
Comments by rickmacrodong (page 100)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Avoiding orgasm boundary
    SJG, some girls have this is as a boundary. Im assuming it’s something with their SO where they arent supposed to cum or orgasm in dances. What do you think reasons would be for this boundary sjg? The terminology used was, one dancer wanted me to stop playing with her nipples because I was activating them. And the same dancer, would do things like switch positions often throughout the dance, so her pussy wouldn’t get overstimulated from rubbing, and reach orgasm. Do you think it’s something to do with the dancers sex drive? Like if she orgasms in dances she won’t want sex from SO? Or some sort of cheating thing where she considers it cheating if she orgasms during a dance or from nipple touching? Too sexual? I wish rick dugan could contribute
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Avoiding orgasm boundary
    You can look at and converse with dancers in the front room. If youre buying a lapdance, you’re buying at minimum, groping time with the dancer, and some dancers take it further and allow even more.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Avoiding orgasm boundary
    Icee, Ive seen you address some users on the site and tell them buying a lapdance doesnt entitle them to have sex with the girl. You are correct there. Youre taking things to the other extreme. Youre saying buying a lapdance doesnt entitle you to grope the dancer? Are you serious? So what are you buying the lapdance for, to watch her dance? The literal point of a lapdance is to grope the dancer. Groping means squeezing, touching, etc. So yeah, if you pay for a 15 minute dance, that’s 15 minutes of time you get to touch the dancer and grope her. That is literally what you paid for. It’s literally what a definition of a lapdance is. Yes you don’t get to fondle or touch the pussy, but that doesnt apply to other areas like the tits and ass. That’s literally what a lapdance is. If a lapdance is just paying for time to look at the girl or conversate with her, then barely anybody would buy a lapdance. So if you pay for a 15 minute dance and the dancer at 10 minutes says no more groping because shes getting too turned on or her nipples are getting activated, and she doesn’t refund you for those 5 minutes then you essentially got scammed for those 5 minutes.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Avoiding orgasm boundary
    Icee, if youre in a state/club with full contact lap dances, the purpose of the lap dance is literally to grope. Your logic literally makes absolutely no sense, you’re literally out here claiming if somebody pays for a massage theyre not supposed to feel entitled to a massage. I didnt say anything about fondling. IF you’re paying for a full contact lap dance then that means you’re literally paying for time in which you can grope that dancer. If you paid for a 30 minute dance, and after 20 minutes the dancer says no more touching because she got too turned on or is about to cum, then that means you got scammed for 10 minutes you paid for. Even if there was some sort of medical emergency at the 20 minute mark, an ethical club/dancer would refund you for the 10 minutes if the dance ended at 20 minutes. Icee what exactly are you proposing a lap dance even is? Are you saying that if you pay for a 30 minute dance, youre only paying for time, and the dancer can do whatever she wants in that time? That isnt how things work. Theres specific things a lap dance involves. That includes groping and grinding, sitting in your lap etc. I think people are being manipulative and saying “buying dances” nobody is buying dances. People are buying lapdances. When you claim its buying a dance that makes it seem like youre saying you just paid to watch someone dance. Its not a dance and the payment isnt just to watch someone dance. Most people are paying for lapdances which have specific criteria and a definition much different from a regular dance.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Avoiding orgasm boundary
    Icee if they have a boundary of not cumming in dances. And rules like allowing pussy touching only for a few seconds. Allowing nipple play for 10 minutes/until the nipple starts to get “activated” Grinding themselves on you but being careful not to grind too much. Are those SO related boundaries. Or could there be other reasons
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Avoiding orgasm boundary
    Icee do u think hookers would not be willing to get fisted or do anything pleasurable
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Avoiding orgasm boundary
    It doesn’t really matter how attractive someone is, girls can cum from biking and horse riding, I feel the thread is not being read. If a stripper grinds back and forth on your thigh enough she could potentially cum from it
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Avoiding orgasm boundary
    Who was that guy who fucked the stripper overnight sjg? Also what would the reasons be for a woman to have boundaries like not orgasming during a lapdance? Is it related to a SO? It feels like cheating? Fear of making embarrassing faces or squirting in a dance?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Getting too turned on boundaries?
    Icee that would be true unles she has a boundary of not cumming
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Getting too turned on boundaries?
    SJG and Icee, i have to make a new thread regarding this, i wasnt specific enough
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Getting too turned on boundaries?
