
The Levels of PLdom

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
The Levels of PLdom

mark -> uses strip clubs for sexual gratification
pervert -> likes to cum in his pants
chump -> buys dances
jerk -> takes liberties with dancers or takes up their time, for free

So the alternative is:

Expert Womanizer -> selects and approaches girl, starts feeding her money, gets front room makeout session going. Takes her to back room, takes her home with him, continues to see her and to provide mistress maintenance.

What Could Be More Simple?




  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Lmao this thread is going to be another shit storm.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Smash that like button.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    This thread is going to go

  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    @sjg you damn right i am with my Louisville latina now all made possible because of a front room makeout session ! Without a front room makeout session your a pervert or chump or worse you could be like flagooner!
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    Hey at least it is topically relevant to the forum!
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    That's right Paul. Sometimes I forget that TUSCL PLs are only interested in Politics, News, Sexist Jokes, Financial Speculation, Gambling, Sports, Cumming In Their Pants, and asking for Dear Abbey type advice on the relation ships they have with their ATF's and CF's.

    Nothing else could ever be of any interest to them.

  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    SMH, all the regulars are watching football, at strip clubs, watching movies, or spending time with thier familieis so SJG and the other trolls are trying thier best to stir up the pot today. Why dont you SJG, trapbaby, and the other trolls go practice creating a human centipede for amusement?
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    san_jose_guy -> likes to post about DFK and pumping loads into strippers because he doesn't actually go to strip clubs
  • datinman
    6 years ago
    For the 5 years I have been a member of this site I have read your theory hundreds of times.
    You are so smooth that strippers will makeout with you in the front room.
    Your kisses are so powerful that strippers will fall for you.
    So how by extension, you have no problem getting or maintaining a stripper girlfriend.
    How about you prove your theory by posting links to images of any of the strippers you currently maintain as a girlfriend. or you could just admit your full of shit and STFU.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago

    san_jose_guy -> likes to post about frint room DFK and pumping loads into strippers because he doesn't actually go to strip clubs
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    Edit, part deux:

    san_jose_guy -> likes to post about front room DFK and pumping loads into strippers because he doesn't actually go to strip clubs
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Justin, I am not seeking approval from you or anyone else. As it is now I must maintain a CIA type of security in my affairs.

    The accounts of front room makeout sessions in US clubs are here on TUSCL, and they are elsewhere.

    Most women are completely disarmed by a makeout session. Get that going with her and you have a great chance of waking up with her in the morning.

    Once the makeout session is going, it will mostly just come down to her availability status. Since you do not know her, that is an unknown.

  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    SJG reminds me of a dumbed down version of the guy from a "beautiful mind". One of these days someone will break it to him that the years of front room makeout sessions were all a dream. He was simply groping a blow up doll in his living room
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    ^ LOL @NJBalla he's the absolute lowest level. Rock bottom.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    My own experiences are real. The accounts on TUSCL seem to be real, and the accounts other places seem to be real.

  • datinman
    6 years ago
    Yea, I figured you wouldn't put up or shut up. How about this, you go to clubs looking for a relationship. Some guys go because it is Disney Land for adults. I pay the money because I like the rides. Quit being so judgemental just because we have different expectations.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    See the signs "Live Nude Girls". Strip clubs have always been very similar to carnival shows, fine tuned well oiled machines designed for separating marks from their money. But the good news is, the women are exactly what they appear to be, no deceptions have been employed.

    So as soon as you can get them out of this providing a service mode, and ulimately out the front door, heaven is available to you.

    Sounds Justin like what you are looking for can be found:

    ACME FemBots
    Hackensack New Jersey

    They will have something for you.

  • datinman
    6 years ago
    Okay. I tried. If it makes you happy I will admit to being a mark and a chump, but I am not a pervert or jerk. I will go back to ignoring you as I always have before. By the way, thank you for a previous link to a Judy Henske video. I was unfamiliar with terrific music.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Glad you like her. Andrew Vachss has called her Queen of the Beatniks. He says, "Judy Henske was a flame thrower".

    The girls are your local strip clubs, they are real, they are not FemBots.


    Finite and infinite games : a vision of life as play and possibility / James P. Carse (2012, 1986)
  • playfulsteve
    6 years ago
    ummmmmmm so what is the category for cumming out of their pants? asking for a friend.....
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ????? You mean BJ/HJ till cumpletion?

