Intentional ignoring text games

avatar for rickmacrodong
Do you know dancers or even other people, guys or girls who engage in this? Basically they intentionally ignore someones texts in order to get the other person to chase after them more, or ask them out, give them attention.

I think some dancers are doing this to clients and it works on some, i think some who aren’t aware or experienced get crazy over the ignoring stuff.

Right now there’s lots of dating coaches, articles etc who are advising people to do this. So, there’s literally 2/10 guys and girls who are intentionally ignoring people thinking it will get the other person to like or chase them.

Its also used by narcissist types as a psychological weapon, control tactic, to show anger etc.


last comment
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Hot looking women now, because of cell phones, often give you their numbers to guys they probably don't really want to keep in touch with.

I don't think they are doing this to try and get you to make more attempts.

avatar for Champphilly
3 years ago
Yes. They do that initially. But once you become a regular then they are prompt.
avatar for CJKent_band
3 years ago
Public Service Announcement (PSA)

BigThirdEye is just cacaplop trying to swamp these forums with repetitive, stupid questions, either via his own threads or crashing other threads.

But, as always, take a look at his posting history and judge for yourself.

If engaging with his inane posts is fun for you, then go for it.

Otherwise, don't think you're answering sincere questions.

~ Call.Me.Ishmael
~ April 29, 2022

“In this world, shipmates, sin that pays its way can travel freely, and without a passport; whereas Virtue, if a pauper, is stopped at all frontiers."

~Father Mapple via Herman Melville's "Moby Dick".
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
^ I think beautiful young women that are fairly free with their phone numbers get swamped.


Eric Clapton - Wonderful Tonight [all electric and with special vocal solo]…

TJ Zona…
avatar for Jimmybigtits
3 years ago
You just ignore them back. Don't appear desperate. Be a man. You have the wallet the world is yours. That's only if it's early on with her. It's a form of negotiation. Now if a regular does it she may have a bigger spender warming her bed.

Either way you must be cool and you must never appear desperate. Never
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
^^ Jimmyb is correct!

avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
I mean, maybe it’s there is some type of game, but also big maybe it’s just because interacting is completely pointless. Nothing wrong with taking the hint and going elsewhere:

Exhibit A…
avatar for psycho_trick
3 years ago
bitches like this tuscl-bashing reddit troll text the same dude sucking-up for money and expect them to answer immediately.
pro-tip: play the game. wait 2 hours, then ask them 'whats up' and make them beg again.

avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
SJG and nicespice it all depends on context. The context makes it clearer whether it’s just lack of interest, genuinely busy, or the silent treatment or ignore game.
There are many people engaging in this as well as many people falling for it. People are being advised to do this on the internet. They’re being told if they like someone, to intentionally ignore them because itll make them more interested.
To unsuspecting people, they can wonder what’s going on, why they weren’t responded to. It can cause some people to chase after the person and think about them more.

The behavior itself was modeled after ceos, presidents, royalty, and wealthy powerful people. Imagine if you tried reaching out to some ceo or celebrity or president? You’d basically be ignored. Even if you had their personal info, chances are youd be ignored. People are essentially trying to replicate that sort of behavior to appear to be busy and in demand. Even if they’re in reality on the phones all day.

I have seen and known extremely ugly guys and girls engage in tjis behavior. Even with people they were obsessed with. Its possible people with lower self esteem do it more.

Some people take it as far as copying your response times or exceeding them. Like if you reoly after 2 hours they do the same. Some even intentionally wait a full day in order to “punish” you for replying after 2 hours.
Some people even copy the length of your texts. Like if you have 50 characters they try to do the same or less.
It’s probably miore common in the younger crowds who grew up texting. People in their 20s now maybe early 30s. Older people don seem as familiar with these
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Heaving ghosting is a little different. Theres clues to look for.
For instance if you double text them, and they respond very quickly and enthusiastically.
Or if you flirt with them and they flirt back.
If someone is genuinely busy I wouldn’t take it personally. Same as if they didn’t wanf to maintain a connection.
There’s certain clues and context that tells you if they’re intentionally doing it.
And if they are doing it intentionally there can be like 10-15 reasons. It can be to test your confidence, your interest level, how needy you are. It can be used to get you to chase after them, either for genuine reasons or to stroke theur ego. It can be a subtle indirect way to tell you you’re worthless, dumb, inferior to them. It can be used to show anger, or control you. Narcissits are renowned fir using silent treatment.

