
Comments by DH7400 (page 4)

  • review comment
    3 years ago
    First visit to the New Century Theater, with some comparisons to the former Mitchell Brothers O'Farrell Theater
    Delusional tip requests abound with the post Covid reopen...I believe MBOT tip requests from a visit about 3 years ago were few hundred to several hundred+ for the works. Too bad about MBOT. Tragic. The theater room, the room of mirrors, etc were really unique, and many seriously gorgeous ladies...and the history of that place....a strip club Mecca requiring PL pilgrimage, and now it’s gone
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Best/Worst places to be an SD
    Los Angeles is pretty good. SB’s match up well or better with top-tier dancers in looks, but with prices to match, unfortunately. Quality of experience varies a lot, although I’ve found a few exceed even experienced HM dancers. Biggest downside is the enormous hassle of IMing 5-10 to get one to text you, and another 5-10 of those to get one to agree to meet to chat, and then perhaps 1 in 3 of those who actually show up/are on time/not cancel, and 1 in 2 or 3 of those that you actually meet up with for a full date...strip clubs cost more money to locate “the one” or “a one”, with SB’s it just takes a whole bunch of time...
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Wow this place is small...
    Yes, Chynna is cute but she gives off to much of a hustle vibe.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    beware of the noob stripper
    Great review. Great story. I’ve had a couple of bad dances lately as well. Always remember and obey the warning signs, although sometimes you don’t get them until it’s too late. We all need to stick to our plan, pull out before it’s too late, particularly right now with lots of desperate guys, noob dancers, tip inflation, resorting to backup clubs etc.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Witness Protection
    Open again!
    Very nice indirect facts... the lyrics reference had me checking song titles for awhile until the obvious hit me in the face (haha). I know who that is. I guess with her, inflated boobs equal inflated tip requests, based on my experience a year or so ago. 😉
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    The Islands
    Las Vegas Club News Update
    Did Spearmint Rhino LA really open up for awhile like several other clubs in LA county? I heard about most of them, 4 in COI, 3 near LAX, 2 in the valley, but never heard anything about SR DTLA.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    former stripper is now an internet slut
    Licking Pussy in the Club
    With just two at a club, with about 12 outside, most of them repeatedly, and on multiple meet-ups, half returned the favor bareback, the other half covered. Generally under age 25 and super hot. No herpes or anything else yet.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Living the dream
    Sahara and new talent
    Thanks! I have noticed several new names on the roll calls. Can you provide some stage names and one line description (attractiveness, ethnicity, thin/thick, tats/no tats, etc) of some of the new talent, even if you just saw them and/or chatted on the floor? For instance I have heard there are a few new black dancers at Sahara, joining the occasional guest star from Synn COI, but I don’t know too many details as I haven’t made it out there.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Quietly Operating During COVID
    Thanks Trapdoor! In LA County, there are a few clubs still open, for how long no one knows...as they shut down SR COI, Synn COI, causing the #3 club in COI (Paradise) to also close. All big clubs. They might go down the list to the smaller clubs next.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Quietly Operating During COVID
    Thanks for your review. Was your visit to SR COI on or after Saturday 10/17? Because on 10/17 they were said to be closed again on another site, and they stopped posting their real time roll call. Synn and Paradise in COI are also said to be closed again. I’m confused. If I don’t get a row of green lights (club open, club good, good dancers I know on roll call) I don’t go. Figuring out which If any clubs are open In LA County is difficult. Do they really want us to call these clubs and try to listen to some guy quickly rattle off a garbled list of dancers as quick as he can, over loud music, and then hang up? That’s so 90’s. Ugh.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Friday Night Visit
    20 dancers walking around? Wall of mirrors opposite lap dance area? Line outside? This sounds like Synn COI, not Synn North Hills. Granted, Synn COI just closed and Synn NH just opened, but several Synn COI dancers literally went straight from their club after it was shut down at 9:00 on Thursday 10/22 to Sahara and Imperial, unfortunately not Synn NH.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    God Bless Dancers
    I hate onlyfans
    Most OF accounts are lame. Occasionally you can find a good one, where you can direct the type of videos being posted (outfits, poses, activities) with occasional comments and five dollar tips. I’ve only once bought premium content and it wasn’t as expected. Basically OF is a cheap diversion while clubs are closed or limited. The expensive diversion is OTC. I like both from time to time. 😉
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Frankie Jay
    for just 50 cents a day, less than a cup of coffee, you can sponsor an out of work stripper and see all nude content on onlyfans
    I'm new and wanted to say hi
    I will repeat that FrankieJay’s OnlyFans does have some entertaining content, even at the free level. It was nice to be pleased with an OF page, versus disappointed. I have subscribed in the past to a top 0.5% OnlyFans content provider, but only as an adjunct to knowing her personally, although in her case not biblically, but more in terms of basic VIP dance familiarity as well as text and IG DM convos. In general though, I’ll admit right off that my end game is Usually OTC. One thing I haven’t heard here is that OF should really be part of a synergistic system with IG, maybe CamSoda, with merchandising, product endorsements for females, and cross-publicizing on IG with similar level females, which brings in more guys from the web. I’ve seen $2k/$4k a night dancers struggle to get OF subscribers as they don’t have a plan on how to wrap it all together in an ecosystem. They just post centerfold quality box shots saying “here I am”, which I look at, smile, and say yes I remember that, but as said before there Is so much online, much easier to search for free, that if they are not already in your ecosystem, they may not come.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Frankie Jay
    for just 50 cents a day, less than a cup of coffee, you can sponsor an out of work stripper and see all nude content on onlyfans
    I'm new and wanted to say hi
    FrankieJay, you have nice OnlyFans content, even at the free level, that Is frankly better than that a few high-end dancers from Los Angeles I know.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Thankfully glitter and strong scents are much less prevalent than a couple of decades ago. I’ll never forget this one out of town trip back then. I had some late night lap dances with a really drunk dancer. She must have literally poured a full perfume bottle on herself. (rookie mistake #1, I should have waived her off when she got 6 feet away from me, it was that bad). I had an undershirt on, so I left my outer shirt in the car back at the hotel (rookie mistake 2, I should have brought it up and immediately washed it). Next morning, carpooling to the client, I volunteer to drive (rookie mistake 3, don’t leave any evidence). So my passengers, one male, one female, get in the car and are looking at each other and me like WTF? I try to play it off saying that’s how I picked up the car at the airport. Uncomfortable drive...
