That thread that Warrior got me thinking, where are some top places the sugar game as a sugar daddy and some spots you haven't had any luck. I do travel a good amount and I will use seeking on the road too, with some varying degrees of success
In my neck of the woods, NYC it's considered one of them best cities to do it, because there are so many sugar babies on available (if you set the search page to 100 results a page you'll have 10 full pages of active SB's on at one time sometimes), and a lot of good looking ones. But there's also alot of competition too. I still think it's a better option than the local clubs for me, so I fuck with it. I'm not complaining, I think it's good here but GPS is there. A lot of times girls won't even respond to me, I ain't the whale they are looking for and fair enough because that whale is probably out there and available to them. At the end of the day if it's a numbers game, so it's been good, I've had success. For the record I've only met up with one girl in Manhattan and just to be honest if your into good looking white girls especially blonde it will get expensive for you. It's just what it is, they must be super popular. I probably end up meeting up with 1% maybe 2% of girls I initially message in the NYC area. That 1% of girls I have met up with have been really been some stunners though.
Philadelphia is also real a close and I get some of that market too. There ain't nearly as many hot girls available. But the prices get more reasonable so my success rate is higher.
I've tried in smaller cities like some midwest spots St. Louis, Cincinatti, Indy, KC, Pittsburgh, some of those scenes on there are really dead. There just are enough SB's imo. That being said I think the chances of landing a SB in a place like this are much better, they don't have all those SD options to drive up the price and make it crazy. A super hot SB out there will probably ask for 500 where has in New York or LA, around 1K. It's a lot more reasonable. I always take a look when I'm in the area but sometimes there's just not enough inventory of what I'm looking for.
South Florida I thought was the best mix of what I was looking for and being able to come together on price.
Texas cities, Like San Antonio, Austin, Houston not bad pretty good. I like Mexican girls so there's a good amount there.
LA, I would say a lot of the same stuff applies that I said about NY. Yeah your a little fish in a big pond but I guess it's a pond worth being in. Sometimes a big fish in a puddle ain't that fun.
When it's all said and done I think there's got to be a good balance. There's got to be enough SD's to keep the hot girls engaged on there. But also not too too many high rollers to make the prices insane. I really think most areas the strip clubs still beat the sugar world but in some larger metros maybe not and if you live in one I think it's worth it to at least keep your beak in it. What have you guys been seeing? Or hell girls if your in on it too?
Doing the whole sugar daddy thing seems like a lot of work. Ain't it easier to just hire an escort and do everything that your both ok with? I mean the fancy ladies that wear the elegant dresses and is willing to go to Cipriani with you lol
Estafador. It is a fair amount of work. It's a cross between shopping for an escort online and doing online dating. The girls know that money is involved but some want to think that they are not sex workers. Also, an escort does not care what you look like. A sugar baby probably does. She may have an age range. She's gonna want to be pampered and treated kinds like a girlfriend. And you have to be able to BS a little in the initial messaging.
Miami/ Ft Lauderdale is great but the girls want a little more. Orlando is fantastic. It's too far of a drive for me. Not sure why but I get feeds from the Orlando girls all the time. I haven't tried it in any other cities.
"In my neck of the woods, NYC it's considered one of them best cities to do it, because there are so many sugar babies on available"
I've always heard NYC is a mixed bag. In a way it reminds me of what they used to say about Mitchell Brothers around the year 2000: incredible amount of beautiful women ... if you can afford them, since prices were easily double or triple any other extras club. Places like NY and SF have many, many wealthy men, and have a reputation of allowances being double or triple most other cities. Of course, unlike SF, NY is overflowing with gorgeous women, as the most beautiful women in the world flock there. But in general, for an SD, big fish in a small pond almost always works out better, and in NY, hard to be a big fish. I haven't been an SD there, just the reputation.
All I can add to this is I grew up in Ny and moved to S Florida in 1987 the women here in S Florida are actually amazing and gorgeous I couldn’t even imagine living any place else
I think you need over 2 million people to get a good pull. I frequent several cities where their metro area is just over 1 million under 2 million and all of them have sucked when it came to selection. I gave up and stick to lonely soccermoms in hotel bars, restaurants in airport areas and strippers.
Pleases like Dallas and Houston flush with populations had good results when I messed with the SD scene.
Estafador there's alot of SB's I've met up that aren't really too too escorty. There pretty normal low hustle girls, you just a boy friend type thing throwing them some support. They aren't timing you or nothing it's way better. There definitely are pro escorts on their though no doubt.
And subra yeah NYC is big place, so as I'm able to find some stuff that works for me. You know some girl next door type chick in Queens or Jersey has different expectations than some model chick in Manhattan or Hipster Brooklyn. And it's the former who I'm usually meeting up with and it works for me.
