Watch what you say! Beware of PC vigilantes
Have you ever had some idiot listen-in on your conversation with someone else in public and then come over and confront you and bully you with their self-righteous so-called "politically correct" opinions?
Yesterday I went to my neighborhood post office to mail a package. Behind the counter was a cool old broad that I've shot the shit with on previous visits. I paid cash and she had trouble making change, at least with 5's or 10's. Being the bloated bureaucracy the postal service is, she had to call for her supervisor, who had to get someone else and on and on. Anyway post lady says to me "sorry but it's gonna take a few minutes to get your change... unless you want your change all in one's?". Even though she didn't actually say it, both the tone of her voice and the look on her face inferred "who the fuck would want $17 all in one dollar bills!". Well I didn't have all fucking day and as you can probably figure out by being on this website I certainly did have use for a wad of singles. So I said I'd be happy to take my change in one's since I was heading to a strip club later on. She chuckled, gave me my change and jokingly told me to have a good time. So as I head for the door this super geek who apparently was in line somewhere near me gets right in my face and starts ranting that I was being rude, disrespectful (to whom I'm not sure) and a lot of other shit that went in one ear and out the other, apparently all because I mentioned to post lady I was going to a strip club! I didn't have the time or inclination to argue with this dipshit so I told him "whatever" and just kept on going as this moron kept shouting at my back as I walked out the door. Why he was eavesdropping on my private conversation with post lady is a mystery to me. Even more weird is why he felt entitled to interject his own opinions about me patronizing a strip club into my private conversation.
Anywho...this is the second time this year that this kind of drama has happened to me. This past summer when Toys-R-Us had it's final liquidation sale I went there and bought some shit for my nieces and nephews. The store was closing in a few days. At the cash register was a young super smokin' hot Latina. When I got to register I started flirting with this chick and she was nice and friendly back. I remarked that it was sad that the place was closing and that I missed those long ago days when I was a child and my grandparents would take me to a Toy-R-Us almost every weekend and buy me whatever I wanted. She listened patiently to my reminiscing with a smile. Then she looked a bit anxious and sad and said it was sad for her too because she had to go out and look for a new job. Being older and wiser then her I thought I should give her some good advice on how to best utilize her skills. She had an outgoing personality, was in sales, cute... more to the point she had a rockin' bod with big tits and a nice ass! And she was a Latina, you what that means;) So I told her she was one of the most beautiful girls I'd ever seen and that she should try exotic dancing because she would probably make more money in just one weekend than she makes in a whole month at lame-ass jobs like she had now. Both things I said we absolutely true! Anyway she giggled and blushed a little. But I could tell she was definately flattered and I think she was definitely intrigued at making that kind of money. In any event she reacted positively to my advice. For a moment I even thought about following-up by asking her if she'd be interested in a P2P arrangement with me. Unfortunately before I could do that... not directly behind me but rather two places back in the line was this middle-aged white bitch (looked like she could've been a lawyer, doctor, businesswomen or something like that) with her son. I'll call her what she was, a self entitled bitch. So Entitled Bitch barged by the dude behind me in line (I'll call him "contractor guy" because he looked like one) and proceeded to harangue me with some nonsense about my "inappropriate comments" to the girl at the cash register. She also said that she saw me "inappropriately staring" at the girl while waiting in line and "objectifying her" (whatever that means- maybe she noticed I had a woodie in my pants, LOL!) and that my behavior was setting a poor example to her son and other kids, etc, etc... The poor girl at the register clearly didn't welcome this entitled bitch's intervention. Instead she had a nervous look on her face like "oh shit!". Anyway to my rescue came Contractor Guy. He calmly and politely basically told Entitled Bitch that I was only trying to help, meant no harm and told that bitch to liten up a little bit. Well then that bitch turned her focus on him and started ranting on him! I'm not sure if it was for sticking up for me or if she caught him staring at those big titties also, LOL! Well that didn't sit well with this dude. He acted like he was an Iraq War veteran or something who had had a freaking IED go off inside his helmet because he completely flipped-out on that bitch. So I was like whoa shit I gotta get the fuck outta here before the cops show up! So I abandoned any attempt to feel out the Latina for the possibility of a P2P meet up and instead collected my sales slip, grabbed my bags and calmly made my way straight out the door leaving behind Contractor Guy and Entitled Bitch to duke it out.
