
Comments by rickmacrodong (page 101)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Getting too turned on boundaries?
    Daily grind, that was the 4th dance, midway through, she claimed her nipples were being activated so no more nipple play. The nipple play was never an issue in any previous dances. The other behaviors like, allowing pussy touching but only for a little bit during the dance etc makes it seem like she has some rule of not reaching orgasm in the dances? I already paid for the dance, so i couldnt do anything besides not get additional dances. Then she got all pissed when I stopped coming for a couple months. But this is a new thing. It seemed like mileage remains the same, but in some cases the mileage will be the highest in the first dance then continuously get lower with each successive dance. I’m not sure if this is even done consciously or subconsciously due to some self esteem issue. As crazy as it sounds I think someone with this condition is more likely to accept a cheaper OTC offer than a higher one.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    California AB5 Employee Status; Update/2nd Glance
    Icee the clubs only really exist because of prostitution being illegal. If prostitution was legal many of these clubs wouldn’t be able to compete if they offered lapdances only. Prostitution is supposed to be legal, you can’t use government power to restrict people’s choices. Of course the market will be more competitive for dancers and other women, with legal hookers.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Club Reset Night
    Jimmy, Icee actually posted that? Wtf?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    The importance of maintaining discipline
    Dolfan, the problem is many clubs require paying up fromt for the dances. This means the PL has everytbing to lose. Any illegal extras are basically purely up to the dancers discretion... now if the dancer wants repeat business she will probably follow through on any promises made. But if she doesnt care or somehow thinks you won’t be getting more dances, she might not live up to her bargain. I have had dancers who for instance let me touch the pussy in 1st and 2nd dance but not the 3rd, maybe the no was playful but its still a no
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    California decriminalizes working the blade 👌
    Icee you cant beat SJG. His meyers Briggs was INTJ which is one of the rarest kinds, 1% the population. It’s called the “evil mastermind”. SJG might have you wrapped around his thumb already, everything you say is being predicted and countered before you even say it
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    California AB5 Employee Status; Update/2nd Glance
    That cali otc stuff sounds amazing. What kind of rates were you guys paying. Here its $400+ for the hottest girls from what I’ve seen Icee, prostitution should be completely legalized. A moral society would give people freedom to engage in it.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Icee those perfumes are not pricy. Amouage and creed, initio, parfums de marly are$300+. $300 to $600
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Question for Dancers: What Occupation impresses you the most?
    Icee that is just not true, humans arent robots. One dancer might be asking fir small talk, one might actually be curious about what you’re making.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Question for Dancers: What Occupation impresses you the most?
    Champphilly, dancers are not just looking at what you’re spending in that moment they also want an exit strategy. If you’re making 300k+ you could probably have many different women including dancers, looking to want a relationship with you. It wouldn’t be a genuine relationship, but many relationships aren’t. In most cases they are looking at the guys status, wealth, fame etc in addition to looks and personality.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Question for Dancers: What Occupation impresses you the most?
    Mark whats this about watches? So wearing a nice blinged out diamond watch would work well at the club? Icee what are you saying about low mileage? How is anyone making themselves feel good saying someone is low mileage? If anything, low mileage dancers would make people feel bad. Cause they would feel their money was wasted
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Question for Dancers: What Occupation impresses you the most?
    I have been asked that by a few, and my answer of finance consulting had a fair impression at least to the younger, late 20s/early 30s ones who asked. One commented its a good job. Another, Whos much less formal, said oh that must mean you make a lot of money. How much do you make. I told her, and asked her how much she makes, and she said same. But honestly, I’m not sure if it really is the same. She’s rarely at the club, and claimed she’s some sort of dancer in her other job. It seems like she does some OTC stuff and has a hard tome trusting me.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    OTC Choice
    Samiel how are you getting full sex in the club? Are there no cameras and totally private rooms or something?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    OTC Choice
    $400 for an hour is a good price, that many of the hottest escorts charge, who don’t have much fame. The main thing that allows the women to charge above the $500 an hour range is fame, not so much looks. Above the $500 range you get the low volume escorts, the famous pornstars, the famous twitter girls or Instagram girls. $2000 for an overnight is a ripoff unless its one of those fsmous girls. Keep in mind these pornstars and famois instagram models have millions of followers on Instagram or Twitter. So it’s that level of fame that allows them to charge so much. You could probably negotiate the overnight rate with some of them. Some might let you stay overnight free if they don’t have other clients waiting. Btw there is no such rule that the hotter a girl is the more she will charge or the lower mileage she will be. At one club the hottest dancer was also the freakiest and easiest for otc. She was brazilian, so it’s possible being recently immigrated played a role in her freakiness and easiness. But its also about pricing strategy. The general rule is the more you charge the less clients you will get. Some people like pornstars or famous insta models can afford to charge 1-2k and still have a large volume of clients because of their fame. For others, they can gain more clients at $300. They may get 10 people willing to pay $300 yet only one person willing to pay $1000
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Intentional ignoring text games
    Georg, everything is still posted, comments cant be edited. “Yeah, it really is. Whether it's because they don't have time, are busy with something and forget, or really just don't want to talk, it's just that simple” So yes, you didnt explicitly say one text, but you stated if they don’t respond to X number of texts you assume they dont want to talk
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Intentional ignoring text games
