Sexuality and Sensuality

How do you guys typically think of the two in relation to each other?
For me, my sexuality I feel is just a core component and a major part of my sensuality. Typically the best sex I have is in sensually pleasing environments where everything looks nice, I'm looking sexy, the room smells good, and the music playing matches the mood. Once we're having sex everything just comes together into blissful pleasure. I like to go at is as long as we can and after we're done, the afterglow is just amazing and follows me into the next day making me feel like a goddess. I try to keep that feeling lingering around me as long as I can. I feel it gives me this glow and a positive attitude that people are attracted to whether sexually or platonically. The afterglow seems to make everything feel better, music sounds better, my bed feels heavenly, every touch is magnified.
And if you have a little weed during sex or while feeling this way, omg, the feeling is just... Incredible.
For me, my sexuality I feel is just a core component and a major part of my sensuality. Typically the best sex I have is in sensually pleasing environments where everything looks nice, I'm looking sexy, the room smells good, and the music playing matches the mood. Once we're having sex everything just comes together into blissful pleasure. I like to go at is as long as we can and after we're done, the afterglow is just amazing and follows me into the next day making me feel like a goddess. I try to keep that feeling lingering around me as long as I can. I feel it gives me this glow and a positive attitude that people are attracted to whether sexually or platonically. The afterglow seems to make everything feel better, music sounds better, my bed feels heavenly, every touch is magnified.
And if you have a little weed during sex or while feeling this way, omg, the feeling is just... Incredible.
I won’t deny the eroticism of a quick blowjob or fuck, but a long drawn out sex session with food, music and mood can’t be beat.
Sexuality is...
* the total of who you are, what you believe, what you feel, and how you respond.
* the way in which you have been acculturated, socialized, and sexualized.
* the sum of all your relationships and intimate encounters
* expressed in the way you speak, smile, stand, sit, dress, dance, laugh, cry, and...
Sexuality is all this, including the way religion, morals, friends, age, body concepts, life goals and self-esteem shape your sexual self.
Understanding sexuality, and not just sex, fosters and encourages the development of good relationships throughout our lives.
Our bodies experience sensation through the five senses: touch, smell, sight, hearing, and taste. When perceived as enjoyable, any of these senses can be sensual.
Sensuality is based on the physiological and psychological enjoyment of one's own body and the bodies of others. As such, the enjoyment of sensuality can expand your awareness and increase your sense of comfort in and appreciation of your own body.
Like some have said Humanity 101
Lol sorry, I just started rambling off like crazy!