
Comments by DH7400 (page 3)

  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Fun to be had at Sahara
    Sounds about right, for a dream. I find Synn COI to be slightly more expensive, in my dreams.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Good Value
    Great dancer details on this review!
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Generic Strip Club in Every Way
    So they cut the time down from the other Synn clubs (15/30 to 10/20), there is very little mileage, and the girls are 6-7’s? Certainly not a club ad. Thanks for the heads up. I suggest 7th Veil, or Silver Reign somewhat nearby, or go to the promised land of City of Industry.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    First visit to the New Century Theater, with some comparisons to the former Mitchell Brothers O'Farrell Theater
    I have largely retreated to smaller clubs with newer dancers, and even Seeking Arrangements (if you don’t mind wading through lots of unreturned msgs and texts) to find pre-Covid prices. Synn COI tip requests and OTC costs from well-known dancers basically doubled after Covid. Newbies are also hit or miss there. Window shopping with the fortitude to walk away (price or attitude) may yield a gem.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Undecided either way
    I found from two visits pre-Covid, the mileage could be quite high, with everything on the table, albeit with little “true” privacy....I think the dancers signal the managers that the VIP area is “kind of occupied” so other couples don’t enter the semi-common area. Now if the club is busy with lots of dances going on that process might break down. If you are in the Santa Monica area and looking for more than just eye candy and generally high priced, low mileage dances that you get at 4Play, you might want to give this little club Silver Reign a try.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    first time caller, soon to be repeat
    Agreed. This doesn’t sound like the 7th Veil. I’ve been here several times. Mileage is generally low here, although there are exceptions. I also don’t remember it as a quiet club. Why would he lay low for a few weeks, and then go out during the peak of Covid? Save your wallet and lungs until Feb or March. Go OTC.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Fun Monday Night
    Perhaps this is fake. The hand quote is outrageous, even for the 200%+ GPS crew. That being said, tip prices have risen significantly since Covid. Getting a full experience for 1 or 2 bens may be a thing of the past. 4 should get you most of the A team, but that’s a lot for 15/30 minutes in a small dark booth... Outside prices are also up. It’s weird because a lot of dancers at the same time complain that business is slow...if you double your price your going to lose a lot of customers. Finding the right new dancer is the only hope of getting a value meal. I am having increasingly better luck on Seeking and Secret Benefits right now...more for less and quality can be excellent.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Yet another Fun visit...
    Suki will love you long time as long as you have enough Benjamin’s...gotta take that first class flight at least once...Sahara is a good club these days.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Is it important to maybe have ROB in your life maybe every once in a blue moon?
    Yes it’s tough to always avoid rob’s. Everyone should know that dancers who ask for special tip or extras payment in advance is 75+% likely to be a rob or a dud, yet we all get sucked in every now and then, kind of the “what if” seeping into our minds. If you want the best ROI, it is.best to cut your potential losses and walk away on the first red flag. Most of the time the risk is rewarded is when there isn’t risk: the dancer is clearly popular, and even better if they have a good reviews or references.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Overpriced, but fun.
    If so, not a very good club ad. Hands are about all you get here, although I haven’t got past 30 min. No $1k 1 hour bed dances for me, that kind of money is reserved for OTC. Some dancers will let you use your hands, which I actually think is more fun, can’t do that by yourself. Your best bet here is do a one or two 15’s or 30’s, get the digits, and before and/or after, ask for OTC. With the right dancer it is worth it. I have experienced that with three dancers from 4Play.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Average night got unexpectedly awesome
    Yes, try to get a text message through right then and there, sometimes you or the dancer mis-types. Some dancers give out IG’s too, nice backup if the number is burned. Was the dancer named Jasmine, Tess, Chey, or Maxx? 50/50 more mileage could have been had at this club. You can have a wild VIP there if you pick right.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Oh Mercy
    Well done! Great mileage for a few lap dances, esp. at Jet!
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Slow Thursday
    Was the dancer’s name B*, C*, or J*?
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    High quality night shift on a Thursday
    Did you get a private dance / lap dance?
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Supply and Demand Issue I Guess
    Post Covid reboot with an influx of new dancers, dancers trying new clubs, new customers, etc have led to many too few/too many situations fot both customers and dancers. SR COI / Synn COI are a good pair of clubs less than a mile apart. If one club is off, try the other.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Jet strip - post pandemic
    They seem to have as good or better looking dancers than before Covid. This club has come back strong. However, while mileage was already hit or miss before, most of the new dancers are low mileage, and the VIPs are expensive to figure that out.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    SR Torrance, its better than staying home
    Sounds like SR Torrance. There is more mileage at SR DTLA, max mileage is at SR COI (and most COI clubs).
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    First time at Synn
    Can you add more comments about the lap dance? It sounded “sort of” good, but no details. Also a better description of the dancer would be nice: height, hair, tats? Since nothing past an R rating disclosed, a name would be helpful too. Synn is a big club, they have lots of black dancers, white dancers, hispanic dancers, etc.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Decent time after a long break
    Might not be a club ad. Mia is a dancer there and yes she can show you a good time. I’ll keep my eye out for Jasmine on the roll call.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    First time there and glad I went
    Good descriptions of dancers. Thanks!
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Don't be stingy and you'll have a great time!
    Doesn’t seem to be a good value...
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    2 rounds
    BB, in the club, with someone you just met...be careful
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    A club on the ropes?
    Synn COI has lost a fair number of their top dancers, but appears to be rebuilding. SR DTLA lineups are much smaller than 2019. I think the fact that most big businesses in DTLA are having their workers work remotely is causing low volume of customers and dancers.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Great time in the VIP.
    Yes, most likely Suki, the crown jewel of the GPS crew, or perhaps Alyssa. @asstapper, if you can score full service with Suki for $200, I’ll pay $$$ for lessons. I’ve heard that Suki starts off at $1,000. She can be bargained down a decent amount, but nowhere near down to $200 from what I’ve heard. She does provide an amazing experience, it should be tried at least once.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Hot Dancers and really great club, highly recommend!!
    club ad: There a a few cuties, but generally their dancers are not as hot as Synn COI or Spearmint, except when those clubs were closed and their dancers were at Imperial...