9.
A 10 to me is an almost unattainable ideal. I think I've seen 2 strippers in my life that I would rate as a 10. But guys I know will call a girl a 10 that I would say was 8 or 9.
Where am I on the scale? I'm a dude! Nobody cares what I look like.
1. A very cool dancer who is comfortable being treated like a commodity by men.
2. A dancer who considers herself at least a 9 since you are comfortable with the rating system.
3. A guy posing as a very cool dancer.
I lean towards #3, since I think only a guy would surf the net for articles about rating women and post it here.
Regardless, I think a 10 absolutely exists. Of course, what is a 10 will vary from one man to another but there is a 10 out there for every guy. Life is a search for her. I've seen this mythical creature a very few times, but citings are rare and she is very expensive and almost always low mileage when you find her. One time I found a 10 at Bare Elegance, the club you just posted a review of. Another time I found a 10 at 4 Play, the place I suggested that you dance (assuming of course that #1 or #2 are true).
visit me yourself.
Why I peruse the internet for scales to rate women? I'm genuinely a bisexual female. I know, I know. All strippers are "bisexual". But seriously. I'm a bit of a tomboy, so maybe I come across as "one of the dudes". But I'm definitely female.
Referring to the article, I think the picture chart of girls in all the point values squares with the writer's own ranking system. Honing in on the 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s where I think most dancers fall:
6 - her gender/looks has no value to you. You don't feel pride or embarrassment being seen with her. You don't experience pleasure or pain from looking at her.
7 - you like looking at her, you'd kinda like being seen with her
8 - you really like looking at her, being seen with her
9 - see above, only stronger. Can't go higher because 10s (perfect) don't exist.
Also the scale is only for women. Men feel gay if they try to rate any male including themselves.
1) I wouldn't fuck her with your dick.
2) I would fuck her with your dick.
All looking like 7, 8 and 9's to me.
The median body types, the types where I tend to linger more; fit, about 10 to 15 percent body fat, tall about 6'0" to 6'2" with shoes on.
Typical gal you would find on Penthouse, Hustler. Rare ones are Playboys inner pages girls. Not sure about those frontcovers, though.
As for where my favorite dancers rate: they are all 7.5 - 10s without exception. Some are better looking, younger, or have special attributes which make them stand out to me. Others may or may not be the best looking girls in their club, but have personalities that push them higher on the scale.
It is all about personal preference. I met a dancer last week who would rate a 7. When she peeled off her outfit in VIP and I saw her pussy, she automatically moved to an 8.5. Others get bonus points for nipples I find very attractive, or no tats, how tall they are barefooted, or a world class shapely ass. Lots of reasons.
I have a favorite dancer in Phoenix who is as beautiful as any woman I have ever seen. Period. Just fucking gorgeous. With a body and an ass to die for. Nothing wrong with her at all relative to her body and personality. However, she has a hideous large tattoo on her stomach which is likely the worst decision she has made in her short life. So instead of a 10 for me she is an 8.5.
Great post DG
Old, bald, fat, glasses, twisted leg, smashed foot, walks with limp, gnarled fingers, assorted scars, impaired hearing.
Thing is.......all the Benjies in my wallet are 10s.
My ATF qualifies as an easy 8 on my personal scale. Hard to say for sure, because at that 8 mark, my brain stops caring over much. "Hot enough" characterizes anything over about 7 or 8.
Great quote! Love it!
I lean towards #3, since I think only a guy would surf the net for articles about rating women and post it here."
LOL, you really think she's a guy posing as a dancer? Would someone please explain to me why so many of you are suspicious of whether dancers who post on this forum are real or not?
Let's be real here. How many adults do you think are going to spend their time spare time posing as someone they're not on damn internet? What kind of life does one have if they can't find anything better to do with their time than pose as someone they're not? Don't get me wrong, I'm not naive, I realize some people actually do that (as sad as that is) but most don't.
10 = model / playboy centerfold ... material. Top .5% or so of women.
9 = typical gorgeous next 2.5%
8 = great looking. No major flaws. Not blown away but unquestionably hot. next 8%
7 = hot but some serious problems Next 14%
6 = cute, next 25%
5 = cute minus. Like cut but serious problems. next 25%
4 = a few good features next 14%
3 = not appealing at all next 8%
2 = wow is she ugly Next 2.5%
1 = Horror movie. Repulsive, generally seriously deformed. next .5%
I've rated dancers a 10 before. They don't have to be perfect. Just striking. They have to go beyond gorgeous and in some way be overwhelmingly beautiful.