    Usually women only steer it that way when AuntFlow is visiting or when they are protecting their virginity.

    In TLN, to do that with her in one of the rounds, that can be nice. It will have an effect on her, seeing it.

    But in the strip club, if you can't do FS, then DATY will work well. She will understand viscerally that you are saving your load for her, and that will make her more ready to leave with you to get that.


    Justin, is Grace Slick a successor to Judy Hensky?

  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    I’m trying to figure out where falling in love with goats plays into this?
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Trying to figure out how Shailynn can stand to ride with his mother 3 hours each way to rehearsals of the West Texas Christian Glee Club, while he uses his cell phone to make these posts.

  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    ^^^ shut the fuck up goat fucker!!!!!
  • ATACdawg
    6 years ago
    "Most women are completely disarmed by a makeout session."

    Like the Venus de Milo? Good tactic to make sure you don't get slapped silly in the front room!
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    @DC9428 - Paid regular OTC is exactly what SJGs "system" is trying to achieve. He just leaves out the paying part when he explains it. Probably part of his delusions.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago

    Where does “trick” fall on that scale?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    twat -> Constantly tells everyone that they're having fun wrong.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Atacdawg, there are credible accounts of front room makeout sessions on this board, and on other boards, in US clubs. And I have witnessed and participated in enough myself.

    DC9428, I've never said anything against seeing a girl regularly and giving her money. I've just suggested that it be shifted to Mistress Maintenance, rather than a payment for service.

    PaulDrake, I have never suggested doing anything with a girl in a strip club without paying. As far as outside, does she still get money? It all depends. Often it could go either way. In most countries other than the US, smart guys keep mistresses. But on the otherhand, at a Sunnyvale club, a girl I liked was having dates at 2am. I'm sure this was totally civilian. Then one day she called us at the club to tell us she had gotten married.

    NiceSpice, 'Trick', well usually that is from the girl's perspective. She can say what she wants. But usually a guy only plays into that if he is dividing women into two categories. Otherwise, if he likes the girl, he can partake at the strip club, or in the hooker hotel, but he can steer it so they are seeing each other frequently, and she won't be calling him a 'trick'. Mostly that is just a device she would use to make herself look good to her friends.

    In my opening of this thread I failed to mention one additional type of PL.

    RIL -> 'Regular In Love', sees the girl at the strip club, sometimes very low mileage. Often spending lots of time and money on her. But he wants nothing more. Idea is not wrong, but he is not seeing the girl outside, not going any further with her.

    Now of course, I do not really see the world as being divided into Winners and Loosers. Quite the contrary, this is a harsh and unfair world and many people are pressed into living in very compromised situations. So while I have always been amused by the idea that strip club customers are Pathetic Loosers, I have never really gone along with the idea that it is fair to judge them that way. It is all just an artifact of the unfair world which we continue to live in.


    Black Magick Volume 1: Awakening I

    Black Magick Volume 2: Awakening II

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  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    First off - it’s Cash - not Mark. You need to correct your levels of pl-dom as the first name is incorrect.

    Secondly, your evidence to support your claim is a post on a site that is an entire work of fiction. That is hardly a solid base.

    Why do you use the term loosers? It’s quite interesting.

    We already know about your privacy wall - in your mom’s basement. So we know you won’t provide examples of you actually executing your “system”.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^^^^^ Cashman, the ultimate Mark, Chump, Looser

  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    You are correct SJG - as I like my whores loose - the looser the better!

    For once you got it right! Maybe Mom will give you the biz hungry man dinner tonight!
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    The ultimate loser is the guy that doesn't actually go to strip clubs, otherwise known as san_jose_guy.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    In all honesty, when SJG calls you a loser, chump and mark - it’s a compliment.

    I’d be concerned if SJG said “I like the way you handle yourself in strip clubs! You are the man!” That’s when you know you have shit for brains.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^ I'm not saying anything is not okay. Its just that if you allow yourself to be boxed in to the strip club's choreography of selection and engagement, you lack the intimate rapport with the girl.

    Sure, in the end, you can be seeing her in your own bed and supporting her with mistress maintenance.

    But it will work easier if you can do as Countryman did, bringing home to Louisville what he learned in TJ. You want to be able to lead the interaction. If you agree to buy a dance, then you are making it so that the girl has to lead it. If instead you can just feed her front room money and get to know her and get a front room makeout session going, then when it is time for your own pants to come down, you can invite her to the back room. Then you can take her home with you and continue to see her regularly.

