
Comments by Locutusbrg (page 4)

  • review comment
    3 years ago
    New favorite
    I too have been sticking with my favs. I AM FALLING Behind. Lol Stella looks very nice and has many fans, hope to meet to her one day. I tend to wait until the new girls aren't quite such a hot commodity. Eventually the circumstance turns up where opportunities exist to give them a test run. Particularly isabella.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    tough to find available girls right now
    @blonderx-although a few girls move around once they are established.ive never talked to one that is not based locally at least at one time. Do I talk to every girl there? well no....but I do get to high percentage. There are a few that travel back and forth months at at time and work in other states/in some cases other countries. I think the house mom is the gate keeper for that. If you bring in a lot of money like Ivana or nicolette and are reliable she pretty much holds a spot for you. I've never seen them do a feature dancer event
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Rhode Island
    My travels to Persia...
    Great post Just FYI for now lust is only open Wed thru Saturday.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    But not too old!
    Next to Normal
    Better sorry auto stupid phone correct lmao
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    But not too old!
    Next to Normal
    Prya is 100% personal knowledge. She is kind of all business and will need a beeter rap as age takes it toll. He body and technique are killer. Meadow-first outing with her. She has limits that said. She is bright, funny, friendly, insightful and takes it slow in the CR. I am not easily impressed given my varied tastes. Still I have to agree with bum. Wow really wow is all I can say. Worth you time and money.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Well ... that was fun...
    Crystal has 2 times before considered the breast reduction. I think lately she is testing the waters to see what business it will cost her long term. Still she may actually do it this time. Excellent review though she is like a young Angela white porn star. 100 buck. Membership is one day at lust @ PC Ivanna is considering a return to desire for the first time since the covid. DESIRE at last contact with her said she is welcome back. My impression of nicolette is unchanged-how she operates....she gets a lot of attention. If your not a spender or don't focus on her. It's not worth her time. I agree with that thought, it's her business after all. If you are really hot stripper you can play that way. I've seen some of her regulars dress so so. I usually come from work and my work is white collar. Yet she ignores me I spend and I've never given anyone any trouble there. My opinion related to her is that I didn't run right back to her, after a VIP, on my next visit. So she sees me as a waste of her time. I personally don't like to work that hard to give my money away.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Resistance is futile
    Desire Full Speed Ahead
    The new girl I mentioned is not that new I just don't know her. Stella is her name.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Club Desire is truly exceptional if you're willing to invest the time
    As a desire regular I would say his assessment-s were dead-on not exaggerated. Both about cost and results. Some dancers have occasionally posted here and many watch the comments. I'm sure at some point shills have gone on here. But.... Not sending that Everthing is great no extras vibe you get from the shills. This guy seems legit.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Seeing is believing
    Skibum is no Shill 100% I don't know him personally but his description are dead on. No fluff I wish I had some more info on April. She's super hot but I've found marina to be more "fun" in the VIP than April. Maybe we just don't mix, or thinks I'm a narc lmao.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    But not too old!
    I am friendly with Ivana, we have regular contact by text. She has no plans to return to desire given the current working restrictions. She is considering having a private cam type thing. If your interested in that, you can message me. It would be her decision to contact you tho.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    My semi-regular doesn't want to take money from me
    Private I assume is one on one. Can be much more expensive but not always what the guy is fantasizing about. So they can walk away frustrated and the girl never sees them again. The smart girls are acutely aware that it's a give and take. A fantasy, that delivers money to them like an atm machine does. Do anything that breaks the fantasy, and they have to find another tolerable, financially stable guy to replace you. She is also probably acutely aware that guys get bored and move on eventually, especially if you dial up the game. So if you're someone she likes and trusts, who is reliable and generous, doesn't creep her out. its a constant push and pull to keep u on the hook for as long as possible. Not evil not bad just most of these girls learn quickly how to keep regulars around.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    My semi-regular doesn't want to take money from me
    A agree, her willingness to delay says you are money in the bank. Long term prospect. I disagree that she will inflate the money in the end that you will be asked for. They like regulars. Suckers, if they can get them, for big one time Paydays. but the smart ones know buyers remorse can bite them in the ass for regulars. It says nothing about any personal feeling she may or may not have for you.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Covid 19 Vaccine / Do you know anyone that has received their shot ?
    I'm a medical professional. I have both had the vaccine and I recommend it. Despite the horror story's which propose dubious concerns. Mostly unsupported or theoretical from conspiracy theorists, or anti-vaxx ideologues. The data is pretty clear little risk, not zero, but microscopic compared to the risk of the disease.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Sweaty stripper feet are my weakness
    The Future of Adult Entertainment After Covid
    I think the articles underlying message.... that the younger generation won't have strip club experiences and therefore will be happy with online over club experience. Really is not proven out by human behavior. The face to face touch and feel of women is not replaced by video experience. It's like saying pizza delivery is great for covid, fine dining is not happening, therefore fine dining will die out because pizza is easier and just as good. Pizza is not a aged steak done to perfection. Apples and oranges. Now if they invent star trek like holodeck experiences for sex. That would kill strip clubs... Otherwise the online experience, as good as it is getting, is a far cry from the strip club experience. Visual tactile and interactive nature of the lap dance is unique. Plus the perceived chance, real or not, of some strange cannot be replaced by a cam.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Resistance is futile
    Do and Don't of Strip Club Etiquette. The girls point of view.
    Once it's published it's published can't edit the title to read, "what the girls tell me" For those of you who feel wronged and deceived that you had to read 3 paragraphs to figure out its not a girl writing this. Oh well
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    What states do not have curfews ?? Which states do? ?
    Northeast is shut down except for NH strip clubs. Some are open limited hours but it isn't worth working there
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    A Little Better
    Agree with OWG it's depressing and I have held off. My work on occasion takes me by the place I see a small number of cars there daily. Nothing like pre covid.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Resistance is futile
    Updated covid review
    Agree the girls are trying be inventive. They can't go nude.... Like that matters to covid transmission. India did a work around, wearing fishnet panty hose and pulling her panties to the side. Gave great show while following technically the idiot dictatorial commands of the department of health. It's obvious that providence is using covid to try to drive SC out of business!
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Resistance is futile
    Return to business.. Kind of?
    I have been informed now that my update was in error. It is private dining not LD. Boooooooo Boooooooo I say
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Resistance is futile
    Return to business.. Kind of?
    Update there 1 on 1 dances no idea on cost time or what will update when I can go
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Resistance is futile
    Return to business.. Kind of?
    @code monkey They don't take licenses they ask for name and number which you could make up. But they do have a photo sooooo. Kind of middle of the road.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Resistance is futile
    Return to business.. Kind of?
    @mets I know Ivana and have contact with her currently she is away visiting with her family. That said, she has no plans to return to dancing at desire for now. Nicolette according to destiny is around.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Barely a Strip Club
    Wow! haven't even gone by, and I was like a fixture in there this time last year. Too bad. It's good to know some of the girls are still around but it's not what I used to be.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Gave it a try
    Last time I checked with the girls I know otc that work there. According to them, Many girls don't even go there anymore. A lot of the girls who used to be regular dancers there moved on. No local Clubs are really operating. Most of the girls headed south to work. Fantasies is the only club open in the area, haven't gone, heard it's very weak. Sad 8 months ago desire #1 easily in providence