Think of Heidi Montag, she started out as probably a ten in looks got plastic surgery to make herself perfect and actually got much worse. And it's hard to pick something wrong with her but something is wrong overall.
I think having a healthy body, smooth even skin, symmetrical features, and good teeth makes a women visually attractive everything else makes for flavor and depending on your tastes can change how attractive you perceive her.
That being said I'll take a great personality and sexy demeanor over being perfect any day.
Attraction is a funny thing...I grade girls from an objective standpoint only. My ATF I graded "only" a 66, which is a very high grade indeed, but there's a few 67's in the club. However based on looks alone I still prefer my ATF's looks to them because of personal taste.
It would be fun to have a thread where people rate various women (NOT famous) and see how much consensus there is on hotness.
I also visit mostly dives – so I would say most of the dancers I get dances from most folks would rate about a 6 on avg.
But my personal tastes are a bit different – I’m pretty much all about the body; and more specifically; body parts. I like big natural tits and a big ass – anything else is just gravy – so someone may rate a dancer as a 6 based on her facial looks and b/c she may have a few extra pounds – but if she has big boobs and a big butt (and is curvy) – then that is the dancer for me.
A dancer may be an 8 or a 9 face-wise and according to most – but if she does not have the curves I like; I’m not interested.
Oddly enough – I more often than not enjoy my dances from 6s than from 8 or 9s – IDK if it’s b/c the 6s try harder?
Old Check
bald Nope (lots of hair on the noggin')
fat Not at present
glasses Check
twisted leg Check
smashed foot Check
walks with limp Check
gnarled fingers A little
assorted scars Check
impaired hearing Not so much
So 9 items / 10 points = .9 per item.
Altogether with his 4 and my pluses, I end up near a 5.5. Now if I throw in the badboy biker image, that can climb significantly. Why, you might ask? Well, the twisted leg, smashed foot, limp, gnarled fingers, and
assorted scars are all positives. :)
To me, a 5 on this kind of scale is average. I'm definitely better than average looking, so I'd say I'm a 7
I don't really have a favorite dancer, but 10's definitely exist. I remember I met this one dancer a couple years back, who I lost contact with, that was a 10. Half fillipino, half black girl who was GORGEOUS.
And if you go to a club like the Rhino in Las Vegas, you will definitely see a couple 10's.
I'm a five, but when I say "Stay thirsty" girls usually say
"I can't explain this shit I have on you."
Are we talking about where you would rank on a "civilian" woman's scale or, more to the point, where you would rank on a stripper's 1-10 scale of custies, e.g.,
"$$$$" + "Old, bald, fat, glasses, twisted leg, smashed foot, walks with limp, gnarled fingers, assorted scars, impaired hearing" + "unmarried, socially awkward" = a stripper's perfect 10!
At least he didn’t say his penis was crooked – way to go Art !!!
I think my ATF is a 9+. But since she is retired and approaching 30, I'm sure those not smitten with her would find a few flaws. To appease those folks, let say 8.2
Really though, the argument is moot. Its all about taste. Some dudes like ugly chicks, and some chicks like ugly dudes. Some dudes may say I like ugly chicks. The trick is finding someone you find attractive that also feels the same way about you.
I have no idea what others would rate me. I usually do not believe everything strippers tell me.
I don't think anyone cares anyway.
rockstar666's numismatic grading scale runs numerically from 1 to 70 with various grades being called Good, Very Good, Fine, Very Fine, Extremely Fine, and then on into the choice grades called Mint State and Specimen.
It is on that scale that I rank myself a G4, only barely collectible by the most undiscerning collectors.
Throughout my life women have generally agreed with this G4 grade.
It's not an even scale either like a 1-10; it's more logarithmic. A girl who is a 4 isn't very attractive but an MS 64 would be a very attractive girl.
Since my expertise is only from Morgan silver dollars, I've adapted the grading system on how dollars grade out. It's probably pretty useless for anyone who doesn't collect uncirculated coins in general, but I've been grading Morgans for over 20 years so it's something I can identify with.