
Comments by strippercutie404 (page 9)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Car Keys and Wallet Dating
    "Strippercutie, well yes, that is the way out of Car Keys and Wallet Dating, just going to the bedroom and making a regular practice of that. But I still feel that something else is needed to make things regularly go smoothly." Lol I'm just being silly :)! I know what you mean.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    The Levels of PLdom
    I don't think I could really do a front room makeout session without management getting on my ass for something like that. Buying dances doesn't make a guy a chump, that's the whole point of going to strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Halloween is the best time of the year in Nudiebars!
    Why are y'all comparing Pocahontas to Elizabeth Warren? Lol.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Why do some of you guys treat dancers as unlovable?
    skibum that seems reasonable to me. I think its fine for someone to avoid a relationship with somebody for practical reasons of course, I guess the only thing that bothers me is some men here acting like dancers specifically are not worthy of being dated because of their lifestyle.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Why do some of you guys treat dancers as unlovable?
    A woman's sexual history should not be seen as a measure of her worth or indicative of personality deficiencies. A woman who has slept with hundreds of people could be just as good of a person as a woman who has only slept with one person.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Would this bother u guys?
    I thought about going the escort route but the idea of meeting a bunch of men through the internet is a scary thought to me. I had a friend of mine, who, when she was fifteen she met a guy online and thought that he was sixteen himself but it turned out that he was actually a 50 year old man. Thankfully she was her in car when she saw him and was able to drive away but that story is just one reason why I'm much more cautious about meeting people on the internet and escorting would require me not just to meet one or two guys, which, I could probably do but to meet dozens of different men seems really dangerous. You could meet fifty guys and them all be fine, decent men and then the next day meet a serial killer who chops you into little bits. Stripping on the other hand, allows me to feel these guys out better and know who they are and make sure I don't get any creepy vibes from them before I offer extras. I actually have a friend who's a sugar baby but where I live, sugar babies don't really make a lot of money. She makes about $600 per week and right now I'm making over double that. I did think that becoming a sugar baby in college could be a good option for me though. I'm really hoping to get into University of Miami and I think I have a good chance of getting in. My dad told me that for college he is willing to cover half of the tuition for wherever I go and half of the rent for wherever I live. University of Miami is crazy expensive though. I'm waiting to hear whether I'll receive an academic scholarship but if I don't, then I'm gonna need $35,000-40,000 a year at least. I thought about stripping in Miami but I imagine clubs there will want me to work weekend shifts and I want to have a normal social life. Most people I know who go to college are super busy even without work so I really want to just work weeknights and then have weekends completely off. So I thought becoming a sugar baby could work there. I saw something online saying that sugar babies in Miami make $4,000-10,000 per month. The girl in that article didn't want to have sex though and I am comfortable with that so I think I could probably make closer to the $10,000 per month range than the lower end of that. That hopefully could let me keep weekends open while still making good money. Honestly I'm not really trying to do the least amount possible. I have a ridiculously high sex drive, it kind of drives me crazy sometimes lol, so I thought I might as well get paid good money for it. I more want to see how much money I can make for what I have while keeping as much of my personal freedom as I can.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Halloween is the best time of the year in Nudiebars!
    I love Halloween! I'm planning on dressing up as Pocahontas!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The guy in the fancy suit picking up your ATF at the club
    How To Pickup a Stripper
    This advice is terrible! Any dancer would see right through this and just think you're being cheap!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    MFT Associate & Bikini Dancer
    Do you work as a part-time dancer or sex worker?
    Hey Zamora, you are gorgeous! I really relate to the open book and wanting to feel authentic part. It gets me into trouble a lot, hell it got me into trouble on this very board haha. So far my mom knows I dance and she helps me manage the money but my mom told me not to tell my dad because it would be too much for him. It sucks, but sometimes some secrets have to be kept I guess.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Would this bother u guys?
    Omg guys can you just relax? I haven't even been dancing for a month yet. I just doubled my price for extras in VIP to a $250 tip on top of VIP but I haven't done any extras except with that one guy anyway. I'm sure y'all made some boneheaded mistakes when you were first starting out too. Before dancing, the $150 I made from that VIP session is about what I would've made in an entire week's work and here I was going to get it for 30 minutes so it seemed like a lot to me but I'm sorry for not knowing everything about how things are priced in two weeks with no mentoring from anybody.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How much money does a Strip Club actually make?