    This is a big big problem when customers are paying first. Theres potential tor scams on both sides. This is one of those things. Once you hand the money over, the power rests in the dancer. And it depends on whether the dancer wants to live up to her end of the bargain, wants you as a repeat customer etc or doesn’t care. Additionally some people are power driven and will want to get away with as little work done as possible. One dancer spent the first 5 minutes of a dance just laying her boobs on my stomach and talking to me. Its a power trip. I didnt get more dances
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Getting too turned on boundaries?
    Icee, there are some dancers who literally have a boundary of not getting too turned on. Thats the whole point. If someone has a SO it’s possible they aim to not get too turned on durinf dances. Its just like how some dancers dont do sex or other things. They might want to, they might want to cheat, but they might avoid it due to loyalty. If you paid for a lapdance and a stripper is telling you to stop playing, that basically means you got scammed. There’s probably many many strippers who dont want to be touched by men. Thats the entire point of lapdances and paying money. Youre paying to touch the dancer if its a full contact dance.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Getting too turned on boundaries?
    Why is that? I understand consent can be removed any time. It shouldn’t be my obligation to verify before each dance if unlimited nipple touching or something is allowed. That just seems odd. And the first 3 dances were fine, yet halfway through the 4th, with no warning or explanation, the “activating nipple excuse” came up. I get the hunch some of these things may even be intentional to make me look bad. Ive already paid the dance fee, and now the dancer has the full power to do anything she wants including not even allowing touching which is the point of the lap dance. I did stop going to that dancer, but the experience in itself was a scam, and potentially an attempt to emasculate me. She may have wanted to go on a power trip. For a power motivated person, they would be inclined to do something like get paid for a dance then sit around and do nothing. It makes them look and feel powerful. They got paid just for their mere existence. That kind of experience can leave you feeling emasculated , taken advantage of, etc.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Do you keep escalating each dance? Whats your dance limit before OTC?
    Daily by penetration do u include fingering there?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Do you keep escalating each dance? Whats your dance limit before OTC?
    Daily, some of them might refuse to tell you anyone who does OTC, cuz theu dont want to lose your business
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Breonna Taylor
    The federal government is incapable of protecting rights, the recent cop issues are just part of the agenda to federalize all cops. Even in the chauvin case, people have reenacted that neck knee chokehold and that doesnt in itself kill people. Chaivin was much lighter than floyd. So we dont know how mucj chaucin contributed to floyds death vs how much the drugs contributed. It could be 50/50, 80/20, 90/10, 70/30 etc
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Do you keep escalating each dance? Whats your dance limit before OTC?
    Icee isnt there a whole thing where some girls dont want to feel like or seem like whores... so the otc cant be asked straight up. It has to basically be approached in some other kind of way where she doesn’t feel like she’s a hooker.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Getting too turned on boundaries?
    Iknowbetter, it wasnt a line used by the dancer. It was the dancers behavior, she seems to be careful not to stimulate her pussy too much via grinding. Halfway through one dance, she said to stop touching her nipples cause im going to activate her nipples. She also has milk, but im not sure if activating meant milk or getting too turned on since she had no issue with milk in prior dances. Previois dances there was no issue with touching nipples or milk. It started randomly, halfway through one dance. Its a bit of a scam since you get the dances assuming rules are the same. Asking the rules before each dance seems troublesome and strange. The rules can change at whim. I couldn’t get dances with those kinds of rules
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Breonna Taylor
    Skibum, that is hilarious! You sound too angry over the situation imo
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Breonna Taylor
    Ilbba, current cops are state government so the right likes them. The left wants to federalize all cops, which is probably related to why these cop incidents are exaggerated and manufactured. The goal is to federalize all cops. Once that happens we would probably be under more control. And all the bad cop incidents will probably disappear from the media. Even though in actuality, there may actually be more bad cop incidents once they’re federalized
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Breonna Taylor
    Icee the cops said they announced when they broke tje door down. Theres no bodycam footage, so you basically have the cops word vs breonna and her boyfriend. We know cops can lie, but so can civilians. So far these cops demonstrated better morals than breonna, maybe her bf too. If you remember, when the incident just happened, breonnas bf said breonna herself was shooting at cops. After he talked to his lawyer the story suddenly changed to him being licensed and shooting the shots. Its very fishy stuff cause its like his lawyer could have manufactured the situation. If breonna was in fact the shooter there would be basically no case at all since the cops shot back at her. If her boyfriend was the shooter, that creates the situation we have now. If the bf was the shooter how come breonna was the only one who got shot? Was he hiding behind her as a shield or something? In the US its up to each individual to make sure they’re not sleeping over at a criminals house. If someone is a big enougj criminal, they can be raided at any time. Breonna wasnt a drug dealer herself but she was the money girl she would stash and store the money from other drug dealers. Someone in that sort of position probably cant just shoot someone breaking in since their lifestyle involved being on the run from cops. Kenneth could be in the right to shoot if he genuinely didnt know they were cops. But the cops had the right to defend themselves. They fired back after kenneth shot one cop in the leg, and somehow all their shots hit breonna.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Getting too turned on boundaries?
