
Comments by rickmacrodong (page 102)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Types of daddy issues
    Does anyone have any ideas as far as how the different types of mommy and daddy issues manifest differently in men and women? Theres the absent mother or father (literally or just too busy with work or hobbies so functionally absent), the overbearing/controlling one, the overly nice/praising one.
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    2 years ago
    Intentional ignoring text games
    Georg, its not that simple, especially if its someone you’ve known a long time. Assuming they always dont want to talk is overly negative, assuming they always want to talk is overly positive
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Western PA
    OTC with the hot stripper/bartender who is fucking the bar owner and bounty hunt
    Ilba if hes buddy buddy woth the cops and prosecutor to where he can go after people for doing otc with his girl then he doesn’t deserve anything nor do any of those corrupt cops etc.
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    2 years ago
    Western PA
    OTC with the hot stripper/bartender who is fucking the bar owner and bounty hunt
    Jimmy, The owner can’t legally attack you for doing stuff with this girl. If he finds out about the otc he could threaten to report you, but you could do the same to him so its mutual. If he attacks you, he goes to jail, and also gets punished in the afterlife. Probably severe punishment in the afterlife if he seriously hurt you. So no matter which way you look at it, there’s no way for this owner to win. All that matters is if you want to do otc and can agree on the price.
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    2 years ago
    Western PA
    Romance Hustle - the stripper long game
    OP, how are the guys falling for this stuff? Is it being gullible? Are these the same kinds of guys who would get used for money by civvie non stripper girls? Basically the super nice guys, who get taken advantage of?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Intentional ignoring text games
    Doc you are right it is one of the benefits of strip clubs. The unfortunate thing is some dancers will still play this game, especially if they know you have options, or like other dancers, or aren’t seeing them as much. Some people just believe it helps people chase after them more, and in some cases it likely does. I think theres some guys who may crazily chase after someone ignoring them.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Intentional ignoring text games
    Heaving and doc, if they dont reply do you just never text them again at all? Or send another message of some kind? Insult them? Some people with low self esteem feel compelled to do this, to feel better about themselves. If you think about it, the ignore game is a subtle way to hint to someone “you aint shit”. Its an insult regardless, but some people are desperate enough, or don’t care about it so they still continue.
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    2 years ago
    Intentional ignoring text games
    Heaving ghosting is a little different. Theres clues to look for. For instance if you double text them, and they respond very quickly and enthusiastically. Or if you flirt with them and they flirt back. If someone is genuinely busy I wouldn’t take it personally. Same as if they didn’t wanf to maintain a connection. There’s certain clues and context that tells you if they’re intentionally doing it. And if they are doing it intentionally there can be like 10-15 reasons. It can be to test your confidence, your interest level, how needy you are. It can be used to get you to chase after them, either for genuine reasons or to stroke theur ego. It can be a subtle indirect way to tell you you’re worthless, dumb, inferior to them. It can be used to show anger, or control you. Narcissits are renowned fir using silent treatment. The reason i dont like it is even if it’s done as a test or try to get someone to chase you, the indirect message you’re telling them is still that they’re worthless, inferior and/or stupid. So what you end up with is only super desperate guys will still continue talking to that person, or players who are familiar with it and are willing to take the hit to the ego because they want to get the girl. I think the reason ignoring can be regarded so badly by many is cause it can be worse than rejection. There’s the uncertainty factor, and the fact it isn’t just a rejection its a refusal to even be connected in any form.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Intentional ignoring text games
    SJG and nicespice it all depends on context. The context makes it clearer whether it’s just lack of interest, genuinely busy, or the silent treatment or ignore game. There are many people engaging in this as well as many people falling for it. People are being advised to do this on the internet. They’re being told if they like someone, to intentionally ignore them because itll make them more interested. To unsuspecting people, they can wonder what’s going on, why they weren’t responded to. It can cause some people to chase after the person and think about them more. The behavior itself was modeled after ceos, presidents, royalty, and wealthy powerful people. Imagine if you tried reaching out to some ceo or celebrity or president? You’d basically be ignored. Even if you had their personal info, chances are youd be ignored. People are essentially trying to replicate that sort of behavior to appear to be busy and in demand. Even if they’re in reality on the phones all day. I have seen and known extremely ugly guys and girls engage in tjis behavior. Even with people they were obsessed with. Its possible people with lower self esteem do it more. Some people take it as far as copying your response times or exceeding them. Like if you reoly after 2 hours they do the same. Some even intentionally wait a full day in order to “punish” you for replying after 2 hours. Some people even copy the length of your texts. Like if you have 50 characters they try to do the same or less. It’s probably miore common in the younger crowds who grew up texting. People in their 20s now maybe early 30s. Older people don seem as familiar with these
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Jose Alba and Self Defense
    Icee its only because of modern society, with its increasingly worthless people, with increasingly worthless morals, that theres so many thieves. 100+ years ago there were less people willing to steal. You know saudi arabian shop owners leave their businesses unlocked when they go for prayers. Cause they have actual punishments for theft beyond a slap on the wrist.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    Seattle conditions, desert scrub, and strip clubs?