    You want to be giving her money, but you don't want that to be for a narrowly defined fee for service. You want it to be more care, concern, and respect. You want her to be able to pay her bills and to accumulate a nest egg. AMP girls have often invited me to outside sessions at their home. That's how they pay their mortgage. How could anyone object to that? And the girls who make that kind of an offer have always given mind blowing GFE-FS.

    Giving the girl money is fine, desirable, as it shows good intentions. It shows her that if she engages with you she will benefit. There can be other kinds of benefits which follow too.

    But as early as possible you want to get her out of service for a fee mode, and instead into just following your lead. You can lead it in the front room, because though you will do best by feeding her money, you have not actually contracted with her for anything specific. So that is the best setting for an open ended makeout session.

    Then when you do invite her to the back room, then the money is just what the house expects and what is customary for the girl to get. You are paying what is customary, but the relationship you already have with her goes far beyond that.

    When I first joined TUSCL I told an AMP story. Some people did not understand it and laughed at it. But my point was that the selection process is everything.

    I went to an AMP right after work. Not sure if I was going to session. I saw one girl out a side door washing her car. So I decided that I was going to session with her. So I went in and asked about her, in the purple dress, washing her car. They did not understand me. So they kept presenting me with girls in a serial lineup. I had to turn down four of them until someone finally understood me.

    So then they went and got her, Donna, and brought her to me. I don't know what they told her, but once in the room she just put her arms around me and looked into my eyes and we just melted togethter and intense DFKing started at once.

    That is totally outside the norm in AMPs. But what ensured was mind blowing for both parties.

    In the decades which followed Donna would work in a variety of shops, three different counties, and always different names.

    But I could just call a shop on the phone and explain about the Donna I met washing her car, and the girl on the other end would supply the detail about the purple dress.

    Some on this forum have said that I washed Donna's car. No that was not true. But today, I sure would.

    But the reason I tell the story is to show that the selection process is everything. And in these venues you have to find ways to break out of the selection box they try to put you into.

    A front room makeout session, you selecting and approaching the girl yourself, is one of the best ways, and it is well worth the cost of just softening her up front room.

    And then in TJ this is apparently the norm. And by lots and lots of accounts it is offered in Black Dives, and others affirm that in mixed race dives, it is done that way. And then we have accounts of that Skin Cabaret in Scottsdale. And there are lots and lots of other accounts. And then in our local clubs, when a girl wants immediate OTC, she often sets it up this way. And then more so in our underground.

    You want to be able to lead the interaction with the girl. Best still to give her money, but nothing specific is being contracted. It is just good will money. You want to be able to lead it, and that works in the front room.

    And then at SF AMPs, doing much more FS than South Bay, they are more receptive to guys initiating a makeout session as soon as they get into the session room. They just know that if the guy wants that, it is flattery, and it also makes things escalate and happen faster.

    Dances are a gimmick invented, only after Jim and Artie Mitchell prevailed in a felony jury trial. After the legal risk was gone, that was when the brave Mafia came in, followed by Deja Vu.

    Lap dancing had meant lap sitting, and there was no rule against kissing. I can personally attest to that.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I believe everyone here will remember Nina Hartley. She often served as the spokes person for women in porn.


    She had also worked for the Mitchell Bro's in the early days of lap dancing.

    Lap Dancing meant lap sitting. They had theater style seating, so there wasn't room to do much else. What happened with the lap sitting varied widely. But there would also be grinding with the girl on her feet.

    Because this was all front room, it was quite fluid, and the costs were lower.

    What Hartley said about making guys cum in their pants was, "Well if they can cum with two layers of clothing in the middle, then they must have needed it. And she spoke about sexual frustration.

    I believe that our society has a great deal of sexual frustration in play.

    Strip clubs cater to this, and sometimes they help alleviate it. Other times I think they are compounding it, as well as creating an addiction to the endorphin rush which comes with ejaculation.

    Our society suffers from wide spread sexual frustration, in my opinion. And so people accept some horrid situations, like what often goes on in many strip clubs.




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  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    All sounds like frustration to me.

    The organization I am building will solve all such problems.

    But strip clubs are often contributing to the problem, until guys don't even know that something is wrong.

  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    Sjg which of these apy to you? I dont see

    creep/weirdo -> fucks goats, rapes bitches in their sleep, drinks gravy while trolling tuscl from moms basement.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I have lived in a hard and frustrating world. But that does not mean that I have ever completely gone along with any of it.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    People accept a PL's life, buying dances, LDKing, and shelling out huge amounts of money, relative to what they are getting.