The reason i dont like it is even if it’s done as a test or try to get someone to chase you, the indirect message you’re telling them is still that they’re worthless, inferior and/or stupid.
So what you end up with is only super desperate guys will still continue talking to that person, or players who are familiar with it and are willing to take the hit to the ego because they want to get the girl.

I think the reason ignoring can be regarded so badly by many is cause it can be worse than rejection. There’s the uncertainty factor, and the fact it isn’t just a rejection its a refusal to even be connected in any form.
avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
I have never liked those ambiguous situations where I'm not sure if a female is uninterested or just playing hard to get. That's one reason I like strip clubs. I know almost every stripper is there because she wants to make money and will spend time with me in the club if I will spend money on her. I don't ask for their phone numbers or try to text them or try to arrange seeing them outside the club because there is too much variation in whether they are interested in talking to me or seeing me outside the club. Because of that I spend zero time wondering why they are slow to respond to my text or phone message, since I never call them or text them in the first place.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ how amusing shrub who’s never met me nor paid a gambling debt thinks he knows what I look like Tell me shrubby why do you post here it’s obvious you belong in the cheap faggit section.
You still owe nice spice 10 grand you cheap fuckn queer.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Heaving and doc, if they dont reply do you just never text them again at all? Or send another message of some kind? Insult them?

Some people with low self esteem feel compelled to do this, to feel better about themselves. If you think about it, the ignore game is a subtle way to hint to someone “you aint shit”. Its an insult regardless, but some people are desperate enough, or don’t care about it so they still continue.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Doc you are right it is one of the benefits of strip clubs. The unfortunate thing is some dancers will still play this game, especially if they know you have options, or like other dancers, or aren’t seeing them as much. Some people just believe it helps people chase after them more, and in some cases it likely does. I think theres some guys who may crazily chase after someone ignoring them.
avatar for Jimmybigtits
3 years ago
Just don't fucking chase them! Desperation ruins your leverage
avatar for georgmicrodong
3 years ago
If they don't respond, I just assume they don't want to talk to me. It's not rocket science.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Georg, its not that simple, especially if its someone you’ve known a long time. Assuming they always dont want to talk is overly negative, assuming they always want to talk is overly positive
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
If they’ve only ignored one text, theres many ways to test things further and figure out if they were angry, or didnt want to talk, or did want to but wanted you to chase after them. Now that last part is tricky because they could want you to chase just for validation or because they genuinely want you. That’s something youll find out once you ask them out or make a move. This js why people are encouraged to ask out early etc.

For instance in some cases I double texted and the girl replied back with crazy enthusiastic or flirty responses within like 2 minutes as if she was waiting there for me to get back to her. I didn’t want those two girls but was still able to run tests to look for clues on the ignoring.
avatar for georgmicrodong
3 years ago
"@BTE: "Georg, its not that simple, especially if its someone you’ve known a long time."

Yeah, it really is. Whether it's because they don't have time, are busy with something and forget, or really just don't want to talk, it's just that simple.
avatar for wallanon
3 years ago
There's all kinds of reasons you might not hear back.

Do strippers selectively respond? Sure. A now-former dancer I've known for years will go quiet when she doesn't want to tell me no. So if I put something out there and don't hear back, then I'll treat that as a no lol. And if I really want an answer quickly I'll call her and give her a chance to say "no" or "can't" etc because she has no problem saying the words but doesn't like typing them.

Or there's another dancer with a pre-paid phone plan that she's terrible at keeping paid up. If I'm only getting calls and she's not responding to texts, then she's probably due to re-up her plan. Or pick your own reason. To some of the other comments, there are dancers who don't respond because they think the customer might show up at work looking for them and spend money. It happens.

Bottom line is you as customers get to decide what you'll put up with it.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Georg, next time it happens you may want to test things out. So if someone doesnt answer just one text of yours, you’ll basically never message or contact them again and assume they dont want to talk to you?

