Throughout the course of 2024, I kept a running log of all of the private dances I got while visiting gentlemen’s clubs. I wanted to track my spending habits and see if there were any patterns in the appearances of the dancers I chose to get private lap dances with. In Google Sheets, I recorded the club’s name, the names of the dancers I got private dances with at each strip club, the number of dances I bought from each dancer, the total cost paid to each dancer, the price per song at each club, and whether the private dances were nude, topless, or bikini. For every dancer tracked on the spreadsheet, I recorded data about her appearance: her ethnicity, hair color, eye color, age, and breast size. Table dances, dollar dances, or any grinding not done in an area of the club designated for private or semi-private lap dances was not included in the data.
In 2024, I purchased 158 private dances spread amongst 22 different strip clubs. I got private dances from 36 different dancers. The most private dances I got from any single dancer was 10. The fewest private dances I got from any single dancer was 1. There were two instances of “one and done” during 2024. The first instance was with a dancer named Saleen who was not as attractive up close and gave a lame dance. The second instance was with a dancer named Brooklynn who looked much older up close than she did on stage. The mean number of private dances bought per dancer was 4.39. This was a small increase from a mean of 4 in 2023. The median number of dances bought was 4. This was an increase from a median of 3 in 2023. The highest number of different dancers sampled during any single strip club visit during the year was 3.
I spent $4,045 on private dances in 2024, not including tips. The most I spent on any single dancer was $500. The least I spent on any single dancer was $20. I spent a mean of $112.36 per dancer. The median spent was $90. The mode spent was $60. Of all of the strip clubs I bought private dances in, the lowest cost per song was $15. I came across three different strip clubs over the course of the year with $15 dances. I purchased a total of 24 private dances at the $15 price point. The highest cost per song I paid was $50, which is the highest I have ever paid in any year. The second highest cost per song was $35. I paid $30 or less per song at 20 of the 22 strip clubs I bought private dances in during 2024. There was a definite correlation of more spending when the price per private dance was lower. The mean price I paid per song during 2024 was $25. This was up from $21.74 per song in 2023. The median price per song was $25 in 2024. The median price per song was $20 in 2023. The mode price per song was $30 in 2024. The mode price per song was $20 in 2023. Looking at the data, it seems inflation has driven up prices at strip clubs year over year.
Of the 22 strip clubs I bought private dances in, 12 were topless, 10 were nude, and none were bikini. There is not much significance in this data because local lewdness laws around the country are what they are. I will go to the strip clubs that are close to where I am working regardless of the level of nudity permitted. In 2024, I did not French kiss any dancers. This was an activity that I seemed to indulge in multiple times per year with dancers during private sessions in the era before the COVID-19 pandemic. During 2024, extras occurred twice during private dances. One dancer gave me a blow job, and I had Russian sex with a second dancer.
Out of the 36 strippers, 20 were white, 3 were mixed Native American and white, 7 were black, and 6 were Hispanic. Three of the 6 Hispanic dancers could be further classified as Cuban, and I had bad experiences with all of them. One of the credited black dancers was Blasian: half black and half Asian. Otherwise, I did not have any experiences with Asian dancers over the calendar year. Year over year, my sessions with black dancers went up 250 percent, and my experiences with Hispanic dancers went up 600 percent. Between 2023 and 2024, the number of white dancers remained the same if you consider the dancers that were a mixture of Native American and Caucasian heritage as white. I could summarize by saying my private dance selections were more ethnically diverse in 2024 than in 2023.
I took visual notes on dancer hair color. If a dancer's hair was dyed or had highlights, the dominant color made the designation. My private dancers’ hair colors were as follows: 44.5 percent black, 28 percent brown, 19.5 percent blonde, and 8 percent red. I am intrigued by eye color as it is said, “The eyes are the window to the soul.” Due to the lack of lighting in gentlemen's clubs, I confirmed with dancers the color of their eyes to make sure my observations were correct. My private dance companions' eye colors were as follows: 61 percent brown, 31 percent blue, and 8 percent green or hazel. For whatever reason, I find blue eyes complemented by darker hair (black or brown) to be very sexy. Only 6 of the 36 dancers had this combination of eye color and hair color. A dancer’s body type, attitude, and sexual energy always plays more into my decision to choose her for private dances, but it is interesting to see the trends in hair color and iris color after a year of clubbing.