    Dancer groups banned you from what? Stripperweb has all kinds of complaints about dancers offering extras and working in clubs
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    Seattle conditions, desert scrub, and strip clubs?
    Nicespice do you mean now with this recession, dancers are gonna be more likely to offer extras and OTC stuff
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    Blondes or Redheads
    I do like those brunettes with blue, green, hazel or light brown eyes. Its all about the contrast. Black or dark brown eyes don’t look as good to me as other colors
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    Blondes or Redheads
    Icee those comments you said regarding hair color are essentially racist. If its wrong to judge someone on skin color its wrong to judge them on eye color, hair color, hair texture etc. I am sure if someone was saying curly hair is ugly you would be saying its wrong. Anyway youre wrong about attractive blondes being rare or redheads “tending to be fugly”. Redheads are extremely rare to begin with, so obviously you wont see as many hot ones compared to others. Blonde hair is also rarer, i think much rarer than brown or black hair. But theres still tons and tons of hot blonde women, you arent looking in the right places. They’re everywhere. Anyway the combo i like is whiter or lighter skin with brunette or brown hair. Between blonde hair vs red hair i wouldnt care. I think blonde and red haired people often also have blue eyes? But red haired people are more likely to have freckled skin?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Dancers wanting to marry richer older men
    Desertscrub good points. I wasn’t referring to myself. Theres a different old man who might do it
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    2 years ago
    Dancers wanting to marry richer older men
    Bharlem i don’t understand you said dancers have married customers but tjen said they dont want to marry customers. Bharlem, the average strip club customer is likely middle class or blue collar. Would a dancer really say no to marrying some millionaire or doctor making 500k+ a year? What do u mean its a cliche recipe thatll get you fucked and looking stipid. If the man is rich, you would almost be guaranteed half his net worth
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Types of daddy issues
    Some people get many dances before OTC. It seems like some dancers want the emotional connection before doing otc. Etsutwigg, what kind of price limits do you have for OTC.
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    2 years ago
    Dancers wanting to marry richer older men
    I hope i can succeed in getting this dancer together with this older man
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    2 years ago
    Dancers wanting to marry richer older men
    SJG you think most dancers are cheating on their boyfriends too then? Bubbleyum I apologize
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    2 years ago
    Dancers wanting to marry richer older men
    Esta what do you mean projecting? Any smart man or woman wouldn’t marry in the US unless it was someone similarly wealthy or a little more or less
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    2 years ago
    Dancers wanting to marry richer older men
    Icee you think i could set up a dancer with an older 60 year old man. Dancer has two kids from two babydaddies. Would there be an older man dumb enough to do that Icee the pro athletes or rappers who actually marry strippers are dumb. The smart celebrities are marrying other celebrities or musicians with similar net worths. Heaving, those guys arent marrying dancers because dancers are often limited in their income potential. Maybe some can dance until they’re 40, but many may quit at 30 or 35. Its just a major risk for a rich guy to marry a dancer But some morally inferior people deserve to lose their money, and deserve to have it taken from them via a dancer or other means
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Are most strippers actually “hustling” and finessing?
    Bubbleyum different people have different definitions of finessing and hustling. I have researched and it seems finessing is usually scamming, but some dancers seem to think even selling any dance is hustling or finessing. The question is not nosey, in fact anybody looking to go to strip Club’s should familiarize themselves for their own sake. Its not invasive at all either, simply saying something doesn’t make it true. I asked absolutely no personal questions of you
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Roe v Wade
    Icee thats nonsense to equate fucking hookers to anything
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Banned from Seeking
    That price for seeking seems pricy but its worth it if you have free time to browse the profiles. Icee for you to talk about solicitation being illegal and some need to be made examples of is laughable. Youve complained about ameica being corrupt, having corrupt laws, police being corrupt, politicians being corrupt, youve stated corporations should be torn apart... etc but then draw the line at soliciting which is victimless
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Are most strippers actually “hustling” and finessing?
    SJG many years ago I tested as INTJ, but I was more anxious those days due to bodybuilding supplements. It’s possible i could be ENTJ now