
Dancers who can stay in one place.

Kind of a spin off of the other thread of commuting. And asking the opposite type of question.

By “stay in one place”, I mean work in one club, and work the same shifts at the same time and days? Consistently.

The longest I was monogamous to one single club was seven months. But even then, I worked to a certain short term $ goal and that was that, so my shifts/times were erratic. Oh, and it was a club where I could leave early whenever I wanted to. And I would often take advantage of that and be out of there by 12-1am.

And later on, I was kicking myself for not at least doing occasional shifts at another club I was already in the system at. Cause then that place went on the upswing and I got booted out of the system. And then I tried to apply again and got rejected and told to come back in two months. Ouch. Lesson learned.

Is there a personality quirk with girls who do this? Are these kinds of girls more sane or less sane than average? More or less mature than average? How do they get through their shifts without lots of substances?

If I were to be loyal somewhere for a decent number of shifts clocked in, then I’d want health insurance and a matched 401k contribution. Just sayin.


  • DenimChicken
    5 years ago
    For some girls I imagine the consistency of having a set schedule and location works well with other factors in their life.

  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    I think my perception of strippers bouncing from club to club is clouded by considering stripping being like working in an office. It’s very different, and it must require a change of location from time to time.

    It’s not like a career progression - moving up the ranks over time. It’s generally a short term profession - either to cover college expenses (or cosmetology school expenses) - or for a single mom who needs money - or for a whore in need of drug money. So I can see why it might not Be easy to keep the same scenery for a year or more...
  • gawker
    5 years ago
    I started going to my favorite club approximately 10 years ago. One of the first dancers I met was a woman of Chinese descent, exotic appearance, and quite heavily tattooed. She had graduated from a well respected university, had danced in San Francisco, and had been at this club for several years. She’s strictly no extras (at least for me). She gave birth about 6 years ago, is now 40+ years old and since becoming a parent has worked the same 3 shifts pretty much every week. Not only is she very attractive, she’s also a great entertainer. She’s pretty consistently the top earner and has a self-funded 401(k) & Roth IRA.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    I think it’s very common especially on day shifts. Not everyone is a traveling Gypsy like you Nice.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    If your 18,19 there is a good chance maybe you have something else in mind career wise. Maybe if your 28,29 your just like fuck it SC money is good enough for me.
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    Maybe those girls are the type that can get along with others. ( just kidding spice )
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Seems to me there's no wrong way to go about it and more of a personal-preference thing - there are PLs that like hitting the same club for years and will only hir that club with some exceptions, and there are PLs that enjoying exploring new/different scenes.

    There are also life circumstances such as children/family, or school or another job they work, that kinda force dancers to not jump around too much - there also seem to be dancers that may be more nitpicky about clubs they work at and like to stay put once they find a club that's a good fit for them.

    If a dancer is young, and unattached (S.O., kids, school/work, etc), then it can be interesting traveling around changing sceneries and not only explore different clubs but get to see/experience different cities.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    My ATF DS is admittedly a creature of habit (a bit OCD) and finds comfort in regularity. She is this type of dancer for sure. I have been her regular for 3 years and she was at one club for 5 years and I met her during her last year there. And only because it burned down she tried a couple of others for a few months but then settled on one for the last 1.5 years. She's an experienced stripper in her 30s and she only likes afternoon and early evening shifts. Also she like to be the hottest stripper working and so she likes the smaller neighborhood clubs which also cater to regulars. LOL she doesn't get a 401k or anything but her consistency, 'tenure', and active promotion of the club by bringing them her long term regulars like me and recommending good dancers and bartenders to work there (that she knows through her network) earns her favor from club management. Her clubs love her because of all this and for it she gets more flexible hours and she can set her own dance prices.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Sort of like tattoo artists. Some love what they do because they get to travel all over the world and their craft allows them to pay the way as they go. Others settle into a single market, build a reputation, and people come to them (sometimes from great distances).

    There are dancers at Club Desire in Providence, RI, who have been there for years. They have a consistent stable of regulars, their shift is basically a series of appointments, and they have the club and clientele dialed in to the point of being algorithmic. These are not dancers from whom you'll not "get more" because it's the end of the month or Christmas shopping season.

    And I remember seeing one of them arrive at the club for her shift in a sporty late-model Mercedes convertible. Could some of that lucre come from a sugar daddy (or two...)? Sure. But she's whip smart, and I suspect that anything she does outside of the club is part of a plan that revolves around staying put.

