
Comments by mogul1985

  • review comment
    21 hours ago
    Decent place in the middle of no where
    This feels a tad AI'ish and An Ad./Shill
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    a day ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    This is a great reason why AI is total BULLSHIT!
    ^ I wish you well with recovery.
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    a day ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    This is a great reason why AI is total BULLSHIT!
    @Icey: I never said there is a White "genocide", YOU said that. Sure, a change in Demographics that will favor Democrat/Welfare-Dependent voters, sure there is. All the Illegals contribute nothing to improve America. Sure, they pick our veggies/grapes, become strippers, landscape and provide dirt cheap labor per Nancy Pelosi. Guess you've missed that currently 77% of crime sin NYC are from Illegals, and this will continue to METASTASIZE across the country.
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    a day ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    Georgia school shooting: Typical suspect
    This is for our buddy Icey. The problem with CNN is it is no way accurate or reliable. Sure, you need to a spend a LOT of time separating the wheat from chaff. There is so much chaff in MSM (CBS, ABC, NBC, NPR/PBS, CNN, MSDNC, WaPo, NYT, The New Yorker, The Atlantic and least we forget "fact checker" Snopes) that they are way more wrong than correct. Sure, Fox gets it wrong but no where near like the MSM - it's like comparing MSM's 2,000 pound bombs to a Fox's 40mm grenade. Harris, if she really is POTUS material needs to do long form and lots of them with Left AND Right journalists/outlets like DJT/JDV are doing a lot of. It’s no surprise Whites commit “more” crimes as there are more Whites. This is how the Left “How to Lie with Statistics” works - there is a book called this from the mid-1950s that is still used today in Stat classes. Looking at raw numbers tells the story you want to tell. Let’s take a peek under the hood. A big problem with FBI numbers is a lot of cities (Dem) have lowered felonies to misdemeanors, a LOT of criminals are never charged, many people never make it to court as the “Soros” DAs don’t prosecute, and the biggest problem is the effort to report crimes to the FBI/DOJ TODAT is so cumbersome many don’t report. Given this distortion, here we go. These are just round numbers, close enough for Gov’t Work. Icey’s FBI reference is from 2019 and the population was stated at 230M which doesn’t make sense as we are closer to 341M just 5 years later. Census shows ~334M in 2019, and we know damn well there are at least +10-15M illegals from 2021 to 2024 added to the country that are not counted. US Population in 2024: ~341,000,000 Crimes in 2019 (from Icey’s FBI source): 12,713,034 Percent of population committing crimes: 3.74% White: Total Population: ~60%/Crimes: 4,729,290 Hispanic: Total Population: ~19%/Crimes: 1,126,806 Black: Total Population: ~13%/Crimes: 1,815,144 Sample size: 92% of Total Population Crimes Normalized by Population Percentage for ~13M crimes: Hispanic/Latinos committing crimes per their population: 27.99% Whites committing crimes per their population: 37.20% Blacks committing crimes per their population: 65.9% So yeah, whites commit “more” however there are 4.62x as many Whites as blacks and 3.16x as many Whites as Hispanics. I could put in a lot more effort, however, it isn't worth it and this makes my point in Icey’s FACE!
  • discussion comment
    a day ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    Georgia school shooting: Typical suspect
    #BAIT - when CNN is the reference....that sound you hear is a plugged-up overflowing toilet.
  • discussion comment
    a day ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    This is a great reason why AI is total BULLSHIT!
    Icey's comment: "Tetradon puddy tat youre a mixed race person claiming that its a favt that theres a conspiracy for the extinction of white people. By your definitions. Youre part of that conspiracy." When this is all you got, it's time for the fork, you're done.
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    a day ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    This is a great reason why AI is total BULLSHIT!
    "ChatGPT / Large Language Models basically just combine search engine results together into a readable summary. But it basically has to assume it's accessing mostly accurate results and few inaccurate ones." This is a real problem as Search Engines, Google has like +75% of the market, prioritize searches based on THEIR algorithms. The best example of a propaganda Google search was typing "Attempted Assassination photo tr " would start to autofill Truman, not Trump. Meta (FB) at the same time was also suppressing Trump assassin attempt posts. No coincidence at all, If it acts like a Wokie, and speaks like a Wokie, it's BULLSHIT. Then Elon bought Twitter, the Left had an underwear changing moment. They lost control of THEIR narratives. When SM sites get away with "My bad", "buggy" they are just caught and didn't expect the backlash. Even Google's Genesis when asked "Show Photos of Nazis" it showed anything BUT Blue eyed/Blonde hair Germans. This is insanely STUPID as we live in 2024, not 1924. The Left is stupefied when they saw no bump from Harris' DNC soiree or her "lengthy" 17 minute CNN Bash scripted interview. They can't understand it. Why? They have opportunity sunk costs, and believe, supporting the Dems. When Don Lemon on CNN did a street interview in Deep Blue NJ, he was put back on his heels. He argued with people! He believes the same horse shit the MSM feeds viewers like making Goose Foie Gras: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CLnTr2dPiM The people Lemon interviewed were random and not select Wokies. When you believe someone is providing fact-based data, unless you know how to properly research, you're being scammed. Digital media easily can be edited/deleted/massaged, books can't. Harris' crew has be caught updating digital media to make her look not so radical.
