
Games Strippers Play

Strippers have to make to money. I ain't mad at them. Who the fuck am I anyway? If I saw me at the club, I would try to rip my ass off for every single cent you could squeeze out of me. But I play for team customer, I ain't just gonna give it all up that easy like many unfortunately do when they roll over when a naked girl stares at them. Below are some things I've seen, dealt with, heard from even at times fell victim too. None of the below are simply theories, shit I just conjured up out of nowhere, these are things you will see out there in the wild.

-Stripper is STUNNED your not spending a fortune. "What you mean you don't want to do an $800 room?" "Why are you even here?" "I don't mess with cheap guys" Look honey I like to get to know somebody's name first maybe even chat for more than 25 seconds before I drop a grand on their ass but maybe that's just me. In this way, they try to make you feel bad, guilty, uncomfortable, or out of place because your not bleeding money like a stuck pig. It's your wallet and your experience. Bowing down to the frustrations of random girls is a great way to lose hard earned money. My money, my pace. Thank you.

-Selling the OTC dream. Boy do I see this one a lot. It's comes with territory though if your trying to hang outside, you will get some of this. "Yeah here's my number, now do you wanna buy room/dances?" Now there will be no outside extracurricular activities of any sort, but you will likely spend money on her thinking there will be later. Watch out for this one. That's their job, make you think that you will be going home with them, you won't. You need to know that's what they are thinking. They are dangling that OTC carrot and your Bugs Bunny. It's ain't done deal ever till your banging.

-Selling the VIP room dream. There's a lot to this one but all I'll say is you need to know exactly what's going to be happening and be on somewhat of the same page. There needs to be a pre VIP interview (also backed by solid dances if possible) Any indirect answers or dodging of questions, RUN. Drop everything and head for the hills.

-Romance/GF. This one is particularly nasty and wretched. Something I saw early on. Likely the most dangerous of all the moves. The easiest path to his wallet is the path to his heart. This is always a business environment. You are always at a negotiating table. When she wants to be your girlfriend, and you agree, she has picked her self up from her side of the table and is now sitting at your side. It has now become a personal relationship. The only things that haven't changed are she still will be taking your money and you, yes you are still a complete fucking idiot. They can now just ask for favors, money whatever the fuck, for nothing in return. Your her SO right? Your in love right? Well what you gonna do it about it BF? Don't let these girls in, be very wary of developing personal relationships between you and these dancers. They don't love you. You might be a lonely guy, I get there sometimes too but you need to keep your wits about you. This kind of situation can get ugly, they can get checkmate and clean you out. Just don't.

-Demanding/asking for tips. Some clubs this will be part of the culture, I notice that. I'm not talking the tip parade. Just after anything they will demand or ask tips. Demand, no fuck that huge turn off anyway. But if they ask, and if I liked it, and possibly want more I might just say sure here's few dollars or ask if they would just want a drink as a tip instead. If I didn't like it though it's a no and then I watch the temper tantrum begin or leave in a huff. You just have to be prepared for it to get a little ugly and be fine. The ugliness makes the beauty so much better though imo.

-Cutting dances short, staring mid song, air dancing, overcounting. Identify early and address it directly, if that doesn't work, pick your ass up and leave immediately. Some clubs are set up differently you may have already paid but sunk costs are a part of the game. Getting punked however is not. I just have no problem whatsoever taking it all the way and making a big scene if that's what they want to do. Strip Clubs are dying, they need you more than you need them (ok fair enough not all of you)

-Drink Hustle. They are in on this with the bartender/waitress. The club might be telling them to do this. (aka "Would you like to buy the lady a drink?") If it's not what you want just say no and it ends it after some bitching and gasps.

-Doing you favors. Trying to make you feel indebted to her based on her "kindness" I've seen this quite a bit with a tour of the strip club, maybe rambling about her life story or one time some stripper in Albuquerque pulled out her own money and actually bought me a drink. To her credit, it was so far fetched it actually worked on me, I got dances.

-Tag teaming, group effort. One stripper comes up to you, you reject her for whatever reason. She goes back, whispers to the group. The next one comes. Keep going with that, less small talk every time and each one is more pissed off and bitchy then the last or until you take one of them on a dance. I just find this annoying, especially when I just watch it all happening in plain sight as if I know what's not coming next. This is nonsense that goes on in a dead club and your the only money.