I don't understand why that broad took issue with the advice I gave the girl at the cash register. She'd be much better off making tons of money and setting her own hours rather than being enslaved at some $5 per hour McJob where she could be fired for even the littlest things today, like posting drunk selfies on her Instagram! This would "empowered" her (that shit all these lesbo bitches talk about).
Anybody else have any similar run-ins with idiots like these?
last commenti love one dollar bills like never before. i finally figured out the real practical use of a one dollar bill.
Vajmon you should be commended for sticking to your guns and being patient to ride as righteous people who think they always have to run up a cause. Why can’t these people just exist and shut the fuck up? By the way you are totally correct in what you say and you shouldn’t be vilified for speaking your opinion. Especially when they aren’t even in the conversation to begin with, and are eves dropping. Smh
The geek at the post office better watch his ass. He's going to pull that shit on someone who's not as even-keeled as you and get his weaselly ass kicked.
The old cunt at Toys R Us was out of line, too. I wouldn't have suggested exotic dancing to the hot babe, a little too forward, but it doesn't give the old dyke the right to go off like that. She's probably pissed because she has a dick. I know bitches like that.
Lol! I remember going out to eat at a restaurant with another person in a small, locally owned business. Tables for the customers were nearby other customers.
The noise at the room was loud enough to be able to tune others out, but soft enough to eavesdrop if you wanted to.
My friend and I were griping about customer bad behaviors, and this couple at the table next to us got silent and stared at us uncomfortably.
My friend brought up their reaction to me after dinner. I asked her why didn’t she tell me earlier? I didn’t notice and if I had, I would have gotten way more explicit.
I imagine most women would have a hard time with listening to a random older man telling them sex work is a good idea. But I take you at your word that she was being friendly and unbothered by it.
But as for the other lady? Judging by your description, she seems like the type to start an argument because her coupon wouldn’t scan. These type of people are the ones I enjoy accidentally on purpose pissing off the most.
Ugh people need to just live and let live. Everybody should feel free to make their own choices in life without others butting in and telling them their choice was wrong.
First story, meh. Fuck that guy. The second story in the OP, all due respect but that was some weird creeper shit to pull on some poor kid about the lose her job at the Giraffe. Of course the check out girl looked nervous. Some old dude is talking to her tits about how they need to work at a strip club, and then a closet dyke with her adopted third world kid decided to pick a fight over it. Okay I made the adopted part up, but the point is what it is.
If it's just you and you feel like you've got to shoot your shot, then do it. But it's a toy store with people around. That girl could've been in high school. And I'm typing this as someone who forgot where he was the other day and discreetly flirted with some chick at the check out counter who turns out just graduated from high school. I paid for my shit and got the fuck out of there. A non-stripper girl that young is an automatic scratch. No judging. It's TUSCL, after all. But throwing the hobby around in public just to get a rise out of people is playing with fire.
And getting a chubby in the check out line...?
"Yes, I'll pay with cash since you're about to go out of business. By the way, I know some girls who are strippers and they're really fun..."
I get it, DC. Probably more than you think. Just having a little fun with dirty uncle trying to pick up check out girls at the store with a visible woody. That's dedication, a true believer, and about as TUSCL as it gets.
vajmon, no disrespect, but is it possible that the real reason for these negative interactions is the fact that you weren’t wearing any pants at the post office?
I’m a live-and-let-live it’s all brilliant kind of guy, but even I find it a bit untoward when some weirdo walks around with his willy out! ;)
That second story is creepy af. Dude, that was the best way you thought of taking a shot at this girl? Sheesh
I agree - that your comments and conversations were nothing for other folks to get worked up over.
I tend to err on the conservative side, and I avoid getting into sexual and stripper conversations with folks I don’t know. There are too many folks who will blow something out of proportion now. It gets way too contentious - and I’d rather just avoid having a lunatic ragging on me at the local target store.
I was in NYC in the spring - and a woman asked me where I was from. I said New Jersey. So she asks me if Jersey guys really are dirty? - I saw an opening, but I deferred and simply said there is some truth to that rumor.
I'd love for that dude at the USPS try that here in Detroit.
And that old bitch was just mad you weren't hitting on her.