2024 concludes the third largest federal budget deficit

avatar for gammanu95
"As of Wednesday, the U.S. national debt – which is a measure of what U.S. taxpayers were on the hook for to the nation’s creditors – had reached $36,189,345,826,140.62, and was climbing at a rapid pace, showing no signs of slowing down. The federal government's budget deficit in the recently concluded fiscal year totaled $1.834 trillion, ranking the third largest in U.S. history." https://www.foxnews.com/politi…

How much is enough? Convince me that an office (DOGE) to identify waste, fraud, and inefficiency in an infamous bureaucracy is a bad thing.


last comment
avatar for FutureK
3 months ago
It's a bad thing when two unelected and unqualified conmen are in charge of it and who gain to benefit from privitization and the continuation of massive tax cuts and loop holes for them. A full 1/3 of that total debt is from Trump's 1st term alone and due to his tax "cuts"
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
3 months ago
^ Another lib showing how they believe the only honest work is living off the taxpayer's nickel.

Two highly successful entrepreneurs can do a better job of identifying waste than any hundred politicians!
avatar for wld4tatas
3 months ago
The outcome of this exercise will benefit billionaires more than average Americans.
avatar for TheeOSU
3 months ago

Sure testesboi, like brandon's excercise benefited average Americans by having them pay more for groceries, energy, etc.
avatar for Hungryhunnypot
3 months ago
Trump the child molester is a terrible businessman
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
3 months ago
^ ^^^ Tissue?
avatar for FutureK
3 months ago
Musk grew up rich and gets billions in government subsidies and hand outs. Tax money goes to the super rich who don't need it or to the people who do, those are the choices. I'm cool with rich people not getting subsidized incomes
avatar for gammanu95
3 months ago
The libs of this site are okay with $37 trillion and rising in national debt, as long as the government is staffed solely by career bureaucrats who ensure that we keep increasing spending and amassing crippling debt. That is a special kind of stupid.
avatar for FutureK
3 months ago
We hired a ton of IRS people, where every $1 invested makes $10 back, and you people whined about Walmart Death camps or some other nonsense. The $37 trillion is tax cuts for the very rich, subsidies to the farming, oil, Elon etc industries, and massive military spending. You'd rather cut jobs?
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
3 months ago
^ The rich disproportionately supported Harris while Trump outperfomed among the working class.

Stop with the blah blah "very rich" nonsense and do some critical thinking.
avatar for skibum609
3 months ago
Libs crying and lying lol. You fucking trannie cunts aren't men, get off the board.
avatar for mogul1985
3 months ago
Seriously? Politicians have made "serving the people" an extremely profitable career.

Insider trading, kickbacks from Lobbyists, hiring family members as "campaign consultants" who have zero experience, payola from foreign counties/leveraging their influence (Biden and Menendez as 2 infamous examples), former Pentagon people getting big gigs with defense contractors, NIH (Fauci the most notorious) getting side hustle income from Big Pharma and least we forget Biden, Inc's "Show Me The MONEY" grift.

Politicians depend on Pork Spending/Taxpayers' Dollars", to line their pockets not yours. Over the past 6-weeks, senators (including Comrade Bernie who owns 3 nice homes because of Capitalism he trashes) and house reps are NOW saying, "Oh yeah, we need to reduce wasteful spending!!! I'm on-board!". Then, we get this pork-laden turd even flies wouldn't touch, and the Dems, who said reduce waste, blame DJT, Elon and Vivek.

If gov't "shuts down", good. Gov't employee salaries will be paid retroactive, Congress will continue to get paid (WHEW, thank GOD!), Welfare/Food Stamps checks, SS, Medicare, Medicaid, VA, ect will continue. National Parks and WH tours will be paused. If you believe a "shut down" will destroy America, you voted DemocRAT. Oh Boo Who, just keep fresh underwear ready, you'll need it.

Elon and Vivek, like other "Billionaires", improve our economy, and yeah, make a lot of money. If not for SpaceX we'd still be paying Putin to get American astronauts into space. SpaceX did a spacewalk with non-NASA astronaut - he was a tourist, and yeah, he paid for it. Did Lockheed or Boeing do this?

Be more concerned about evil people like Soros, AOC, Wray, Comey, Yellin, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Pelosi, Schumer, Raskin, McConnell, Obama, Austin, Buttigieg, Mayorkas, Garland, James, Harris, Bragg, Merchan, The View, ect.