    Unrelated to all of that, I suspect being a mom makes it nearly impossible to be a travel dancer. Unless you're a shitty mom...
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Hell, I have a “professional” degree / career and I can’t stay put more than 3 years at a time. Now that I am a traveling “professional”, I am not as bored. I will say that most in my profession start and die at the same location due to the perks. I just can’t because I really do get bored. I have to like where I am at least 95% of the time or I’m OUT! I suspect dancers are no different. Some stay put. Some don’t.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    Most Follies dancers stay right there because that is where the money is at. The only ones leaving to work at a different club are the ones that don't want to meet the competition mileage wise.
  • FishHawk
    5 years ago
    Because of the regulations here in Pensacola it is hard to jump from club to club in the area so girls tend to stay in one place. One dancer told me she has danced at the same club for 13 years.
  • GoVikings
    5 years ago
    There are 2 dancers at my favorite local club who have worked there for 4-5 years or longer. And they work the same shifts on the same days

    But I’ve seen way more dancers come and go than the 2 who have stayed put. But I don’t know WHY these dancers come and go. They could be switching clubs. They could be quitting dancing altogether.

    I think there are lots of variables regarding this question—which makes it difficult to pin point an answer to what you asked spice
  • minnow
    5 years ago
    Loosening up your parameters a bit nicespice the longest tenured dancer I've seen was a EE blonde at 2001 Odyssey that I saw there for 17 years. As best that I can tell, she didn't dance at any other club, and maybe took a few monthly sabbaticals here and there. During those 17 years, I mostly averaged 6 to 10 club visits per year, going different nights. I did see her in the club a good percentage of the time. It is rare that a dancer works every other Sat night and every Tu- Thu for 1 whole year, never mind the same schedule for 17 straight years. In the Tampa area, it's not uncommon for some dancers to work a 2 different clubs. There was 1 time that I saw a Mons dancer show up at 2001 later on the same night !

    I have encountered some dancers in my Tuscl membership that I consistently saw at same club for 5 years or more in CA, AZ, OH, IN.
  • DandyDan
    5 years ago
    When I lived in Omaha, I would go to the Playhouse near Council Bluffs, Iowa regularly. Sometimes I would go on Friday and sometimes on Saturday. They had quite a few Friday dancers and a few Saturday dancers. Some were both. One of my favorites actually went through the trouble of making a business card with her work schedule. I wish I still had it, but it wouldn't be current anymore, presuming she's still there, since one of her days was Tuesday, which they are no longer open for.
  • loper
    5 years ago
    Some dancers who don't want to do extras stay put in a non-extras, low contact club. Many I know try out other clubs, get grossed out, and come back to their safe place
  • codemonkey
    5 years ago
    Most of the dancers I've met who work 1 club and very regular shifts for an extended period of time tend to be moms with young kids, either single or with an SO. They need the regularity to be able to handle child care and other family obligations. I don't think these women are more or less sane than hobos like yourself, Spice, they're just in different phases of life.
  • Musterd21
    5 years ago
    I am a boring person so if I were a girl I would probably stay in one place. As long as the money was there.

  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ===> "Is there a personality quirk with girls who do this? Are these kinds of girls more sane or less sane than average? More or less mature than average?"


    For any particular girl, maybe she stays because...

    1. The money is very good where she is.
    2. The scheduling suits her needs.
    3. She isn't confident enough to bounce from club to club.
    4. She needs to work in a certain area due to insecure childcare or transportation.
    5. She is too lazy/comfortable to move.
    6. She has been fired from all the other local club.
    7. She can't handle working in the other local clubs due to [xyz].
    8. It's the only club far enough from her house to be safe, but still close enough to commute to daily.
    9. Management is easy to deal with and house fees are very low.

    These are the situations that I can remember hearing about off the top of my head. The possibilities are endless and some of these are obviously better than others. Also, some girls will say it's for one reason when it's likely more of a comfort issue, but I never pursue this as behaving like an interrogator is generally not conducive to making her comfortable enough to say "YES" to a good OTC boning 😉
  • boomer79
    5 years ago
    I know Tattletales in Atlanta has very low turnover. I’m not sure how long but some have been there for years.
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    Staying in one place one can build up regulars. My regular club always has a few "hot enough for me " dancers, but my favorite always seemed to be working on the weekdays I had available to play. So we played, enough now that she's my Fav.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    I think some dancers just find a club they are comfortable with. And some of this might have to do with them getting a bit older and finding it a bit tougher some places.

    Also, some do seek the freedom to go to higher mileage levels, and they find a club conducive too this.

    We have had dancers post about why they prefer dives, less rules, less fees.

    May also relate to what ever else is going on in their lives.

  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
    I see most dancers going to different clubs. Seems like clubs run in cycles and not all of them in sink. Most dancers in Denver dance at 2 or more clubs. One goes into a down cycle and the other is picking up.

