Costs associated with dancing...

avatar for poledancer83

Several people ask about this and i did some research and here goes...

Tanning- 75 a month Nails- 60 Outfits- Varies but around 50-100 every month or two Waxing- 150 a month for everything Makeup- 50 a month Gym membership- 40 a month Accessories- 50-75 a month

on average around 500-600 a month to look presentable at work. Remember that when its tipping time!!!


last comment
avatar for flagooner
6 yrs ago

Wet wipes? Drugs?

avatar for GACA
6 yrs ago

That's actually pretty cheap. You must not be in a major City. Gym memberships out where I am are minimum of $90 a month

avatar for etsutwigg222
6 yrs ago

Thanks for the insight into the cost of doing business. Many dancers I know also have personal trainers at around $200 per month and those shoes are friggin expensive. What you go through a pair every 3 months or so ???

Since the above appears to be a pretty basic set of costs all dancers have plus tip out and crap, how can so many on their fears buried in their phones ?? Last 3 times I visit the local clubs I left spending less than $50 of the $750 I had brought to play with. I tipped on stage and invited many over with many knowing I spend $$$ on my visits. Strange business models !!!

avatar for hoarker
6 yrs ago

What do they typically pay the house to work per shift?

avatar for poledancer83
6 yrs ago

varies but usually between 50 to 100 but some places are going to a percentage model of all tips

avatar for twentyfive
6 yrs ago

I hate to be the one to break this to you poley, but most folks that earn a decent living, have expenses, that are just part of the cost of doing business in any given industry.

avatar for April9424
6 yrs ago

^true 25 but you'd be surprised by how often guys waste a lot of our time, and act like we are stuck up when their $20 doesn't impress us as much as they think it should.

but it also depends on the club. in a big city, big club you also have to factor in $100+ in fees and transportation for every shift. and for a lot of us getting our hair done isn't cheap either. there are tons of things. at smaller clubs in smaller cities girls don't have to spend nearly as much or maintain a perfect appearance w fancy outfits.

avatar for twentyfive
6 yrs ago

^I see so nobody ever wastes my time, I’m in the construction industry, can’t tell you how many times I’ve prepared a proposal taking several days and countless hours, and turned it in w/o so much as a simple note saying thank you for that but we’ve decided to go in a different direction. That is unfortunately the cost of doing business.

avatar for judyjudy
6 yrs ago

Definitely costs associated with any job. However, in my mind these listed are a bit excessive. Maybe because I am a bit old school. I do my own nails, I will work outside to get some sun. I do not go to the gym, rather keep busy around the house / yard, this keeps me in shape. I will also do my own waxing.

avatar for nicespice
6 yrs ago

Glue on French manicure nails are the best!

I think my monthly average of cost of work materials for me is like $200 and that includes snacks.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

Most self-employed people have costs they gotta incur in order to run their biz

avatar for flagooner
6 yrs ago

How much is self-respect worth?

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

^ IDK - but you obviously can't afford it


avatar for datinman
6 yrs ago

"Tanning- 75 a month Nails- 60 Outfits- Varies but around 50-100 every month or two Waxing- 150 a month for everything Makeup- 50 a month Gym membership- 40 a month Accessories- 50-75 a month"

I wonder how much of that actually effects the dancer's bottom line and how much is just female perception. I personally like a more natural look w.r.t. makeup. I could care less about tanning or nails. I prefer less clothes to fancy outfits. Some of my favorites have been girl next door types naked save for sneakers and dancing with an abandon that would have been inhibited by stripper heels.

avatar for April9424
6 yrs ago

"^I see so nobody ever wastes my time, I’m in the construction industry, can’t tell you how many times I’ve prepared a proposal taking several days and countless hours, and turned it in w/o so much as a simple note saying thank you for that but we’ve decided to go in a different direction. That is unfortunately the cost of doing business"

yes and i would assume you aren't very happy when that happens. PD was just posting, i think, to let guys know because a lot of customers.. not just strip clubs but other jobs... don't realize the behind the scenes stuff and would be more considerate if they knew. obviously some people know and don't care.

i know i started tipping my hairdressers better when i found out how much they pay to rent out their stations each day..

avatar for Warrenboy75
6 yrs ago

Zoey-- I'm asking but it seems that dancers after a year or so get a good feel for who is cheap and who is not. I've also heard the comment when a newer dancer lands a guy from some of the more experienced women that they wish they had got to him earlier because the newbie wouldn't know how to get more out of him.

