
Comments by wiffle shwaffle (page 38)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    An up-tick with with extras?
    My club got a bunch of new faces in the past two weeks (some old dancers returning and some newnto the club). Penthouse is still closed here and Tigers season just opened. My club is a short walk from the stadium, so it might just be coincidence.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Wtf is switter?
    Switter is hosted off shore, so it's safe for us. And because Gmail is compromised by FOSTA, most of us sex workers are using ProtonMail, also hosted overseas and encrypted.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Don't be a dick, dude. These aren't the times for that. I'm only trying to help. And she's probably more intelligent than you.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    A lawyer who disescted FOSTA and is a sex worker on the side: https://www.instagram.com/msandrre/ She answers customers questions, too.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Well, fuck. But it was inevitable for USASG to move or completely go down. I'm surprised StripClubList is still up honestly. And if TUSCL disappears I don't know what I'm going to fkin do. Shameless plug for Switter.at though. There are definitely ladies on there listing services. Most of the escorts and strippers I follow are on it now because we're still freaking out about possibly losing our Instagram and Twitter accounts. Oh, and Stripper Comic has a list of current sites up still on her Twitter. It's obviously geared toward women who need to advertise, but maybe you guys will find some useful links and sites for what you need/want/whatever.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Stormy Daniels’ Detroit Visit Postponed Again
    However, with Stormy cancelling, there's this shameless plug for Legends having a feature entertainer tomorrow - https://www.instagram.com/p/BhZcYWfgTB5/ Lana Rhoades.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Stormy Daniels’ Detroit Visit Postponed Again
    Are you talking about the Trump impersonater in our area? He was supposed to be there tonight, too. Truth posted a photo of him, as well as Stormy, advertising both - same night/place.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Stormy Daniels’ Detroit Visit Postponed Again
    She only needs a license if she wants to show nipples on stage or do lap dances. She could still go on stage with pasties without a cabaret license. Either way, this is hilarious as fuck.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    I'm not trying to argue, I hope you know that. I was explaining why TwoSheds had stepped in. Those guys were just being dicks anyway because they knew they could. They got bitched at, too. It isn't like the ones giving problems were ever going to come in and visit anyway. *Shrug* Hope you're well though. <3
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    With all respect, it became personal and deviated off the intended topic of the forum and stayed that way for too long. That is why he intervened. The same thing happened here with Founder like two months ago.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    I was on there Sunday messaging a few customers my new number and when I woke up Monday afternoon, I saw on USA Sex Guide first that TwoSheds was down. I am SO bummed out! But I understand why as well. There was a huge lack of discretion from the men reviewing clubs. Discretion is so, SO important when writing reviews. Alas, TwoSheds helped me get through these past few years and I met some really great people from the site.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    And the sites keep falling
    TwoSheds :'(
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Club Reviews by Dancers
    Also, StripperWeb is just an ego shit show in general with everyone trying to one up each other. There's no "togetherness" or community feeling there. *Creates a thread asking about a common hustle issue* Like every girl on there: "ZOMG WHY DIDN'T YOU SEARCH FOR THIS ISSUE BEFORE CREATING A NEW FUCKING POST!!!" While nobody offers any assistance whatsoever.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Club Reviews by Dancers
    StripperWeb, to me, is a bunch of closed minded girls bragging about their earnings (which are usually false or made up numbers to soothe their egos). Anyone who posts about Detroit is immediately shot down with closed minded, shitty comments about Detroit sucking (literally and figuratively). I feel the reviews here are more credible. And other dancers are always going to bitch about something at any club. I write my reviews here including pros and cons. Under both accounts lol (lost the email address password for my other one).
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Just a girl tryna make some cash
    What is your weight limit for a stripper?
    Girl, try it. You won't know until you do. I would suggest working at a club that is more accepting of diverse body types though. Because you have thicker thighs, maybe an almost exclusive urban club? And also kudos to the guys for giving her constructive and useful info and criticism, and NOT asking to see her tits (yet).
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Rhode Island
    FOSTA Law... should we worry?
    I'm so glad you posted about this! Many of us sex workers are all over Instagram today trying to spread the petition link to get FOSTA repealed. The link is https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/repealstop-fosta-now Also, this Instagram user has a TON of info about FOSTA on her profile and how it affects current sex workers and customers/clients. She's also an attorney based out of D.C. https://www.instagram.com/msandrre/ Even if you don't look at the info she's provided, please sign the petition.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Truth Club in Detroit
    Oh, and here is their other manager's Instagram. She posts videos and photos of dancers on her account and in her story. https://www.instagram.com/yellabby/
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Truth Club in Detroit
    Stormy Daniels did not actually perform (yet). It was rescheduled. And from my experience, girls from my club who try it out always end up coming back complaining about the club being dead or nobody spending money. And here is their official Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/clubtruthdetroit/ Their manager messaged me tonight asking me to come work (same dude who managed when it was Scores and he remembered me). I know better than to waste my time, but I'm going to do it anyway because... Why the fuck not. Message Founder about adding Truth to the list of Detroit clubs.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit Metro Airport Night Talent
    Irrelevant to the majority of the thread, sorry, but @jackslash, honey has been working at Legends for the past few weeks. She's SO hot, too, omg.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Tipping the door girl?
    The bouncer I work with here just tells the guys to check their coats to tip me if they want to on the way out. There's no pressure to tip anybody at this club. The VIP guy can be pushy, and there are numerous complaints about him all over various forums. I know this is a stupid job and I usually just hand people their coats without reminding them to pay. It's too easy of a job for me to care about. The door girls at Legends have more complex duties. They check in dancers, their IDs, handle coat check, and also handle cover charges. I just watch coats and think about how gross some of them smell.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Tipping the door girl?
    I work the door on slow nights at one of the Michigan Ave clubs in Detroit. The club guarantees a set amount for me and if I don't make it, they pay me the difference. I literally just watch coats and fuck around on my phone all night in coat check. Coat check is literally $1 + optional tip. What I'm trying to say though, is if you don't tip the door/coat check person, the club is more than likely going to pay that person anyway.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    Stormy Daniels in Detroit?
    Truth is run much like a party environment... Like Legends when it first opened. They seem to be the only club bringing in features though. Anyone I know who has tried it has complained about slow business or that they did not make any or as much money. They also seem to be hiring all of the time. Bartenders and waitstaff wouldn't stay if they aren't making money either. Here is their official Instagram with a ton of pics and event info. https://www.instagram.com/clubtruthdetroit/
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    End of the month
    Well, they ARE on my Instagram already. :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    End of the month
    ^January was really bad, but February was amazing! I took this week off for personal reasons, but I had to run to Legends to grab my shoes to go to Centerfold this weekend. There were a LOT of girls getting ready for the 7pm review. More than the amount that are usually there. There were few customers, but it was at 6:30pm, too.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Snow in Detroit
    Yes, they do! It's usually the dancers who don't make it in because their kids have a snow day, etc. Come work, but drive safe!