I inquired the age of every dancer that I got private dances with either during pre-dance conversation or during the session itself. One of the 36 dancers I forgot to ask, so I placed an educated guess for her in the data chart. It is possible a couple dancers shaved off a couple years, but I think the vast majority of the dancers were truthful in disclosing their true age. I tend to avoid older dancers per my personal preferences, and the older dancers would be the ones most likely to lie. The youngest dancer I got dances from was 20. The oldest dancer I got dances from was 40 years old. Blame that one on the beer goggles. In 2023, my range was tighter: between 18 and 34 years old. The mean age of the dancers this year was 26.17 years old. The median age was 25.5. The mode age was 25. The mean, median, and mode from calendar year 2024 was not too far off from what it was in 2023. Dancers’ ages last year were 24.46 (mean), 25 (median), and 25 (mode).
I also recorded the boob sizes of the dancers I got private dances from. I classified dancers’ breasts into four general cup sizes: A, B, C, and D or larger. The breast sizes of the dancers in 2024 were as follows: 3 A cups, 14 B cups, 6 C cups, and 11 D cups or larger. I enjoy all breast sizes as long as they are proportionate with a woman’s body. For comparison, the respective numbers for 2023 were: 2, 12, 7, and 5. As in 2023, dancers with B cups seemed to be my sweet spot. B cups seem to be the most common breast size I encounter at strip clubs. It is also worth noting that I more than doubled my tally of dancers with D cups or larger year over year. There were 6 dancers with fake breasts in the data set. This was a 100 percent increase in silicone for me year over year. Augmented breasts accounted for 55 percent of this year’s D cups or larger category. The average age of the 6 fake-breasted dancers was 30.33 years.
Last year, I mentioned another statistic I wanted to track was dancer height to figure if there was a particular height range in dancers I preferred. I asked a few dancers what their height was without stilettos, but as the year wore on, I felt too pesky asking so much personal information in a short conversation. I was already asking dancers about their age and eye color. I will leave the question of dancer height alone until a university pays me to do a study on stripper attractiveness. While analyzing the date for this article, I enjoyed reading through the names of the dancers I got private dances over the past year. Some good memories were relived in my head. There was only one instance of a repeat dancer name. The moniker was Ivy. I interacted with an Ivy at Fantasy’s and then a second Ivy at Foxy’s about four months later. My favorite stripper name from the data was Venom. She was not a very memorable dancer, but I liked the name and thought it was unique.
A mild case of OCD can be an asset. Thanks for sharing. You've been posting a yearly summary for several years. It might be interesting to find a way to show trends across successive years.
I'm a bit surprised that you only had two "extras" dances (and one was Russian) across 158 private dances. Maybe I'm hanging out at more permissive clubs or encouraging more promiscuous dancer behavior.
I don’t want to know my statistics, especially the dollars spent, as, I am sure that the amount is so much higher than I should allow.
Also, I very much try to live in the moment. Memories are great to have, but I would miss a lot of the spontaneity if I were distracted by the effort to gather statistics and keep score.
As I read your article I was looking for insights that would benefit the larger community. There are a couple, but the statistical summary of your year of clubbing lacks the proper context to be meaningful to anyone but you. If you had looked at your data versus the population of the stripper community (including the girls you did not take to private dances) or the population of US women, that would be meaningful. But since your data set only includes women you selected, it is inherently biased.
Let me take some of your data and try to provide the context I am describing. Let’s start with the increased cost of dances. The federal rate for inflation was 2.7% in 2024, while your indicated prices increased by 25%. But your cost data lacks any consideration or control for the service provided (nude vs. topless) or the location (big city vs back country). If you received more nude dances in big cities in 2024 compared to 2023, these variables would explain the cost increase rather than inflationary factors.