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    a day ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    This is a great reason why AI is total BULLSHIT!
    ^ HAHAHAHA stand back and clear!
  • discussion comment
    2 days ago
    Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
    Some rickvice: be more like the stripperlover
    I also like "Annie Hall" and "A Midsummer's Night Sex Comedy"
  • discussion comment
    2 days ago
    Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
    Some rickvice: be more like the stripperlover
    Oh MAN, I love "Love and Death". One of my favorites movies of all time. "2 of the were never possible..."
  • discussion comment
    2 days ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    This is a great reason why AI is total BULLSHIT!
    And, sadly, this topic went off the rails. It was about the BULSHIT with AI, and Silicon Valley controlling the information. This wasn't a mistake. This isn't 1972. Information can be digitally recorded and saved. "My Bad" doesn't work anymore. Alexia, and the other AI dickweeds, is design to answer with Propaganda when needed. In a place of unobstructed information flow, you wouldn't have what I posted, nor "show me photos of Nazis" and you get everything BUT Nazis!
  • discussion comment
    2 days ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    This is a great reason why AI is total BULLSHIT!
    If SS were managed by real money managers like Fidelity and not bureaucrats ,it wouldn't be headed for insolvency and it wouldn't be taxed. And, money put into IRAs and 401k funds should not be taxed as that would help lessen the dependency on SS. There isn't a Tax the Democrats didn't like. My best example is the Spanish American War Long Distance Excise Tax from 1898 - 2006. In May 2006, the IRS and the Department of Treasury ((under BUSH), eliminated the 3% federal tax on long distance phone service. Back in 1898 there was NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX. An excise tax was a way to get the wealthy to "chip in" as only they could afford a phone let alone long distance calls - tracking had to be a real BITCH without computers to record calls, it had to be done somehow by female operators in Central Offices (COs) on paper ledgers. My only financial regret was not putting MORE into a Roth when it was initiated. @gammanu95 & Puddy Tat: Good to have you here, and the others that have common sense and solid facts. The Left are just left with zippy-do-da who want everyone to live in misery too. This is why I suggest Canada for them.
  • discussion comment
    2 days ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    This is a great reason why AI is total BULLSHIT!
    Social Security Administration refers to those receiving as "Customers". No they are American Citizens (we,, use to be) who were forced to pay in. In today's economy, a $4,000 monthly check (many are below the $2,000 monthly paycheck due to their salary over the years) less Medicare of around $180, doesn't go so far as a "retirement" plan. It was a safety net brought on due to the Great Depression. Originally, it was not taxed until politicians mishandled it so poorly in the 1970s they had to tax it. Medicare, part of LBJ's Great Society,, started ~1968 was just part of your SS when you retired as you no longer had company paid health insurance. You got health coverage (no cost) and SS that was not taxed prior to 1983. Today, SS is taxed, as I already described, and Medicare runs about $2,100 a year out of your SS plus they have a $230/year deductible and once that is met, they cover 80% of the contracted (well, they tell health providers how much they'll be paid and to sit down and shut-up it is what it is) and you are responsible for the the other 20%. So, you need to buy the Supplemental Plan for around $185/month (depending on the Plan, your age and state) for $2,200/yr. Subtract this from the SS check and you are running below poverty hence the reason a lot of retirees 1) foolishly thought they could comfortably retiree on it; 2) have issues on this fixed income for things like groceries, clothes, property taxes, transportation, ect. The cost of energy and groceries are not even factored into the CPI and won't impact the annual SS COLA. Depending only on SS & Medicare is a fools dream. Congress just writes IOUs for the excess SS taxes collected that are directed to the General Fund (I don't know if they still are today.) Point is, IOUs are paid by taxpayers. I'm one of the those who doesn't want to depend on SS so I'm quite comfortable with my savings from my career. Allowing over 10M, closer to 15M although gov't is clueless as to how many are here illegally, the Dems want to give amnesty to (again, 1986 as the last time and CA fell) who have never paid into SS to collect is insane - THEY AREN'T EVEN CITIZENS! Interesting how companies. after WWII, gov't put restrictions on salaries so companies provided Health Insurance as a way to attract better workers with a benefit without "salary", and it was really cheap. - this was a loophole. Since post-college I've referred to any insurance as a communist plot to undermine our country - sure, insurance will pay for it. Is anyone saving $2.000/year with ObamaCare plus you didn't always get to keep you docyt, and medical costs and premiums/deductables went non-linear. So, if America SUCKS SO BAD, Canada is calling. Don't change America as the majority of the population like it. Canada is not so bad, right? The home of beer, donuts, maple syrup and free medical care, eh! Oh, and the massage places where anything goes - BOOYAH!