The interesting thing too is if your curious, you can search in that location and see for yourself what's out there.
Los Angeles is pretty good. SB’s match up well or better with top-tier dancers in looks, but with prices to match, unfortunately. Quality of experience varies a lot, although I’ve found a few exceed even experienced HM dancers. Biggest downside is the enormous hassle of IMing 5-10 to get one to text you, and another 5-10 of those to get one to agree to meet to chat, and then perhaps 1 in 3 of those who actually show up/are on time/not cancel, and 1 in 2 or 3 of those that you actually meet up with for a full date...strip clubs cost more money to locate “the one” or “a one”, with SB’s it just takes a whole bunch of time...
Depending on how your life is setup sugaring can be way better than other options. Minimizing exposure is a big thing though. Chicago has a huge sugaring scene. Maybe bigger than NYC. so does South Florida(WestPalm, FLL, Miami).
Someone on reddit used a bot to pull data from SA and made a list of every major and minor city and the ratio of SBs to SDs. Let me see if I can find it. SA has posted some of that info themselves but it isn't get comprehensive.
Sorry you are so jealous bitter, weak brokeback mountain cowboy. Nothing wrong with driving a furniture truck. In fact on the long weekend (for real workers, not you) I plan on a day of household with friends. Get a workout in, some cash and beers. We'd let you watch, so you could see what real men do for relaxation from a real job.
PaulDrake's data is interesting and shows that Atlanta and Houston are some of the best places for sugaring. Denver's a little above average with a ratio of about 8-to-1. SF at 6-to-1 which is a little lower and matches what @Subra said in another thread.
Another relevant comparison might be the number the college students within a radius of, say, 50 miles. I did a quick tally of schools nearby (CU Boulder, CU Col Springs, Metro State, Regis, U Denver) and came up with nearly 90K students within driving distance. And I've left out the CCs -- so the college population is probably at least twice that. We have a huge college population and that's what makes Denver a good place for sugaring. Since the strip clubs generally suck, sugaring is a better choice around here.
If college students made sugaring easier and using a 50 mile radius, Boston should be number one. It would be difficult to count every college within 50 miles of Boston.
Only had one successful meeting up off of SA, but it was *very* successful. Probably set the bar too high; haven't found anything that interests me after her. :D
According to that Reddit graph, Boston's ration is 6.1 while Providence's is 11.5. Providence is packed with colleges and both Brown and RISD are fantastically expensive.
Add in Johnson and Wales, but when discussing costs how about Harvard; M.I.T.; Tufts; Boston College; Bentley; Boston University; Berklee; Simmons; Brandeis; Wellesley and on and on
Everyone here complaining that they can't find an SB, or the "rates" are too high is doing this wrong.
There are always new SB's jumping into (and out of) the sugar bowl. A quick scan of the latest census data and some back-of-napkin math will show you that there are at least 1,500 women turning 18 in (almost) every state, almost every day! (Not in Wyoming - but who wants to fuck there?)
SB's are not hookers (although some hookers decide to be an SB), so approaching the Sugar Daddy role as "finding the best UTR hooker rate" is a losing strategy.
I have had SB's for over 10 years, across two major cities. I'm still providing the same moderate range of allowance ($250-$400) today as I was back then. And yes, I said "SB's" deliberately. I currently have 3 active SB's (and 4 more who I connect with every 2-4 months). One is a former stripper, one is a college student, and one is a working actress in LA. For all of you saying that the SB's have changed, I suggest you look at yourself first and think about why you want an SB. As mentioned in previous replies, you can get laid quickly with a hooker and some strippers (Not judging. Celebrating!). But sugar dating is DATING. So you might try looking for a date with a sugar baby, rather than a hoping for a hook up from a UTR hooker on the cheap.
My home location was Louisville, but I didn't use SA much for my home location. It always felt too uncomfortable being out that I would get caught. Plus excuses to get out of the house for a whole evening are much easier when on the road.
That said, I did bring a few dates to dinner, once to a concert and a few times to the casino. One of my all time favorite SB's though was local, and if it wasn't for the fact she found me on facebook and started sending weird messages, I would have seen her more than the 3 dates we had. Our concert date is one of my all time favorite dates.
My SA dates in other location were all either "short-term" or "one-time" during business travel. I was upfront about it, not trying to lead anybody on that it would be longer term. So many good ones, too many to count. Had great dates in El Paso, LA, Vegas, Boston, Columbus, Miami, Erie, etc. I think the best place to be a SD is in smaller cities like El Paso or Columbus because you get high value for the dollar. I met what I would consider to be a solid 8 or 9 in El Paso a few times for $250 contribution for her valuable time.