So is it true....after a bit can you tell who the time wasters are?

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

Select the girl you want, approach her yourself, and be generous with her. Get her into the idea that you are giving her money out of care concern and respect, instead of to try and buy her.

Things will go well.


avatar for twentyfive
6 yrs ago

@Zoey I don’t usually even give it a second thought, in all honesty venting about stuff like this is pointless. My wins far outweigh my losses, so why should I lose sleep or obsess over shit I have no control over, my point was simple, just go forward, full speed ahead that way you are winning never losing.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

If you treat the girl nicely, you can usually get whatever you want.

But it is important that you select the girl yourself, so that then you have nothing to complain about, and so that she can see that you do genuinely like her.


avatar for twentyfive
6 yrs ago

^ should have added that the considerate ones are where you make your money, most are not considerate.

avatar for Eve
6 yrs ago

Here are some alternatives for the dancers that are a bit more frugal or live in a town where their club doesn't enforce an exaggerated look for their girls;

Tanning - WIth proper and timely application of sunblock, just sunbathe however many times a week. (Free)

Nails- Stick to plain polish at the salon if you must have them done for you or buy a mani/pedi kit from a drug store and do your own nails. ($5 - $30)

Outfits - I always shop online for outfits and treat myself to one new set each month. There will ALWAYS be better deals on eBay or Amazon compared to retail sex/lingerie shops. Just check the sizing chart and make sure the seller has good rep/feedback. It's also better to go brandless than designer/high end because you're stripping it off and tossing it on the rack or stage floor constantly anyway. ($10 - $60)

Waxing- There are endless Groupons/online deals for wax salons. Assuming that you wait the 2-week window in between waxing and utilize free touch-ups (if the salon offers it), I have yet to see a full body wax package exceed $70 in my town. Perhaps stick to leg/underarm/bikini/Brazilian waxes since those are the places that are seen the most and where contact is made most often depending on club rules. This is all assuming you're not a sasquatch. ($8 - $60)

Makeup- Full coverage foundation for any facial imperfections and eyeliner to make your eyes pop. Everything else is extra and more time consuming to apply in the dressing room. Cheap drugstore makeup works fine too if you have a good setting spray to keep anything from smudging or wearing off. Custies can't tell the difference. ($5 - $30)

Gym membership- Not a necessity if you have a laptop/smart TV to watch workout videos on Youtube at home. A lot of workouts uploaded work out the muscles more than people believe. I could also say find a cheaper gym and sacrifice the amenities, but I find that the basic gyms (ie; Planet Fitness) has a lot of machines that promote more injury/useless isolation than an improvement of physique. I also like to roam the designer discount stores' fitness section and pick up a few weights/resistance bands/etc for very cheap to improve my at-home workouts. (Free to $20)

Accessories- Sounds almost right, except use fragrances (especially the expensive kind) in high moderation - even if you sweat a lot. I've had almost all of my name brand perfumes in 3oz bottles last for up to a year with this method. A lot of custies complain about dancers reeking of perfume, and usually, 2 or 3 sprays will do the job well. Shoes are inevitably expensive even if they're plain old clear heels - even online. I always find jewelry at regular discount retail stores and are okay to wear so as long as they're truly hypoallergenic. Though I tend to find myself splurging more if jewelry prices are lower. ($20 - $75)

New estimated monthly expenses: $48 - $275. This is merely an alternative way to adjust spending. It may also help out considering we are in the Summertime Slowdown presently, so whether or not guys are being more generous or not, it's good to be mindful of our own spending outside of necessities.

avatar for twentyfive
6 yrs ago

BTW the threads read soooo much better with SJG on ignore. ;)

avatar for judyjudy
6 yrs ago

it seems to me that the details we put into ourselves are not that important to you guys. As long as you get your extras it does not matter what shoes we wear or nails done etc......

avatar for twentyfive
6 yrs ago

^Thats not true, Judy, I just think most guys don’t really get it, but if it wasn’t there they’d def miss it.

avatar for Warrenboy75
6 yrs ago

Judy--there are guys that do appreciate the effort.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

25, you are telling the dancer zoey how she should interpret her chosen occupation.


avatar for nicespice
6 yrs ago

Even though I am lazy, I know my costs doesn’t apply to everyone. I don’t even want to guess how much it costs black dancers to have their “club acceptable” wig/hairstyle done.