  • discussion comment
    2 days ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    This is a great reason why AI is total BULLSHIT!
    @Puddy Tat: "...his proposal on SS taxation so I can't speak to it." SS was a tax we were forced to pay. In the 1970s SS was shelling out more than it was taking in so they made SSI payments taxable in ~1980/1981. SS is taken out of paychecks ("we" pay 6.5% and employers pay 6.5% to really 13%) after pre-tax stuff, then it is applied. The reality it is a double-tax that effects seniors and disabled that are dependent on it. SS was never to be a Retirement Plan, just a safety net. When SS gets a bump, the cost of Medicare comes out of the SS payment and offsets most of the SS increase. For decades federal politicians had their own "SSI" and were exempt from paying into SS and Medicare. SS needs to be overhauled and addressed on so many levels. This Kick The Can is total BS.
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    2 days ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    This is a great reason why AI is total BULLSHIT!
    @twentyfive: "Raising tariffs that will create stagflation, that’s what the vast majority of economists are really concerned about." The plan is to tariff hard on those countries that hammer us. We were fine for 3 years (throw out 2020). Those economists also supported the IT Infrastructure, all this cash Biden tossed out, shutdowns and uber gov't spending that fueled inflation. Wanna build Chinese cars - do it here, not in Mexico. Use American labor and keep projects in the USA, not wiring them back to the CCP. This is a negotiation tactic.
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    2 days ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    This is a great reason why AI is total BULLSHIT!
    @Puddy Tat: Let's say you have $100M in say TSLA In 2025. Then, in 2026 TSLA drops 30% (it has been a Mr Toad's Wild Ride the past year). Do you get a refund on the Ownership Tax you paid the previous year, or just pay the tax in 2026 on your now $70M? The Socialists have no answer!
  • discussion comment
    2 days ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    This is a great reason why AI is total BULLSHIT!
    @icey: you need to be BANNED. Now I know who made those racist reviews.
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    3 days ago
    As a little kid we lived across the street from SU football Coach Ben Schwartzwalder. His daughter use to babysit my brother and me; moved to the 'burbs when I was in 3rd grade. Schwartzwalder said Ernie Davis was a good kid and Jim Brown was a real PITA. The movie, The Express, is very accurate right down to Cassy his white Standard Poodle, and the CGI of Achbold Stadium (built 1907) was incredibly accurate. A few houses down was SU Lacrosse Coach Roy Simmons, and his son (last I knew) is still coaching.
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    3 days ago
    Strip Club Nation
    What Are You Listening To?
    I even met Dizzy Gillespie after a show at the Aur Force Academy. Gave my 8 year old step-son a big laughing bear hug and signed his "Giants of Jazz" book he checked out of his elementary school library - my wife bought a replacement book for the school. Dizzy had like 5 or so cadets and us.
  • discussion comment
    3 days ago
    Strip Club Nation
    What Are You Listening To?
    I'm back to 1950s/1960 Be Bop, Cool and Modern Jazz. Miles Davis, Dave Brubeck, Thelonious Monk, Benny Carter, Jerry Mulligan, Dizzy Gillespie, Charlie "Bird" Parker, John Coltrane, Coleman Hawkins, Dexter Gordan, Oscar Peterson, Stan Getz (Girl from Ipanema), Charlie Mingus, Buddy Rich, Art Tatum. Note: LOTS of saxophone - I think @Muddy did a discussion of Sax.
  • discussion comment
    3 days ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    This is a great reason why AI is total BULLSHIT!
