Club Reset Night
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
There are a couple of girls in one local club who have gotten used to me paying them for a bit of banter and up to this point I've been fine with that. They are both gorgeous and engaging in different ways. For reasons I won't elaborate on, neither is a great OTC target, in part because each has shown some deeply rooted emotional issues relating to sex, which I learned over time in the course of many alcohol infused conversions. But that's OK - not every girl I enjoy seeing in a club has to be a prime OTC candidate.
But last night it became clear that I needed to start resetting some expectations. I didn't go out with this intention, but a couple of things pushed me over.
First was that I am almost positive that one of these girls was blabbing to another about me and it seemed to cause some amusement. Ouch. I won't go into the specifics about how I got this impression, but I'm pretty sure I wasn't imagining things - I'm not prone to dreaming up this stuff.
Even worse though, the other actually cock blocked me by asking a fresh face I was talking to if she could help her with something in the back. When they emerged from the back, the new girl went in a different direction and the cock blocking (now former) favorite came to my seat and tried to start the usual chat. Unbelievable.
I never thought I'd say this about myself, but I suspect I've become a bit of an ATM for these two girls - a convenient source of a little side cash when better opportunities weren't presenting themselves. I don't think it is helping that I haven't been spreading things around as much as I used to. I got a little too comfortable in this one place for too long. It's also not helping that this crew hasn't seemed to turnover much recently.
The moment I had this epiphany, I decided that I had to reset things. I didn't spend a nickel on any girl that night except for some modest stage tips for a couple of girls who very much deserved it. I continued to be friendly to the two girls in question, but after not receiving drink offers or stage tips from me, one of the two got the hint pretty quick. The other was slower on the uptake, but after getting nothing from me for a while, she eventually got the message too and moved on.
On the plus side I returned home with much more cash in my pocket than I thought I'd have, but I don't especially enjoy a night out that I have to burn on stripper expectation maintenance. At least there was still booze and boobs to enjoy. It's pretty clear that I'm going to need to spread it out a bit more again and start going back to re-focusing my spending on those girls who show better potential.
But last night it became clear that I needed to start resetting some expectations. I didn't go out with this intention, but a couple of things pushed me over.
First was that I am almost positive that one of these girls was blabbing to another about me and it seemed to cause some amusement. Ouch. I won't go into the specifics about how I got this impression, but I'm pretty sure I wasn't imagining things - I'm not prone to dreaming up this stuff.
Even worse though, the other actually cock blocked me by asking a fresh face I was talking to if she could help her with something in the back. When they emerged from the back, the new girl went in a different direction and the cock blocking (now former) favorite came to my seat and tried to start the usual chat. Unbelievable.
I never thought I'd say this about myself, but I suspect I've become a bit of an ATM for these two girls - a convenient source of a little side cash when better opportunities weren't presenting themselves. I don't think it is helping that I haven't been spreading things around as much as I used to. I got a little too comfortable in this one place for too long. It's also not helping that this crew hasn't seemed to turnover much recently.
The moment I had this epiphany, I decided that I had to reset things. I didn't spend a nickel on any girl that night except for some modest stage tips for a couple of girls who very much deserved it. I continued to be friendly to the two girls in question, but after not receiving drink offers or stage tips from me, one of the two got the hint pretty quick. The other was slower on the uptake, but after getting nothing from me for a while, she eventually got the message too and moved on.
On the plus side I returned home with much more cash in my pocket than I thought I'd have, but I don't especially enjoy a night out that I have to burn on stripper expectation maintenance. At least there was still booze and boobs to enjoy. It's pretty clear that I'm going to need to spread it out a bit more again and start going back to re-focusing my spending on those girls who show better potential.
Hell, the council members could all converge on your neck of the woods and have a glorious rickbang of the fresh face. I assume she is a hot female hairless ape that meets your impeccable criteria. The vulture, the shark, and I are ready for a road trip. ROAR!!!
unless they're new, it's established that i only hit the stage for hotties i want to chill with.
