
The word “No” in Strip Clubs

Might aswell be a gun shot sometimes. It’s almost as if strippers/waitresses/ bartenders never heard the word no. Makes me wonder how many fellow PL’s are just not saying no and always coughing up a bunch of money for appeasement. No I’m not tipping your friend $40. I’m not fucking doing that. I feel like have to go around teaching waitresses all over America that I’m not buying an $11 bottle water. Not happening. Then it usually gets pretty nasty from there. My question are these spineless customers out there is sponsoring this behavior?


  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    No means maybe 😁
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Strip-clubs are as close to an actual stick-up as you can get w/o it being a literal stick-up -does not apply to all strip-clubs but in many:

    + forced parking charge
    + door-girl expecting a tip for taking your $$$
    + over-priced often watered-down drinks
    + cut-songs
    + outrageous ATM charges equivalent to loan-sharking (and many will limit the amount per transaction so they can fuck-you-over more than once in a visit)
    + etc

    Strip clubs function differently than pretty-much any other business in society - thus the avg custy is ill-equipped to know how to handle himself in that type of environment - as long as most of the sex-industry remains illegal, strip-clubs will be ran by shady people and remain shady environments - most folks are brought up to be cordial and accommodating as a default quality, in strip-clubs this will often be used against unsuspecting custies - many dancers will use chivalry against the avg unsuspecting custy.

    At the end of the day, one is on their turf - kinda pointless to be mad about it b/c for-the-most-part most clubs are not gonna have the custy's best interest in mind (custies are seen as $uckers to be bled-dry any chance they get) - all one can do is just-say-no and not let it get to you - there are good clubs out there, but most will fuck-you-over whenever they get the chance - all one can do is be smart about it, or not patronize certain clubs, or just stop dealing with strip-clubs if the negatives start outweighing the positives.

    Again there are good strip-clubs and good dancers that treat custies fairly, but there are plenty of bad-actors in that game.
  • crosscheck
    4 years ago
    The ATM shenanigans are the worst of all the bullshit.
  • rattdog
    4 years ago
    i know one trick to avoid $11 for that big bottle of shit water. it starts to work on the 2nd or 3rd visit to that club. you have to establish some kind of understanding with the bartender. basically just give that bartender $5 for a glass of water, and half of that glass is filled with ice. it's tap water but hey it's way better than $11.
    4 years ago
    SCing is a man's game... too many play by pussy whipped boys, both at home and here. Hold your ground, she gets nasty nothing she can do... If you want to play her games, do it on your terms. Nothing wrong with that too.

  • chessmaster
    4 years ago
    "are these spineless customers out there is sponsoring this behavior?"

    Yes. We have a shit load of simps afraid of women. Most of these hoes never hear no outside the strip club. It's probably rare for them to hear NO from a man ever.
  • oscarlomax
    4 years ago
    Clubbing mostly around the L.A. area, it seems other areas in the country are "clipped" in more outrageous ways. But there are some standard grafts like marked up ATM fees, expensive watered down drinks, and maybe higher priced parking. In most L.A. spots you can find free parking close to the club and feel pretty safe about leaving your car. There are a few exceptions. I've only been to one club years ago near DISNEYLAND where the dancers would come offstage after their set and solicit everyone for a tip regardless of whether you were sitting at the stage or somewhere else not paying attention and trying to get with another girl. I thought this was weird and I wasn't going for it so I just politely shook my head, "no." The girl just moved on to the next guy. I've never been pressed to "tip" a bouncer to "look the other way" when doing a VIP in an extra's club. This practice, however, I did encounter in Vegas but I wasn't having it and when I started to walk away the dancer said, "That's okay" and took me back there anyway. So, again, it's informative to hear how some of you guys have to deal with the who shakedown thing in your own neck of the woods.
  • Chilli_Powdurr
    4 years ago
    Heaving is right. I am spineless too
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    There should be a *who are these in that last sentence.

