
Comments by Locutusbrg (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    What states do not have curfews ?? Which states do? ?
    Northeast is shut down except for NH strip clubs. Some are open limited hours but it isn't worth working there
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    A Little Better
    Agree with OWG it's depressing and I have held off. My work on occasion takes me by the place I see a small number of cars there daily. Nothing like pre covid.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Resistance is futile
    Updated covid review
    Agree the girls are trying be inventive. They can't go nude.... Like that matters to covid transmission. India did a work around, wearing fishnet panty hose and pulling her panties to the side. Gave great show while following technically the idiot dictatorial commands of the department of health. It's obvious that providence is using covid to try to drive SC out of business!
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Resistance is futile
    Return to business.. Kind of?
    I have been informed now that my update was in error. It is private dining not LD. Boooooooo Boooooooo I say
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Resistance is futile
    Return to business.. Kind of?
    Update there 1 on 1 dances no idea on cost time or what will update when I can go
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    4 years ago
    Resistance is futile
    Return to business.. Kind of?
    @code monkey They don't take licenses they ask for name and number which you could make up. But they do have a photo sooooo. Kind of middle of the road.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Resistance is futile
    Return to business.. Kind of?
    @mets I know Ivana and have contact with her currently she is away visiting with her family. That said, she has no plans to return to dancing at desire for now. Nicolette according to destiny is around.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Barely a Strip Club
    Wow! haven't even gone by, and I was like a fixture in there this time last year. Too bad. It's good to know some of the girls are still around but it's not what I used to be.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Gave it a try
    Last time I checked with the girls I know otc that work there. According to them, Many girls don't even go there anymore. A lot of the girls who used to be regular dancers there moved on. No local Clubs are really operating. Most of the girls headed south to work. Fantasies is the only club open in the area, haven't gone, heard it's very weak. Sad 8 months ago desire #1 easily in providence
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Thank You for your service
    Good point directy from the evil lair.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    2 on 1 VIP/Dance - worth the hype?
    There was a pair of stunning polish spinners that make their way around the east coast USA. 2 on 1 was their preferred hustle. I took them up on it once but it was underwhelming and expenaive no extras experience. They were hot but a waste of time. Another time one of my faves was buddies with another girl. They both knew I liked them both and we had a good vibe. I joked, buying them drinks, that it's too bad that I only had one dick but I'd like to bang them both. They laughed whispered to each other and said we can make that happen. I knew these girls and knew their hustle with me was minimal so I bit... Said sure. Price agreed in advance we went to club champagne room. A large couch very private. It was worth my time and money to see Mr happy going out of two tits into someone else's mouth. 100% worth it. It's gotta be right girls right place right moment. Otherwise I feel it's a waste of money.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    Why Girls Aren't Seen As Good Strip Club Customers
    Great insite Eve. I never have taken a woman in with me. When I see them I see conflict often. I would also like to point out sometimes a girl itc seems to be more interested in showing off for the guys. A bit of exhibitionist comes out. Usual my fav makes a negative comment about that one. Draws attention away from the girls trying to work.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Looking for an organization to join...