That being said, that’s one thing I don’t I am amazed about sugar babies, who incur these expenses up front before sugar daddy hunting.

avatar for Eve
6 yrs ago

@Judy. In my opinion, the only people that critique the extra efforts put in our appearance are the other dancers, but who can honestly say that a customer has told them that "Their foundation is a little cakey" or "Who did those awesome/awful acrylics?" or "Girl, is that a Gucci bra? It looks amazing." In my experience, none of them.

It's not so much that they only care about getting extra action, it's just that guys usually by default don't think that deeply into glamourization unless there's the off chance that they have the profession for it.

@nicespice. For me, no more than $40. :D

avatar for nicespice
6 yrs ago

@EveHartley, great write up :D

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

^^^^^ I show appreciation for the efforts dancers put into their appearance, though it probably is not in the same way that other women would. I do appreciate the dolling up and the slutty outfits. Strip clubs are great, nudist camps are boring.

Recognition of that effort makes a nice excuse for handing a girl money, and getting her into the idea that I want to give her money, but without necessarily trying to buy anything. Its just a show of care, concern, and respect, but such intimacies which might ensure are not actually being purchased with money.


avatar for ToyChaser
6 yrs ago

I would rather a girl dance and smell abundantly like perfume than smell like she just left a Zumba workout at the gym. There is a funky girl at Hustlers in Baltimore right now she always stinks

avatar for Icey
6 yrs ago

if you'e in a major city it all costs at least 3 times as much as OP posted

avatar for NinaBambina
6 yrs ago

I am naturally tan so I spend no money on that. The condo I live in has a community gym so I don't need to pay for a memebership either.

I can see hair, nails, outfits, accessories, transportation being an expense though. Also my work phone.

avatar for TrollWarnBot
6 yrs ago

WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this member is widely mocked and considered at best a nuisance or at worst mentally unstable, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate

PhatBoy99 - troll status likely

avatar for Eve
6 yrs ago

I would hope if a dancer is an extras girl, she'd take the time to get tested every month or two, because girls can lie about playing it safe, as can their custies. That could count as a monthly expense on their part. :)

avatar for NinaBambina
6 yrs ago

I also spend a good $150-200 on nails alone, unfortunately. I usually go twice a month and get a Mani and pedi which is at least 60 + tip each time I go. My manicure/nails price varies, but pedicures are pretty standard because I get the same pedicure each time.

And my hair usually only costs about $100/month, but I would estimate at least $20-60 on hair care products, like hairsprays etc. I live over a half hour from my club, so gas prices adds up and so does Uber for when I don't drive. Also, parking adds up too. And there are certainly expenses I haven't thought of.

avatar for TrollWarnBot
6 yrs ago

WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

ToyChaser - this account posts intentionally sadistic and misogynist garbage and should not be taken seriously, it is also worth noting that most tuscl members find the stated opinions of this troll highly offensive

avatar for PaulDrake
6 yrs ago

A few buddies of mine are mechanics. They spend a ton on tools and tool boxes. Yes they need those tools and tool boxes but they spend way more than they actually need to because they are also a status item at their work. Obviously this isn't a totally apt analogy but I think there is some similarity. Dancers do need to spend a good bit to keep themselves in top form and it is something many customers don't appreciate or realize, but some of them spend far more than they actually need to.

Personally for me I am also into girl next door types so over the top hair/makeup is not a positive for me. And I like a more romantic style of dance including touching a dancers face/hair so a fancy hairdo with hairspray is usually a no go for me.

avatar for NinaBambina
6 yrs ago

I only use hairsprahy when I'm curling my hair. I usually wear it straight though. And it's a decent anology. Another anology could be made with, say, ballerinas. You know they have to spend lots of time in the gym to stay tiny, extra money for healthy food, money on hair and hair products, money for their pointe shoes and costumes, a clean manicure, makeup, etc. The ones who spend less time/money on gym and health won't get the great roles like the ones who invest more time and money. As a dancer your body and face is a part of your earnings and you have to invest in it to keep up.

