
Traffic Stops

1 What is the craziest thing you got pulled over for?

2 What is the craziest thing yiu ever got pulled over for and did not get a ticket?


  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    I have a buddy that got pulled over in an express lane doing 135 mph with his BMW and the cop let him go witu a warning
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    I got pulled over while towing someone in a kayak with my truck

  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    Sorry wrong video. Like this one

  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    Coos were cool. I never got s ticket
  • strippercutie404
    6 years ago
    I got pulled over once but actually but managed to get off with just a warning. I was driving about 15 MPH over the speed limit and got pulled over by a cop, and I thought for sure he was gonna say I was speeding but instead he just told me my sticker was expired. Then asked for my license and registration and I actually didn't have it on me. I honestly thought I did though so I kept looking around for it and told the officer I was really sorry that I thought I had it but I don't know where it was and he actually let me off with a warning for driving without a license.
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    I got pulled over because the cop didn't see a turn signal before I turned. One time I got pulled over because I swerved to avoid colliding with someone attempting to turn into my lane where I was before they saw my car already there. The cop called it irrational driving. Yep someone almost hit me and I swerved to avoid an impact. Probably a good thing I didn't say I thought it was the cop car that almost hit me and didn't signal before trying to move into my lane. It was dark and the other car was not marked as a cop car. I think because they didn't signal and I was already in the turn lane and didn't slow down enough to let them cut in front, they missed the turn. A car came racing down the road. First the cop yelled at me acting like I was guilty of a serious crime. PUT YOUR HANDS ON THE STEERING WHEEL! Then it was I smell alcohol. Told him he was smelling things because I hadn't had a drink in over a week. Then he said I seem agitated. Wonder why? A car came racing down the road after me. First I thought red neck road rage with guns and that my life might be in danger. Then I saw blue lights and they thought they were going to give me special treatment. 4 cops shingling lights in my car because they didn't signal and I didn't let them cut in front after they almost hit me.
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    I got a verbal warning. I remained as calm as possible since earlier I thought my life was in danger due to their actions. I now believe the police are the biggest threat roaming our roads worse than drunk drivers, texting drivers, and worse than super slow drivers, well maybe not that bad. It's cops on steroids that I worry about if I drive late at night. I don't worry about drunks or anyone else.
  • strippercutie404
    6 years ago
    Oh god, I can't stand the super slow drivers haha, I wish the cops would ticket them instead of the speeders!
  • IHearVoices
    6 years ago
    Cop said my tint was too dark. It was factory tint. He then tried to say my license plate cover was illegal. It wasn't.
  • Itsmytime
    6 years ago
    Bumper to bumper traffic in a snow storm. Windshield was iced and the wipers couldn’t scrape it clean. Passenger got out with a scraper, sat on the hood to scrape the far side. Car in front moved about five feet. I took my foot off the brake and idled five feet forward before stopping again. Passenger gets back in the car. 30 seconds later I haven’t moved and a cop knocks on my window. My passenger gets a ticket for ‘attaching self to moving vehicle’ and I get a ticket for ‘allowing attachment of self to moving vehicle’. $100 fine each. I couldn’t make up such shit.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I have a good story about getting pulled over by a policewoman, it happened about 30 years ago, I was on my way home from work and having arrived to the entrance to my neighborhood about a mile from my home there were a bunch of kids riding bicycles in the street, I slowed down to about 10 mph expecting them to ride a bit wild as they often do, two kids bicycles collided in the road, fortunately I was going so slow that I stopped about 50 yards from them both in the road, I got out to check on them, they were both fine and went on their way. I went home and thought nothing about it at all.
    The following morning I’m on my way to my office on a main road heading north at about 50 mph, the legal speed and I see a sheriffs car behind me lights on so I pull over, not sure what infraction I could have committed I approached the deputy, she asked me about my route home the previous day, and idled why, she told me that one of the neighbors saw what had occurred and she was aware of her child riding his bike in the road and she had disciplined him after hearing about the previous evening, and wanted to thank me personally and tell me how glad she was her child was unharmed because of my driving.
    That’s the last time I was ever stopped by a police officer while driving and it ended up good.
    Getting pulled over by a grateful mother that’s unusual.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    I got pulled over on a residential street for towing a gold cart with dead batteries. Only 3 blocks from home. He wouldn't let me continue but didn't give me a citation.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    Rural Maryland county. 2 cars and myself pass a farm tractor on a 2 lane road - speed limit 55mph and the tractor was going 5mph.