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    That's a no with an emphasis..
    If it doesn’t progress over 2-3 VIP‘s or multi-lap sessions, then it’s best to cut your losses. The progress could be the usual extras, or mutual discussion of OTC possibilities. The more you pay for less than what you want, the more you will be pegged into that “friend zone”. You could try another dancer at the same club...small chance it might jumpstart her...but as I said above, if the engine wasn’t revving before, the engine may just stop again. You can’t win them all.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Rate this dancer
    Smack that dino ass! Just remember to tell her no teeth!
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Hey 19....young strippers and old music
    Make tonight a wonderful thing....
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    OTC Progression
    If you get the sense that she is pretty wild, but imposes limits at the club, I would definitely try outside, even if initially it is planned as PG or R, and see where it or the 2nd or 3rd one goes. I had/have one like that once...the 3rd time, it was on like donkey kong. Repeated many many times. On the other hand, if she seems timid and inexperienced, it will likely be an uphill effort, and you may not get far. I’ve had two or three of those... The rest would be the standard outside activity assumptions. Some fade out, some build to the highest heights you couldn’t previously had imagined, others go up and down and back in quality. As far as cost, I’ve found outside to usually be 1.5 to 2x the donation for a wild 30 min VIP with all the toppings. But there is no comparison between a well picked outside meetup versus the club. Club costs are the investment, the return is on the outside. When you get a reasonable offer, go for it!
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New York
    Reason Dancers May Be Ignoring Your Texts
    Four I have experienced: 11. Taking advantage of business being temporarily way down by getting boob job. No solution short-term, hope they are good. Not optimistic. Fail! 12. Staying with family/friends out of state. No solution, unless you want to fly. That would be a serious PL move I would not do. Fail! (previously noted) Staying with Mom/family. Solution: she tells them she is visiting a friend or running errands. Success! 13. Gives up her place to stay with real boyfriend while cash is tight. Solution: she tells boyfriend she is visiting Mom. Make a stop on the way. Success!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Meeting strippers OTC
    If the vibe is really good and the dancer seems reliable, balanced, usually not high or drunk, go for it. I’ve never had a problem, great times, peak experiences may await you...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Hierarchy of extras
    From my experience, kissing can come in (no pun intended) before covered BJ and covered FS, and almost always before the uncovered versions. Uncovered versions really belong OTC...and if you are thinking with your big head, those who offer uncovered in the club (unless you know them well from outside) should be avoided. Uncovered FS is a whole different level entirely, way beyond even covered anal. Be careful for obvious, multiple reasons. And for the ladies (dancers and customers) where is covered DATY and uncovered DATY? I suggest same ITC/OTC guidelines as above. Finally, if I’m not into kissing and uncovered BJ/DATY with a particular dancer, why am I wasting my time? Personally not into cheap O’s, if I want that I can do it for free. For me the dancer has to be a stunning fantasy experience, and someone with which I have some measure of knowledge and trust: seen them multiple times ITC and probably OTC without any flags, seen their IG/twitter, seen online reviews, etc.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Mostly Hot Girls. Low Mileage Dances Downstairs. Mileage Higher Upstairs But So Are Prices.
    Great review! What was the last letter of the name of the dancer you almost met outside? She sounds familiar, the best of the three (two current) AA 4Play dancers I know of who go outside. You will find an occasional spinner at KH8, even on day shift. Completely opposite environment from 4Play. Laid back, booze if you want it. Synn COI has a great selection of mostly beautiful AA dancers (who could easily work at 4Play if they had more diversity), best club in SoCal....2-3 during the day, 4-6+ at night.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Because boobies
    Funny stripper lines (non-pickup)
    Hilarious (but endearingly cute) dancer: "I bought this Rolex, but the battery was dead. I put it on anyway and it started to work, but it shows the wrong time."... I explained that these watches don't have batteries. Upon a later meet-up while cuddling: (me) "Your watch's time is still off". (Her) I know, but I would have to start wearing it at the right time for the time to be right"....I adjusted her watch' s time.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Transitioning from cousin to cousin...?
    I've been to one club where 3 sisters worked, for awhile all 3 at the same time. I had VIP's, etc, etc! with two of them...separately, get your mind out of the gutter :) They were aware of it, said it was fine, said it was better to keep it in the family. No jealousy...I remember even getting a group hug from both of them, at the bar next to the stage, smiles all around. I could of gone after the 3rd one but never did, was/is still very attached to one of them.