    Also by changi g clubs a dancer can maintain a new girl sheen. Supply and demand can come into play. If a dancer dances at one and only one club, she can be viewed as, I can always get a dance from her, I will find a new girl. If she is gone for a while it can have an affect on the guy like I better get a dance because she may not be here next time...

    Dancing is entertainment and people in general like variety in it. Dancers going to different clubs can give more variety to customers who only go to one club.

    I do know quite a few dancers that commute from another city who travel because they dont want to run into people from their real life.

    Many go to other states and dance during slow times of the year. Popular destinations for dancers from Denver are Vegas and Dallas
  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
    I have ran into multiple dancer I know from Colorado in Babydolls Dallas. Some of them O gound out are from Texas and go to Colorado to dance
  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
    ^Some of them I found out are...
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Some clubs let dancers come and go as they please, not even having schedules. These kinds of places are extremely relaxed, and the girls are extremely friendly!

    :) :) :)


    Snowy White Midnight Blues (hot looking girl)

    This Is The Blues [ 31 ] ~ 2008 ( Modern Electric Blues )
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ There was a point in time a few years ago, where if the manager of a club knew that a girl worked at a competing club, that club would black ball the girl, so it isn't so simple everyplace you go.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    ^freaking megalomaniacs
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ you should write an article detailing your road trips as a dancer and the pros & cons amd whether it's been a positive or negative experience
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    ^So far, it’s been very positive and I’ve found things to like about different places in different ways. Despite the rules, vibe, and mileage of different clubs being all over the map. But I don’t think I have been to enough places yet to write a complete article.

    One thing I can say so far, if a dancer wants to travel, is def have enough money in the bank account covered to account for temporary stunts in income. Which thankfully I do.

    Like right now, I’m enjoying the beautiful forests in Oregon while dealing with the most string-along-happy club staff people here, who don’t have the ability to say “oh, we don’t take travelers” or “oh, we’re not hiring” or something direct like that. Describing their so-called “procedures” is like dealing with a bunch of children who are trying to play at being an adult. Ugh.

    About to give Eugene/Springfield a shot tho, but I’m not too confident there either. But it’s on the way to Portland thankfully, and I have a bit more confidence in that city at least at finding a club that will take me.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    If I do write something like a pros-and-cons of traveling tho, what kind of stuff would be most relevant to read from the perspective of men? And not just dancer focused?
  • FishHawk
    5 years ago
    As a man I would be interested in what you learn about local dancers in the different areas. I know a lot of dancers like yourself travel and that helps enrich all the clubs, but what about the dancers that stay put in an area. Are local dancers in the Midwest different than locals in Texas or the West Coast. Different in their attitudes towards customers, their approach to a new customer, do they just hang with regulars, etc. I know that different clubs in the same area can have different vibes, but are their distinctive overriding tendencies in different parts of the country?
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Imagine having trouble getting hired on a temp basis as a traveling dancer by a small town club in the woods of Oregon. Shocking. 😉

    Sorry to say it nice, but if there was one word I would use to characterize this issue, it would be "foreseeable."
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    Eugene/Springfield ?!?


    Welcome to the earliest rainiest start of the rainy season in years 😕

    At least we have the cheapest hi end cannabis in the country 😊
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago

    For now on this thread give a list of the places you've danced
  • nicespice
    5 years ago

    San Antonio, TX
    Austin, TX
    Ft Worth, TX
    Dallas, TX
    Hallandale, FL
    Washington Park, IL
    Inver Grove Heights, MN

    @gsteph Already got some edibles and ready to slowly build up supplies. Haven’t consumed any yet tho.

    But since I’ll probably pass through Nevada and Colorado as well, I’ll be in a bunch of fun spots. 😁
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    @nicespice forget all that and just get to Portland.

    LOL that said I bet the one lonely club in Coos Bay would hire you. 🤭
  • NJBalla
    5 years ago
    There's not enough women I know who do this to make a profile. My only advice which was stated is dont get comfortable if your fav always has a set schedule. If shes doing a good job lock that phone number down and keep in touch. Ive lost many favs early in the clubbing days because I didnt. Always a bummer when you learned they just moved to another place or changed thier schedule. These days I smirk when customers have to rely on message boards, which are never reliable, to track down old favs
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    @sirlap. I looked it up. Seems scary.
    😝 There’s a booking club in Astoria that definitely accepts travelers, I’d just have to contact and ask if they are already booked up for the week. But lol Portland is the furthest north I’d want to go. As the temperatures keep dropping I’ll want to start slowly heading south again.

    There is a good chance I’ll end up in Portland anyways soon enough though.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    @nicespice based on the reviews and driving by it, it's a complete dive. I was kidding only. I also had a drop dead gorgeous former ATF (a 9 in my book) in Portland that started stripping there, and she confirmed it is a dive.

