
California AB5 Employee Status; Update/2nd Glance

Taking another look AB5 in Calirornia now that’s it’s a few years in and how it affects strippers and what they are saying. Is their some now extreme remorse sense of lament at the realities of these girls are now bringing home vs before? A couple r/stripper makes me think it has been an utter disaster for the dancers there. https://www.reddit.com/r/stripper/commen…



Some of my best memories mongering have come in the state of California. SoCal is still my favorite part of the country to club in. And although sometimes when things aren’t going well for dancers it’s good for us, I was there last year and OTC/extras was so fucking easy with some dimes but that might’ve true before too I’m not sure how much was AB5. But this kind of stuff can’t be good long term for strip clubs in California.

We might start to see a big talent drain of girls just doing regular jobs if they pay is the same. Hot girls (arguably the most universally coveted skill in the world) are not being allowed to profit off that skill so why deal with the bullshit? For benefits? Do people realize with money you can purchase healthcare you don’t have to get it through your employer, it’s like people don’t that or something. Anyway would love to hear your guys/gals thoughts on what you been seeing and hearing out there when it comes to this issue.


  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    CA AB-5 has been fucked.

    That's why we are going to use the Membership Club / Private Party Model to neutralize it.

  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    A few disgruntled hoes online dint mean shit

    Every girl I know who is actually working in these clubs like it. They pay taxes into the system and get their tipouts and house fees taken care of plus get a little to take home even after the clubs take advantage of them. Whatever they make in the club is theirs to take home.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Every girl Icee knows = zero. Pathetic as a human being and a sad sack liar. No one believes anything you post bitch.
  • Subraman
    2 years ago
    It has been an utter disaster for the girls. Many took the opportunity to leave the industry or dance in another state. No girls really support it; and as you noticed, in stripper forums, they consistently bash it. For good reason, they realize their take-home has gone down while at the same time they are subject to more stringent employee expectations. The evil empire -- deja vu -- was very supportive of this. Believe me, it's not because they were going to take home less of the girls' money.
  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    Btw I really need proofread I just want to take a second to apologize for the shit show my grammar is. I cringe reading this stuff back.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Subraman you're a liar. You're like sjg. Acting like an expert coz you read ahit online.

    As I said.A few disgruntled hoes online dint mean shit

    Every girl I know who is actually working in these clubs like it. They pay taxes into the system and get their tipouts and house fees taken care of plus get a little to take home even after the clubs take advantage of them. Whatever they make in the club is theirs to take home.

    The only girls I've met against it are ones who don't want to pay taxes. Don't want the responsibility of a schedule or promoting etc.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    And girls love working deja vu clubs. Coz they tend to treat them well and are more professional than other clubs.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    And yeah some hookers don't like it coz they think it's square shit 🤡
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    ^The only liar we all know. You're pathetic and know jack shit loser.
  • Subraman
    2 years ago
    For those who are actually curious, here's how deja vu and the rest take MORE of the girls money rather than less, while paying them an hourly wage. Previous setup was something like this (I'm making these numbers up, but it's the basic structure -- I can find the exact pre-AB5 deal for local clubs if anyone cares). As an independent contractors, it would be:

    - $75 stage fee
    - 50% of first $200 made
    - 25% thereafter

    So, the club would take basically $175 of the first $200 a girl made, then 25% of her take thereafter. Another way to look at it: To make $300 (not counting tips she gets, or minus tipouts) she has to sell $566.67 in dances. After AB5, the structure is something like (again I can look up the exact numbers, but this is the form):

    - 100% of first $250 made (she makes $0)
    - 70% of next $200 made (she makes $60)
    - 30% thereafter
    - Club also pays her $152 in salary
    - In addition, the club has significantly more license in establishing rules and discipline, because they are employees.

    To make $300: She starts with the $152 in salary for her shift, the first $450 she makes yields $60 (so she's made $112 on the first $450 in dances), and to make the remaining $188 she has to sell $268.57 in dances. Or $718.57 total dances to make $300.

