Jimmy Carter has passed
Living well and enjoying my retirement
One Hundred years old the longest life of any U. S. President, and it was generally a good and decent life,
R. I. P. President Carter. Godspeed
R. I. P. President Carter. Godspeed
What happens if Biden drops dead on Jan 20, just before Trump is sworn in? Kamala becomes like a 5-minute Pres?
Idk. If I wasn't alive during the late 70s, then I might have a very positive view of him. But I lived through the hyper-inflation of 78-80 as the son of a blue collar worker and we suffered much because of it. I also witnessed our extraordinary humiliation on the world stage as our to attempt to rescue those U.S. hostages from Iran failed miserably, including planes that couldn't stay airborne and vehicles that got stuck in the desert.
So I guess my views of him will always lean a bit negative. But it's hard to argue that he didn't also do a lot of good once the reigns of power were handed off to more capable leaders.
What we have today, or 50 years ago in the middle of a scary Cold War that Reagan was able to end by economically collapsing the USSR, and back in the 1800s was different. POTUS Fillmore, Pierce and Buchanan did plenty to ignite the Civil War and post-Civil War was a serious problem as Puddy Tat mentioned. People think things are bad now, back then it was horrible. The big difference today is the threat of a nuclear strike by a rogue regime that doesn't care about life and death.
Kennedy having to deal with the Cuban Missile Crisis would have been horribly botched by many other POTUS including Carter, Obama and Biden.
These last 3 were not strong Presidents, and evil rulers knew and exploited it as we've especially seen the past 4 years plus the 12 under Obama (don't cross this line, well, I mean THIS line, now THIS line... plus ACA).
And plenty of questions remain about Biden, Inc and Bag Man Hunter. It is clear Biden was extremely soft on China for whatever reasons you want point is he was, the ME went to shit the past 3 years starting the with AFG bugout disaster and Russia well you know that hot mess.
Carter, became POTUS as people had it with Nixon and Ford, had his own a hot mess with the Oil Embargo/Energy Crisis (put on a sweater and set your thermostat to 68, odd/even gas fill-ups, and drive 55), Iranian Hostages and Stagnation (high inflation and high unemployment). A lot of this was ginned up by Nixon's Phase 1/2 Price and Wage control disaster - and to think Harris wanted to do it again with controlling grocery prices? However, he wasn't the right person to deal with it.
Oil Embargo: I remember a Honda motorcycle commercial during Carter that went like this: 200 years in the future at a museum - the 1st guy says, "It got 60 miles per gallon." The 2nd guy says, "Gallons of what?" The 1st guy says, "We don't know."
I agree 100% Carter was a great humanitarian his entire life. He was just the wrong POTUS for those 4 years. RIP.
The funny part is that Carter went into hospice in 2022, but Joe Biden has been brain dead and his career on life-support since at least 2020.
Take your opinions elsewhere, like maybe the political forum.
Look, all the Conservatives here said he was a great humanitarian, and the wrong POTUS (my words) at that time, and probably elevated to his level of incompetence beyond governor. Those are facts, and all parts of his historical footprints should be acknowledged objectively. The primary commentary is on his humanitarianism that was better than the VAST majority of anyone.
First this is not the politics forum,
Second I have not commented on Trump since the election except to say that he won and that I wish him well and pray for his success.
Third you may have been alive during Carters term as POTUS, but you and the majority of your fellow Trump fans, keep referring to the inflation of that time with no explanation that it was caused by the oil embargo during Nixons presidency, and it was in retaliation for the 1973 Israeli Arab war.
Fourth, despite Carters failings he appointed Volker, and eventually got inflation under control which both Nixon and Ford were unable to do.
And finally I would express my condolences upon the passing of Donald Trump, it wouldn’t matter what my personal feelings towards him.
Jimmy Carter was a president of the United States. Of course his death will be seen through the prism of his success as president, of which Carter had none. Camp David accords with Egypt. Egypt has not been relevant in centuries. Trump's administration had more successes with more important players in the global economy and regional politics than anyone Carter (or Clinton, Obama, and Biden combined).
@Gammanu95: Egypt's only contribution the past 1,000+ years were ancient mummies. They were embalmed with oils and resins. In the 19th Century, as gross as this sounds, they were used in Europe for medicinal products, decorations (certainly not a Martha Stewart "Good Thing") and fuel. Trains used them for fuel. It eventually was stopped after people found out what the disgusting smell was from and the indecency of using the dead like this.
Mogul provides interesting color and trivia, 25 provides childish insults and kindergarten name-calling. It looks like TUSCL will end 2024 much the way it began.
I'm not going to rejoice over anyone's grave--and yes I think he was a fundamentally moral person (though not a good president)--but I'm not going to gargle his marbles just because he died.
Anything having to do with an elected official is inherently political. Don't know why OP thought it wouldn't go in this direction.
Everything about him showed that he was just a good man trying to make a positive difference for as many people as he could.
His charitable work, especially with Habitat for Humanity, is an inspiration to a lot of people. I wish more retired politicians, and more people in general, would be as committed to doing whatever they can to help others. Sure, some politicians start a charitable foundation, but few if any put as much of their own time and effort into the cause they claim to support.
R.I.P. you ol' peanut farmer.