    I'm not going to clubs much anymore but still PM me if you are coming up here. If I can convince my wife we could come out and be your "stage shills" and smoke out and party with you. Dunno about massage anymore. 😐
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    ^ 😁 no worries. If I go to Portland, it will be a downtown club for sure. And LOL I know that will probably be a pain in the hiney to get to.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    ^ That's perfect! Downtown clubs are where I wanna take the wife! We would go out for dinner and drinking and then end up at one of them.

    Also send me a pm if you want to know some smaller neighborhood clubs to take a chance on. If they are one of my regular stops I can give you some intel on them. I know the owners and/or management and bartenders at a few of them.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago

    I thought you may have danced at more places like that - I had gotten the impression you had been constantly traveling the last couple of months
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    ^ There’s some places I stopped and went sightseeing at, but didn’t dance at. Plus, I was making consistent money at one particular club during the summer—which is generally the worst time of year in many locations. Wasn’t really much in the mood to change it up too much.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    With regard to Nicespice dancing in Washington Park, IL ... she danced at the nice girl, upscale club which is NOT like the clubs 1 - 2 blocks around the corner.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    ^ You sound disappointed 😝
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    First world PL problems.
  • Stephanie4life
    5 years ago
    Dont knock it 😁
  • Huntsman
    5 years ago
    I’m guessing staying in one place is most likely driven by having kids and making arrangements for their care and scheduling.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ^ Agreed Hunt, especially once we learned that this was a small town club.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Personally, I prefer local dancers over travel dancers, usually.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Lmao wick is really determined to get his jabs in.

    Given how much I have trolled before, fair enough 😝
  • Liwet
    5 years ago
    In my experience, the girls I see over and over again are the low mileage ones.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Huh. We have very different experiences...
  • nofuglies
    5 years ago
    In my experience, whether in SoCal or the PNW, the dancers who have been at the same club for long periods of time do so because they treat this more as a "regular" job. They focus on cultivating a stable of regular customers which results in them having a steadier flow of income. Bouncing around clubs causes prior regulars to lose track of them thus costing the dancer a source of income.

    In contrast, the dancers who I've seen come and go tend to be of the "one and done" type. They entice with decent appearance then give average to below average dances. Most customers tend to stop after one or two dances realizing that the dances aren't going to get any better. These types of dancers attempt to find the "suckers" who don't know any better and don't care about regulars since they aren't planning on sticking around.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ===> "Lmao wick is really determined to get his jabs in. "

    No shots intended - just a little surprised that you need to us to tell you what should be right in your face as a seasoned dancer. After all, you're the one sitting in the locker room with these gals listening to their stories, phone calls by baby Daddies, etc.,etc., right? 😉
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    ^^ ??

    1. This thread had nothing to do with the PNW. That was a small off-topic tidbit that you are running with, troll style. If that was your intent, then well-played. 👍 But I had the impression that Ricks are a higher breed of mature man character and above such childish pettiness.

    2. If that second comment was you attempting to question whether I’m a legit dancer—then shit! The jig is up. ☹️ I confess that I, alongside my doctorevil and PaulDrake alias accounts, actually secretly work for the social media team over at the Baby Dolls Dallas location.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^^^^^ don't believe that, she works for My Organization.

  • PaulDrake
    5 years ago
    To answer your original question nicespice I have seen two types of reasons for staying in one place:

    1. Some girls just aren't smart enough to know that travel dancing or trying out another club is an option. Or they don't want to give up whatever favored status they have with management.

    2. They like the managers, other girls, or staff. Or just like that clubs environment.

    One of current favs works the slowest club in DFW I have ever seen. Maybe 4-5 guys might come in all day. But the manager lets her do whatever she wants and she can just lounge around playing on her phone all day. She knows she could make way more somewhere else but doesn't care.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    We have had other dancers post about clubs that they like, less fees and fines, more able to do things their own way. And then of course regulars.

  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    My ATF worked 2 clubs, and the one I went to, same days and times for a couple of years. Then she did something stupid and ended up moving out of the area. Shortly thereafter I ended the relationship. That turned out to be stupid on my part.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ===> "2. If that second comment was you attempting to question whether I’m a legit dancer—then shit! The jig is up. ☹️ I confess that I, alongside my doctorevil and PaulDrake alias accounts, actually secretly work for the social media team over at the Baby Dolls Dallas location."

    Just one club? I would rather hope that you'd think much bigger than that. 😉

    Though I'd be surprised if the owners of BabyDolls were thrilled with Dr. Evil's recent review of Chicas Locas since they own that too. I'd be surprised if a BJ in the bathroom is something they likely want to read. That's the same type of shit that got Fare Club shut down by the DPD, which they also owned.
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