
Hungry Strippers

Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
If I'm in a club with food service, and the stripper I'm frequenting says she's hungry, I feel compelled to ask "came I get you something to eat?" Somehow I feel obliged to buy a plate of fries for a woman on whose bare ass my hand has been or will be in contact with (even as a paid service). Anyone else have this problem?


  • GoVikings
    12 years ago
    Hell no! It's bad enough that I've caved in and bought them drinks a few times. Damn strippers are making more than many people on TUSCL, they can buy their own food!
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    Never bought food for a dancer, but I have shared food my current fave purchased.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    I have offered them a tube steak. :)
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    Seems like women in general have a problem with keeping it in perspective how little what they look like matters to whether they are a worthwhile person. Hard not to worry being a stripper makes that even worse. Is that just a possible weakness we should not worry about, since they are likely going to be trying to exploit some of our weaknesses? What are the rules you must follow, the lines you can't cross before you're a nasty shit who might be making somebody feel like their just a piece of meat?
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    Huh? I thought they had the tube steak. I'm kinda slang-impaired.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    12 years ago
    I've bought food for dancers several times before. None of the Puget Sound Region clubs serve food, and only a couple of the L.A. clubs that I went to did. So, I go out, usually to a nearby fast food joint to get them a chicken sandwhich (strippers' preferred fast food fare). I don't mind. It's only a few dollars and I welcome the break from the club. That's something I might very well do anyway. I have one fave who, in exchange for a chicken sandwhich, will usually give me a free dance for the effort.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    12 years ago
    I figure most of the ladies are conscious about their figures.... so let them consume liquid protein on their knees :)
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    Yeah I went got a dancer a dinner salad once at a club that was cool about not trying to charge you cover twice. Guess that's another reason strippers give you their phone number, so they can give you that "hey get me a 4-pack a red bull" call when you're on your way to the club.
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    Thanks Hugh, now I'll always think of you whenever I see someone chugging down a can of Ensure...
  • she_is_covfefe
    12 years ago
    For argument's sake: WE'RE PEOPLE TOO!!!!!!!

    We piss, we poop, WE EAT!!!!!!

    However, I don't see any of you complaining too much when other fellow dancers ask for alcoholic drinks (I personally never ask for them). Ask yourselves this question; what's better to get us (besides an "extra")? A vodka soda, or chicken and mashed potatoes (for example)?
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    I take care of her needs and she will take care of my needs
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Tell 'em they should have packed a lunch.

    P&J sandwich with the crust cut-off
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Lol.....^^^^ mo head is on fire !
  • pabloantonio
    12 years ago
    A girl has to eat. Stripping is hard work.

    What's wrong with you cheap bastards?
  • DandyDan
    12 years ago
    They have a taco wagon that stops by one of my regular clubs, at least when it's late enough in the evening, and when my 4th ATF was still around, we got burritos together once, but other than that, food is nonexistent at the clubs I visit.
  • gawker
    12 years ago
    The CR at my favorite club offers a fruit & cheese platter at no additional charge. It includes fresh strawberries and whipped cream. Getting creative with the whipped cream can be fun.
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    I have bought meals for favs in the club, usually in $10 to $25 range. It's like buying them drinks, and it's no more expensive than a drink or two.

    I guess I would find it off-putting for a dancer I didn't know to sit down and ask me to buy her dinner, and I think I would refuse. This doesn't really make sense, because I would buy a hot dancer a drink if she asked.
  • Dolfan
    12 years ago
    I've bought food/drinks. Most strippers I do it for realize its not "extra" from me, if they ask for that shit its coming out of their tip. If its not someone I'll be engaging in activities with that warrant a tip I'm usually pretty dismissive - and asking for that kind of shit before I can make that determination leads to being dismissed.
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    It depends on the club. In Texas, many clubs serve good food and a dancer will hang with you for a few hours of food, drink and favors. It makes for a good evening with the right girl. In AZ, for the most part it's typical bar food and the benefit usually is not there. I have done it several times in TX, never in AZ.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    I don't mind when a dancer asks for food. I do mind when they ask for a drink, if I want to buy you a drink I'll offer.

    Food is different, it sucks to be stuck somewhere and hungry. Just eat it if I buy it.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    If she is willing to get my dick to squrt I will buy her what the fuck ever
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    Obviously if a dancer is so broke she'd starve if custies didn't buy her fries, she needs a new job. If adult entertainers fill an important need for you (like they do for me), it just makes sense to be careful not to "eat the seed corn". Different people have different ideas about what dignity is. But everyone who isn't a total basket case wants to have some dignity as they see it. The bigger issue here is what are the minimum considerations and courtesies that the typical dancer is looking for from custies, to feel like she's got some dignity in her work.
  • Tiredtraveler
    12 years ago
    I've shared a couple of times. The club gave very generous portions so i was not going to finish. I usually do not buy food in a club and rarely drink so it is kind of a moot point.
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    @Dolfan what's the point of "buying" her food and then taking it out of her tip? Why not just tell her to order it herself, it's a little more straight-forward?
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I don't remember buying food for dancers in clubs. There is pretty much none available that you would want to eat in the clubs. In the past when I've been out with a dancer somewhere, on a few occasions I have bought some food. I don't even like to buy any food for myself inside a club. I'm starving if I do. Fries of any kind are not an option in any club I visit. Plus I would want fries that are plain vanilla without seasoning or anything else. I might add salt but I would like to do it myself. I get sick literally with all this MSG preservative added to foods or included in the seasoning or in the secret recipe.