    And interesting. I just feel like I’m the only in the club who watches his money. Lol is that nuts. I’m not gonna fold because they get all bitchy with me.
  • Chilli_Powdurr
    4 years ago
    ^ just get a blow up doll like me Muddy. They are a lot less trouble
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    I never refuse a buck to a dancer on the tip parade, even if I've got absolutely no interest in her, unless she is blatantly excessive and repetitive in her visits. If I like a girl I'll hand over 2 or 3 bucks, but I hate if I stick $1 in her bikini top and then she tugs open the other side for a second dollar like she expects it. That's a hard "no" for me. If I want to give more than $1 it's up to me, not her.

    I always take care of the bartender because I know they get stiffed a lot by PL douche bags who just don't care about the bartender. I don't tip on every drink, I do it when I'm leaving. If I've only had a few drinks it's usually like 10 bucks. If I've been there for a while and also bought drinks for girls maybe 20 or so, and if it's one of those all nighters then usually about 30, maybe more depending on how long I've been there and how much I went overboard with drinks. This is at my favorite dive bar where I know a lot of the cheap ass locals don't tip anything to bartenders. It's worth it to me because I get great service, nice conversation, and often some useful intel on dancers. I rarely go to high-end clubs and if I do I don't usually stay that long.

    The ATM scam is my #1 pet peeve and I've walked a couple blocks or even got in my car and drove to a convenience store just to avoid it. I refuse to pay $15 or more to get money from a $200 limit ATM. A few times I've left to find a different ATM and then just decided not to go back, so for 15 bucks they lost the opportunity to bilk me for another few hundred.
  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    A lot of guys are really bad at saying no to pretty women. Strip clubs are where a dancer can ask for a $40 tip for her friend, you can ask to fuck her in the pussy for $40 and likely meet somewhere in the middle
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Went last night. $5.00 beers, no cover, 15 dancers. $400 or so went s long way for five hours.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    I'm honestly surprised by the strong reactions on both sides of this question. I don't know if it's just a personality difference or what but I rarely feel any pressure inside a club. When I'm there it's my playground and my turf as much as any dancer's. I'm always generous to bartenders and support staff (door girls, bathroom trolls) and as a result I'm always welcome wherever I go.

    So when I'm clubbing I just sit there with quiet confidence, tipping/buying drinks when I want and saying "No" when I do not. Easy peasy. I control my space by quickly moving girls along that I'm not interested, but even that has become pretty efficient now. And in those rare moments when a dancer does react badly, it's like water off a duck's back, much like when my young children used to have tantrums when they were babies.

    Man if I had to go into clubs with as much stress or angst as I sense from some on here I'd probably go much less often. The girls can sense that too and are more likely to pull shit on guys when they sense weakness. Just sayin.'
  • TheElmerFudd
    4 years ago
    ^ Agree. We are the paying customer. We are there to enjoy ourselves. They are there to entertain us. Folks are too worried about what the girls think of us and how they react etc.

    I do think a lot of people just let others’ view affect them too much. Reminiscent of George Costanza in Seinfeld
  • Chilli_Powdurr
    4 years ago
    I am scared tonise the N word in a club. I dont want a huge black guy beating me up.
  • Chilli_Powdurr
    4 years ago
    To use the
  • BBBC
    4 years ago
    ^ you scared little bitch! You would love me slapping you with my big duck
  • BBBC
    4 years ago
    I will be gentile like I am with CC99, I promise
  • bkkruined
    4 years ago
    What's logical for most of us, that a stripper we're not interested in constantly asking us for money makes us less likely to return to the club, is not something that individual stripper gives a flying fuck about.
    Just imagine each one of them is in it only for HERSELF, and could give a fuck less about the club she works at.
    Either you're paying her, be it tips, dances, drinks, whatever... Or you're useless and she doesn't care that you leave and never come back.
    I'm not sure many guys have taken the time to think that through.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    I have no problem saying no. Begging or trying to finesse just makes me put my guard up more . its my money and I decide how to spend it
  • RamPaige
    4 years ago
    I try not to say no and say "maybe later" and hope the chick would get the hint. And majority of them do.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Bkk, not everyone is as sensitive as you. Also some of us don"t struggle with this like you do since we know how to say NO convincingly the first time.
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    some specific las vegas clubs were expensive lessons in saying NO.
  • bkkruined
    4 years ago
    Yes Rick. I know many aren't as polite as me, but I see no reason to just be an asshole.
    I'm still not spending time or money on women I am not interested in. I just don't see the need to personally be rude about it.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Bkk, so those are your only two choices, be a rude asshole or a hypersensitive target? You really can't comprehend a spot in between those two extremes that would work effectively? Are you one of the autistic incels who we were just talking about in another thread? 😀
  • max_starr
    4 years ago
    Bring all the cash you need
    Say No and mean it...
    learn to walk away and walk out if need be
    Spend money when the ROI is there.
    I have tipped bartender / managers $100
    I have paid girls extremely well who make me happy.
    When I was in the strict club and the girl is breaking every rule with me....while other guys get their dances broke up and thrown out...
    its because I tipped the bartender/manager $100
    now I'm getting free drinks all night
    CF is letting me eat her pussy and fuck her later and might even go home early with me
    Again I have no problem telling the girls who can't dance, won't fuck, and are just annoying, NO!
    I am very polite and charming and free with my money if it gets me what I want.
  • rickthelion
    4 years ago
    Tell it like it T-I-S brother dugan!

