
Dancer - Do you mind if I give him a dance first?

Atlanta suburb
I've had a few times when I have been sitting with a favorite and she sees another of her regular customers come in and then she asks "Do you mind if I go give him a dance first? He usually doesn't stay long".

I always say yes because I don't want to rock the boat but at the same time I feel like I am being taken advantage of. She knows that I am a sure thing and will still be there. However I am not a total PL. While she is gone I will get dances from others that I find attractive and if she should wind up taking the other guy to VIP, she has lost my business. At least for that day.


  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    It can depend - could be she wants to get another custy out of the way so she can hang with you a bit longer - but if it's sn extended period of time or she keeps working the room and leaving you for last then she's taking you for granted.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I'm not a one dancer kinda guy where I spend a large amount of $$$ on any one dancer (though sometimes I do) - thus I don't wanna get in the way of her maximizing her income or trying to close a sale she might o/w lose
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    That happened with DS II once. She ended up doing a 30 min vip with some loser when I was there to see her and had to leave early. I said ok to giving him a “dance,” but not this bullshit. I got a couple of dances from the second hottest dancer there and when I got back DS II was still gone.

    I was furious with her when she finally got back. Then she promised me some extra sexual favors on the date that we had scheduled for the next night. I got over it.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I don’t usually have that happen to me, I generally hang out with the same girl when I go into a specific club and they know I don’t like it so if they want to keep me as a custy it just doesn’t come up.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Sometimes this happens with me -- I always say yes, unless I was about to take her in the back myself, in which case I'll claim executive privilege and ask her to do her dance with him after ours. If it's just 1-3 dances, ain't no thang, despite the big deal I make here about preferring she just stay with me the entire time. If it's more than that, she risks losing me for the day (and if she's already put in an hour+ socializing with me, that's a lot of wasted time)
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I’ve not had that happen yet. In the (extras) clubs I frequent - I’d be inclined to just let the dancer go. Im not interested in smelling another pl’s semen on her breath.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    I always say yes. I can either wait or go with another. Makes no big difference to me.
  • lotsoffun201
    6 years ago
    I’ve never minded waiting for a CF. I won’t do it for a new girl though.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    I hate hate hate this. I don't want to be at the club for a long time (usually about an hour) and any CF of mine knows this and like that about me (they make their money off of me without investing a ton of time on me).

    It also signals to me that the dancer is not worried about losing me as a customer. Even being asked (regardless of whether I say yes or no) is not the experience that I want.
  • OldWhiteGuy
    6 years ago
    I am currently spending the majority of my time with a particular girl. Because her club has a second floor restaurant with a full menu, Thursday has become a late lunch and afternoon together. She has a couple other steady regulars and they have adapted to that schedule. If another customer comes in during that time, she will say hello and tell him that she is busy. If I drop in for a visit at other times, I will tell her if I can wait or not and the decision is hers.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    I recently had to establish some ground rules with my ATF DS because she started taking me for granted with this and giving dances to multiple customers as I waited. In general I don't mind waiting for 1-2 dances but any longer I don't want to wait. The ground rules are as follows:

    1) I get right of first refusal. She always has to check with me first and if I want to get dances right away then we do so. If that means the other guy may go with someone else or he can't wait, then too bad.

    2) Any time that I lose while waiting is made up with flirting and hanging out at the bar or tables for the same amount of time. If she leaves for 10-15 minutes for 2-3 dances as I wait, then she will hang out and flirt with me for the same time before our dances.

    With this arrangement I have no issues. Also in general I make it clear with my faves to always assume I'm next for dances with them and if they see me ITC they should come over ASAP and let me know where I stand in terms of spending time with them.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    My feeling is simply this, she can have my money or his money if she prefers mine , my rules, I’ll never be a little butch for any stripper, if she leaves me alone for more than a bathroom break or stage set, I’m either gone or hanging out with someone else.
  • RTP
    6 years ago
    I am not a guy who spends 30 minutes or more talking to a dancer without getting dances, etc. If I get that question, I say yes, but move on. Her choice.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Do I mind ? Yes. Am I going to make a big deal of it ? No. Could be lots of reasons. Did the other guy ask first. Maybe she knows he's a one-and-done. Could be the guy that pays all of her bills so she can hang out with cheap-guys like me. It happens. But if she does this, I don't necessarily turn away other dancers. That is the risk she takes in doing that.
  • magicrat
    6 years ago
    I've only had this happen once that I can recall and the dancer, who was a CF, asked if it was okay and that it would not be more than 3 dances so I said fine and waited. I can't remember if another dancer came over but it wouldn't surprise me at that particular club.

