
Comments by PaulDrake (page 46)

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    6 years ago
    Wife and betlehem
    @nicespice - ROLMFAO!!!
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    6 years ago
    Since 1963 ...
    So I was talking to my CF about this subject a few weeks ago. I was definitely the first LDK customer she had run into but she said that since then she knows what to look for and has found a others. I asked her how she would react if a customer was open about wanting it and she said she would be cool with it as they have a high likely hood of being regular and tipping well.
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    6 years ago
    Since 1963 ...
    @nicespice - Appreciate the additional dancer input. I think most guys who want it on purpose are really ashamed about it. I know I was at first and I was really sheepish about asking a dancer to stay in the positions that felt good to me. It was also just really hard at first for me (took many songs) as had a lot of shame about it and I was really scared about how the dancer would react. I don't know if that helps you understand what might have happened in your situation. Is it safe to guess from your post that you don't think any of your other customers have LDKed?
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    6 years ago
    Who is Jackie?
    You guys are identical twins?
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    6 years ago
    Since 1963 ...
    @AmeliaSmith - I totally forgot about the third option. Dancers (like yourself) that will do it but don't like it or want to be actively involved. It always think of this simpsons gag: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZSoJDUD_bU Totally respect your position on the matter and thanks for the input. I have gotten dances before with a few different dancers who seemed a bit annoyed when I was too obvious as to what I wanted. I even had one dancer that seemed to almost get a little angry in the middle of the dance but then oddly still continued to do what I asked and got me to LDK. Usually I never try to repeat after that. I am curious as to what you hate about it? I think I remember from one of your previous posts you talking about OTC with a customer so I (perhaps incorrectly and apologies if I am) assume this isn't an issue with the act pushing your moral boundaries.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Since 1963 ...
    @houjack - So I don't talk about it beforehand but if I am going to see a dancer regularly I always want to make sure they know whats up. The fantasy is better for me if I know they are a willing participant and actively trying to make me cum (although it is debatable whether it still is a fantasy experience at that point). Usually after one or two visits they have an idea whats going on so I'll say something like: "Hey I'll definitely give you an extra tip if you can make me cum!" "Hey last time I saw you I had an amazing time, you actually made me orgasm, wanna see if you can do it again?" The one time I went to a strip club on vacation said something like this beforehand (this was at mons venus where heavy grinding is pretty much guaranteed and she seemed super cool about it but if she had not I would have aborted before we started as I didn't want to blow $100): "Hey I do this pretty regularly and I can totally orgasm from a lap dance, is that a problem for you? I'll let you know so you don't grind yourself into a wet spot." It depends on your personality if you can pull of being open about it. For me it works and I prefer it that way. I don't like the idea that a dancer could start getting regular income from me, figure out whats going on and then be conflicted between the money and her own comfort/morals. I have tried to convert 2 non-LDK dancers as stated before: 1. This is my CF who was definitely anti-LDK. Something about this girl really does it for me (even after most of a year with her now I still get weak around her sometimes) so I decided it was worth it to try converting her. I didn't talk about it with her for a while I just spent a lot. At first she would air dance when she sensed I was about to cum. Her big issue wasn't the orgasm just that she was really worried about getting cum on her. She relaxed a lot once she started to trust that I would tell her when to stop, then when I got waterproof pants (and told her I had them) we were totally golden. After a few months with more trust she doesn't care what I wear so athletic shorts or sweatpants are fine. 2. The second dancer I tried to convert had a very visual performance based lap dance. After buying a few I saw her on another visit and decided to just try being blunt and said something like "Hey so I am not an extras guy but I do want to have an orgasm do you have a problem with that". She wasn't uncomfortable but didn't know if she do it. The situation was a little awkward and was even more weird that there was someone sitting right next to me that also wanted a dance with her. I gave her a really good tip and we agreed to give it a shot sometime. Since then I have seen her and things have been super cool but I haven't been free from my CF to try a dance with her since. With dancers I see regularly I don't tip specifically for an LDK. Instead as I know it will usually take 2-3 songs I just guarantee to pay her a minimum of 3 to 5 songs. I have had dancers intentionally slow down to make it last into the next song so that payment system makes it where the dancer is only trying to give me the best experience. I also pay a higher minimum number if the dancer will do some dick teasing beforehand.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Since 1963 ...
    I am pretty open with dancers about the fact that I am there to LDK. I have met dancers that have been stripping for years and legitimately never have made a customer cum (as far as they know) and some that try to do it all the time. Obviously some dancers default lap dance doesn't have a lot of heavy grinding or constant position changing. I think most guys who want to LDK are pretty ashamed or embarrassed of it and are pretty unlikely to try to get a dancer who doens't appear to be LDK friendly to give a LDK capable dance. I have personally tried twice to convert two non LDK friendly dancers. The first is my CF and I spent a few hundred bucks getting dances from and slowly coaxed her into it. The second I just straight up asked and she said she had never done it before and wouldn't be uncomfortable with it but wasn't sure she could actually do it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Traveling dancers.