I like your reset and I've done it myself. A lot. In my experiences it can occasion result in a reluctant OTC candidate changing her mind as the girls talk about your change in behavior. But I'm your case these two are not candidates. So I often drop no more than ten or twenty and a drink on them every other trip and have nice convo. The dancers talk about us. A LOT. So I just keep up niceties on the cheap while growing my bank to spend on the real targets.
This is particular useful with dancers you are pursuing a long term strategy to get OTC and they are on the fence. You are no longer an ATM. But you've shown you have cash to spend. But you are now in control and it's their move to up the ante or not.
Your sin, and mine, that you've described is an occupational hazard
I'm just trying to figure out how to get semen stains out of my polyester Leisure Suit Larry suit....
One of my former favorites (now out of the business and happily married) was one of my favorites, not only because she was just a delight to be around, but because she was the exact opposite of a cock-blocker. Despite being absolutely anti-extra for herself, she had no problem at all keeping me abreast of who would and wouldn't fuck, who the drug users were, and being a "reference" for the girls who were in doubt about me.
I miss her.
At the end of the day as a custy one needs to set boundaries else the dancers/club will often do it for you - although this can at times be uncomfortable especially when a dancer has treated you well in the past but you just wanna spend on other dancers.
At the end of the day it’s up to each PL how he spends his $$$ as long as he knows the deal/game – one thing is to pay for conversation b/c you don’t know any better and are clueless; but w.r.t. @Dugan/experienced-SCers, there is usually a-method-to-their-madness.
Oh goodie. Another dipshit who believes that if he can just band everyone on an Internet board together and tell them how to spend their own money, then he can really influence strip club supply and demand. Brilliant.
Hey Lock, a few things to consider:
First, I'll spend my money how I damned well please.
Second, I'll spend my money how I damned well please.
Third, I don't tip for conversation, I tip girls who entertain me.
Fourth, I became an "easy mark" not because of how I chose to tip them, but because I let it play out far too long with each of them.
I club in predominantly non-extras clubs in which I don't generally buy LDs, so I need to have some way to pay the girls. I'm generous with the ones I like on stage and, if they are fun to be with, barside as well. For me the added bonus is extended time to get to know many of them, which has led to countless OTC adventures that I may not otherwise have had. As Papi graciously said, I know what I'm doing.
My version of Strip Club Hell is going into a club, spending $200+ dollars having a girl do scripted moves on me where maybe, just maybe, I get a woody, and then having her disappear seconds after it's over looking for her next target because that's how she's been conditioned to behave after making the sale. I'm not remotely excited by sitting in some faux leather chair getting tits and ass put in front of me in some choreographed fashion. I'm just not wired like that. If I can't have the full monty then I'd much rather just enjoy her charm and beauty barside.
This game has room for many players at the card table and we all play our hands differently
i don't head to the ld/vip area without wood. gotta fluff me to pull that trigger.
"And I been at it over 4 decades. What is your point?"
Whats <em>your</em> point? There are quite a few people here who've been clubbing for over four decades, and a few more who've been doing it quite a bit longer.
As rick said, I'll spend my money any damned way I want, and franklym if it makes someone like <em>you</em> have to pay more to get what you want, so much the better. Bonus.
And Rick that was gaca not me.…
Crack, coke, whatever. Clearly she was a junkie jonesing for a fix.
It’s really irrelevant anyway because in reality the only thing Icee is getting any woman addicted to is pepper spray which they probably buy in bulk to spray at him anytime he comes around.
The worst thing was her panning a Louie bag for drug money. That was fucked up.
She's getting help. She got out of rehab and is away from everyone. She's at the family farm in Mexico and we still talk.
You're the one fooling yourself into thinking you have a normal family life. Loving a double life
Anyway, the next time that trolling urge hits you, maybe just keep in mind that rocks fly in more than one direction. 😏
"But then came the lies. She started fucking other guys for coke. And she ended up with a broke ass bum wannabe pimp junkie."
^^^LMFAO and you bought an engagement ring for her while also staging a faux suicide attempt after she dumped you.
"The pain got to be too much for me when I saw them together. I confronted his bitch ass. He tried boxing. I fought dirty af and pepper sprayed him and beat his ass. Pulled his pants down and pepper sprayed his dick and balls. Lmfao"