    Interestingly, later I learned that after I spoke with another dancer on my way out one day, this CF came up to her and accusingly asked her "so when did you get to be so friendly with magicrat?" She apparently didn't want to share my wallet with any of the other dancers there.
    6 years ago
    It is common, if I am a regular it is no big deal, If it is a new girl I am done with her for the night. I do mind when I bought a dance and the girl spends it talking to another dancer, customer or management.
  • 79terrier
    6 years ago
    Like Papi, I'm not tied down to one girl. If this happens, I'll gladly get multiple dances from someone else. If I need to make a point, I'll get more from the second girl.
  • larryfisherman
    6 years ago
    They are there to make money, it’s not a big deal to me. While she’s gone with another customer, I could get dances from other girls.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Hm, I suppose it depends on how much you’re spending.

    For me, I will try to honor appointments if it was made in advance. But sometimes if they’re dicking around with getting dances or tipping, then I’ll politely excuse myself for a few songs as a quiet reminder. But I come back and usually that’s all it takes.

    If you like to do a sit and chit chat thing, maybe offer to buy her the club lunch/dinner? If she does, then she will be forced to sit with you for however long it takes to eat.

    @cashmen : Those are some fast paced hustlers there. No stopping in the dressing room first to mouthwash/bodyspray between body fluid type of dances? :p
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    If you want your hoes for yourself just get a girlfriend or a sugar baby!
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^My answer to that is I go to a strip club for my enjoyment, I really don’t give a fuck if you can’t get with the girl I’m enjoying.
  • Dolfan
    6 years ago
    I don't mind when it happens, if its just dances, its reasonably quick, and its a girl I sit with for extended periods of time. I don't feel taken advantage of, I feel its a fair trade off. I hang with her for a disproportionate time compared to the amount I spend, I understand she's working and has other customers.

    There are a lot of ways for her to go wrong though. If she goes back and does a room or whatever, it means I'm not doing dances/rooms with her that day. Any time she's spent with me that day is lost investment on her part. If she does that with any consistency it won't be long before I take my business elsewhere. I don't get offended or upset about it, I just move on. Obviously, its a sliding scale depending on how much I like the girl. If she's just average, I tolerate a lot less and stray a lot easier. If she's remarkable I'm more likely to stay.

    Also, I don't wait for her to finish, so to speak. If while I'm sitting there I find some other form of entertainment I'm going to have fun. Maybe its just a dance or two, maybe its a new fave, maybe something in between. If I get bored, I'll leave.

  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    A lot of times I look at the question as a "get out of jail free" card. I end up missing out on new girls when dancers IO have done rooms with assume they get first call on my time. I also feel that since I get dances when I am ready and I usually like the dancers from whom I get dances, that they should get the courtesy of earning their living without me being whiny. There is one caveat: if the dancer comes back from the dances/room after asking me if I mind and goes up to another instead of me, then she will find I am either busy or not in the mood, if and when she comes back. Hadn't seen my ATF in over 2 months but she was there and too busy to bother with me, although I did get a "we have to catch up" comment. By the time I feel interest again we'll have a whole year or so to catch up on. Should be great.
  • daddyfatsack
    6 years ago
    "Not at all baby do your thing cause I'm definitely going to do mine."

    There's way too many options there for one to get cuaght up in their feelings
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    It's annoying, but she's there to make money and she's not my girlfriend. I usually say yes, go for it. But I'll warn her that I may wind up spending money on another dancer. A few times I've said "How about you go with me first and see him after?"
  • carolinaclubman
    6 years ago
    It depends. Most recently, last weekend I told the dancer I might not be here when you get back. She made him wait.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    I usually tell them it’s fine, unless I’m on short time.
  • ATACdawg
    6 years ago
    My ATF depends on her dancing income to support herself, her in-school daughter and a special needs grandson. I want her to make all the money she can so she can stay in the business!