    "In 2004, W got reelected because the economy looked pretty good. That nearly lead to an economic situation worse than The Great Depression." OK, get a beer: Per the NYT, the 2008 Financial Collapse had roots back to Clinton and the Community Reinvestment Act (Carter Administration). Clinton threatened banks that did Red Lining, well DOJ AG Janet Reno, with lawsuits. Red Lining was establish under FDR in the 1930s, and it was literally a Red Line that outlined poor communities that were ignored by FHA because of their Minority Status. Once that was lifted, banks made Sub-Prime Mortgages (junk loans) to people who couldn't afford them as many were ARMs and other gimmicks for lower entry then increases and "fees'. In/around 2001/2002 Bush told Congress (Dem controlled) that Fannie/Freddie Mac were making loans that were based on bad credit. The House Financial Committee, specifically as I recall Barney Frank, told Bush "don't worry". Junk mortgages were buried in quality paper to conceal, and Fannie/Freddie covered them. Eventually, the Ponzi Scheme collapsed. This was covered by the NYT. Bush tried to stop the junk mortgages and Dems told him not to worry, and BANG. So, of course Obama ran on this and blamed Republicans. Bush should have been on the bully pulpit like he was for 911, and forced congress to reel in the Clinton abuse of CRA, Red Lining was bad for 60 years and Dems who controlled congress the majority of that period never stopped it, that would be called DEI today, something CA is trying to do with illegals and Harris wants to do by giving 1st time home buyers $25 Large as a down payment. Where will the money come from, just crank up the printing press as we are already at $1.5T deficit spending per year. This will just inflate home prices just like colleges' tuition knowing kids can borrow uber-amounts. Inflation is primarily fueled by excessive gov't spending creating shortages that effect supply/demand; too much demand for the supply drives prices up. Harris' "grocery store gouging" thugs, who know nothing about economics as they have never run a business, (and yet Woke Apple makes like 35%-40% margins while grocers are around 2%) will cause shortages as products won't be affordable to produce and manufacturers will stop producing. This was seen in the USSR with toilet paper lines and other shortages with price control, Nixon's Phase 1/2 Wage/Price freezes, and Carter's hot mess with gas lines in the late 1970s. When GM was collapsing during Obama's "Great Recession", US Treasury gave GM like $50B and took stock as collateral and assigned a gov't supervisor, who had zero business experience, to ensure GM recovered. US Treasury after many years, sold their GM stock under Obama at a huge loss, GM's stock in 2010 was ~$37. Today it is ~$48, and has traded between $20 and $60 the past 14 years, with a .99% dividend.
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    3 days ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    This is a great reason why AI is total BULLSHIT!
    @icey: "trump proposed chlorine and a flashlight up the ass to cure covid " I'd all them idiots too. Then we had Harris wouldn't take the "Trump Vaccine" then after being elected, don't get the jab, get fired. The "false facts" that were censored on SM by Harris/Biden turned out to be true, including the Haunter Laptop. And Dems pressed BUY AND EV and save the world. Guess the child Lithium miners in Africa didn't matter nor the horrible AFG bugout that Biden demanded regardless of the advice the Pentagon provided and Harris/Biden are "proud". Chlorine, nice try. Idiots try out for Dawin Awards all the time, especially Dem supporters on the CCP Tick Tock.
  • discussion comment
    3 days ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    This is a great reason why AI is total BULLSHIT!
    @Puddy Tat: Take your Way Back Machine to 2020, and Biden was "sold" as a "uniter" and "Moderator". Dems fooled a LOT, too many, of people.
  • discussion comment
    3 days ago
    Atlanta suburb
    New changes on TUSCL.
    Good catch. I didn't note it.
  • discussion comment
    3 days ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    This is a great reason why AI is total BULLSHIT!
    @ilbbaicni - opinions? The only opinion I have is Harris will just be a Tool of The Dem Machine and will carry out what she is told to do/say. And yes, this is conjecture looking to the future however, based on past performance. Leopards don't change their spots. That video of her ignoring the press while getting on Air Force 2 while holding he phone to her ear while wear ear buds was as good as her "pumping" electricity into an EV like she was filling an ICE with gas. Everything I I said was solid. What opinions, aside from Harris, did I make? What I said Trump did, and AI is proving to be a Woke programming propaganda tool Goebbels would have had a wet dream over. AI does not "think", it says what it is fed based on data it is allowed to collect. The Alexia Trump v. Harris was real, and designed by Woke engineers who hate Trump and the GOP. These engineers/companies promote the Democrat "we're getting the band back together on the Plantation" doctrine. Watch what they DO, not what they SAY. The big question is still, why do people accept and the MSM supports why won't Harris and Walz (separately) do interviews as diverse, lengthy (17 minutes is a joke) and frequently as DJT and JDV? Next week's debate will separate the wheat from the chaff. And, I'll be shocked if Harris or Walz are brave enough to do more.