Sexuality and Sensuality

avatar for strippercutie404
How do you guys typically think of the two in relation to each other?

For me, my sexuality I feel is just a core component and a major part of my sensuality. Typically the best sex I have is in sensually pleasing environments where everything looks nice, I'm looking sexy, the room smells good, and the music playing matches the mood. Once we're having sex everything just comes together into blissful pleasure. I like to go at is as long as we can and after we're done, the afterglow is just amazing and follows me into the next day making me feel like a goddess. I try to keep that feeling lingering around me as long as I can. I feel it gives me this glow and a positive attitude that people are attracted to whether sexually or platonically. The afterglow seems to make everything feel better, music sounds better, my bed feels heavenly, every touch is magnified.

And if you have a little weed during sex or while feeling this way, omg, the feeling is just... Incredible.


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avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
The most sensual sex isn’t full service for $250 in a club’s VIP booth? Followed up by Olive Garden for lunch the next day?
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
Obviously not but it lead to something a lot better.
avatar for londonguy
6 years ago
Excellent question. Pretty much the same as you do.
avatar for georgmicrodong
6 years ago
I agree with cutie. Sex is awesome. Sex in a setting such as you describe is even more so.

I won’t deny the eroticism of a quick blowjob or fuck, but a long drawn out sex session with food, music and mood can’t be beat.
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
6 years ago
Google definitions: (Every single human experience will be different , like they say YMMV)

Sexuality is...
* the total of who you are, what you believe, what you feel, and how you respond.
* the way in which you have been acculturated, socialized, and sexualized.
* the sum of all your relationships and intimate encounters
* expressed in the way you speak, smile, stand, sit, dress, dance, laugh, cry, and...
Sexuality is all this, including the way religion, morals, friends, age, body concepts, life goals and self-esteem shape your sexual self.
Understanding sexuality, and not just sex, fosters and encourages the development of good relationships throughout our lives.

Our bodies experience sensation through the five senses: touch, smell, sight, hearing, and taste. When perceived as enjoyable, any of these senses can be sensual.
Sensuality is based on the physiological and psychological enjoyment of one's own body and the bodies of others. As such, the enjoyment of sensuality can expand your awareness and increase your sense of comfort in and appreciation of your own body.
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
6 years ago
To answer your question; I enjoy sex more when I am in a nice clean place with a nice girl, we both are relaxed and feel secure and comfortable and we can smile, and express ourselves freely, be kind/nice/loving to each other.
Like some have said Humanity 101
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
Smashing Smashing that like button
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
DC have you ever touched a girl without paying for it? lmfao coz you don't sound like it
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
I think asking about sensual sex on this forum won't get you many responses. Its not something you get from a hoe.
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
Wow CJkent great response! I guess what I meant to say through this thread is how much I feel that sexuality and sensuality express and compliment each other. Sex is probably the most powerful of the sensual experiences in that the two of you are enjoying each other's bodies and the way the two of you make each other feel. I feel that the two are linked enough though that a lot of sensual stimuli one might not find inherently sexual can become sexual when you make it so. So much of what we as humans do is to make our bodies a pleasurable experience for others. We take showers so that we smell and look nice, we put on perfume, or in your case cologne in order to smell good to people passing by, we put on makeup and look to put on the right clothes so that we're more pretty to other people. It may not all seem connected to sex but in some ways it is as we're trying to make our bodies pleasurable to others, and one of the most pleasurable things we can do with our bodies is have sex. When I smell a guy who has put on really good cologne, it makes me want to sleep with him more than I would otherwise. If he smelled bad that would be a complete turn off. In this way, sexuality is such a big part of sensuality because the best sex revolves around the two of you pleasing each other's senses as much as you can. Some of it is about what you do in bed and some of it is just about the environment itself.

Lol sorry, I just started rambling off like crazy!
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
I don't know if prostitution and sensuality can't happen together trapbaby. Last week I had a lot of fun with the guy I went out with who was from the club and we had a great experience. Being paid made me even happier about the experience. I got to have some fun and I got paid at the same time. I don't really buy into society's idea that prostitution has to be dirty or exploitative. That's human trafficking which is an entirely different thing.
avatar for steeldog65
6 years ago
Current fav is very sensual. If we get a room in the club, it's almost like a date when we end up naked. She's also a very sexual being which is a plus. She likes to take time and to seduce and be seduced. We have gone OTC to my hotel normally with a dinner at a very good restaurant and then we spend the evening together. She likes candles,njazz
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