Post-WWII, America chose to be a Consumer-based/Capitalist Economy and we helped (still do) to rebuild Europe and Japan, and Europe a chose a Socialist cradle-to-grave with America providing military protection and they tariff products imported from America to fuel their socialist hot messes. It's been 80 years. Plus, Europe added another layer of gov't - the EU! Like more gov't is the answer, well, to Marxists it is. Who is winning and living a better life? If it so bad here, Canada speaks English (well, except Quebec) and is just a drive away. Dems will be happy there.

Boeing is a long-time NASA and military contractor that makes plenty from gov't contracts as do the "elite" tax-free universities with Billion Dollar Endowments that support Marxist Ideology. NASA had to have SpaceX do an Uber to bring back the 2 astronauts as Boeing's Starliner was too unsafe to bring them back. SpaceX receives 60% less than Boeing and yet has a had way more success. Boeing focused on profitability and executive pay, and door plugs and tires falling off. SpaceX focuses on pushing new technology - OCCUPY MARS; if anyone will do it, it'll be Elon's SpaceX.

IRS: The extra agents are there to shake-down "everyday" people like strippers whose cash income is not 100% reported. No wonder Biden passed an ExO for FedCoin. The wealthy just hire good CPA firms and tax lawyers to maximize their deductions/"loopholes" that their congressal BFFs provide, and BTW they hire a SHIT LOAD of people.

The Democrats want everyone to live at the same level of basic poverty level so we are all Equal, except for the Ruling Class and their Oligarchs.
avatar for wld4tatas
3 months ago
Trump had plenty of mega-wealthy supporters who are no doubt looking out for themselves, while the wealthy supporting Harris clearly had other values determining their vote.

I'm all for balancing the budget as long as the wealthy take most of the hit. That's unlikely to be the case though, under the swamp of right wing millionaires and billionaires about to take over the federal government.
avatar for gammanu95
3 months ago
^more lies and fake news. Everyone saw with their own eyes the wealth gap widen at the fastest rate ever beneath the Biden/Harris admin, just after working class wages and employment hit highs under Trump. These are facts, and that is what America voted for in 2024.

You (and the democrats with their media) think the people on this board, and all of America, are stupid. Voters have realized how biased and full of lies the left are, they have tuned out the leftist fake news and are trusting the paychecks they hold in their hands, the prices they see on their store shelves, and the crime they see in their neighborhoods.

Everyday Americans understand that the left is not on their side, the left serves themselves, their quest for perpetual power, and their oligarch masters. The GOP is the part of the people and MAGA is the movement for America. Just wait until their get sworn in and start business.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
3 months ago
"Trump had plenty of mega-wealthy supporters who are no doubt looking out for themselves, while the wealthy supporting Harris clearly had other values determining their vote."

LOL. So the ones who support Trump are greedy, and the ones who support Harris are pure as the driven snow. What logic.

Trump won the working class, Harris won the luxury beliefs class.

Don't let facts get in the way of your self-pity.
avatar for wld4tatas
3 months ago
How soon they forget

Trump’s tax cuts helped billionaires pay less than the working class for first time
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
3 months ago
^ We can pick sources till the cows come home.
avatar for gammanu95
3 months ago
The Guardian has zero credibility as a left wing rag. These numbers come from biased calculations, and not from actual facts and figures. This is all stated in the article. Also in the article: "The calculations of Saez and Zucman, who have previously worked with the French economist Thomas Piketty, take into account not just federal income taxes but also state, local and corporate taxes.

The pair argue that the dramatic fall in taxes for the ultra wealthy is the result of policies enacted by both Republican and Democratic administrations which have both cut top rates and taxes on capital gains while allowing corporations to shelter their profits overseas."

A lower tax rate does not mean lower tax dollars, and business leaders and entrepreneurs re-invest that money into their business and the economy. So, wld4testes is basically an idiot who does not understand macroeconomics and does not have the academic integrity to check his own sources before referring to them. No surprise, that is his usual MO.
avatar for wld4tatas
3 months ago
Trump inherited a strong economy from Obama and rode his coattails; his tax cuts gave a marginal boost to the middle class and an unnecessary whopping boost to the rich, all while exploding the debt. Stay tuned for more of the same.

Trump tells wealthy donors he wants to extend his 2017 tax cuts. Here’s why they’d benefit the most
avatar for wld4tatas
3 months ago
>and entrepreneurs re-invest that money into their business and the economy.