Next, let’s look at the breakdown of hair color and eye color of your data compared to data for people in the U.S. The U.S. data is in ().
Hair color: Black hair: 44.5% (20%) Brown hair: 28 (53%) Blonde hair 19.5 (22%) Red hair 0.3% (8%)
Considering you had a higher proportion of dances with girls with black hair and brown eyes than is represented in the population, it could mean that you prefer this type of woman. Or it could mean that more girls with black hair and brown eyes work at strip clubs due to social or economic drivers.
Next let’s look at breast size. Again the U.S. data is in () while your data is not.
9% were A or AA cup (9.7%) 41% were B cup (25.5%) 18% were C cup (36.1%) 32% were D or DD cup 28.7%
You danced with proportionally more girls with B cups than C cups compared to the representation in the population. This could indicate a preference for girls with smaller boobs. But the fact that you had more dances from girls with D or larger breasts than girls with C cups negates that theory. What is probably at play here is that strippers are more likely to be thinner and younger than women in the general population (many of whom have gone through body-changing pregnancies.)
If you collect data again in 2025, it would be helpful to collect data on the total stripper population instead of just the girls you select for private dances. This way you can make an observation like this: Latinas represented 41% of the women at the clubs I visited, but only 28% of the girls I took to private dances. Additionally the data on the larger stripper population does not reflect your bias and is therefore more useful to the rest of us. If you collected this level of data annually, observable trends would be noticeable in the data. Here is one I suspect you will find if you approach this project the way I am describing: “Latinas are the fastest growing stripper demographic and grew by X% in 2025.”
Missing information: Here are some notes on information missing here that would benefit the community:
1. How many strip club visits did you have in total in 2024 and what was your visit distribution across the 22 clubs? I imagine some clubs were visited many times and other just once. 2. You said the club selection was based on proximity only, but what made you revisit certain clubs? 3. In what part of the country were you clubbing? If you visited CA or HI clubs and did not dance with any Asians, that would show a real bias. And where are you encountering Native American dancers? 4. Why did you always have issues with Cuban dancers? 5. What was the range of extras offered and did this vary based on type of club?
I also like data collection and spreadsheets. I am considering tracking stripper population data from my visits the way I described here, but I visit far fewer clubs in a year than you do. You would provide a valuable service if you collect the context information I mentioned. Without it your future reports will be another navel gazing exercise.
Sinclair: I am incredibly impressed with the effort and detail here. I used to track my spending years ago, but not in several years and never anything of this level of detail. I am no where close to the road warrior you are, but I would agree that you work with what's available where you are working. The one correlation I think would be interesting would be mileage vs "hottness." IMHO the younger and/or more attractive (and easier to monetize breathing air) the lower the mileage.
👽 Sounds Like Fun! I Might Be Makin' Mi Way @ Da' SC'S For 2025. Right Now, Just Watchin' The $Strippers On The Net. I Wonder How OTC Is & What The Best States/Cities Is For Nice $Strippers & That Will Give You A Bang For Your Buck! Lookin' @ Sinclair's Reviews, He Must Really Know The Business & Know Where To Go. I Guess Dat' Everywhere Varies On $Stripper & Club Quality ☀️
Someone needs to start a discussion with Sinclair on his methods of research and recording information. It’s so incredibly thorough and I just imagine him sitting there taking notes while he’s getting a dance ha ha.
That's a lot of extra time on your hand. I make some notes on the favorites, the ones I plan to see again or for OTC and the ones I get the phone number. But nothing that detailed. I also don't want to track the amount I spend either.
Always enjoy your annual update in January. I may have mentioned this before but another interesting statistic might be the correlation between # of Sincweisers consumed and dances purchased.
I have spreadsheets for most everything but have chosen not to track SC’ing as I really don’t want to know how much I spend.