All of the above can be deflected by simply being a man. Be direct and nip it in the butt. Not everyone is going to be thrilled with that, but they will respect you for not rolling over and taking it like most PL's do. It's ok to not be nice all the time and sometimes you gotta shut shit down. Look, like I said I'm not mad at these girls. They want to do the absolute bare minimum for the most money possible. A lot of us are also like that too. It can be tough to make money in these clubs sometimes, I get it. But I ain't a fucking cash cow just waiting to get milked (unless you get me drunk, then uh yeah)

Anyway that's all I got for now. If you think I'm dead wrong on any of it or have anything else to add that maybe I didn't think of, feel free to add in the comments. Thanks for reading.


  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    One more thing to add be wary of dancers that have promises of more fun with more money being spent, more LD’s, more visits. Honestly I see that being true in some cases, they get more comfortable that’s normal not always though. But specifically be wary of girls that serve that fact up to you on a silver platter. In order to get X you need to do XYZ then MAYBE. Watch out for that shit when they try shove it down your throat it’s probably bullshit IMHO
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    Sitting at the bar with one of my CFs. We had already done our VIP session and my night would have been over, but it was still early and the club was slow. She had no other prospects at the moment so I invited her to sit and have a couple drinks. The bartender (who I know very well) comes over, says something to my girl in Portuguese, and gives the discreet eye roll and head tilt toward a guy sitting catty-corner to us. The two of them start giggling. My girl very politely asks would I mind if she goes to make a few bucks real quick. Of course I don't mind, she's there to make money. She goes over and starts slamming shots with this guy, him whiskey and her tequila. I've had drinks with this girl quite a few times and I know she's a lightweight, so by the time they had 5 shots in maybe 7 minutes, I knew the fix was in. Bartender comes over by me and I gave her a puzzled look... she whispers, "apple juice." The girl's a good actress and every time she's like, "No, no more... Okay one more," and they're hootin' and hollerin' after each one. All in she had about 8 shots and was back by my side in less than 15 minutes while the guy stumbled out the door. Apparently he never does lap dances, he's just a hopeless old drunk and he's amazed by this girl's drinking ability. He pays for the shots and gives her a nice tip on top of it. She and the bartender split 50/50. The guy comes in like once a week.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    ^^^Thats a great one MO
  • Locutusbrg
    4 years ago
    Nice article.
    This hustle annoys me tho.
    The club keeps tracks of the drinks the girls get customers to buy.
    Dancers knows me, know I spend, comes up to me and chats me up. I buy her a drink. We get to chatting. Business is slow so her friend comes over to talk to her and they give the whole wouldn't you like both of us schtick for a minute. Then I get the "aren't you going to buy her a drink" from girl that I was talking too.
    Basically pressuring me into shelling out a drink for her friend. So feeling magnanimous I say sure....then girl number 2 orders a 30 bucks top shelf drink then disappears when her regular shows up.
    Scammed again
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Why wasn’t PokemonGo mentioned? I’ve spoken with plenty of dancers from all over who like that game.
  • MackTruck
    4 years ago
    I played tic tac toe with a dancer last time. She told me to brang a molopoly game next time
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    My apologies nice, sometimes you just forget
  • Jimmybigtits
    2 years ago
    I have been burned by every one of these that muddy mentions early in my clubbing career. Fixed that. But got burned more recently on the Romance/GF hustled. It's my fault. I learned. Never again.

    I responded to this thread, although older, be ause it was mentioned in a more recent thread, and there is great stuff here. And Muddy is like a Moses bringing "15....(crash)....10, 10 Commandments" from on high.

    I love Mel Brooks
  • Jascoi
    2 years ago
    oh shit. i’m sooooo guilty. and fall for it too often.
  • StripClubXpert
    2 years ago
    @ Muddy. Thank for posting this. Wish I read it when I was 21.
    Feeling pity for a dancer should be another PL commandment. Never get a dance with a dancer because you feel bad for them.

    "Demanding tips." I don't mind when they ask but I hate it when they demand a tip. Around 2017 there was a BARTENDER at Hak's (DE) who used to harass me for a tip every time I was there. Not when she was serving me. I started it myself by overtipping one day. I did that because because I felt bad for her. Then every time I came in she would DEMAND it. Finally manned up and told her no. It was never a problem after that.

    "I ain't a fucking cash cow just waiting to get milked (unless you get me drunk, then uh yeah)" I never drink now until I am done with the dances.

    @Locutusburg "Dancer's friend" I hate when a dancer's friend comes over and expects a drink from me just because it is slow.

  • jusflor
    2 years ago
    Unless you a newbie nobody should’ve falling for these if you are an experienced cold mofo. When I go in a SC I know it’s war. lol.
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