Red vs Blue really changed. The far west was all red including California. But Carter 100% carried the Deep South including Texas. Oh my, have things have changed
His time in office was before my time, but even if you hated every single decision he made as president you have to acknowledge that he was a good man. I can’t say that this lion
I don’t know if he’d necessarily dig being memorialized on a website for demented perverts, but I think he’d forgive the slings and arrows hurled his way.
Remember that this thread is in the front room - not the politics room. Perhaps it should be for making anodyne comments about the late Jimmy Carter and if all you have is invective about his time in office (checks notes… more than forty frickin’ years ago) you could start a thread in the politics room.
This lion will try to suggest a course of action that will calm down the angry TUSCL nutjobs. Read the stripper loving ape’s thread about music. Pick out a random song. Listen to it and smile. Repeat until you’re no longer angry!
Normally I end with a hearty ROAR!!! but Imma sing a lil’ Oak Ridge Boys to make y’all just a lil’ happier instead. Giddy up, um-poppa-um-poppa, mow, mow! Giddy up, um-poppa-um-poppa, mow, mow!
Nothing to do with party affiliation. His historical footprints cover his excellent humanitarian work and poor his political work as POTUS. Neither should be ignored. No one that I've heard is "piling on" like has been done at ramming speed the past 9 years to Trump, and hardcore Dems are saying it's time to "go to war." WTH! He had at 2 assassination attempts that we know of that have now done silent.
To ignore the 4 years JC was POTUS & piling on is wrong. He has a whole life, and clearly his humanitarian work was his shining star. The POTUS Club is very small and you have to wear it good, bad or ugly.
Politicians this century I have liked and/or worked for, past to present. Mitt Romney; George Bush; Joe Manchin; Mitch McConnell (keeping Merrick Garland from Scotus is a life saving event for the country); Nikki Haley; Scott Brown; Kelly Ayotte; Joseph Early; Lindsey Graham; Kimberly Klasic; and Daniel Kameron.
I couldn't tell you what Romney believes on a given day. Doubt he could either.
I have a soft spot for McConnell for keeping that putz Garland off SCOTUS and getting 3 conservatives onto the court. That said, he needs to pack it up.
As dementia sets in, those afflicted can become very stubborn and determined to get their way. Their reality is different than non-dementia inflicted people.
Biden's Echo/Star Chamber has him convinced, plus his absolute egotism he spews, he could have beat Trump. That is really delusional at best. He even took at shot with that ridiculous "grin" when asked about Trump during his statement about Jimmy Carter. A total ass-wipe.
When Biden assumes room temp, let's see all the "kindness" sent his way.
@gammanu - I don't think Biden is mentally capable of lobbying for much. See what I said on my political prediction thread, I think his health is going to nose dive in months.
Keep in mind your very first comment was political as a matter of fact you led with a political statement then you added the condolences, so now you’re starting a fight and speculating about my intentions.
I turned 18 in 1975 so I know Carter well. A good guy, smart and sadly a holier than thou know it all (like Obama) who didn't hire or listen to qualified people. Inflation in the late 70s was so crushing it makes now seem pleasant. Unemployment was terribly high, 3 to 4 times higher than now. Add in that under International Law our embassy in Tehran was United States soil and the taking and holding of hostages an act of war, he failed miserably in his duties as President. As for the retarded asshole who said its 43 years ago, let it rest. No wonder you're a little bitch loser. Iran's journey to the cause of thousands of unnecessary deaths in the Middle East, this fucking year moron, started with Jimmy Carter's weakness. First impressions are lasting impressions and the theocratic Nazi government of Iran recived their first impression of us from weakling bible thumping Jimmy Carter, who as he only lusted in his heart should be reviled by every PL. Oh yeah, his helicopter raid to rescue the hostages really added to the impression of feebleness. Of course Abbott and Costello (Obama and Biden) followed their role model to a T.
And MAGA, cultists? This is the type of rhetoric that is cratering Democrats and the MSM. Have you even followed any of the Dem Machine Progressive Movement?
Where skibum and I disagree is he’s willing to sacrifice his personal preferences for one candidate I’m willing to sacrifice my personal preferences for the other.
Now you guys won the election, it’s time to get started governing.
This hot mess you’ve got here, sure looks like you guys have a massive inferiority complex, time for your side to get to work if you can.
Same vibe 25.
I’m not making up a bogeyman, and I don’t get all bent out of shape because you don’t agree with me.
georgette the swamp bunny, great granddaughter of the swamp rabbit that attempted to board the late presidents boat, issued the following statement:
“I’d like to apologize to the Carter family for actions of my great grandpappy, zeke the swamp rabbit. I’m not sure if he was threatening the president, but ol’ zeke was a really angry drunk and my grandma said he had consumed an entire bottle of Puerto Rican Rum before he attacked Mr. Carter. I hope the Carter family and all citizens of these here United States understand that most swamp rabbits admire the late president’s work on habitat for humanity. Moreover, we speculate that he might have advocated building bunny cages into low income housing if he did not believe all lagomorphs were mean drunks, so my grandpappy is also guilty of depriving low income families of bunny friends. I completely disavow my grandpappy’s actions on that dark day.”
It warms this rick’s heart that a swamp rabbit can issue a statement like that. Maybe this thread can be the positive thread and, if you want to bitch, you can start a second thread in the political room. Think about it. ROAR!!!