    The numbers are not as kind as I've made them seem -- the girls saw a significant drop, the entire stripper forum universe isn't lying. The salary is not "free" -- the club gets that all back first thing by taking 100% of the first $X in dances (plus some padding), then has upped the percentages in the subsequent levels. The only time this benefits the girls is when they have the occasional horrible day where they make almost nothing -- they still get to go home with $152 no matter what. But this safety net is illusory, because girls who don't even cover their own salary get fired for performance reasons. The girls are now also subject to strict employee type rules, in many clubs.
  • Subraman
    2 years ago
    Sorry, $212 on her first $450 in dances! typo... so sh has to sell another $125 in dances to take home $300. Or $575 in dances. The club takes 30% (rather than 25% previously) after that, so they've given themselves a raise there too. As I said, the real numbers are worse than this
  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    I hooked up with one SB in San Diego. Gorgeous. Anyway I asked hey you dance out here? She said no way she goes to Vegas to dance on the weekends she doesn’t want to deal with all the San Diego licensing fees/you got to register with the police department/ and then AB5. There’s just too much bureaucratic red tape bullshit in Cali going on. You got make it easier for girls to work not harder.
  • Subraman
    2 years ago
    Mud: shockingly, the happiness of our favorite busty beauties does not seem to be a priority of our local representatives.

    Help a stripper -- do an OTC today!
  • CJKent_band
    2 years ago

    I will play along and comment on your discussion.

    You wrote and I quote:

    “I was there last year and OTC/extras was so fucking easy with some dimes but that might’ve true before too I’m not sure how much was AB5.”

    Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.

  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    On the plus side Subra the sugar side of the house in Cali is probably getting a big boost from this stuff.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    AB5 has destroyed the gig economy and the lively hoods of those who work in it. Strip clubs cannot operate under that.

    We will get around it though with the Membership Club / Private Party Model.

  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Subraman. Throwing out some wild examples you found online is bs.

    These girls start at $19 an hour. They get taxes house fees and tipout taken out of it. They also have a schedule and have to do club promoting work. That's the norm.

    Also you snd others keep using stripper as a synonym for hooker. They're not the same.

    And getting your certification to dance isn't hard. You're only rejected if you have a violent felony or prostitution arrests
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    That cali otc stuff sounds amazing. What kind of rates were you guys paying. Here its $400+ for the hottest girls from what I’ve seen

    Icee, prostitution should be completely legalized. A moral society would give people freedom to engage in it.

  • Subraman
    2 years ago
    Muddy, you have to think. Although I was saying a few years ago that nearly every stripper I got to know ITC turned out to have an SA account. Often they abandoned that account once they realized how much time and effort it took to find an SA, but they all had one. Given that AB5 has driven so many girls out of stripping, and increasing awareness and tolerance of sugaring among younger people, I'd have to think sugar has benefited from this. I've certainly seen my share of tatted party girl types on the site
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Making $19 an hour didn't drive girls out of stripping. Clubs that try to rip them off fail. Clubs that try to not follow the law. And LA clubs have a huge number of girls working any night.

    Subraman you take a few out there online examples and force your own politics on them. Like sjg
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    The women who work in strip clubs generally do get a lot of money. AB5 is not about getting them more money.

    Strip clubs will not be able to function if the women are employees.

    Membership Club and Private Party Model are what will get us around this.

  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    They function fine with dancers as employees
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Strip club management says no. They need to have dancers as contractors as they always have been.

    AB5 and the Dynamech decision are based on contractor work where the workers get very little. Strip clubs are not this way.

  • Subraman
    2 years ago
    SJG is making more sense than Icee lol
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Dynanex was a really sleazy kind of business. But AB5 left no doubt that the ruling extends to everything.

    At the state level we really have only one party now.


    Membership Club / Private Party, so they are just Members or Party Guests, same as the men.

  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Subrqmqn youre just like sjg just posting dumb shit you read. And like him your concern is that as employees less hookers are likely to work clubs. Which benefits actual dancers
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    No Icee, AB5 likely means the end of strip clubs as we have known them. These suits to get employee status have dogged them for 40 years. But now with Dynamex and AB5, finally they cannot let the dancers be contractors. And their highest corporate executives have insisted that they cannot function with dancers being employees. They need the level of detachment and deniability.

    Membership Club / Private Party, so they are just Members or Party Guests, same as the men.

