
Does Alcohol Actually Matter In A Strip Club

As a resident of the Golden State, we are not allowed to have alcohol in our fully nude strip clubs. Since we can't drink, alcohol really isn't a factor with stripper interaction.

In those states where they sell liqour in fully nude strip clubs or it's BYOB, does the alcohol help or hinder the stripper/patron equation?


  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    In my humble opinion it is a completely different experience when you x out the alcohol. For me the experience just feels weird, depressed and a little pervy. I recently clubbed at Deja Vu Hollywood and it was fucking odd to sit in a room with a few other guys all quietly sipping on their waters and staring at pussy like they had never seen one before.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Alcohol & intoxication doesn't enhance any interaction.

    rickdugan's use of the word "depressed", speaks volumes about how alcohol is used by by persons.

    I find it VERY easy to have fun & enjoy myself in social situations without the effects of alcohol.
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    Alcohol is mandatory before, during and after all SC experiences. All other times are just optional.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I quit drinking alcohol 5 years ago. When you get to be my age it acts as a deterrent to good hardons. So in my case it would not enhance the experience. However when it comes to the dancers "Candy in dandy but liquor is quicker". :)
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    In a civie bar or night club, alcohol is a useful tool in lowering inhibitions that many individual's harbor. At most of the clubs that I go to, a good time is guaranteed.

    Does the liqour help you out more or the dancer?
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    In my area at nude clubs dancers sneak alcohol into the dressing room and do shots back there or use the good old dixie cup method. Customers can go in and out and do shots in their car. Some customers sneak a boda in and take their soda in the restroom and mix their drinks. One bouncer was charging people to let them know who had a bottle in their car. The guy with the bottle was selling shots.

    I don't personally drink a lot so alcohol is not a factor for me. If you want to drink in a non alcohol club it only takes a little planning ahead do accomplish your goal
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    I'm originally from California. As Slick mentioned, in CA nude clubs can't serve alcohol. There are also plenty of topless and some bikini clubs that do serve alcohol, so there is a choice. I found that the nude clubs offer higher mileage, and I've stuck with nude clubs as my preference ever since. That's likely because the alcohol-serving clubs make more/most of their money from the alcohol sales, so they're much more vigilant about enforcing dancer rules regarding contact. If they weren't, they risk loosing their liquor licenses. The nude clubs don't have that risk, so they can get away with more.

    What it seems though, is that at alcohol clubs if you can get the dancer a little buzzed, or more, you might get higher mileage. Has anyone really analyzed the two types of clubs, together?
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    I like to drink in strip clubs, but our Detroit clubs do not combine alcohol and full nudity. Well, at least there's no full nudity on stage. Anything goes in VIP.

    Does alcohol help the customer/stripper interaction? i think it helps the dancers make more money. If they drink enough, dancers won't be choosy about which patrons to dancer for. Alcohol also lowers the customers' inhibitions and causes them to spend more than they would when sober. And of course dancers look better once you've had a lot to drink.

    Q Have you even gone to bed with an ugly dancer?
    A No, but I've woken up with a few.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    No alcohol in SCs in WA state, which is probably good on customer's wallets, hard on dancers' income, and mean you have to get pre-drunk before you visit.
  • Subraman
    11 years ago
    In the non-alcohol strip clubs I go to, since I'm on an ATF rather than play-the-field model, I always end up bringing alcohol into the club and sharing with my ATF (and usually her friends). Whatever kind of water bottles the club sells, I'll just pick up my own bottle and fill with vodka or whatever. It makes the experience more fun for everyone, I believe it gets me a *lot* more free socialization time, and with certain types of girls, definitely much higher mileage in the booths. It also gets me drinking-buddy status with lots of girls, and I often find myself invited to meet them during their break or before/after work for drinks (obviously, I"m paying) ... I totally love hanging out with drunk strippers so I enjoy that part, but if you're only focused on the dances, then you might not.

    In any case, drunk strippers + nude non-alcohol club = fun.

  • ime
    11 years ago
    Always alcohol at the club, just have to drink responsibly
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    I find it ironic an 18 year old girl can dance nude but to work in a bikini bar she has to be 21. The Morality Police in this country are all fucking crazy.
  • Subraman
    11 years ago
    In CA, 18-21 year old girls can work in the alcohol clubs, they just can't drink.
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    Yes alcohol matters to me. If I'm trying to pick up a dancer I need some alcohol in me to have the confidence to work my moves. Same thing in a night club.
  • pineconepartyliquor
    11 years ago
    The all-nude no alcohol clubs that I have been to are definitely not as fun. They tend to attract a lot of 18-21 year old guys who are broke and have terrible strip club etiquette. The strippers in these places have usually been drinking in the back and like someone else said, it can be easy to sneak a little bottle in depending on the security.

    The all nude BYOB clubs are great, I usually bring a bottle or two and few beers and share it all with the girls. There’s usually 2-5 girls hanging out at my table enjoying some drinks. It’s a great way to get to know all the girls without having to spend a bunch of time and money on any single one. Sometimes we just have a couple drinks and other times we all get bombed. Whatever happens, it usually makes for a great time in VIP when I am ready to head there.
  • deogol
    11 years ago
    Alcohol is not a big deal to me. (Actually, the less drunks, the better.)
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    When I used to drink, I know the alcohol mattered because sometimes, I would choose girls I would never choose sober. I always liked the BYOB clubs because then you could share, and most of the girls loved to drink and while I know they favor certain drinks over others, the fact remains they will drink anything.
  • Prim0
    11 years ago
    I just find that drinking can grease the wheels...so to speak.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    I like drinking but alcohol has never played a factor in my interaction with women. I grew up around lots of chicks and was/is always comfortable around and talking to women.
  • Ermita_Nights
    11 years ago
    I see fewer drunk assholes in the strip clubs than I do in civilian clubs. I wonder why that is. Maybe the bouncers at the strip club are more diligent about keeping the assholes in check.
  • Corvus
    11 years ago
    I like to drink but don't like the high price of SC drinks. I would rather spend my cash on the dancing girls. The only full nude club I've been to that served alcohol had much more of a party vibe than any other nude club I've ever been to. That was nice, but I've also had lots of fun bringing my own and sharing with the girls. And I agree with the statement above that the non-alcohol clubs do attract young inexperienced patrons I would rather not be around.

    I've never understood how tits and alcohol mix but not pussy and alcohol. Something went way wrong with way too many local/state laws in the past.
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    I prefer not to drink alcohol while clubbing, but I encourage the dancers to imbibe if they so choose. There is usually plenty of booze & weed in the DR in the nude clubs here in L.A. so it's cool to see the girls buzzed knowing that it didn't cost me valuable lap dance money getting them that way.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    I am not wealthy enough to get drunk in strip clubs or restaurants.

    @Rick I think you need to drink to knock back your conscience. Deep down, you know it's wrong to look down on people, and to give money to addicts when it's only going to feed their addictions.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    I'm with lopaw. I don't drink when I'm clubbing, but I don't mind the dancers being a little buzzed. Not much more than that, though.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    I'm not normally in a club long enough for it to matter one way or the other for me. I do find a tipsy dancer is often good to find, especially if she got that way on others money!
  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    Most assuredly alcohol matters to me in a SC. I am a confirmed drinker with 50 years of experience under my belt. To me, SCs with no alcohol are cheerless, antiseptic places. I revel in the raunch of a SC. Alcohol is an integral part of that raunch.
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