
A tame Regular in Love story

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TL;DR : A PL does some cathartic rambling about being a Regular in Love and not knowing it. And asks what is the correct response to a broken appointment?

Sorry, I did not get scammed for tens of thousands of dollars, nor did I run into a cold, heartless scammer. If that's the type of story you're looking for you'll be disappointed. I only spent about $1,500.00 over the course of two weeks, which considering the amount of time I spent with her was a pretty good deal, somewhere around $150 an hour for her complete attention on a weekday day shift.

About me, I'm a 58 year old single male. I've been going to strip clubs off and on for about 20 years, usually solo 2-3 times a month, and once every two months with ex-coworkers to catch up. I took many multi-month breaks when burnt out on the clubs, some lasting over a year. My usual solo routine was to tip stage until I found a dancer I wanted to get dances from, invite her to my table and talk to her for a song or two. If we seemed compatible we'd do however many dances seemed right, usually 3-6, then leave. I refused many dancer's phone numbers because I wanted no contact outside the club. I had a few favorites but never went to a club to see someone specifically.

I had read many stories by other PLs who had fallen in love with dancers, but I knew that could never happen to me. I was by far to experienced a clubber for that, they were weak and I was strong, and knew I would never lose control as I was way to smart for that.

Then came the COVID shutdown, and no strip clubbing for 4 months combined with having to cancel two vacations really boosted my entertainment budget, and I decided to spend a portion of it trying all the open clubs near me over the next two weeks, one every other day. I was also looking for some distraction from a recent serious medical issue of a parent.

While researching clubs I saw a dancer popular on another site was dancing in town. Pictures of her boobs had fascinated me for years, so I decided to start there, a topless mid-tier club where she danced on day shift. I made my first ever appointment and it worked great, she was there when I arrived and came right over to me. She was exactly what I look for physically, and had a low-key, almost shy style with little to no stripper shit, which is my weakness and not easy to find. We talked for a few songs and I suggested private dances. I don't think she ever asked me for dances or tips over the five or six visits I did.

She allowed two-way touching including boobs and butt, but not the bikini area. I was OK with that and did not push for more. As much as I like FIV it's probably a thing of the past since COVID, and BJ or FS in a club just is not that appealing to me since it is usually so rushed and awkward. As I said her boobs had captivated me for years, and they did not disappoint. She seemed surprised when I said I wanted five more after the first one, and after I paid her I expected she'd go to wherever dancers disappear to. Instead she came and sat with me until I left without asking for anything, which doesn't happen at the club I usually go to.

The next day there was a threat of shutting down the clubs in town, so we set up another appointment for the following day, my plan of only hitting different clubs vanished. She met me when I arrived, stayed with me the entire time, and seemed to concentrate only on me for that time. I wanted to do 10 dances in a row because I'd never done that many with one dancer, but we got interrupted for her stage set about song five. She didn't ask for payment, just went and did her stage. I was surprised she trusted me, but I probably do not look like much of a flight risk. After the last song of the dances she got called to stage again, and again did not collect payment before going, I was amazed.

We had three or four more appointments, and they went great. She met me as soon as I came in, and stayed with me the entire time, usually between 2 and 3 hours. I brought two new disposable vape pens with me each time, giving her one. This way we could get high safely post-COVID, talk for a couple songs, do 3 dances, get higher, talk, do 3 dances, repeat, wait for me to come down and go home. It was incredible, she made me feel so calm and special for hours after seeing her. Sometime during these visits I fell in love without admitting it to myself, she was a calm port in a big storm of stress with silky soft skin and, as I think I mentioned, breasts that fascinated me.

Then my world crashed, as I saw it at the time. I made an appointment, confirmed it an hour before, and showed up on time. She was on stage when I arrived, so I sat at a table to wait, trying to convince myself I was not jealous of the customer talking to her. When she got off stage she went to him, did a wait-one-second gesture to me without saying anything, and took him to the lap dance area. I later found out she had agreed to a dance right before I came in on time for the appointment. I was stunned, and went from stunned to very irate over the ten minutes I sat there before leaving, knowing I was unreasonably mad but not knowing why. I received a bad news family health text as I was walking out of the club, which compounded the anger.

When I got home she had messaged to see if I was still in the club. I replied I had confirmed the appointment, arrived on time, and ranted on how rude it was to take another customer for dances when we had a set time. She apologized, I again told her how rude she was. She asked if there was a chance I would come back to see her again, I went off on a couple really childish rants on how unprofessional she was. I cringed in shame when I re-read those messages.

The next day I was terrified I had upset her, so asked if she was working so I could get some dances as a way of apologizing for my messages. After sending that message I took my dog for a walk, and had a moment of clarity on how irrational my behavior was, and realized that I had become what I never thought I possible, a Regular in Love with someone less than half his age, in a rage over something that was so trivial. I began hoping she would not be working, and when she said she was busy and vaguely stated we could meet at some unspecified time in the future I was both crushed and overjoyed, a very odd feeling.

If you've made it this far I am amazed and thank you for reading this.


  • loper
    4 years ago
    Sounds like you need some coaching from Muddy.
  • clubdude
    4 years ago
    Dude! Once entering you're in a fantasy land with well trained actresses (for the most part). It's all about your own gratification!
  • Locutusbrg
    4 years ago
    Part of the game is the"maybe" part of the fantasy. I pride myself on being realistic. I had a similar experience at the beginning of my divorce/started hitting the clubs. Became too attached to a young spinner. She liked me and I was easy money. After a similar situation. I got mad. Didn't rant in a text but the fantasy bubble was popped for me and I never really spent time with her again. It was just soured.
  • TxVegas
    4 years ago
    I thought your explanation of how you felt was very accurate and Realistic. There are many guys on here who have had similar experiences. They invite a dancer to travel with them only to find out that the reality of the relationship is far from what they perceived.

    I think the best thing you wrote was how conflicted you felt when she didn’t set up an appointment to see you. You seem pretty self aware.

    So, everyone will tell you to keep everything in perspective and to never forget your respective roles in this process. But, I say remember how much you enjoyed the times when she seemed to only be interested in you. Find that again with another dancer.
  • gSteph
    4 years ago
    A well written warning. Thanks for sharing.
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