    Daily grind, the tutoring i got on here was actually why i got some repeat dances from the dancer. People on here and other sites said if you keep getting dances, the dancers get looser and looser with boundaries. And also, i wanted to try the milk so that kept me going for a couple more dances. But this was a whole reverse psychology mess up. This girl literally got stricter and stricter with each successive dance as if shes going on a power trip or has some mental issue going on. From knowing her, she has pretty low self esteem, gets extremely jealous and possessive anytime I mention another dancer or escort. She herself asked me which dancers are my favorite then started getting all pissed when i mentioned them even though i included her. With this type of low self esteem person, basically the better you treat them the more respect they lose for you. Its really unfortunate since i dont want to intentionally treat someone badly. I just stopped seeing her entirely as the pattern wasn’t going well. I had heard about this type of personality before but never understood it the way I do now. I disappeared for a few months then when i saw her next she was so angry she looked like she wanted to smack me. She didnt ask me for dances and i didnt ask her, i got dances with someone else. I think she has some sort of daddy issues where she hates men and wants to abuse them. Its very odd in the dances she acts excessively submissive other than random boundaries that can change at any moment. Outside of the dances she has a lot of anger, wants to boss me around, sometimes insults me over text. One time when getting a dance, she saw the stack of money in my pocket, then was trying to grab a $20 out of my pocket to try to force me to tip her during the dance. Lol! I spent $400 on her one time, then wanted to do $200 the next time i was there, and she went all crazy running around the club. She ran 10 feet away to a different table, then looked at me from there, and continued the convo telling me she’s not going to do a $200 dance. Its really crazy stuff i think its gone far beyond what a dancer client relationship is supposed to be. Getting so angry over me being gone a couple months, i dont know if thats regular dancer behavior. I would think with them getting paid for dances, they’re supposed to tolerate things like customers leaving and coming back. I would like to eventually get dances with her, partially just to see more of this laughable behavior.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Getting too turned on boundaries?
    Georg, i am a younger guy, and actually that dancer that day was complimenting me much more than usual especially as she had seen my couple year old super ripped muscular pictures. But something about that nipple activating stuff i didnt like, so i just stopped going. I felt we had a prior agreement that nipple play was fine. It wasnt an issue in any previous dances. She suddenly created this “rule” halfway through a dance. I had already paid, and obviously the club isnt going to refund because a dancer didnt let me touch the nipples for the full duration of the dance. The moral transgression was too much for me to bear, so I had trouble going in. I did eventually go in months later, and she was extremely pissed at me. I had already mentioned pornstar escorts to her, and with me being gone a few months, i think she was assuming i was banging pornstars the whole time. When I saw her in person, and told her about my other addictions eating up my money, she gave me an extremely crazy glare, looked like she was ready to stab or slap me. Ive never seen anything like it. In reality i didn’t actually see any escorts, but i was going to do it, but would get tok tired and cancel the appointment. Obviously from her perspective she may be thinking im with escorts the whole time. Herbcat, i just dont feel comfortable asking her for anything or being affiliated with her at all. We had a deal, iin the first 3 dances regarding the nipple play. Suddenly , halfway through the 4th final dance, she suddenly changes her mind, starts slapping my hands lightly and says stop you’re activating my nipple. Her nipples were extremely hard but I thought they always are, I don’t remember. And she didnt have any issue squirting milk the previous several dances. She broke our agreement halfway through a dance so she cant be trusted. I can tell she was very angry i went away for several months. Even more angry because she suspected i was banging pornstar escorts. And this all serves her right for her moral transgressions. That last dance was basically a scam. I just can’t affiliate with scammers and cheaters. I liked her dances, but it’s unfortunate she behaved this way.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Getting too turned on boundaries?
    SJG not every club allows the feel up. Feel ups can be limited in the front room.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Getting too turned on boundaries?
    Heaving that seems to be the inner reasoning based on the odd behaviors. Maybe it’s due to having a SO and not wanting to cum during dances or something. Its things like allowing touching of the pussy, but just not for long. The “activating the nipple” line makes it seem like something is going on.