    She has always been one of the most popular dancers in the club. If she is sitting with someone when I get there, she stops during her tip round and tells me how long she expects to be, and she recognizes that I could get another dancer for one or more. One night, we we're sitting together at the bar, and she went on stage. Another regular had come in and asked her if she could dance for him. She came back and asked me if it would be OK and said, "It's OK if you say no!" I told her to go make some money, and that I would be there when she finished. Four songs later (~1/2 hour) they were done, I had gotten to watch a few nice naken women, and she had cleared $80 more money than she would have if I had refused. Another time, a guy snagged her on a tip round after her stage set. Same deal, she asked first and I said sure. This guy got ten lap dances (which says a lot about the quality of her dances!) and I admit I was a bit pissed off at him, lol. When she came out, five minutes from the nominal end of her shift, she apologized profusely and said she had been afraid that I would have gotten pissed off and left. "No way," I said, "You're worth waiting for.". She stayed 45 minutes past her normal quitting time and threw in a couple of free dances on top of that. That kind of give and take has been a part of our relationship from the first time.
  • rh48hr
    6 years ago
    I was on the other end of this once. I came in to see a fave and she was with another regular. I could only stay a short time so she asked the other guy if it was cool if she danced for me real quick. Fortunately he said yes. :-)
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Early-on in my PL-career (back in Dallas) I used to hit a mixed-dive that was usually busy on Fr/Sat eves and that is when there were lots more dancers so that is when I visited mostly - this was a BYOB spot and would close late (5 or 6 am) although I rarely stayed past 4 am.

    I didn't have faves back then either but there were dancers at this club I'd get w/ every time I visited (along w/ other dancers).

    One older big-booty AA-girl I would always get dances w/ would always make a beeline for me as soon as she saw me - this was a mixed-club w/ mostly Mexican laborers that didn't spend much and preferred to drink - so selling dances and making good-$$$ was not that easy especially for the AA girls - and why she would always make a beeline for me whenever I visited.

    One weekend eve I get there and after 10-minutes of settling-in she spots me and approaches me - she tells me she'll be back and I assume maybe in 10-minutes so she can get her sure-$$$ - she proceeds to work the room for about 90-minutes b/f getting back to me (since it was a busy night) - this is not the type of club where dancers sit and chat w/ custies for long periods of times; most dancers basically lap-hop - I *was* taken a bit aback at her putting me in the back-burner sorta speak and getting to me seemingly when she had exhausted all her options working the room - I wasn't exactly pissed b/c I didn't go there specifically to see her and I always got dances from several different dancers (and did on that night as I usually did) - but it was so obvious she was taking me for granted and leaving me for last sorta as for me to not interfere w/ her $$$-making - I still got-dances from her b/c like I said I did not go there to specifically see her; but just how obvious it was.
  • Liwet
    6 years ago
    The stuff that I typically do can easily have a price tag applied. If a dancer asked me to go dance for someone else, I'd tell her sure but she owes me later, and I'd make sure to get more from her than I end up paying her.
  • bubba267
    6 years ago
    Don’t really like it but like others have experienced it on occasion. As long as it is a few dances I don’t mind. On the rare case it turned in to be more dances, I don’t get butt hurt but try to find another dancer to get dances from. If I was planning on VIP with her I let her know that I’m interested but don’t have too much time to wait for that VIP....never knowingly go second with any dancer.
  • whodey
    6 years ago
    I usually say that's fine as long as she doesn't mind me spending some time and money with some of the other dancers.
  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    shiiiiieeeet, ATF gots me pussy-whipped, so what am I supposed to say ;)

    But I handle it one of two ways, either "have fun but don't take too long" with a sly wink, or "let's go, he can wait" depending on how I'm feeling.
  • lopaw
    6 years ago
    I go to clubs to get dances from multiple women so if she wants to dance for someone first that's ok by me. I will go get dances with someone else while she is gone. If I am available if/when she returns then I'll dance with her. I like my SC visits as drama free as possible.
  • Cowboy12
    6 years ago
    It depends on my mood and how much time I have.
    If we pre-plan a visit, then I would be annoyed if my CF wanted to get a dance with someone else.
    For the times when I just show up unannounced, then I don't expect her to spend time with me exclusively.
    Especially lately, since there are a few hot new girls that I like.
  • "I generally hang out with the same girl when I go into a specific club and they know I don’t like it..."

    And they know you're a whiny little bitch, lol.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ lol what a eunuch !
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    My fav always treats me well. I want her to make money so I wouldn't mind. I've encouraged her to go circulate but to come back to me when she hits a slow spell. In the meantime I enjoy some variety.
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