Sometimes people are genuinely busy, genuinely forgot, or genuinely didnt get the message. And then, especially with these younger people, its a game. Youre giving too mucj benefit of tje doubt, people in their 20s and 30s are playing text games all the time. You may not be familiar with the games. You cant deny their existence and say it means theu dont want to talk to you.
avatar for Jimmybigtits
3 years ago
Look guys this shit ain't rocket science. If she ignores your texts do research and find her address. Make a huge sign that says "I love you! Do GFE OTC with me for $500!". Stand outside her front door or bedroom window for a couple hours. Just remember to retain a lawyer
avatar for Jimmybigtits
3 years ago
And if you did that for a couple hours you'd find out why she was ignoring your texts when you see two other fellas leaving her house at the top of the hour laughing at you
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
No matterbqhat. If someone wants you they text you. Texting just shows how much of a priority you are or arent
avatar for KittyCreamyKat
3 years ago
I think if you're not offering money, strippers simply aren't interested. If a woman ignores texts it's because you're saying something she doesn't want to hear.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
My general rule is, don't send more than two texts since the other person's last text.

Use to be the reg of a dancer who was half white and half East Asian. One of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. I initially followed my general rule with her. Next time I saw her in the club, she complained that I had stopped texting her. I said I didn't want to be pesky. She insisted that she read all my texts, even if she didn't answer them. Yeah, I know, almost certainly her way of making me feel I was getting attention from her, without her actually having to bother to give me any. But, regardless, I texted away. Worse ways for a boring old man to fill his ample spare time. Anyway, I helped her once with her Calculus homework, so the bitch owed me.
avatar for conan_mac_morna
3 years ago
My CF sometimes takes a day or two to respond. Life happens, deal with it.
avatar for georgmicrodong
3 years ago
@BTE: "Georg, next time it happens you may want to test things out. So if someone doesnt answer just one text of yours, you’ll basically never message or contact them again and assume they dont want to talk to you?"

Your reading comprehension sucks. I never said that, and I don't mean that.
avatar for azdd
3 years ago…

I started a discussion on this a while back, and not much has changed. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that some dancers are great at responding, and some aren’t. Some are prompt, some aren’t. I’ve stopped reading too much into whether they respond, how long they take to respond, etc. If they are interested in communicating, they have the means to do so. Having said all this, my biggest annoyance is when a dancer with an intermittent work schedule can’t take 2 seconds to let me know whether they will be working or not, especially if my visit to the club is based on whether or not they are going to be there.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Icee and kitkat, this is a game done by people in their teens, 20s and 30s. Some people think it will make someone want you more. There’s numerous reasons its done.
Humans aren’t robots or machines. Things aren’t as simple as somebody doesnt respond, always means they arent interested. Its also not as simple as didnt respond, always means they’re secretly super interested and playing games.

Some dancers are actually doing this intentionally because they think it will get guys to chase after them more and spend more money. And to susceptible guys it can really work. To an inexperienced gullible guy, he might wonder why shes not replying, think about her more, chase after her more.

Theres dating coaches and youtubers with millions id views advising people to do this. Its about pretending to be busy even when you aren’t. Showing you have other options. Pretending you dont care even if you care a lot. Its related to the fake society, fake behavior, narcissism etc. some people will actually use it if they’re angry, the silent treatment.

People also do it to people they think are arrogant or out of their league, as an attempt to bring down their ego. When i was in university, there were literal 2/10 girls doing this thinking it would make me want them more. They would be just a classmate for example, but would ask stuff on text, intentionally ignore etc. if I flirted with them just a little bit they would flirt a lot.

Georg then what did you mean? The way you worded it, that’s what it seemed.
avatar for Jimmybigtits
3 years ago
Ok this is what happened this morning. A week ago I'd been discussing OTC with a dancer. We were scheduled to meet this past Tuesday but she vanished. No texting or response to my text on Monday. I texted her this morning "$250 but only if it happens today or tomorrow due to my schedule". She texted right back. We are fucking this week. Now if she ghosts again the ball is in her court I will move on to the next one on my target list
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
Too much drama, it’s boring AF
avatar for georgmicrodong
3 years ago
@BTE: "Georg then what did you mean? The way you worded it, that’s what it seemed."

Where did I use any version of "never speak to them again"? You're reading more into my words than the words say.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Why the fuck are you playing texting games with someone you have a business relationship with
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Georg, you said something to the effect of you wouldn’t contact them again if they ignored a text, unless they reached out to you first.

Icee who’s playing texting games?
I didn’t say I’m playing texting games. Theres dancers who play them to attempt to get more money and attention. Regular people play tjese games for validation attention or to get someone they want. The unfortunate reality is a lot of people play these games, even in professional settings, for a variety of reasons.

Jimmy its cool you said that, so youre willing to double or triple text someone who doesn’t answer your messages?
avatar for georgmicrodong
3 years ago
@BTE: "you said something to the effect of you wouldn’t contact them again if they ignored a text, unless they reached out to you first."