Somebody said "easier to get an escort". I disagree. The online sites are full of scammers and the rates are always crazy high. Yes, I guess "the deed" is guaranteed, but it really is with SA as well if you're upfront about it and didn't catfish each other.
last commentMiami/ Ft Lauderdale is great but the girls want a little more. Orlando is fantastic. It's too far of a drive for me. Not sure why but I get feeds from the Orlando girls all the time. I haven't tried it in any other cities.
I've always heard NYC is a mixed bag. In a way it reminds me of what they used to say about Mitchell Brothers around the year 2000: incredible amount of beautiful women ... if you can afford them, since prices were easily double or triple any other extras club. Places like NY and SF have many, many wealthy men, and have a reputation of allowances being double or triple most other cities. Of course, unlike SF, NY is overflowing with gorgeous women, as the most beautiful women in the world flock there. But in general, for an SD, big fish in a small pond almost always works out better, and in NY, hard to be a big fish. I haven't been an SD there, just the reputation.
Pleases like Dallas and Houston flush with populations had good results when I messed with the SD scene.
And subra yeah NYC is big place, so as I'm able to find some stuff that works for me. You know some girl next door type chick in Queens or Jersey has different expectations than some model chick in Manhattan or Hipster Brooklyn. And it's the former who I'm usually meeting up with and it works for me.
The interesting thing too is if your curious, you can search in that location and see for yourself what's out there.
Biggest downside is the enormous hassle of IMing 5-10 to get one to text you, and another 5-10 of those to get one to agree to meet to chat, and then perhaps 1 in 3 of those who actually show up/are on time/not cancel, and 1 in 2 or 3 of those that you actually meet up with for a full date...strip clubs cost more money to locate “the one” or “a one”, with SB’s it just takes a whole bunch of time...
Chicago has a huge sugaring scene. Maybe bigger than NYC. so does South Florida(WestPalm, FLL, Miami).…
Boys and Girls, please let skibum609 be a perfect example of what not to be. Don't be a slacker
Another relevant comparison might be the number the college students within a radius of, say, 50 miles. I did a quick tally of schools nearby (CU Boulder, CU Col Springs, Metro State, Regis, U Denver) and came up with nearly 90K students within driving distance. And I've left out the CCs -- so the college population is probably at least twice that. We have a huge college population and that's what makes Denver a good place for sugaring. Since the strip clubs generally suck, sugaring is a better choice around here.
But Boston is also very competitive on the sugar daddy side of the equation. Providence I think is less so.
But I still can't get the hang of it.
^Lol there's an old dude at the dive I've been working lately who talks about buying acreage in the middle of nowhere and having me around.
There are always new SB's jumping into (and out of) the sugar bowl. A quick scan of the latest census data and some back-of-napkin math will show you that there are at least 1,500 women turning 18 in (almost) every state, almost every day! (Not in Wyoming - but who wants to fuck there?)
SB's are not hookers (although some hookers decide to be an SB), so approaching the Sugar Daddy role as "finding the best UTR hooker rate" is a losing strategy.
I have had SB's for over 10 years, across two major cities. I'm still providing the same moderate range of allowance ($250-$400) today as I was back then. And yes, I said "SB's" deliberately. I currently have 3 active SB's (and 4 more who I connect with every 2-4 months). One is a former stripper, one is a college student, and one is a working actress in LA. For all of you saying that the SB's have changed, I suggest you look at yourself first and think about why you want an SB. As mentioned in previous replies, you can get laid quickly with a hooker and some strippers (Not judging. Celebrating!). But sugar dating is DATING. So you might try looking for a date with a sugar baby, rather than a hoping for a hook up from a UTR hooker on the cheap.
lol sounds about right. The old dudes are the most shameless 😅
That said, I did bring a few dates to dinner, once to a concert and a few times to the casino. One of my all time favorite SB's though was local, and if it wasn't for the fact she found me on facebook and started sending weird messages, I would have seen her more than the 3 dates we had. Our concert date is one of my all time favorite dates.
My SA dates in other location were all either "short-term" or "one-time" during business travel. I was upfront about it, not trying to lead anybody on that it would be longer term. So many good ones, too many to count. Had great dates in El Paso, LA, Vegas, Boston, Columbus, Miami, Erie, etc. I think the best place to be a SD is in smaller cities like El Paso or Columbus because you get high value for the dollar. I met what I would consider to be a solid 8 or 9 in El Paso a few times for $250 contribution for her valuable time.
Somebody said "easier to get an escort". I disagree. The online sites are full of scammers and the rates are always crazy high. Yes, I guess "the deed" is guaranteed, but it really is with SA as well if you're upfront about it and didn't catfish each other.
Careful. I saw that movie on Lifetime- not a good situation