    Georg, you said something to the effect of you wouldn’t contact them again if they ignored a text, unless they reached out to you first. Icee who’s playing texting games? I didn’t say I’m playing texting games. Theres dancers who play them to attempt to get more money and attention. Regular people play tjese games for validation attention or to get someone they want. The unfortunate reality is a lot of people play these games, even in professional settings, for a variety of reasons. Jimmy its cool you said that, so youre willing to double or triple text someone who doesn’t answer your messages?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Intentional ignoring text games
    Icee and kitkat, this is a game done by people in their teens, 20s and 30s. Some people think it will make someone want you more. There’s numerous reasons its done. Humans aren’t robots or machines. Things aren’t as simple as somebody doesnt respond, always means they arent interested. Its also not as simple as didnt respond, always means they’re secretly super interested and playing games. Some dancers are actually doing this intentionally because they think it will get guys to chase after them more and spend more money. And to susceptible guys it can really work. To an inexperienced gullible guy, he might wonder why shes not replying, think about her more, chase after her more. Theres dating coaches and youtubers with millions id views advising people to do this. Its about pretending to be busy even when you aren’t. Showing you have other options. Pretending you dont care even if you care a lot. Its related to the fake society, fake behavior, narcissism etc. some people will actually use it if they’re angry, the silent treatment. People also do it to people they think are arrogant or out of their league, as an attempt to bring down their ego. When i was in university, there were literal 2/10 girls doing this thinking it would make me want them more. They would be just a classmate for example, but would ask stuff on text, intentionally ignore etc. if I flirted with them just a little bit they would flirt a lot. Georg then what did you mean? The way you worded it, that’s what it seemed.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Types of daddy issues
    Icee what kind of mommy issues are you referring to? There’s a lot of single mother households in the US, not many single fathers. So in many cases the dad could be absent, and there may or may not be a stepfather. Some stepfathers abusive. Depending on whether the parent was absent, overly controlling or overly weak, changes how things manifest in the person. Icee, do you know which combination works best for relationships? It seems like guys with mommy issues and girls with daddy issues would be the most toxic, love hate kind of relationship?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Western PA
    Jerking off too often before going to the club
    Icee would you be forcing yourself? I’ve done 9 times in 30 minutes before. It was after 3 weeks of retention/no release
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Intentional ignoring text games
    Georg, next time it happens you may want to test things out. So if someone doesnt answer just one text of yours, you’ll basically never message or contact them again and assume they dont want to talk to you? Sometimes people are genuinely busy, genuinely forgot, or genuinely didnt get the message. And then, especially with these younger people, its a game. Youre giving too mucj benefit of tje doubt, people in their 20s and 30s are playing text games all the time. You may not be familiar with the games. You cant deny their existence and say it means theu dont want to talk to you.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Western PA
    OTC with the hot stripper/bartender who is fucking the bar owner and bounty hunt
    Bounty hunter is like a mercenary? They go after drug lords and criminals as a private contractor or something? So that guy probably has skills with weapons, is he athletic? The thing is its based off going illegal criminals. I don’t think bounty hunters can go around robbing or attacking random civilians and get away with it.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Western PA
    Clubs where dancers find their Real Life Partners from the club
    Icee, i dont see why dating customers is rare especially if its paid dates. By dating do you mean an equal relationship where the stripper and guy are splitting bills etc? Icee in dont see why you word it as “dating someone who is just a customer”. This is not like a grocery store customer and cashier, the strip club customer is directly providing rhe income to the girls. To the point some of them will cheat on their SO for that money. Why would a guy with options want to date a stripper? Unless he wants to have her quit stripping? In that case, still, why? There’s a reason that so many strippers boyfriends are being supported by them or working retail type jobs. The guys who have other options seem to not want to date strippers. Look at Dugan and all the guys on here, they may pay a few hundred for OTC but most of them aren’t looking to date strippers.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Intentional ignoring text games
    If they’ve only ignored one text, theres many ways to test things further and figure out if they were angry, or didnt want to talk, or did want to but wanted you to chase after them. Now that last part is tricky because they could want you to chase just for validation or because they genuinely want you. That’s something youll find out once you ask them out or make a move. This js why people are encouraged to ask out early etc. For instance in some cases I double texted and the girl replied back with crazy enthusiastic or flirty responses within like 2 minutes as if she was waiting there for me to get back to her. I didn’t want those two girls but was still able to run tests to look for clues on the ignoring.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    First Timer Review
    Alecc, whats the prices for 30 minute and 15 minute dances? Are they a better value than $40 for one song? One song is always 3 minutes?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Western PA
    ROPL - Strategies.
    Jimmy im not sure customers could actually rip off dancers the way dancers can with customers. The most you could do is maybe waste their time in the club and act like you might get a dance then dont? The ripoffs happen with whoever gets paid first or service first. If customers weren’t paying before the service you would have customers running away after the service is received. Since many strip clubs have customers pay money first, the unfortunate thing that can happen is dancers can screw them over. Its also because extras are illegal. It depends on if the dancer is interested in long term potential income, or if it doesnt matter. You’re basically out of luck if you get promised something in a dance and don’t get it. Tbh the strip Club’s existence in itself is basically because of the illegality of prostitution. If prostitution was entirely legalized, the strip Club’s would probably all turn into brothels overnight. And there would be legally enforced negotiation allowed with every dance. For instance being refunded if a dancer didn’t do what she agreed to in the dance.