avatar for Lone_Wolf
6 yrs ago

Thanks PD. I can always see when a dancer has good sexy maintainance. It's appreciated . Always thought waxing cost more but I guess that's only when I'm paying for it for the honey. I put the P in PL.

avatar for twentyfive
6 yrs ago

Just like many salespeople if you want to be successful you need to associate with successful people, in order to do that you need to look the part. Remember there’s an old adage that applies here “Fake it, till you make it”

avatar for ToyChaser
6 yrs ago

I tend to always talk about the girls who don't have thier nails done. That's one of my meet up spots with a girl after I compliment her at the club, I'll usually Tease her about them while getting them done. Break em down first, see if they can handle emotional/mental abuse.

avatar for ToyChaser
6 yrs ago

Perfect statement 25, If a girl can't get her nails done. She prolly doesn't wash her tail with summers eve.

avatar for jackslash
6 yrs ago

I know I don't notice all the little details that dancers use to make themselves attractive, but I would feel the difference if they did not do these things.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

I think it costs PLs a lot more to be in the club

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

The dolling up and the extreme strapped on high heels make a huge difference for me. I notice. I feel it all through my lower body.


avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 yrs ago

I'd venture that if a dancer focuses on staying in shape, hair, makeup, and outfits, that's 80% of what guys focus on. Beyond that, there's a lot that women do more for each other that we barely notice.

Also, hygiene. Probably not huge on the expense scale, but holy hell we notice if you're doing it wrong. I realize that a percentage of PLs also need some help with hygiene. This one goes both ways.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 yrs ago

SJG said "The dolling up and the extreme strapped on high heels make a huge difference for me. I notice. I feel it all through my lower body."

When he says stuff like this, I hear it in the voice of Buffalo Bill. #creepyasfuck

avatar for stripfighter
6 yrs ago

These costs along with stage fees are tax deductible. No??

You know... as long as yall be paying you's taxes :P

avatar for NinaBambina
6 yrs ago

What's a stage fee? Like a fee for skipping your stage routine? That's nothing compared to tip out / house fees. Those are better tax deductions than a "stage fee," unless you're a Vegas dancer who pays $100 a night to stay off stage.

avatar for rogertex
6 yrs ago

Thanks for sharing PD. Insightful. I really like it when surrounded by dolled-up dancers.

So definitely, appreciate the effort that goes into looking like a Diva. ... even more so of dancers who change outfit a few times during the shift.

One thing I noticed in Texas clubs is very few guys go up the stage to tip an especially fine performance. That's a shame. At least in NJ, NY clubs, the dancers themselves make the tip rounds and it is customary to tip. Actually like that system.

I feel clubs should be setup such that stage tips should cover all the costs PD lists, plus tip-outs, house mom, etc. With dances & VIP resulting in actual earnings.

avatar for PaulDrake
6 yrs ago

@rogertex - I would agree that it is unfortunate that there is very little stage tipping in Texas. However I hate the idea of a tip walk. Seems super uncomfortable for everyone involved. Additionally even though there is less tipping here in Texas the fees dancers pay to the club are a lot less than other part of the country. So it is somewhat of a wash.

avatar for Corvus
6 yrs ago

I have always appreciated a girl who spends time or money on her nails. But a dancer's nails have never been a reason I wanted dances from her, or avoided her.

avatar for BigPimp69
6 yrs ago

You can cum work for me. I will take care of all dat for you

avatar for Cashman1234
6 yrs ago

PD thanks for the insight regarding your expenses to stay looking so fucking hot!

You might not know that I invest a lot in my appearance too - so I’ll provide you a glimpse into my expenses.

Beer - several cases each month - $100 a month. Gym membership - never used - $40 a month. Pizza both slices and complete pies - $125 a month. Funyons, Doritos, Ruffles, etc - $125 a month. Internet porn - free - woo hoo!

avatar for rogertex
6 yrs ago

ha ha cashman ! .... now go tip yourself :-)

@PaulDrake - Good points. I enjoyed tipping dancers when they came to me in NJ/NY clubs. Got to chat up a bit and feel the dancers personality and fun-index. Helped me pick the fun dancers for lappers. Never dented more than $30 over a 2 hour stay in the club.

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