
So who are the election deniers now?

Avatar for doctorevil
doctorevilEvil Lair


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Avatar for etsutwigg222

Hold up him taking office & you will see a "real" (Not Pelosi planned) insurrection !!!

Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

Yeah, "the will of the people" matters a lot less when they vote Republican.

If they really believed the earlier Supreme Court decision gave the president infinite power, and Trump was some mortal threat to democracy, they'd have sent SEALs into Mar-a-Lago a month and a half ago.

Now there's no plausible deniability that they were talking out their asses.

Avatar for mogul1985

What we are seeing is the Dems idea of a "peaceful" transition "progressing".

Avatar for gammanu95

A: the hypociltir democrat party. Just like in 2000, 2016, and 2018 in GA.

Avatar for Muddy

Yeah I saw some of that m.youtube.com

Let’s just give it a rest and get ready for this GOLDEN AGE about to come through.

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