Many of my numbers would be in similar range as yours for 2024 but I seem to enjoy latinas and AA’s make more than you. I mostly go to mixed clubs but did partake in at least a handful off all (or mostly all) Latina and Black clubs in 2024.
last commentI'm a bit surprised that you only had two "extras" dances (and one was Russian) across 158 private dances. Maybe I'm hanging out at more permissive clubs or encouraging more promiscuous dancer behavior.
Also, I very much try to live in the moment. Memories are great to have, but I would miss a lot of the spontaneity if I were distracted by the effort to gather statistics and keep score.
Interesting article none the less.
Let me take some of your data and try to provide the context I am describing. Let’s start with the increased cost of dances. The federal rate for inflation was 2.7% in 2024, while your indicated prices increased by 25%. But your cost data lacks any consideration or control for the service provided (nude vs. topless) or the location (big city vs back country). If you received more nude dances in big cities in 2024 compared to 2023, these variables would explain the cost increase rather than inflationary factors.
Next, let’s look at the breakdown of hair color and eye color of your data compared to data for people in the U.S. The U.S. data is in ().
Hair color:
Black hair: 44.5% (20%)
Brown hair: 28 (53%)
Blonde hair 19.5 (22%)
Red hair 0.3% (8%)
Eye color:
Brown: 61% (47%)
Hazel/Green: 8% (30%)
Blue: 31% (18%)
Gray: 0% (5%)
Considering you had a higher proportion of dances with girls with black hair and brown eyes than is represented in the population, it could mean that you prefer this type of woman. Or it could mean that more girls with black hair and brown eyes work at strip clubs due to social or economic drivers.
Next let’s look at breast size. Again the U.S. data is in () while your data is not.
9% were A or AA cup (9.7%)
41% were B cup (25.5%)
18% were C cup (36.1%)
32% were D or DD cup 28.7%
You danced with proportionally more girls with B cups than C cups compared to the representation in the population. This could indicate a preference for girls with smaller boobs. But the fact that you had more dances from girls with D or larger breasts than girls with C cups negates that theory. What is probably at play here is that strippers are more likely to be thinner and younger than women in the general population (many of whom have gone through body-changing pregnancies.)
If you collect data again in 2025, it would be helpful to collect data on the total stripper population instead of just the girls you select for private dances. This way you can make an observation like this: Latinas represented 41% of the women at the clubs I visited, but only 28% of the girls I took to private dances. Additionally the data on the larger stripper population does not reflect your bias and is therefore more useful to the rest of us. If you collected this level of data annually, observable trends would be noticeable in the data. Here is one I suspect you will find if you approach this project the way I am describing: “Latinas are the fastest growing stripper demographic and grew by X% in 2025.”
Missing information:
Here are some notes on information missing here that would benefit the community:
1. How many strip club visits did you have in total in 2024 and what was your visit distribution across the 22 clubs? I imagine some clubs were visited many times and other just once.
2. You said the club selection was based on proximity only, but what made you revisit certain clubs?
3. In what part of the country were you clubbing? If you visited CA or HI clubs and did not dance with any Asians, that would show a real bias. And where are you encountering Native American dancers?
4. Why did you always have issues with Cuban dancers?
5. What was the range of extras offered and did this vary based on type of club?
I also like data collection and spreadsheets. I am considering tracking stripper population data from my visits the way I described here, but I visit far fewer clubs in a year than you do. You would provide a valuable service if you collect the context information I mentioned. Without it your future reports will be another navel gazing exercise.
I Wonder How OTC Is & What The Best States/Cities Is For Nice $Strippers & That Will Give You A Bang For Your Buck! Lookin' @ Sinclair's Reviews, He Must Really Know The Business & Know Where To Go. I Guess Dat' Everywhere Varies On $Stripper & Club Quality ☀️
I have spreadsheets for most everything but have chosen not to track SC’ing as I really don’t want to know how much I spend.
Many of my numbers would be in similar range as yours for 2024 but I seem to enjoy latinas and AA’s make more than you. I mostly go to mixed clubs but did partake in at least a handful off all (or mostly all) Latina and Black clubs in 2024.
Entertaining read.