    Some pizza places even add MSG into the sauce. It makes me sick. As a comparison to how it makes me feel, how would you like it if instead of MSG it was cocaine. If people were adding cocaine here and there in secret recipes, in the sauce, in the seasoning and it made you sick, how would you feel about it?
  • Rivertwice
    12 years ago
    I used to have a girl ask me to pick up something for her on my way to the club. All in all I didn't pay for any of the extra's so, buying her a sandwich and chips wasn't that bad a deal.
    A club recently checked out has food and a dancer invited me to sit with her while she ate.
    I haven't eaten at a club but, that's just me.
    In the long run if you want to know the chick more get her something to eat. If you just want to dance, bone or whatever then leave it business.
  • SuperDude
    12 years ago
    In most Detroit clubs dancers have to pay for their own meals, so they are always looking for a PL for a free meal. Depending on the time of day, number of drinks and noise level some dancers will order two meals on your tab. The waitress will hold the second meal in the fridge for the dancer to take home for dinner or an after work snack. The PL usually doesn't find out about this until he cashes out. By that time the dancer has moved on to her regulars and the PL just pays the tab. Even if one can afford it, no one likes being played or used.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    *Personally*, I think it’s too PLish to be buying dancers food – what don’t you also go ahead and gas up her car before you leave the club while you are at it – being facetious here, but really.

    The way I see it, *most* of the time, the more one does for a dancer, the more she will ask and the more she thinks she is entitled to, and the less she will appreciate you - *IMO*.

    Plus, probably 90% of these dancers have a SO – if she is “so hungry” – let her SO who is the one fucking her for fee get her or bring her food, instead of the paying PL.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    “fucking her for fee” => “fucking her for free”
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    “… The bigger issue here is what are the minimum considerations and courtesies that the typical dancer is looking for from custies …”

    Pay her the going rate for services rendered. Do you feel obliged to buy your mechanic food – or the person cutting your hair? *Personally*, I think you may feel “obliged” b/c she is probably hot – if she was a fat hog, would you feel as “obliged”?
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    “… don't see any of you complaining too much when other fellow dancers ask for alcoholic drinks …”

    I hardly ever buy dancers drinks - *especially* if they ask – I go to the club to be entertained, not to do the entertaining.

    I also tend to get dances from as many dancers as I can – so if I start buying drinks for every dancer I get a dance from, then I’ll be spending a lot more than the significant amount I usually spend.

    An additional reason I don’t buy dancers drinks is that *sometimes* they just have no intentions of wanting to be with you and just want you to buy them a drink so they won’t have to spend their own money. Two situations that occur every once in a while:

    i) I’ve turned down dancers for dances and they’ll still ask “can you buy me a drink instead?” – really – why can’t you buy you own damn drink – I’m not your BF or anything.

    ii) I’ve had dancers in which I’ve gotten a couple of dances in a row from – and once I’m done getting dances from them, they’ll ask me to buy them a drink – since I am done getting dances from them – they’ll take the drink I just bought them and then leave – really?

    I don’t think any SC goer should feel any kind of obligation to buy a dancer food or drinks – I am sure *most* dancers don’t feel any “obligations” towards the custie other than just giving them just what they paid for.
  • gawker
    12 years ago
    My favorite club shares a kitchen with a fairly good restaurant and they frequently have a free buffet. But my ATF still texts me to bring her iced coffee. When she works afternoons ill sometimes hook up after work~ Cheescake Factory then the local Marriott. She and I have hit some very nice restaurants and she really appreciates good food. When one fully satisfies all of one's appetites one is fully satiated.
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    @Papi it oughta be as simple as you say. I think with most strippers, at least to some degree, the fact that society considers them scum eats at their morale. (By comparison, my mechanic does not have much problem with society considering him to be scum.) I think when you give a stripper some of the courtesies you'd give a "real" date, it does send the message that you don't consider them scum and reinforces their morale. Which make for more fun for everybody concerned.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago

    ^ Point well taken – I definitely respect your opinion. But I will respectfully disagree w/ your general assessment in the post above. I tend to think most dancers think more lowly of *most* customers than they do of themselves and perhaps most in society, *IMO*.

    Especially when a dancer *asks* for drinks and or food, to *me* this is along the lines of them just seeing one as an ATM and trying to get the PL to pay for as much as the PL can or is willing to.

    I would buy a dancer food and/or drinks under the same pretense I would buy a friend food or drinks – b/c I want/desire to, not to get in their good graces or b/c I feel should for whatever reason.

    Thanks for the thread – it is an interesting topic.
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    IDK, I definitely don't always give strippers what they ask me for. But I see it as the flip side of the many custies who feel like the dancer should sit with them for a bit (for nothing) if she earns with them from dances. "Sitting time" and buying drinks or snacks are considered by some to be customary courtesies, one for custies, the other for dancers.
  • rattdog
    12 years ago
    "If she is willing to get my dick to squrt I will buy her what the fuck ever" juicebox"

    had me rolling for 2 minutes.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Protein shake with some love juice to wash it down
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    Most clubs I visit either have full kitchens where the dancers get their food for cheap (or for free), or the club orders take-out for them.
  • 10inches
    12 years ago
    I offer them a tube steak with extra mayo
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    "Completely agree. I don’t tolerate dancers asking for stuff. The beggars on the street corners are bad enough. I don’t expect to have to pay for the privilege of being panhandled."

    I feel that way about drinks, only buy them when I feel like offering. But somehow food is different to me. It sucks to be hungry, people have to eat AND there do exist plausible reasons that they need to ask. I would do, and have done, it for people doing manual labor for me and a few other situations.
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