    A tame Regular in Love story
    Part of the game is the"maybe" part of the fantasy. I pride myself on being realistic. I had a similar experience at the beginning of my divorce/started hitting the clubs. Became too attached to a young spinner. She liked me and I was easy money. After a similar situation. I got mad. Didn't rant in a text but the fantasy bubble was popped for me and I never really spent time with her again. It was just soured.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Games Strippers Play
    Nice article. This hustle annoys me tho. The club keeps tracks of the drinks the girls get customers to buy. Dancers knows me, know I spend, comes up to me and chats me up. I buy her a drink. We get to chatting. Business is slow so her friend comes over to talk to her and they give the whole wouldn't you like both of us schtick for a minute. Then I get the "aren't you going to buy her a drink" from girl that I was talking too. Basically pressuring me into shelling out a drink for her friend. So feeling magnanimous I say sure....then girl number 2 orders a 30 bucks top shelf drink then disappears when her regular shows up. Scammed again
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Best clubs to visit - northeast post covid recomendations
    CT and RI nothing worth your time currently
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    Clubs Open Announcements
    Little Rhode Island had a thriving red light district on the interstate 95 corridor between Boston and new York. The states doing well with covid. The clubs just can't seem to get the girls to work and make money under the restrictions. One is open the rest either stayed closed or reopened and shut down again.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    The word “No” in Strip Clubs
    I've had a wide variety of experiences. Some girls appreciate when you make it clear up front your not interested. I politely tell them that I'm not interested but thanks for coming over. The girls I do have a regular type relationship with always tell me... If a girl comes up to you and then you chat her up when your not interested, your eating her time and maybe she misses someone else who is interested. They all rather you say not interested nicely. The girls all talk to each other, if your there enough they know if your cheap broke aggressive smelly. They also know if your will groomed, respectful, and if you spend money. No doesn't matter to them. It's "maybe" guys that really is a no that burns them. So don't spare the feelings nicely tell them no. Just do it early.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Any news?
    I have head from a dancer that they are considering putting up clear shower curtains to be a barrier between dancers and customers. So you can look but can't even throw money. The governor is insisting that sitting at a bar is a problem and against the rules. So I think many clubs in the state won't be able to function.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Coronavirus antibodies may last only two to three months after infection, study
    As a person who reads medical literature for a living I will tell you that one small unreplicated study is interesting but not compelling. It might be true. But the reopening of Wuhan and the gross number data in Western Europe don't really fit with the findings of that study. The truth is it takes 3 years to properly breakdown the contagiousness and leathality of the typical flu season. A well understood and it has a vaccine and a simple lab test. Novel covid 19 I'm guessing the real data on transmission and resistance is about 5 years away. No reason to hit the panic button yet.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Resistance is futile
    OTC Fun
    @ gobstopper. Good point some of the girls at my fav establishment share a hotel room for regular s OTC visits. That to me screams law enforcement attention so I wouldn't do that. As long as you're secure that a hotel is worth the time and money. Like I said in the article the smart ones usually have a plan. But make sure location is nice, good area, someplace you can park and not get mugged. Not an hourly place that the po-po often drive through and note license plates.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Resistance is futile
    OTC Fun
    Burn phones are fine often they are talking to you on their burn phone. Little downside. Although your gf finding a burner phone is about as bad as her seeing it on your phone.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    But not too old!
    Desire is Opening
    It was an interesting idea but doomed to fail. Sitting down to eat with a masked stranger. Bombs the fantasy aspect that attracts most men. It's also more often not worth the girls time. Realistically we all know intellectually that young girls aren't going to hang on PL for McDonald's money.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    “There Is No Neutral': 'Nice White People' Can Still Be Complicit In A Racist So
    The truth is all human beings have to fight hard to overcome their tribalism, biases, and confirmation bias. It is the human condition. I don't know what it is to be AA anymore than I know what it is to be a white person, or a woman for that matter. The goal is difficult, eliminate racism is to trying to eliminate fear of the unknown or the different. Our brains are hardwired to be us and them. It would be nice if bias and prejudice didn't exist but it does. Taking the position that the white people owe us and are inherently bigoted is both correct and wrong. We are all living a unique experience. Anger and violence brings attention but it doesn't have a great track record for change. There have race related riots in America every 10 years of my life. We all stand on the shoulders of all those that came before us. No one can stop us from helping the generation standing on our shoulders. Does burning and looting a target store really improve things? Or is it giving them another in a long line of excuses as to why things never change.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Club Onyx in Houston loses latest court case
    The clubs will have no legal leverage untill hair and nail stuff goes live once they say strangers can touch for non critical purposes.... then clubs have a legal leg to stand on but even then it isn't going to be easy.