    But the big corporations will not be able to do this. We, the little guys, have to do it.


    Figueroa will be getting better now that CA has lifted the loitering with intent law

    miggs : "Let The Games Begin" starring LINDSAY LOHAN (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Sjg clubs in Cali are just fine. You and subraman oppose employee rights for dancers coz legit clubs have many less hookers working and follow the law more.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    The dancers did not ask for AB5. And these law suits are always retired dancers.

    Dynamex was a real sleazy operation. We should not have to extrapolate from that to the whole society, like musicians, actors, and dancers.

    In the loose clubs as they have been, the women have lots of power, rights, freedom, and income.

    But now they have to be employees. Strip club management cannot have a written list of rules for what they can and cannot do, because that would make them culpable. They need multiple layers of deniability.


    miggs : "Let The Games Begin" starring LINDSAY LOHAN (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

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    Aerosmith - Walk This Way (from You Gotta Move - Official Video)
  • TFP
    2 years ago
    Just wanted to comment and commend Subra on his ignoring of Icee.

    Also, at the few clubs I visit in CA it seems that AB5 basically drove all the old veteran girls out, and a bunch of baby strippers took their place. And another club I visit still has the girls as IC. I'm not quite sure how they manage that, unless their operating illegally. And that club looks too big to be able to get away with that.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    ^ no what it amounts to is that the non Deja Vu clubs are just trying to get along in defiance, and maybe in denial. It takes a lawsuit to enforce AB5.

    And this will come when a contingent of the dancers retire.

    DV's has lots of pricey lawyers. Their position is that they are a corporate target, so they have to follow the letter of the law now. When those other clubs get sued, DV has said, "We'll be waiting in the wings", to buy them up on the cheap. And zoning makes it impractical to open any more retail clubs.

    This is real bad!

    Must set up Membership Club - Private Party Model venues.

    Thanks for that info TFP.


    miggs : "Let The Games Begin" starring LINDSAY LOHAN (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

    Best of Aerosmith 2021 - Aerosmith Greatest Hits Full Album

    Aerosmith - Walk This Way (from You Gotta Move - Official Video)
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    well Muddy, do you see what you've started here? Ongoing useless banter between the sjcreep and iceydougee topped off with cjkunt begging you for dick pics.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Icey the clubs where the dancers have the least power is DV.

    Now true, instructed by their lawyers, DV has backed off on the weigh ins and the fines, but it still has the tightest controls, and girls are afraid of standing up to DV because they control so much of the industry.

    Must set up Membership Club - Private Party Model venues.


    miggs : "Let The Games Begin" starring LINDSAY LOHAN (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

    Best of Aerosmith 2021 - Aerosmith Greatest Hits Full Album

    Aerosmith - Walk This Way (from You Gotta Move - Official Video)
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    You're idea of dancers having power is them being able to hoe in a club.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Icee the clubs only really exist because of prostitution being illegal. If prostitution was legal many of these clubs wouldn’t be able to compete if they offered lapdances only. Prostitution is supposed to be legal, you can’t use government power to restrict people’s choices. Of course the market will be more competitive for dancers and other women, with legal hookers.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    No Icee, in most strip clubs the dancers really do protect themselves and establish the limits.

    THis is less so in DV clubs because they are so big that no one wants to cross them, and because they are really a think tank figuring out the psychology of the interactions and then making the dancers go along with it.

    And yes BTE, US clubs exist because we are the only country with such zeal for enforcing the prostitution ban.

    DV though goes way beyond this, limiting all front room interaction in order to get people into the toll boths, and to undermine the customers free interaction with the dancer.

    In or local underground circuit there are no booths or back rooom, as they had not been when Jim and Artie were running MBOT. It is a freer interaction, and experienced dancers insist that they make more money that way.

  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    @Muddy are you happy now, you have a thread that will out live you.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Muddy, BTE, and Juice are immortal!

  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago

    And your a psychotic goatfucking creep!

    BTW, last notice, we are getting closer...



  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    I know there a like 40 comments supposedly and I can only see about 10
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Sjg yeah dv clubs are legit and strict about rules. Girls like working there for that reason.

    And yeah hookers don't like clubs like that coz they get fired if they turn tricks there.
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