    You know what would be so awesome is if the club management one day just stacked ones on the ceiling rafters, and then used fans to make it actually rain in the club haha! But they're probably too greedy to do something fun like that!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Car Keys and Wallet Dating
    "Other people find good arrangements for Car Keys and Wallet Dating?" My bedroom seems like a good place ;)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Smart Cars
    That's not the only way I'd like to get rear ended by something big in a smart car ;)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    R Programming Langauge
    I wonder if you can program the language of sex into a computer?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Trap Jumpin
    “I MAY BE A HOGWARTS STUDENT….” Hargirid paused angrily. “BUT I AM ALSO A SATANIST!” Oh god, I'm lowkey loving this fanfic! Its not as sexy as I thought it would be but it is hilarious!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Dancing Nude to PG-13/Censored Music and Disney Songs
    Omg censored music in a strip club? That's so silly! How am I supposed to dance to awkwardly censored music?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Sexuality and Sensuality
    I don't know if prostitution and sensuality can't happen together trapbaby. Last week I had a lot of fun with the guy I went out with who was from the club and we had a great experience. Being paid made me even happier about the experience. I got to have some fun and I got paid at the same time. I don't really buy into society's idea that prostitution has to be dirty or exploitative. That's human trafficking which is an entirely different thing.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Sexuality and Sensuality
    Wow CJkent great response! I guess what I meant to say through this thread is how much I feel that sexuality and sensuality express and compliment each other. Sex is probably the most powerful of the sensual experiences in that the two of you are enjoying each other's bodies and the way the two of you make each other feel. I feel that the two are linked enough though that a lot of sensual stimuli one might not find inherently sexual can become sexual when you make it so. So much of what we as humans do is to make our bodies a pleasurable experience for others. We take showers so that we smell and look nice, we put on perfume, or in your case cologne in order to smell good to people passing by, we put on makeup and look to put on the right clothes so that we're more pretty to other people. It may not all seem connected to sex but in some ways it is as we're trying to make our bodies pleasurable to others, and one of the most pleasurable things we can do with our bodies is have sex. When I smell a guy who has put on really good cologne, it makes me want to sleep with him more than I would otherwise. If he smelled bad that would be a complete turn off. In this way, sexuality is such a big part of sensuality because the best sex revolves around the two of you pleasing each other's senses as much as you can. Some of it is about what you do in bed and some of it is just about the environment itself. Lol sorry, I just started rambling off like crazy!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Overdressed guy in strip club that argues down to the last penny
    You asked for the opinions of the dancers on here and wanted to know what we think of a guy who argues down to the last penny. I don't know why you're surprised by the response you got. If anything we're being pretty nice about it compared to how some girls would be.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Heard in VIP
    Oh god that was basically me last week. He got lucky, I just doubled my price for extras. Sorry boys ;)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Overdressed guy in strip club that argues down to the last penny
    No stripper is going to like a guy arguing down to the last penny just like you wouldn't like a dancer who argues with you about every thing she may do for you. Imagine if a dancer was saying to you, "another $50 to touch my tits, that's another $50 to touch my ass, touch my hair and that's another $20." If you want a better service then you need to be willing to pay more for it and don't try so hard to negotiate as low as you think is possible.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Traffic Stops
    Oh god, I can't stand the super slow drivers haha, I wish the cops would ticket them instead of the speeders!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Traffic Stops
    I got pulled over once but actually but managed to get off with just a warning. I was driving about 15 MPH over the speed limit and got pulled over by a cop, and I thought for sure he was gonna say I was speeding but instead he just told me my sticker was expired. Then asked for my license and registration and I actually didn't have it on me. I honestly thought I did though so I kept looking around for it and told the officer I was really sorry that I thought I had it but I don't know where it was and he actually let me off with a warning for driving without a license.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Love Canal
    Watch what you say! Beware of PC vigilantes
    Ugh people need to just live and let live. Everybody should feel free to make their own choices in life without others butting in and telling them their choice was wrong.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Sexuality and Sensuality
    Obviously not but it lead to something a lot better.