Aftermath of movie "Hustlers"
Interesting article, wonder if it lasts…
I'll try to get out there to Queens this week and let you guys know how it is. But something like this might be a nice boon to strip clubs to bring them back up a little bit and maybe tear down the stigma a little more for more girls (hot ones hopefully) to come work there. Probably a temporary thing but who knows. Not for nothing I met a stripper today who turned down a small role in the film. She said she didn't like the script or content. Probably SS all day but I'm just gonna go ahead a believe it.…
I'll try to get out there to Queens this week and let you guys know how it is. But something like this might be a nice boon to strip clubs to bring them back up a little bit and maybe tear down the stigma a little more for more girls (hot ones hopefully) to come work there. Probably a temporary thing but who knows. Not for nothing I met a stripper today who turned down a small role in the film. She said she didn't like the script or content. Probably SS all day but I'm just gonna go ahead a believe it.
There's some hot women tho, J Lo in anything is worth the slow motion gifs...
The movie itself or PLs going to see it?
PLs please save your money and go to a strip club instead.
As far as Cliff's Notes...girls work at upscale club and everything is until 2008, when the financial crisis forces them to go their separate ways. The girls return in 2010 and concoct a scheme with club employees. Your movie-type pattern of highs, lows, and eventual resolution ensues.
The other baby stripper was one of the hottest girls I have ever seen and said she saw hustlers and wanted to be "just like JLo". She had some pretty unrealistic ideas about what normal stripper income was.
Movie review:
The movie is not bad. Has one or two funny moments. Probably not worth paying for, wait till it comes out on video/streaming/torrents.
It was fairly accurate although the strippers depicted were definitely of the scammy/GPS variety. Surprisingly it even directly mentioned the concept of LDKing!
I would not recommend taking a wife/girlfriend if they are uncomfortable at all with the strip club.
If J Lo is in a stripper movie - I want to see her nude - performing a rusty trombone - or on the receiving end of a donkey punch. This is nothing worth watching.
If the stripper traffic picks up in Queens, it is similar to Saturday Night Fever - where every guido in Queens, Brooklyn and Staten Island thought they were John Travolta on the disco dance floor. Fad whores are useless.
There was another scene in the movie that was funny from a PL point of view. The main girl quits for a few years because of a pregnancy. She is down on her luck and calls up an old regular to see how he's doing. The guy is now happily married so she apologizes and hangs up. The camera pans down to a notepad with a list of names and she crosses off the last one.
The pluses:
Jennifer Lopez looks great and her performance is very good, her introductory scene working the pole might be the high point of the movie.
The story is decent and keeps you engaged, there are a few comical PL moments in the movie.
Cardi B is a decent supporting character and looks good.
There are a few lessons to be learned: never use your credit card, watch your drink, the dangers of ITC and OTC.
A few of the scenes in the dressing rooms are interesting, with a little bit of a tease.
The negatives:
For a movie about strippers the eye candy is disappointly weak, the lead actress was not attractive or sensual (and I like Asían women), if you were hoping to see a bunch of hot strippers you will not.
The outfits the dancers wore at the club were too conservative, even for an upscale Gentlemen's Club.
The movie is rated R but there is mínimal nudity, the scenes at the club are relatively tame (and lame).
I would not rent this or pay to watch it but if you can watch it for free and enjoy a different type of story, it might not be a waste of time to watch Hustlers.