  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    @SJG - I think one of the things you don't understand is that for some of us going to the strip club is actually really cheap entertainment. Going to the strip club for me is MASSIVELY cheaper than my other "hobby" so I have actually been saving a TON of money this year as I am doing the SC more and my other "hobby" less. So the idea that the SC is "draining everyone's wallets dry" is total nonsense.

    To give you a data point I will admit that in one instance in my other "hobby" I have burned through more money in a single weekend than what it costs me to go to the strip club twice a week for 2 years.

    Past that to your point about the money being huge relative to what I am getting. Again I think we may be in different income brackets. Before I started SCing if a hot girl came to me and said she would strip naked and let me touch her tits for $20 I would have said "fuck yeah" and thought that was super cheap. So paying $100 to spend an hour+ with a hot girl who is getting me to relax, have fun, laugh, and have an orgasm I think that is an amazing deal.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @PaulDrake the issue with san_jose_creep is that his own wallet was, in fact, drained dry by going to strip clubs and AMPs prior to becoming destitute. And in the process he lost his wife and overall lifestyle. He's actually experienced every level of PLdom IRL, and he's a self-centered narcissist, so he won't ever accept that someone else won't make the same stupid PL mistakes that he did.

    Now that he that he can't go see strippers himself IRL because he is destitute, he has created his organization as his means of rising above his own ranks of PLdom to a level beyond it all. And since he thinks he's a genius there is no way anyone at a lower PL level will be able to see strippers ITC for dances and not fall for the same pathetic mistakes that he did.

    And LOL the irony of all of this is that by not actually going to strip clubs and interacting with them, and instead just fantasizing about them in his organization on TUSCL, he's at the absolute lowest level of PLdom.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Strip clubs show you that life could be different than it usually is. But the strip club itself is not actually the solution to anything.

    We need to take what we learn in strip clubs and recreate it outside.

    This is one of the things my organization will do.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Chumps, Suckers, Marks, RILs, all PL's, keeping clip joint strip clubs open. Keeping awesome hotties there available for when an Expert Womanizer should happen to walk in the front door.


  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Our society is saturated with sexual frustration. And all the bravado talk of our own PL's only serves to dramatize this.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Sexual frustration rules, and strip clubs do more to exacerbate it than remedy it.

    But we can do better. We can create new kinds of institutions.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    In the pool halls, the hustlers and the losers
    I used to watch 'em through the glass
    Well I'd stand outside at closing time
    Just to watch her walk on past


  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    And now san_jose_creep can only "watch" from behind his keyboard at the San Jose library with free internet.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    What do I think about P4P?

    Well long ago I decided that what I think about it depends entirely upon how well it is done. At its best it helps to heal the sexual frustration which is so endemic. At its worst though it exacerbates such sexual frustration.

    The best were the Beloved Latina Escorts who worked San Jose's Underground Circuit.

    The worst, I would say, are the LDKing clip joints which are now all over our country.


    TJ Street






    Attributed to Denis Diderot, "Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    San Jose Guy is correct. I'd add one more level though, get her to provide for you.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    :) :) :)

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Most guys are afraid of women, and so to deal with this, they divide them into two categories. One is held up as virtuous, but undesirable. The other is seen as tainted, but also desirable. This is what drives a guy down the road to PLdom.


    Two books written about the same time which seem to span the chasm between religious and occult kabbalah

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    Why I’m Proud To Be A Middle-Aged Stripper
  • strippercutie404
    6 years ago
    I don't think I could really do a front room makeout session without management getting on my ass for something like that. Buying dances doesn't make a guy a chump, that's the whole point of going to strip clubs.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Contact strip clubs started as front room only, MBOT

    Despite the fact that some guys refuse to believe, refuse to see what they do not want to see, front room makeout sessions do exist in US clubs.

    Going for 'wanna dance' destroys the choreography with the girl. Once you agree, then she has to lead it, and you have to let her.

    Whereas in the front room, feeding her money as a show of respect, you can lead it yourself.

    Booths and backrooms were invented simply to increase the house cut, and they also can lower the typical mileage as there is no intimate rapport with the girl.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    People have come to accept strip club intimacy as a substitute for real sex, and for civilian style sexual nights. That is serious PLdom right there.


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