Trickle down economics... largely discredited as failing to live up to it's promise, and instead mainly just helping the rich get richer.
avatar for gammanu95
3 months ago
^as I said, this is what a failing grade in macroeconomics 101 looks like. The libs of TUSCL are down to trotting out knee-jerk reactions from the early 1980s.
avatar for Muddy
3 months ago
Can't wait for DOGE. Never been so stoked for something in politics in my life.
avatar for wld4tatas
3 months ago
^^ Still true today.

Trump’s Corporate Tax Cut Is Not Trickling Down

Just pull up the economic charts, the tax cuts to the wealthy and large corporations exploded the debt but did not produce an inflection in economic benefits distinguishable from the trends Trump inherited from Obama.

In some cases the metrics were even worse:
Obama averaged 215,000 jobs per month in his second term
Trump averaged 182,000 jobs per month through 2019
avatar for chiefwiggum
3 months ago
Anyone who thinks Obama was good on the economy is sorely mistaken. His wanton intrusions into the market paved the way to the Biden inflation we have today, from Cash for Clunkers (robbing poor people of affordable used cars, literally, making them unusable), TARP (i.e. Too Big to Fail), and Obamacare. His recovery was the worst since WW2. https://www.investors.com/poli…
avatar for chiefwiggum
3 months ago
Oh and which party raised 1.5B dollars? I'm not fan of either party, but that money is not organic, that's some serious backers there.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
3 months ago
Growth earlier in a recovery _should_ be faster and stronger than growth later in a recovery. There's no "inheriting" an economy, not every year is created equal.

Trump disproved Obama's "those jobs aren't coming back" and "new normal."

Optimism and patriotism are back!
avatar for mogul1985
3 months ago
^ and a LOT of those donors who live paycheck to paycheck were duped into "donating", then learn that Oprah and the other "influencers" were PAID. The Big Money Donors expected some form of a payback, they have money to gamble, the paycheck-to-paycheck donors don't. These people were scammed, and need to remember next election cycle who purposely fucked them over to line their own pockets.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
3 months ago
@mogul - And ActBlue did a less-than-perfect job of screening out foreign donations.

How can someone blow an election and blame it on "right wing media" after blowing over a billion dollars??? Is anyone who does that fit to lead a country?

Oh and as for right wing media, I'll happily trade Fox, OANN, Newsmax, and whatever else for the 3 broadcast networks, CNN, Hollywood, almost all major urban newspapers, and most of Big Tech/Social Media sans X.
avatar for twentyfive
3 months ago
The clown car is weaving in and out of traffic, eliminate the debt ceiling, lets run wild boys.
avatar for gammanu95
3 months ago

avatar for skibum609
3 months ago
84% of population growth in the United States under Biden has been illegal and legal immigrants. If you want to live in a disgusting failed country vote Democrat.
avatar for twentyfive
3 months ago
Gamnuts step to me you, little pussy, you're afraid of an old man ! LOLOLOL
avatar for twentyfive
3 months ago
Who thinks the house will need a new speaker before the Inauguration ?
avatar for skibum609
3 months ago
I think that the people who enabled Joe Biden to stay in office should be lined up in front of a wall and.......shot by the speaker.
avatar for twentyfive
3 months ago
^ Before or after the shutdown ?
avatar for gammanu95
3 months ago
"If you want to live in a disgusting failed country vote Democrat" This is why it is so important that we have a federal goverment with the fortitude to stop omnibus spending bills and massive continuing resolutions. Eventually, the credit will dry up and the bill will come due. Our interest on the debt alone is crippling. I have long said that the strength of being citizen in the United States lies in the rights of individual states to chart their own courses within the guidelines of the federal constitution, and the freedom of citizens to move freely between these states if they are unhappy with the state of their residence. There is absolutely no reason for the massive federal bureaucracy and insurmountable budget. The departments of the feds which govern domestic policies should be the smallest, with the international diplomatic and defense departments being the largest - definitely not the IRS.
avatar for twentyfive
3 months ago
^ You’d think that long posts mean that the poster has something credible to say, in the case of this particular OP you’d be wrong.
avatar for mogul1985
3 months ago
Speaker of the House can be anybody. Vivek would be wicked interesting as Speaker. As long as Congress is this tight, and the GOP can't control their RINOs, someone new is needed. As evil as Pelosi is, she was able to get the Dems to vote in lock-step when needed.
avatar for gammanu95
3 months ago
Evil Nancy is a complete psychopath with no regard for morality or decency. While it is tempting to envy her iron-fisted control of the democrat party caucus, only a RINO like Liz Cheney would ever seek to port it over to the GOP.

I like your idea of an outsider for Speaker. Vivek is too closely aligned with Trump for the position. Maybe Manchin?
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