    This Bkk-ape needs to learn the fundamental rule of rickism: it is great to be an asshole but you should avoid being 100% a dick.

    Here‘s how to apply this here:

    1.0: Saying “no” and shutting the conversation down = just SOP for a customer that doesn’t want something.

    1.5: Saying “no” and implying it is because she has cum in her hair from her last private dance = a bit assholey but funny as shit if she runs crying to the lavatory to check for hair cum.

    2.0: Saying “no” and flinging feces at her = total dick move

    Shoot for something near a 1.5 on this handy dandy rickishness scale. Remember, if you’re flinging #2 you’re at a 2 and that’s too far! ROAR!!!
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    BBBC killed it with being gentile! Lol!

    Well done Juice!

    In my view - the understanding that the pretty girl in lingerie standing in front of you - asking you for money - doesn’t really like you - helps to keep my wallet closed.

    It’s a tricky realization for many guys. In most cases - if a girl is in sexy lingerie and talking to you - smiling at you - and touching you - she’s probably really interested. In a strip club - she’s interested in emptying your wallet.

    Each interaction in a strip club is designed to separate a customer from his money - and to provide as little in return as possible. That’s another thing to keep in mind.

    The ATM is like a cup of water being offered to a guy who just crossed the desert - as he will pay a high price. Guys who use the ATM are usually convinced the girl is ready to give it up in VIP - and they already spent their cash on all the shit described in the comments above.

    Before you go to the club - do yourself a favor. Don’t worry about combing your hair just right - don’t worry about your cologne - just stand in front of a mirror and repeat these simple phrases - over and over: “No thank you.”, “I appreciate the offer, but no.”, “I’m sure they do look better with your top off. But no.”, “Oh really?! The best VIP experience ever! No thank you.”...
  • rickthelion
    4 years ago
    Just remember my simple but valuable rickvice to avoid the rickstremes:

    Find a spot between being a total moron pussy that spends money on girls you don’t want -And- avoid flinging feces in public

    You know why rickthemonkey got his rick card revoked? (rickvoked, if you will)

    Simple: see the frickin feces flingin comment. ROAR!!!
  • crosscheck
    4 years ago
    The thing is with me at least "maybe later" sometimes actually means maybe later, especially if I'm approached by a dancer within the first 15 minutes after I sit down with a beer.
  • Locutusbrg
    4 years ago
    I've had a wide variety of experiences. Some girls appreciate when you make it clear up front your not interested. I politely tell them that I'm not interested but thanks for coming over. The girls I do have a regular type relationship with always tell me... If a girl comes up to you and then you chat her up when your not interested, your eating her time and maybe she misses someone else who is interested. They all rather you say not interested nicely.
    The girls all talk to each other, if your there enough they know if your cheap broke aggressive smelly.
    They also know if your will groomed, respectful, and if you spend money.
    No doesn't matter to them. It's "maybe" guys that really is a no that burns them.
    So don't spare the feelings nicely tell them no. Just do it early.
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