I most certainly did not. Once again, your reading comprehension sucks.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Georg, everything is still posted, comments cant be edited.

“Yeah, it really is. Whether it's because they don't have time, are busy with something and forget, or really just don't want to talk, it's just that simple”

So yes, you didnt explicitly say one text, but you stated if they don’t respond to X number of texts you assume they dont want to talk
avatar for Badnigga77
2 years ago
This is when I think people don't know how to block and delete then find a new dancer in that same club.

It's your money friend. Simply use it in a way more beneficial to you
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
Can you imagine the poor dancer who gave this loser her cell number? I feel bad for her. She’s getting the most inane text messages from a guy who is afraid of women.

Can we meet outside of the club?


Let’s meet up at the motel 6 on I95 tomorrow.


I have a coupon for 30% off a room.


I know you like me!

Go away creep!

I got my work bonus today - so I’ve got an extra $200 to spend!

No! No! No!

You said you liked me when I was prepaying for a dance.

I say that to every guy who buys dances - loser!

Fuck you whore! I tipped you $20 after that dance! I’m a big spender and you can’t treat a whale like that!

Bye bye….

Obviously that was a fictional characterization of the text interaction. But, it’s likely close to the reality of this twisted fool’s existence.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Cashman, the problem is if someone is raised poorly, by dishonest people, and then spreads their seed and raises more dishonest filthy people. You admit to being filth, but dont admit to being raised by, and creating more filth! Sad.

This isnt about dancers or other people ignoring texts from someone they dont want to talk to.
This is actually a widespread thing people are doing for different reasons.

Also cashie, your examples are of a dancer repeatedly saying no to otc invitations... not the same as an intentional ignoring game, i wouldnt expect filth to understand.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
I just got off the phone. 3 hours of listening to a stripper hoe talk about her roommates her puppy and sending me pics of her pussy lulz
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Amazing Icee. You dont even need to pay for it!
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Cacaplop when you grow up and live a little you'll realize with women it's all about how you make them feel
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Icee i was being sarcastic. Your story is a complete fabrication

It was hilarious seeing champ call you generous. He doesn’t know you stole all tht money you tipped for Christmas

And of course you can make someone “feel good” giving hundreds of dollars free lulz
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
At this point, I can only assume one of two things. Either you're not a native English speaker who truly does not understand the words I've written, or (and this seems vastly more likely) you have just chosen to deliberately misinterpret what I've written to fit your desired narrative.

Good luck with that.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Georg i dont know what you’re talking about
But i did notice you dont like admitting when you’re wrong...
You stated people have to ask founder permission to change account names, not true
And you mixed up debit cards with credit cards. It was pointed out, then you switched over to saying “well what i said still counts since credit cards have cash advances”
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Cacaplop is an immature little Indian kid
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
Icee has likely found the truth behind the cacaplop troll. It’s obvious this troll has gone full troll on this site with his inane posts and questions.

His maturity level appears adolescent. He is either underage (and should therefore be banned from this adult site) or he has no unpaid contact with women, and he is obviously afraid of them.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Its a simple discussion topic...
Whether its inane or not is up for debate.
But you dont even really understand the idea Cashman
You may be too old, or just too ignorant
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
You're conflating strippers with girls playing dating games. These are two different things.

I won't speak to the civilian side of it except to say that, if anything, it would backfire with me. If she blows off my text, then I'll assume that she's either not interested or simply lacks basic courtesy. I'm not the type to blow a girl's phone up for any reason.

With a stripper, there can be too many reasons to count. Do you know how many guys some of these girls give their numbers to? She might be burned out from dealing with guys, or just not interested, or she's not in the right mindset, or she is busy with real life stuff, or [insert other reasons here]. I don't read anything into it if I text and she doesn't respond except to assume that she isn't looking to interact with me at that moment. Next. I can very much assure you that she does NOT want to be chased and will probably block you if you blow up her phone.

On the flip side, do you know how many strippers I've given my number to over the years? I do the same thing that strippers do when I'm busy or just don't want to deal with them - ignore the messages. And I'll quickly block someone that blows up my phone. I've never had any of them take it personally the next time I saw them - they know the score.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Rick i agree with your points but these dating games can be used to create interest or create more interest. Sometimes people also do silent treatment if theyre angry. I am sure there are guys out there who would fall for these tricks and spend more money than they otherwise would because of games like this.
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