    I have had good experience with traveling dancers before however I still would avoid them as I like to find and stick to favorites.
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    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Cant believe i haveny checked out pandoras
    You aren't funny any more troll.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Approaching a dancer
    I think it is more of a dick move during dayshift and less so during nightshift. I generally tip enough that my CF will stay with me as long as I want. If someone was to pull that move on me to try and steal her away it wouldn't work. However she would then be distracted and I would feel rushed. So it would hurt my experience.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancer - Do you mind if I give him a dance first?
    I hate hate hate this. I don't want to be at the club for a long time (usually about an hour) and any CF of mine knows this and like that about me (they make their money off of me without investing a ton of time on me). It also signals to me that the dancer is not worried about losing me as a customer. Even being asked (regardless of whether I say yes or no) is not the experience that I want.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    Remembering your first LDK
    @chessmaster - For me I think it comes down to a number of things: 1. I would agree with TFP that just having a stunningly hot girl on my lap is very satisfying on it's own. I am into pretty vanilla porn usually and absolutely love striptease videos. So a lot of what is readily available at a strip club are things that I tend to fetishize anyway. 2. The emotional and psycological stimulation of the experience. It is a big turn on for me to think that a smoking hot 22yo girl is trying to make me cum and is also continually trying to figure out what I like and how to best make me happy. That last aspect is one of the reasons I like to stick to favs and the fact that she "figures me out" is a turn on in itself. 3. The fact that it is a totally selfish experience. 4. When I was a young teenager living in the bible belt I did the whole abstinence until marriage thing and did something similar to a lap dance for years. So I am extremely well conditioned to be able to enjoy it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Your Fave(s) and TUSCL ?
    Absolutely not.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    Remembering your first LDK
    For me an LDK orgasm is unlike anything else. Like edging but different.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Rate Her: Loren Gray, popular Muser on Musical.ly
    Definitely my type! Easy 9 in my book https://www.instagram.com/p/BjShjjal0S2/?taken-by=loren
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    Remembering your first LDK
    I didn't start going to strip clubs until the end of last year. I went to one and decided afterwards I wanted to try a lap dance. I had ZERO idea that such a thing as a full contact lap dance existed, I thought all lap dances were air dances. Since that sounded lame I drove to a jack shack a few hours away from my home. I figured at least there I could jack off while watching a girl dance. However instead I got a medium mileage full contact lap dance which was WAY more than I was expecting and popped super fast. As I walked back to my car I thought to myself... Why the fuck haven't I been doing this. I should do this every week!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    District of Columbia
    Recommended outside of club dancers
    [sarcasm on] Good point Cashman! Also when you are "treating dancers like civilians" you want to just walk up to them and hand them $5 and they try to start making out and fingering them with them with zero conversation at all. Because thats exactly how you would treat a civilian girl at starbucks.... [/sarcasm off]
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Dancer Showcases?
    It seems most of us only want it to see who is working. A live roster online of who is clocked in would accomplish the same thing. One of the bucks clubs near me has a computer they use for dancer check in/out and they turn the screen so that customers can see it. It is nice to scan to see who is there. Interestingly enough it lists house fees and who owes what.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Dancer Showcases?
    Since I don't like being at the club for all that long it is nice for me. I can quickly see if there is anyone I am interested in. But yeah it seems a little awkward. The one time I have seen something was at a club where they did it and each girl went out into the crowd to try and find a PL to sell a dance too and the promotion was you got a free t shirt.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Independence day informative...
    What type of customer or behavior gets the most mileage from you? And/or what is the best way to ask you succesfully for more mileage? With a customer that is spending a modest to moderate amount of money on you regularly (3-4 times a month). Is there anything you particularly look for besides being respectful that will make you willing to give more of your time/mileage to that customer?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Independence day informative...
    How often do you give out your number?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Independence day informative...
    In a given week how many regular customers are you texting with?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Costs associated with dancing...
    @rogertex - I would agree that it is unfortunate that there is very little stage tipping in Texas. However I hate the idea of a tip walk. Seems super uncomfortable for everyone involved. Additionally even though there is less tipping here in Texas the fees dancers pay to the club are a lot less than other part of the country. So it is somewhat of a wash.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Costs associated with dancing...
    A few buddies of mine are mechanics. They spend a ton on tools and tool boxes. Yes they need those tools and tool boxes but they spend way more than they actually need to because they are also a status item at their work. Obviously this isn't a totally apt analogy but I think there is some similarity. Dancers do need to spend a good bit to keep themselves in top form and it is something many customers don't appreciate or realize, but some of them spend far more than they actually need to. Personally for me I am also into girl next door types so over the top hair/makeup is not a positive for me. And I like a more romantic style of dance including touching a dancers face/hair so a fancy hairdo with hairspray is usually a no go for me.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Finding self worth
    @nicespice - What do you mean by "politicking" if you want to be a top earner? That is interesting and something I don't think I have heard before.