
Paying for seekingarrangement

New Jersey
Thursday, October 3, 2019 10:10 AM
I used to be able to buy a pre-paid CC and use it, no problem. For some reason it doesn't work anymore. I get a message that the name doesn't match even though all the info i enter is fake. I noticed that the site says the CC must allow international transactions - not easy to find. I contacted the site, but they were no help. Anyone have some solutions?


  • PaulDrake
    5 years ago
    Yes pm sent.
  • letsgetstarted
    5 years ago
    Where can I see your PM?
  • PaulDrake
    5 years ago
    Oh Lord... If you can't figure out how to do private messages... You might have trouble with my SA anonymity workaround...
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    Your just gonna have to hire a team of Asians to figure this out. Consider it your first OTC date.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    on a phone there should be a "messages" link at the bottom - on a computer it's probably at the top right corner (or perhaps also the bottom of the screen)
  • letsgetstarted
    5 years ago
    I found the messages.
  • letsgetstarted
    5 years ago
    Thanks Random.
  • letsgetstarted
    5 years ago
    Thanks Papi
  • letsgetstarted
    5 years ago
    Haven't been on this site in many years (I forgot about it), so sought of a newbie.
  • herbtcat
    5 years ago
    This is not a problem for guys who are not married or in a monogamous relationship. I use what ever card I want and have no fear of being discovered. The challenges with anonymous pre-paid cards is that they are the "go to" tool of terrorists and criminal money launderers, especially for cross-border payments. That means using them is a challenge as merchants, processors and banks are constantly under pressure to add additional security measures to "know" the true identity of users (called KYC) and ensure they are not performing nefarious acts (which from your wife's POV, you are). If they suspect bad actors, they are required to freeze all funds and file a report (SAR) with the US Treasury (OFAC) without explaining to you why. There is a way for a married guy to get a separate, hidden from the wife, legit, non-anonymous payment method that will have low friction for acceptance. Apply for a separate account at a new bank and use an address that is not your residence (like your work address) and a phone that is not your home phone (like a 2nd cell). It will show on your credit report if it's a credit card (not if it's a debit card), so be prepared to explain if she sees your report (card for work, travel, etc.) Also, if (when?) you go through a divorce, it's likely to be discovered by her attorney during a routine asset search. But by then... who cares?
  • 3131
    5 years ago
    Never had a problem with the Target prepaid Visa
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