    Few miles down the road a state troopers comes blaring by, passing us all and pulls all of us over. Screams at each one of us, like one of the maddest people I have ever encountered in my life, just writes me a warning. Have no idea if he wrote the other two tickets or not.

    Same county, month later driving on the only interstate that runs through it. 2 Hispanic looking guys are zip tied on the front of their car, and half a dozen state trooper cars are behind them. Looked it up on the news later that night - busted for drug trafficking, dudes were out of Miami!
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    at 3am in litterally no traffic and absolutely perfect weather i got a speeding ticket that cost me $490 in los angeles county for driving 67 mph. i was driving a 18 wheeler.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    and that was on interstate five.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    and i took it to court. the chp cop was there. half of the tickets on the court schedule were written by this one cop. he won every case.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    MisterWonderful - I got one in 1973 on the 405 during the Arab Oil Embargo. The Federal government reduced the speed limit on all interstates to reduce fuel consumption. I was doing my part by car pooling it home from work and got written up for 62 in a 55 zone.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I was riding in the car with my college roommate - back in the mid 1980’s. He had an old VW beetle convertible. It was a nice spring day, so the top was down.

    We were driving to a party off campus, and we had one of those huge Gatorade containers taking up most of the back seat.

    We were driving through a park, and a county cop pulled us over. The problem was - the Gatorade container was filled with grain alcohol and Hi-C. They were breaking out balls - and we told them we were the “equipment managers” of the college baseball team - and we were bringing the Gatorade to the game - so they didn’t question what was in the bucket/cooler - and they let us go as we appeared sober and legit.
  • joatmon
    6 years ago
    I got pulled over once for going too slow. I had no dash lights so had no idea how fast (or slow) I was going. Turned out I was going 45 in a 55 zone. Was so busy talking with my friends that I didn't notice. No ticket. He thought the car was stolen.
  • Jackmd
    6 years ago
    Was delivering newspapers down an unlined residential street around 2:30AM when a cop pulls me over. He sees the pile of papers on the seat and says he pulled me over because I crossed the center line two streets over. That street doesn’t have a center line I say. He gets back in the car and leaves. Guess he was short on DWI arrests that month.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    I was heading to a bar that my best friend owned. I had to make a U turn at an intersection to get there. Cop pulled me over just as I was about to enter the parking lot and told me I made an illegal U turn. I told him that there is a sign there that says "U turn OK", to go check it and I'll be right inside here. He didn't come back.
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    I got pulled over one time for doing 82 in a 75. The cop was from a small town along the interstate. It was 3 a.m. and I was ready to go to sleep and rushing home. I had drank earlier and stayed where I was until it were off. The cop starts yelling and being an ass and he is ready to throw the book at me. He goes back to write the ticket and realizes he does not have his ticket book. Small town had not heard of computers yet. He finally comes back madder than hell. He told me to get out of there it was my lucky day. He is popping off shaking his head and going pshhh... he says, that truck motor is hot from All that speeding and acted like I was ruining my truck....

    I drove away hahahahahahahahahahah
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    He said he was going to be looking for me and he was going to bust me... Haha fucker
  • math14
    6 years ago
    In high school I got pulled over going to the grocery store, 22 in a 25. Officer said I was doing 22 in a15 mph school zone with extra points off my license because I was speeding in a school zone. I told him “it was Christmas break and there was no school this week, and yellow lights weren’t flashing” He turned to look at school, and seemed surprised, no kids, no cars anywhere. He then told me he was just stopping people to remind them this was a school zone and to be aware of it, and let me off with a warning. What? Ok, thank you officer.
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    @MisterWonderful: "and i took it to court. the chp cop was there. half of the tickets on the court schedule were written by this one cop. he won every case."
    ^Attending traffic court is excellent source of overtime compensation for CHP officers. Sometimes you get lucky and officer doesn't appear and when that happens driver wins but with the OT they're incentivized to appear.
  • rickthevulture
    6 years ago
    I often dine near the edge of the road. Usually armadillos. Sometimes possum.

    You hairless apes should stop burying your dead. Leave them to rot in the sun by the side of the road. Then they can be yummy yummy yummy in a vulture’s tummy tummy tummy!

    Black vulture lives matter. Squawk!
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